InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Seduce Her ❯ Backfired Plan ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Operation: Seduce Her
Chapter 5

Kagome stared at the ceiling, drenched in sweat from another one of those concealing dreams. Rays of sunlight had streamed through the window sill, hitting the surface of her eyelids, causing them to surrender and open up. The room was lit, revealing a side table drawer next to her bed, a half-opened closet and a pair of black boots carelessly thrown on the floor.

Thank god I don't have work today. Kagome sighed as she brushed a strand of black raven hair out of her face. She turned over and her chestnut brown eyes drooped down for another hour of sleeping. That's when her cell phone rang, which caused her heart to pound on the second. Still half asleep, she pulled her hands over the covers, making her way to retrieve her phone on the table to her right. Her car keys including the group of hair accessories fell to the ground. Finally, grabbing the endlessly ringing object, she pulled it towards her ear.

"Hello," she mumbled under the covers.

"Kagome, I have a date with Sesshomaru today, and they want a girl at this party, so will you fill in for me?" Kagura asked from the other line.

Kagome moaned, "Me? Why don't you ask Sango or something?"

"Sango's busy, why don't you fill in for me? It's a pretty good deal, and the guy's place is loaded already, c'mon Kagome!" Kagura pleaded. She was determined and most likely always got her way.

"But I don't know how to dance.." she blurted nonsense out with eyes still closed and under the covers.

"Kagome! What do you mean you don't know how.. stop making useless excuses and do it for me please? It's me and Sesshomaru's fourteenth month anniversary today! And please don't ruin it for us." She heard snoring, "Kagome! Don't sleep on me here!"

"Oh, huh? ...Oh, so now you're making it seem like it's my fault if I don't go. Leaving the pressure for me to deal with eh?" Kagome squeezed her pillow tightly and rolled to her side.

"Don't worry about the dancing part, these are first time customers and they won't expect much, just give a little yada yada of your own and you're done. Simple as that," the desperate girl in need firmly stated, making it seem like it was just nothing. "Now come to the club right this instant, ciao baby!" Kagura purposely hung up before Kagome could reply.

"Oh screw this, I was planning to sleep in the whole day too..." Kagome got out from the covers and placed her cell back.
Huh? Unread message? She sat on the edge of her bed and opened the message in her phone, " 'Hey baby, how's it going? I wanna see you again. How about we hook up sometime, just you and me.' What the hell? Whose this guy trying to kid?!"
She exasperatedly threw an empty pop can towards the wall and made a crack on her body length mirror. Kagome cringed at the sudden sound, "Fuck!" She wearily dragged herself to the bathroom for an ice cold shower, "I don't believe in seven years of bad luck... "

Kagome's lips trembled and her knees became weak as she stood under the rushing cool water from above. Tempted to step out every minute or so.
Could this day get any worse? She washed the rest of the foamy soap off her body and turned the shower off. At least she'dl be clean to wherever she was going now that the scent of alcohol's left her body.

Kagome grabbed her car keys and headed down the stairs of the apartment and into the lobby. She gotten into her old silver junky car, which was the only thing she could afford. The color was worn out and the license plate was slightly crooked to its right. Inside was dirty, messy and filled with garbage due to the lack of cleaning she'd done. She drove to the club where Kagura was already standing outside of and waiting for her.

Kagura stared up into the sky in a daze, when Kagome honked to get her attention. She jumped back impulsively, "Kagome, you're here. What took so long? Well no need to explain as long as you're here," taking a glance at her friend, "Umm maybe you should get changed first." Kagome rolled her eyes. "Oh and here's the address," she handed the piece of ripped paper over. "It's at Sesshomaru's place, probably just one of those family parties." Kagome gave a curious look. "Hey, at least there's some connection.. Oh! There's Sesshy, talk to you later and tell me how it goes okay? Byee!" Kagura finished in a hurry with a smile and linked her boyfriend's arm as they strolled down the street chattering away.

"Oh gee thanks, I don't even get a thank you?" She'd at least expect it since she was doing a favour for her friend.
Kagome got out of her car and went to change in the dressing room at Club Trance. "Hmm, what should I wear...what should I wear?" She paced back and forth in the lounge for many hours. Not to mention it was her first time, she wanted to assemble an arousing impression.

Kagome drove to the address in her car and pulled up by the curb in an orderly fashion. What emerged in front was an enormous mansion which probably held about millions of rooms inside. The garden was filled with many flowers and trees that brought out many shades of green to one's eye. Butterflies, bumble bees and other insects of the wild life roamed with it. A swimming pool holding the flow of shimmering aqua water was also plunged to the ground. In addition, the whole place was surrounded by a seven foot high, black metal gate. Who could ever miss it? It was like a heavenly paradise.

"Impressive place," Kagome admired in amazement as the front gate opened allowing her to enter. "Probably owned by a group of rich no life losers," she judged in despair. Coming from her own knowledge, she only thought of the rich and famous as forsaken humans who depended on the help of others to manage a stable life.

"Okay, I can do this," Kagome tightened her black skirt and pulled down her top. She rang the door bell and in a matter of seconds, a short, chubby and old female dressed in a black dress and apron answered.

"Umm, is this the Takahashi residents?"

In the main room by the back of the mansion, there was a lot of commotion going on involving males and a couple of females. Music was turned up full blast and pounding against the walls as cabinets and shelves shook with its steady flow of rhythm.
"Tell me what you've been keeping from me," a man's voice demanded.

"Nope, not yet. You'll just have to wait and see for yourself," a woman replied.

"It better be important, besides a party is no need for this surprise."

"You know I'm addicted to you..."

"And I, just simply am not."

"Oh you'll love me after this party is done."

"Feh, whatever."

"Sir, there is someone here," the maid announced from the doorway.


"Another guest, I suppose."

Kagome stepped into the tumultuous room filled with energetic and wild people, almost tripping due to her nervousness. The music stopped playing and everybody's attention turned to the girl decked in black. She could feel a thousand eyes scanning her up and down. The man of the house had an awkward look to his face and soon Kagome did too. He squinted his eyes trying to close in on her face. Their two eyes met and Kagome completely froze because to her surprise, the man before her was somebody she wished she would never have an encounter with again.


"Wow, what's this? A stripper?" One of the men cheered.

"Yeah, a hot one too. Dressed in tight clothes, high boots and fish nets! I like, I like..." another one cheered along.
Inuyasha glanced at Miroku, making sure he wasn't mistaking the girl for who he thought she was. Miroku nodded his head with an insidious grin.
Standing right in front of him and in his very house was the one, the only Kagome Higurashi. Inuyasha stood back, rubbing his chin and admiring the beautiful woman before him.

"What's this?" Miroku spoke up which had gotten Kagome's attention. "So Yura's surprise to you was a stripper?"

Kagome was dismayed, "What?!" She had probably misunderstood Kagura's words earlier for though she did not know she was putting on
that kind of show.
Inuyasha turned back and eyed Yura divinely, giving her the idea of a job well done. She was pleased with herself, for though she did not know that this was the same girl he had a bet to involve with.
Inuyasha then looked Kagome straight in the eye, not saying a word. She stopped dead in her tracks as everyone became silent and the whispers faded into the back.

"What a surprise Kagome, what are you doing here?"

"Well what does it look like? I didn't expect or want to see you here..." Kagome tried keeping her chin up. Inuyasha suddenly grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her up the staircase.

"Wow, guess he couldn't wait!" Miroku laughed as the others laughed along except for Yura who was left unimpressed. Things were not going according to her plan.

"Where are you taking me? Let go!" Kagome yelled but he didn't let go despite his enduring grip. He didn't say anything and remained pulling her until they reached the top floor. Kagome grabbed her wrist as for it was stinging from Inuyasha's strength around it. He pushed her into a gigantic room.
The walls were tinted gold and the ceiling was filled with glow in the dark stars. The furniture looked rather royal and rich in material. Kagome fell onto his king sized bed with intricate designs and colors.

"How much? How much is it for one night?" The tired hanyou suddenly asked.

"Umm.. Mr. Takahashi..." the maid stuttered from behind.

"Shut up Kaede, how much is it?" He asked again, this time pressing his hands onto the bed, his claws sinking into the mattress. Kagome was cornered down and left trapped under him.
She instantly froze when her intimacy level had reached its climax. Black and white pigments from the past night spontaneously struck her mind. Fragments of her encounter with Bankotsu flashed continuously, leaving a sudden pessimistic rush to her head. All she could think of was the feelings of being raped that very day.

"H-h-how much is .. is what?" The now uncertain girl questioned alarmed. She blinked and the only thing that constantly played in her mind was Bankotsu struggling to keep her arms from interfering and kissing her jaw line down to her neck.

"For you to sleep with me, how much?" He was determined to win her tonight. Kagome kept quiet as her thoughts began bubbling. "How much is it for you to spend a night with me damnit?!" Inuyasha became impatient.

She quickly opened up and destroyed what was meddling in her subconscious then spat back coldly, "Do I look like some whore to you?!"

"Well, that is what you are, correct?" He was convinced Kagome was because she was addressed by that from his guests earlier although her attitude did not relate. First impressions stuck.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Inuyasha loosened up and put his hands on his hips, "Just tell me."

"Fuck you."

"Lets do it then, you want to fuck me right? Come on," he teased.

"I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last ass on the face of the earth!" Kagome regained control and shot back with a death glare. She was no where near the point to lose her virginity.

"Name me a price, one hundred, two? Thousand, million?" He began bidding on and on.

"What do I look like to you?! Some bidding prize to be won?"

"Keh, sure...if you say so yourself." Inuyasha became tired of this and loss his sense in seriousness.

"Try a gazillion shit face!"

"Done, Kaede ...write her a check for a gazillion dollars." A little nutty in the head were a few good words to describe him now.

"Gazillion? Is there such a thing?" The old woman mumbled.

"You heard me." 'My, this is going to be much easier than I thought.'

"No way am I going to have sex with you, ever!" Kagome dashed past the about-to-strip-himself Inuyasha and confused Kaede. She ran down the stairs furiously almost falling on the last step. People watched in awe as Kagome ran out the front door.

"Shit." Inuyasha turned to Kaede who was still standing by his door when he spotted something shiny on the ground next to his feet.

"Kagome Higurashi," he picked it up and read the name engraved off the bracelet.

"Sir..." Kaede started.

"I've never had to pay so much for a whore in my life, and she still refused," Inuyasha spoke not taking his cold eyes off the bracelet.

" shall know there's no such amount as thy..." Kaede finished and rushed off.

"Yes, she is different from most women. I was so sure I had her in my possession, and soon she will be mine. I'm going to get sleep with me...she thinks she's too damn good for my money," Inuyasha confirmed coldly as he held the bracelet tightly into his palm.


His loyal servent, who was flirting with some females twitched to the sound of his name. He gently pushed the one purring into his ear away and ran to his master's command, "You rang .. ?"

"Find her address, where she works, who she lives with, I want everything about her personal life, you got that?" Inuyasha ordered and smashed his fist against the wall.

"No need for that, I've got it done." Miroku nodded cunningly. "What about Yura?"

"What about her? You know I don't have any interest in that woman whatsoever. I am determined to win Kagome. Right now."

"Did you try bribing?"

"Heck yeah! I got her to name any amount she desired and yet she still declined my offer." Even Inuyasha's prized scheme did not work this time, it never failed, not once until his very encounter with Kagome.

"What's up with that girl?"

"She's no ordinary girl, she's different. That wench is rare which makes this a perfect challenge .. she's only made me want her even
Kagome stormed out of the front yard like a speeding bullet. She approached the same metal gate which didn't respond to open. Indignantly kicking the rusted thing which blocked her path to the outside world, Kagome began agitating it until it had relinquished.

"I can't believe the nerve of that guy! UGH!" She screamed an utter long piercing cry as she got into her vehicle and started the engine infuriated. Feeling the wind whipping through her hair, Kagome sped down the highway breaking over many regulations. "And that Miroku! What was he doing there? Arrghhh is the whole world against me or something?!" Pure animosity was flashing within her pupils. In spite of the hazardous way the immature female was propelling, Kagome vulnerably slammed the breaks and her car halted to a complete stop. She had almost caused an accident, involving a particular someone.

"Oh god no!" Kagome rushed out of the driver's seat and glanced towards the front of her car. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," the young male just a few inches from being hit replied back perplexed.

"Oh my gosh it's you Kouga!" Kagome exclaimed, sighing briskly and then finally catching her breath, "I am so.. so so so sorry..." she suddenly burst out through choked tears while bringing her hands up to cover her face.

Kouga gave her a confident pat on the back, "I'm alright, can't you see Kagome? Now stop crying or you'll make me feel bad." He positioned his calloused hands on her bare shoulders, "Kagome, look at me." She shook her head still covering her face. "Now," he demanded in a more dynamic tone than usual.
Kagome sulkily removed her hands and looked up at Kouga with glossy eyes and trails of tears sliding down her cheek. "What's wrong, tell me what happened." Kagome stared down with no answer. "'s okay, you can tell me anything, I'm here for you," the determined wolf tried again.

She sniffed and looked directly into his eyes, "Kouga, your concern touches me ever so much. It makes me really happy that you care but it's really nothing." Kagome coughed out in between sniffs. The unconvinced man's eyebrows curved. "You don't have to worry about me." The last few tears rolled off her cheek slowly dripping off her chin.

"Okay.. well no use trying to force it out of you. Feel better and I'll take you home. Come on, get in the car and hand me your keys, I'll be driving back." Kouga knew something was surely wrong, he was persistent in trying again later.

Kagome threw him the keys and got into the front passenger's seat, "Wait, I don't wanna go home just yet, take me back to the club."

"Hey sweety, back already?" Hojo asked as Kagome walked in and headed straight to the dressing room.

"No shit, why do you think I'm here right now?" Kagome spoke stiffly and made her point. She locked the door behind and changed back into her normal clothes. Hojo was rather shocked by the girl's attitude that he didn't bother asking how it went. Kouga stepped into the night club and grabbed a stool by the counter where Hojo was.
Back in the dressing room where Kagome was, she locked herself inside so nobody could interfere. She sat squished up in the corner and she scrunched her legs up due to the lack of space. With accelerate speed, Kagome searched her pockets for her cell phone and opened up the now defined message.

"Inuyasha!" Screeching viciously, Kagome stared at the message over and over again. She dialed a few numbers and waited for the receiver to reply.

"Kagura!! ... How'd it go, how'd it go?! Ha, it was completely gruesome and an utterly petrifying waste of my damn time!" The words coming out of Kagome's voice were enervated. "I can't believe that sleazeball! AHHHHHH!!!" Breathing heavily, the outraged teen spoke again, "What did he do?! Oh he did
a lot! ... He was treating me as if I was an auctioning item!!! ... okay, I'll calm down alright... NO! Don't, stay.. you're on a date, we can talk later. Hey, I'm outta - " their conversation concluded short.

Kouga took off his leather jacket and nodded towards Hojo, "So how's Kagome doing?"

"Don't ask, she looks pissed," Hojo gravely warned as he grabbed an old rag and wiped a glass, "Haven't seen her like that, she never acts that way."

Kouga sighed, "She wouldn't tell me either. I stumbled upon her today, speeding my way and almost hit me too."

"Are you serious? Thank god you were there or she could have killed herself!" Hojo put the last glass into the cupboard. "Or more like
you too."

"Yeah, whatever happened... hope she'll be alright. Hey, you watch out for her now.. this girl's becoming untamed."

"Untamed? I am not," Kagome came out fuming with helplessness. "I'm perfectly normal and I haven't changed at all. I'm an adult now - "

"A young, immature, dense one too," Hojo added with an attentive smile, "I'm glad you've calmed yourself, so I see you're working on you're day off?" It was strangely vague for someone like Kagome to be willing to work on her day offs. But then again, people change.. for some doubtful reason.

"Yeah, I'm actually waiting for Kagura to get back," Kagome wiped the greasy coat off the top of a table then the next. Obviously, Kagome couldn't change her mind function about work. Figures. "Oh and Kouga, thanks."

The alarmed wolf looked up, "For what exactly - ?"

"I don't know, just thanks," she ran up to him and her boss for a group hug.

"Eh, what's this for?" Both befuddled men asked in unison. Kagome swung her arms around both their necks and pulled them in for a tight embrace.
"Here it is sir," Miroku handed the portfolio over which was labeled 'Higurashi'. Inuyasha took time to skim it through as they walked down the narrow hall.

"Hmmm, so she's an eighteen year old bartender who's employed at Club Trance. She lives in an apartment on fourteenth, floor 6, room 204. Parents and family background unidentified... and currently single at the moment." Inuyasha examined and took note of each fact closely. "Single is she? Perfect."

"Yes, she may be single but I spotted her at the club with a man the night you told me to watch over her. I would assume they were couples from the looks of it." Miroku added his little theory.

"From the looks of it? And what exactly were they doing?" His eyes began to glow out of curiosity.

"Oh you know...girlfriend boyfriend stuff?" The devilish man winked with a giggle. Inuyasha continued walking. "Well I don't know, I just suspect they have
some kind of relationship."

"Well you better be wrong, I'll check things out for myself."
They slipped into a big office which was at the end of the hall. Inuyasha closed the profile and placed it onto a rather large wooden desk along with other heavy duty business papers. Unexpectedly, his sensitive ears bolted straight up when something from downstairs smashed to the ground.
"What was that?" Miroku winced and stared at his friend. Inuyasha looked back, "Are those people still messing my house up?!!?"

"Why none of them have left yet, the party's still on."
Inuyasha raced downstairs with Miroku not far behind. The two monotonously walked down the stairs at an even pace. The crowd turned towards them and came to a complete stillness. What lay on the shiny marble floor were shattered shards of the family's traditional vase. Tension filled the air as the man in navy blue standing next to it giggled anxiously. Inuyasha's orbs impulsively turned to stare at Yura in intense antagonism. The remorseful woman stared back with worry in her eyes. Then she quickly got up and ran over to his side and placed her arms around his waist.
"Inuyasha dear, what happened to your - I mean the stripper I sent?" Yura faked her most troubled voice as she fluttered her delicate eyelashes along. He on the other hand just ignored her and nodded towards Miroku.

His buddy got the signal and stepped forward, "Okay everybody, party's over.. now leave and get out." Everybody groaned and began jumping around and the bodies by the kitchen continued pigging out. Miroku looked down and sighed deeply, "NOW! Or else I'll slice you ALL up with my butcher knife and sell your parts off EBay or farther more in my next garage sale!!"
People screamed, though they knew he was kidding but got the message and sped towards the door. Many people picked up some food on their way and a bunch of men carried an expensive leather couch out the door with them. Inuyasha looked at each and every one of them in disgust, for though he did not care whether they took his furniture or not despite his rich and fortune. He then stared down at the now broken vase and pushed Yura away.

"Do you know how important that vase is to my family?" He spat coldly yet with passion in his words. Yura tried saying something but stuttered. "Get out of here and I don't want to see you again!" That was Inuyasha, he never allowed anyone for explaining to clear themselves of guilty.

"But Inuyasha, I'm sorry .. I never knew it would turn out this way..." The now frightened girl got up off the ground and ran to the door before Inuyasha exploded. She turned back to glance at him once more. Yura thought she'd almost got him back, but that stripper... it was
her, she's the one who messed things up for her. She slammed the big polished oak door shut and disappeared into the light outside.

"Damn, what's with that girl in slamming doors?!" Inuyasha scoffed and rubbed his sore ears.
Author's Note: It's been a long time since I asked, so can you all do me a favor and review? ^__^