InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ sesshi's having a bad day ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well here we are the 3 chappie I've done today can you believe it it's insane!

Disclamier: I don't own InuYasha and I most likely never will...*starts to cry*

chapter 3: Sesshi's having a bad day

They were about 20 feet away from the hut when the scary thing emerged...dieing to know what it is?????? So am I...lets get on with it then...

Kagome sighed never had she been so embarrassed in all her life what had she been think oh yea that's right she had been thinking along the lines of how to get InuYasha to sleep with her...because well she loved him and know that she knew he loved her back it was to great a temptation not to go for the gold if you know what I mean...she blushed at her thoughts and looked at InuYasha he looked a little funny like he was high or something.

"Inu-chan are you ok?" She looked at him and for a moment thought he was floating by the way he swayed back and fourth with a goofy smile one his face not unlike one Miroku had had before.

"I'm fine just fine." he reply then out of no where his eyes went wide the dizzy look left and all he did was stand there and look a little confused...

~what the hell was going on in InuYasha's head and body...~

Man i feel real I'm floating...he he...look at all the pretty colors all bright...I want to touch one wait!!!!...what's this feeling...the colors are gone and that floating feeling what's going on I want to...I want to...I need to get...I want a women now...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Let's see what are my options...there's my option...Kagome...she will do quite nicely...with her curvy body that is like a...I don't know but it's perfect. shoulders and breast wide small stomach but not to thin women aren't right to small...and then her hips flare out at the sides only to go to long slender legs that could go around my waist perfectly...yea she makes my mouth water...a lot...I wonder what she taste like not just her lips but her whole body...I want to try it...

It was with that thought in mind that he moved toward her and she became really nervous with the look he was giving her...

~back to Kagome's mind set~

the look he's giving me isn't right at all is it...?...wait is that love in his eyes or lust...? i think it's both but at me...? I know this is what i want but now that's it's coming so literally I might add since he is now moving towards me...i don't think I'm ready...he's stopping in front of me i'm nervous what's he going to do?

those eyes those wonderful eyes...there staring at mine in a way i've never known anger or sorrow or hidden's all right with love and emotions neither if us i think have ever truly know...wait he's leaning towards me is he going to kiss right right this moment with those eyes that are burning into my soul????? I know he's kissed me before...well i kissed him but it wasn't like this...

there lips wer about to met and both were about to let there minds stop caring right nothing could mess with this moment at all...nothing...they were home free and meant to be but right as the fireworks lit the fuse got cut.

"Kagome InuYasha were are you lunches going to be ready soon you two better come on back!!!!!" A monk gotta learn to hate the monks they always get in the way right when your so close to what you need that you can literally reach out and kiss it by leaning in a little!!!!

"Come on Kagome we better get there before they come looking for us..." With that he turned to leave but was stopped by Kagome grabbing his sleeve in protest.

"Wait I wanted to..." I can't believe that I just got the courage to ask him for a kiss after he was about to give me one and I was so scared of it!!!

"Wanted to what?" He asked right as another sensationally feeling went threw his body because of something called coffee. The stupid floating feeling returned and he was on a high again but this one wasn't a I'm high need sex high it was put it lightly he had the sudden urge to save the people of Ramenville from the evil trees again!

Kagome glared as the hanyou went off on another one of his save the people of Ramenville from trees things and sighed...she would never win it was the law of the land...and she knew it very very well!!!!

Everyone was in Keade's hut except for a certain hanyou who was currently killing trees. They all ate in silence as they heard tree after poor tree fall to the ground but then all the sudden it all stopped...the quite was welcomed mind you but eerie. They all looked at each other and silently agreed to see what was up.

they followed the path of fallen trees until they came upon the funnies/ weirdest/cutest thing any of them had ever saw! there sat the protector of all of Ramenville down on all four like a dog with a confused look on his face and a slight whimper in his chest saying something about...

"the trees have taken my tail and know I can't chase it any more...!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" He then stood and looked at them all with a looked that could have almost made even the great fluffy give in and huge his brother!!! I did say almost remember that!!!!! "what can I do now i want my tail?" He came over to Kagome on all fours like a dog and looked at the ground in front of her. She smiled and contained the laughter that the others couldn't for the poor Hanyou's misfortune.

"You never had a tail InuYasha!" He looked at her then at all the other people laughing then smiled stood with remarkable speed bowed to Kagome then kissed her while saying.

"thank you almighty princess of Ramenville and of my heart you are truly the smartest of all creatures on this earth i thank you kindly for all you've done and know I must kill the head tree called the goods tree!!!!! Till we met again my beautiful one!" everyone had stopped laugh and know were gaping at the smooth words that left his mouth without was like all the sudden InuYasha had gotten control of Miroku's mind for sweet talk and knew had to use it better!!! Kagome was shocked at first but after he let her go and started for the gods tree she remember that he had said he was going to kill it along with a lot of things she wanted to hear again but know she had to find a way to protect the gods tree and fast!!!

"come on you guys we have to go after him he will be pissed at himself if he kills his fav. tree!!!! do you want to put up with a pissed off InuYasha?" Every shock there head no in unison got to love people who do things in unison!!!!!!!!!! I love unison!!!!!!! and so they all went after him to the gods tree poor people they didn't have a chance he was after all a hanyou who was after all five million times faster than any one of them right...?

WRONG...example...mad Kagome +the gods tree about to be killed=girl power on a rampage! she was right there in front of him in about a second. He stopped and looked at her dumbfounded and then at the tree...then at her...then tree so on so forth until everyone else got there and watched the sight.

There the almighty protector of Ramenville stood stocked to a stand still in his tracks looking at Kagome the 'princess' as she stood stopping him from what he was doing.

"You touch that tree and die InuYasha!!!" He looked a little dumbfounded at the statement and not to mention he was getting aroused by the way she was commanding him. No one but her ever did that to him tried to control him but Kikyo and he had grown to hate her by now so there was no arguing in his head about which one he wanted and the goddess he had chosen was right there in front of him demanding something of him but he couldn't remember what it was..."Are you listening to me InuYasha!!!!!" He looked at her dumbly and then the coffee high left at a bad time for him. He had no idea what was going on...his sword was drawn and he was pointing it in the direction of one peculiar monk. Well the good old brain started to work...let's analyze the situation...well Kagome is yelling I have no idea what about but she's yelling...never a good sign. Well the next thing I noticed...was the sword was pointed at the monk like i was going to kill him for some reason or another that I couldn't remember!!! Sango and Shippo were staring at me and looked a tad bit lost...kind of how i felt. Well lets put two and two together mad Kagome yelling me with sword pointed at monk...he had to that was the only explanation that I think of anyway...he he groped her again!!!!! she's mine he can't do that mine, mine, mine, mine!!!!!

"you bastard you!!!!!! you touched Kagome again didn't you!!! what did I tell you about doing that!!!!!" Everyone looked at me a little lost and I decided to shurge it off! After all Miroku had pulled the worst thing ever he knew my feelings for Kagome and yet he still tried to get her it wasn't right, it was downright sick to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "you know very well she's my women!!!! Bastard you'll pay!" With that i put my sword up...i after all didn't want to kill him just wanted to hurt him a bit to get the point across! Hopefully it would stick so I didn't have to get monk blood on my haroi again...yes I have done this before and I think he knew what was coming because he ran with all the speed in his body!!!

"InuYasha you got it all wrong I didn't touch her!!!!"

"like hell you didn't!!! I know you ,perverted Monk!!!!!" all the poor monk could do was scream and run! far far away!!!

"I'll kill you!!!" Well i know i wouldn't kill him but i like to make threats it's fun to do you should try it sometime mind...wait damn it I'm talking to myself again. I hat it when i talk to myself it's annoying but enough of that now it's time to kill/hurt very badly the monk.

Much to InuYasha's disapproval something or someone got in his way right then and stopped him with one word from ever getting a foot closer to the monk he wanted to kill/hurt for his wrong doing that he for once never did but because of his history with women was getting blamed anyway...

"Sit!" InuYasha met dirt, dirt met InuYasha wait you already know each other quite well!!!! No you to have already kissed many times before...???? So InuYasha dirt when's the wedding?!?!?! Poor dirt was blushing a lot oh no wait that was a little bit of blood from Inu's lip poor guy must of bit it on his way to see an old friend!!! Got to watch the fangs they tend to hurt a lot when you bit them!

"What was that for!!!!" He yelled it at her mistake 1 in a line of many more to come!!!! HEHE!!

"why are you trying to kill Miroku he didn't do anything!!!"

"Yes he did he must of or i wouldn't of been standing there ready to kill him!!!! Bitch!!!!" Mistake 2 yelling and calling her bitch bad idea...go to love it!!!

"who you calling bitch!? Bastard!!!!" that has to sting just a little but because of who InuYasha was he didn't even notice the new name!!! He was to busy thinking about how hot she was when she was mad at him but being him he had a come back!!

"You are the bitch!!!! And get out of my way I got to kill a monk!!!!" mistake 3 calling her a bitch again and then defying her request! yep pain was on the way!!!! and it could run really fast and had enough money if it ran out of breath to take the bus!!!

"That's it InuYasha..." she became calm and the hanyou became nervous incredibly nervous! "you can just do one thing for me..." she was calm saying this almost to calm like lion waiting for it's pry to get a little closer so it could kill better or when your in the middle of the hurricane the eye of the storm and you think it's safe but deep down you know that your about to be blown into oblivion!

"Yes Kagome what is it...?" He's voice was shaking from what other emotion than fear and a hell of a lot of it. She changed colors in this, purple, red, violet, crisom, and finally the almighty...bluish purplish reddish mass of colors that told InuYasha to do one thing and one thing only...and what would that be...? wouldn't you like to know! Well since your being so good i'll tell you...RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very fast!!!! No faster than fast!!! whatever that maybe!

so what do you think he did the only logical InuYasha thing that ever was the lay out of the whole InuYasha series romance humor!!! He stood and waited for the inevitable!

"Sit SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He waited for the pain to ware off along with the charm beads magic. He would have normally yelled in protest but then something happened that he wasn't excepting or any one else for that matter...he passed out.

~Back at Keade's hut with a very scared monk who was in a fetal position in a corner~

"I think I over did it a little i didn't mean to knock him out!" Said Kagome who was at that moment sitting next to the Hanyou holding his hand and rubbing it gently.

"It's ok Kagome he deserved it look at what he did to poor Miroku!" Said Keade who had for some reason a soft spot for the monk that the girls couldn't understand but decided it was because she was old and he never dared to touch her...well like he tried to them. Which is a good thing because Kagome got the strange feeling that Miroku would know the feel of SIT if he ever tried.

"Yea your right he did but you know ever since Miroku got him drunk that time he's been acting way wired!" Every one even the poor monk in the corner nodded there agreement with the women whom the Hanyou loved.

"Kagome..." Asked Keade tepidly. "I noticed the boy..." she can call him boy and yet he is older than her by like ten years or so wired..."Has been acting more...affectionate towards you also...along with the tree things and all."

"Yea he has he even...kissed me..." everyone smiled.

"or did you kiss him, lady Kagome." Miroku came out of his corner finding the conversation to his liking.

"well a little of both he's also...said things you guys have heard some of it...all the emotions he's been displaying...why." A voice came to all there ears then.

"I can help you with the no good brother of mine with a price..." sesihumarou! The man so name came into the small hut with Rin whom everyone had never seen before...and Jaken who everyone including his lord hated!

"what are you doing her."

"I knew what time it was in my much younger brothers. life and unfortunately have an instinct in my blood that makes me want to help him since we share a common blood." Everyone sweet dropped like this! ^_^!

"well then could you maybe tell us what's wrong with him...?!?!?!" Said Sango who at the moment was very much afraid of what the full blooded Youki could do and without InuYasha were that would lead them.

"He is let us say hit a true level of maturity." Everyone went blank faced and looked at the sleeping form of there favorite and only Hanyou. "now he is having trouble hiding his true feelings for anything. and he has an urge to claim a mate." Kagome blushed and for a moment Sesihumarou blushed!!!!...random announcer comes in and says. 'Watch out the worlds going to come to an end people' then leaves to go home to the wife and kids after a job well done and getting paid the outrageous price of 20 cedes (about 13 bucks American i think, could be wrong.) "But you are making it worst i suspect by giving him things he shouldn't get near at the moment that would make it worst."

"Such as...?" Kagome questioned and since little Rin was there he didn't yell at her to shut up or anything he didn't want his child to learn at such a young age such things.

"Well coffee beans do it and certain medicines...namely thing that can be ride of head aches and such. Sake is a big one never give them that." Evil glares to the now retreating monk. "several other thing like...let's see...berin herds and the worst of all pink rose herb that will make him at all cost want something to fuck no matter what it is." the little girl was startled at the new word fuck and went to her savor to finds it's meaning but before she could ask Kagome spoke.

"So we shouldn't ever give him any of these!" he shook his head and noticed the patient girl but Kagome continued. "And if we do will he have a urged for just any one?" He couldn't help but smile at the girl his future...sister in law...he liked her for her tenacity...and courage. she would make a good addition to the family even better was that her miko powers would give stronger female pups!!! The males would be a little stronger to but would never have that same additional strength as there sisters would well better answer her question.

"No only the one who he wants as his life mate..." A smile came to Kagome's lips...if that happened and this worked she could find out who he really did like the best!!!

rin couldn't take it any longer she had no idea what the adults were talking about and she wanted to know what the word meant so she reached and pulled her fluffy robs to get his attention. He looked at her and grunted for her to talk like he always did.

"what dose fuck me...? Seshey-sama?" she was innocent and he knew it but he would have to get it threw her head to never say a thing like that again.

"Rin never say that word again got it!!!!!" He yelled at the little girl who in return backed away a little. She then looked down teary eyed and sniffled. Everyone felt sorry for the little girl but surprisingly he felt the worst of them all. He had one thing in common with his brother...both hated when people cried pertically when women that they were close to cried. He didn't want to look weak but he knew he had to comfort her and so much to his discomfort began...

First he picked her up and held her at arms length so he could look at her. then he brought her close when he regained eye contact with the young girl. He looked into her eyes and then kissed her forehead gently as to say sorry without a word and then sat her on the ground kneeling to look into her eyes. "Rin I'm sorry but you must never repeat such words they are bad." She looked confused.

"But you say them and you are not bad, no you are not?"

"I know i'm sorry for that it was a mistake that's all." Everyone was staring at the strange sight, to see him like this with the girl was unbelievable defently one for the record books...and to make it better InuYasha was now awake and watching the spectacle before him. Rin almost glared at her lord and then said...

"You should be punished!!!! and i know how we are going to punish you sesshy-sama." He went white as the others grew red holding in laughed as the great lord Sessimnahuru lord of the western plains got a spanking from a 8 year old girl for saying the word fuck...

End of another wonderful chappie i might up load again today no sure but I'll try later
