InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ A new shade of red crayon ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Your really goning to like this next chappie i know i loved it!1

Disclamier: I do own Inuyasha he's tied up in my basement wait I don't have a basement I live in Texas shit there went another dream! To bad I really don't own him except in my perverted dreams!

chapter 4: A new shade of red crayon

By the time everybody stopped laughing at poor fluffy he was neat less to say very very mad!! To make matters for him even worst little Rin had to add on to the list of things that have embarrassed people in my story!

"I hope that you understand now the wrongness of saying bad words that even Rin can't say!" Poor sessy didn't know what to say all he could do was nod dumbly at the little girls finger that was shaking in front of him. "that's very good sessy-sama now you can go back to the boring adult talk."

"Yea brother!!! Wait a second...why are you hear and what the fuck are we talking about!" The poor fool of an hanyou didn't know what hit him as the shaking finger came to attack him! little Rin stood there shaking her finger and her head at him bad combination!

"You sad a bad word InuYasha-san!!!" She glared daggers at him and then smiled almost evilly...and for some reason this made InuYasha very uncomfortable and scared..."You must be punished for your wrong doings!!!"

At the word punish InuYasha had TRYED to run but a certain half older brother had graved him by the collar and threw him to the lions so to neat less to say the poor fool of an hanyou, who in my story seems to have very bad luck and karma, got a spanking from a little girl just like his brother had before him...what a way to follow in some ones foot steps!

"OK OK!!!!" Said an out of breath laughing Kagome!!! "Rin you are to good I couldn't of punished then better myself unless sessi had a rosary then we could work something out but that was good!!!" Rin's little face lit up from all the praise.

"Rin really did do good!!!" everyone nodded and clapped except the two 'victims' of course. Letting out a small polite cough to get everyone's attention Sessi began to talk once again.

"Now then my much younger brother we should get down to business..." He looked over at that much younger brother of his whom was at the moment turning a new shade of red crayon! (that one is mine you can not have it without my permission in fan flicks but say it all you want!) "Are you listening to me!!!" Now don't get me wrong sessi didn't yell he spoke harshly and yes there is a tiny difference what it is i do not know...^_^

"I...I...was spanked by a little bitty 8 year old girl!!!!!!!!!!" sessi growled out loud showing some of my god...EMOTIONS...even if it was hate...that's still emotions...isn't it...I'll get back to you on that...

"SO WAS I!!!!!!!!" he yelled oh my god I need a fan to myself with before I faint!!!

"that was so funny!!!!" Bad moment to cut in monkie boy AKA Miroku for the denser in the world.

"you shut up!!" both Inu-chan and sessi-chan yelled in unison I love unison people!!!!!...except when my parents say no in unison that's bad...don't you hate that...?...oh I got a little side tract there again sorry silly sticks out tongue anime girl in trouble style...^_^! audience.

"sorry..." poor Miroku went back to his corner.

"Well shell we get back to the point?!?!?!" Said a very ticked off InuYasha.

"Yes let's..." Said sessi eyeing Rin as she climbed into his lap settling herself and fluffing his tail into a pillow. Kagome sat down rather close to Inu-chan in the hopes of making the situation even worst for him when he learned what they already knew.

"well it's just that you have hit your mature stage of life brother..." you know those anime faces were there eyes get huge, there jaws drop and they sweat drop...?...well that was InuYasha face the second sessi told him the mature problem..."yes brother I know...' sessi answered his brothers unasked question...if you can call it a question...I don't think you can...oh well so sue me why don't know what a lot of people should have sued me by now with how many times in a day i say that.

I...I...thought that it...won't come until I was at least 100 man...I'm only 80!!!!" Sweat drop from al non youki's!!!!^_^!

"Well your early...and I'm done here. Your instincts should take over from here on and guide you to the right thing...oh one more thing before I go make sure you ask the girl about the yes and no things to eat and stuff. I really don't fell like repeating myself at the moment. Rin come...where's Jaken at?" At that exact moment a shrill cry came from the village accompanied by a villager yelling out to his family...

"We're having frog legs tonight, dear!!!!" everyone in the hut did the one thing that was operate in this kind of situation...they cheered including sessi at the lost of another annoying side kick whom i and the rest of the world hate a lot.

"Sessi-sama is Jaken going bye bye for good?"

"yes Rin he is going bye bye for good thank the lord." Everyone in the hut stared at the lord youki making him feel rather uncomfortable. "what?"

"you said bye bye like a two year old!!!" InuYasha pointed out with a silly looking grin on his face.

Oh wow another shade of red crayon is invented tell the whole world quick!!! threw tightly gritted teeth seesi told Rin it was time to go home where ever that is and picked her up heading out side but before he disappeared into the now darken world he said for only his brother to hear..."you'll get yours all in good time my baby'll get yours."

When everyone found the time to stop laughing they turned to InuYasha in hopes of learning what was going to be done and telling him the yes and no things...and what an embarrassing hour this was going to be for a certain half hanyou I know...and just so you know shippo was sent to the back with ear pluges more commonly known as head phones...I don't know about you people out there but when I put on head phone i can not hear a thing...

"So InuYasha, my friend, you are 'mature' now, huh." Now if anyone but Miroku would have said that it would have been ok...well also if anyone but Miroku would have said it without stressing the word 'mature' and smiling perverted like it would have been ok.

"monk do me a favor."

"Sure anything InuYasha."


"Ok I'll go back to my corner now."

"Miroku hate to point this one out but you never left."

"Oh yea...!" ^_^! sweat drop city baby!

"Well let's get on with the point!" Said Kagome who was scooting as fare away from the monk as possible. part to get closer to InuYasha and part because the monk scared her and she wanted as fare away from him as you could be in the tiny hut.

"Yea let's.' Said Sango who was also at the moment trying her best to get away from the monk. Poor Miroku so alone in this world filled with temptation called mainly...women, baby's, chicks, sweat hearts, dumplings, and other sappy names guys call girls.

"InuYasha...can I ask you a question?" asked Kagome to InuYasha...which you must likely already knew.

"Sure...go ahead..." There was something in his voice that suggested to all the occupants in the room that he was scared.

"Well with you maturing what all's going to happen to you...I mean what's going to change?" he looked down at the wooden floor of the hut a blush coming on heavily to his face. It was an old shade of red crayon sorry crayon people no money for you.

"the biggest things...the whole..." He trailed off as he found his feet to be interesting as hell.

"the whole what Inu-chan you can tell me it's ok." she had a good idea of what it was from what Sessi had told him...InuYasha hadn't been awake when it was said which meant he didn't know that they knew.

"Really?!" He looked nervous the kind of nervous that meant you were about to hear something that you really aren't deposit to know yet or even understand in the first place.

"Sure thing Inu-chan you can tell me anything!" He smiled a little at her as his deep blush faded a little but still stayed lingering to his cheeks.

"That the whole reason all of this is happening to me is because..." There he went trailing off again right when he was about to have it all out and done with!!!

"Because what Inu-chan tell me!!!" there was a little hint if irritation in her voice as she spoke...ok a lot of a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Well to make me a better mate..." He said softly or better yet hardly at all.

"What?!" everyone said looking at him in frustration.

"A better mate!!!" Everyone's jaws hit the ground but not from surprise from desperation. "It's time in my life for me to grow up and get a brothers already been threw this. Although he never finished it since he has no mate that i know of." By now Kagome had formed a plan to act like she had no idea that this was what was happening with him...that way he won't be so embarrassed I mean he's suffered enough right?

"You mean it's time for you to get a wife!!!!!" Everyone wanted to applaud Kagome's acting skills at showing she knew nothing...when even they knew more about InuYasha condition than he which was in a way a little sad. Well Inu being Inu answered her the only way he felt was operate.

"Feh..." luckily Kagome had learned over time that when InuYasha Feh'ed it meant yes half the time.

"What are you going to do about it InuYasha." Said Keade as she finally voiced in on the conversation.

"I'm going to pry I can fight the urge's until they pass."

"and when exactly will it pass?!" Sango asked simply...Inu got up from where he was sitting and walked to the door only lingering there long enough for then to her his answer to the question voiced to him by the extermater. Looking back at them all with longing eyes of desperation and fatigue he turned and outhered his answer.

"In exactly one year..." With that he was gone from the hut into the darkness that was his life and the night.

"One Year!!!!" Here's the good old unison people coming to invade the earth once again take cover for I am there leader!!

"I can't beleive it!!! For one entire year we're going to have a second Miroku on our hands!!!" Miroku only smiled and added to her statement ignoring the other haft about him.

"Yea for one year he's going to want to..." the girls glared daring him to continue but despite better judgment he went against there unsaid warning. "i mean it will be a greater temptation for him with such beautiful women around..." more glares but no as evil at the mention of beautiful women. " would you to!"

"Miroku you should have stopped while you where ahead!!!" Both girls slapped his face in. Poor monk it must be so hard being the comic relief for so many a story half the time.

"Hey you guys?" Sango turned from her Miroku torture to look at a worried Kagome who was glancing at the door.

"What is it Kagome?" She blushed a little as she stood and went to the door getting out as quickly as she could muster...

"I'm going to go see if Inu-chan's ok?!" She didn't wait for a reply but instead left following so many others steps into the darkness that was the night and the only relief from her troubled mind was hearing Sango yell pervert and the reassuring sound of a slap to the face. Poor monk...

~up in a tree somewhere with Inu!!! Who do you think i was going to say Sessi or something...well I guess that is a possibility...anyway~

"Man oh man this is bad" Said InuYasha to his invisible find who tended to ad him in these matters. "I'm going to want to do things that i really shouldn't do to someone but my mate." He thought about that last remark for a moment not even noticing that on the ground behind his back Kagome was standing listening to his every word. "but luckily I'll only do things her..." He stopped there much to Kagome's displeasure she really wanted to her him say the girls name...even if she already knew that it had to be her...He had after all admitted it when he was drunk and then there was a the kisses and almost kisses that seemed to be happening a lot as of late. But there was still this little nagging feeling in the back of her mind that wanted him to come right out and state the obvious.

"InuYasha?" He jumped in surprise clinging to the branch much like a cat stuck in a tree trying not to fall would. He sniffed the air as he looked down at her.

"what...Kagome?" He sniffed again as if to make sure it was her before jumping down and making sure to avoid all eye contact with her by looking at the dirt at his feet that he had a feeling he would be kissing before the night was over.

"InuYasha...what are you really going to do...because of this?" She looked at him with unshed tears swelling in her eyes.

"Exactly what i said before!!!" He meant to be as harsh as possible but it didn't work that way at all.

"which is?" she knew what he had said early and it was actually the reason she was asking...she was hoping that he might slip up if he said it again and let her in on more information than he had said before.

"I'll wait the year out till it passes and then everything between us will go back to normal..." He slipped right there 'everything between us' that was his mistake that she was hoping for her chance to squeeze more than he wanted to tell out of him.

"What do you mean between us...?" He realized then that he had put himself between a rock and a hard place now and there was no way he could move the rock or persuade the hard place to leave him alone. He wasn't sure of how to react at all so he voted for the one option he normally went for...

"Nothing at all, bitch!" He looked at her to glare with no meaning when he saw her eyes...the tear that had been waiting were now silently falling down her smooth cheeks. One fell from her chin landing on the top of her chest leaving a damp mark in it's wake only for that one clue of her dismay to dry to where no one would ever have none that it had fallen at all.

"Please Inu for once will you tell me the truth?" He couldn't look at her face that hurt him to much inside so he opted for the ground instead. "Come on Inu please i don't care what it is just tell me the one true truth!!"

"Are relationship..."

"didn't know we had one!?" she said harshly turning away causing Inu to wish he could be like the monk and hide in a corner in a fetal stance.

"We do..."

"And just what kind of a relationship is it?"

"What do you mean?" She turned back to look into his eyes again searching to the answer to a question she herself didn't know.

"Are we enemies?"

"No we could never be enemies..." she looked at him not knowing how to say the next part of her question...but she knew that he would understand no matter how she worded it.

"Are we friends...or are we more...?" There eyes met and became lost to the fires within not letting them breath enough to speck. Every part of there beings telling then that it was right that they should go to each other...telling InuYasha to take her all of her for himself right then and there.

"Kagome...were..." Now there is something called Murphy law of physics which states...anything that can will or has to happen will happen...let's just say it prevailed again...^_^

"Hey Kagome!!!!" Shippo had awoken from his head phone sleep to find no body in the hut and that wasn't right so he went out on a quest to find his missing adult figures..."what are you doing here with the jackass!!!!"

"Shippo watch your language!"

"Ok Kagome come with me to bed now Ok? *yawn*" She smiled picking him up and began to walk off...

"Oh InuYasha...we'll continue later ok?" He nodded, knowing he had no choice unless he wanted to make out with who needed a breath mint badly, and followed her to Keade's hut. You know how Shippo woke up to NO ONE being in the hut...right? Well right as they walked off Miroku, Sango, and Keade jumped from the bushing brushing twigs and stuff off them all with the same very disappointed and made at Shippo face on...

~later that night~ no bun intended for once...sorry

everyone was laying around in the hut watching the smoke from the fire in the certain float towards the roof and disperse in all directions of oblivion.

"So...this must be really embarrassing for you Inu, neh?" Glares cold wicked I-want-to-kill-you-glares coming form the one and only victim of the day InuYasha...well victim of unwanted perversion...You know what i love glares almost as much as I love unison people got to love unison people one hell of a lot.

"Monk shut up damn-it!" Inu looked at the ground what the monk had said wasn't the reason he had told him to shut was the fact that he was having a savor cause of hand control problems involving his hand and Kagome's sweat tight ass. Every fiber of his being was telling him to grave her hard and firmly to fell all of her...her breast so sweat and plumped he ass firm and trimmed well and then well the rest of her of course. Everyone could see the strange look building up in his eyes at this point and it was starting to worry all of them a lot.

"InuYasha....?" Kagome waved a hand in front of his face but got no response he was starting to take on a monk pervert look that she didn't like to much. "Hello is any body home...?" Still no response only the weird look of a perverted man with a high on women's asses. "InuYasha!!!! what's wrong with you come on are you alive in there!!!" That had gotten his attention for some strange reason maybe it was because of the slap that went with it. He began to blush witch of course lead to another million dollars for the crayon industry.

"nothing just thinking that's all."

"thinking about what?" Why dose everyone always have to ask you that when all you want is for them to drop it and leave it all alone?...the world may never know...and must likely that won't even try to find out! well thanks to Sango we get to watch/read one of these situations!

"'s just that I can't help a....little"

"A little bit what!" everyone piped up except an evilly smiling Miroku...very very very bad.

"I bet I know!" Miroku...leave it to good old Miroku! He always makes it all better...yea right.

"What Miroku?!" the girls said in unison! I love unison people! Don't you know!! ^_^ Just wanted to remind you...^_^!

"A little bit perverted!!" The girls jaw dropped unison...yes to do something in unison it doesn't have to be said it can be done instead!!! Anyway...they all gapped as they turned to look at the poor hanyou. He only had to see there faces to know there question.

"Yes the monk's right...I'll understand if you all hate me now." they all started to smile, at the young hanyou's dropping ears, not in unison...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! and after that under the power of some greater force in the universe maybe did something that mad InuYasha very much happy in a perverted way...they hugged him!!! the girls that is.

"Inu-chan you can't control it it's instaient!!! how could we hate you for that!?" Poor monk he had been looking for a way to seek revenge on the hanyou but all he had managed to do was put InuYasha in a perfect place to look right at Kagome's breast without her even noticing! To InuYasha it was heaven and that's when he knew that he needed, more to feel and experience her body. So then the whole ordeal began and the point of this little story began to be told and get more perverted! All of the far off regions of his brains came to life then and he knew what he had to get...GET SOME!!!! that was what his brain was screaming at him to do and he knew that now was not the time to get it started but instead he needed to plan on how to get it done! And so the plan formed in his now sick twisted mind. there was only one problem he needed to help make the plan sexaility!...reality...sorry that was the InuYasha's mind at work! Hey you know you like the new word come on say it for yourself...sexaility! Great now remember the plan had to work!!!!! So lat plan sexaility commence!

A/N this will be the last up load for a while until the next chappie is written which i am hoping will be soon! Well till next time me beautiful wonderful fans!

InuYasha Loves Kagome! last chappie i sighed Flarechick please ignore that was a mistake!