InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ what happened when Kagome woke up^_^ ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

ok people here is the longest chappie i have written in a while and no I'm sorry but in this chappie some of the humar has been taken down a nock but that is because I am building to the funniest chappie I hope you have ever read next chappie...this one is still pretty funny and i would recommend mature people read only...but I will not tell you why....have fun and remember if you want the humor go ahead and read this chappie so you'll know what's going on and next chappie we will be back to my regular jokes and buns...

thank you

chapter 14: what happened when kagome woke up

"Well here we have it the 411" Said Miroku using one of Kagome's 'sayings of slang' from here time...

"ok" everyone said waiting for Miroku to continue on with the 'Kagome report...'

"Kagome's a Hanyou InuYasha's been awake for three days straight he won't let us touch her and did I mention that Kagome's been passed out for those three days...?"

"Yes monk and thanks for stating the obvious..." Said Sango as she looked towards her friends Kagome and InuYasha both of which were not in good shape...

InuYasha because he...well like the monk said...had been awake for three days...and Kagome because...well...she had been passed out for three days...neither of which was a good thing.

"Do you think maybe we should get InuYasha something to eat..."

"Did you forget what happens when we give him anything...?" Said Miroku while looking at the cuts on his arm caused by InuYasha's claws...

"Oh yea..." He looked at her funny as she got a very serious expression on her face. "Hey Miroku...?" He noticed the use of his real name almost immediately and smiled at her..

"Yes lovely Sango?" She stood and went to get something when she came back...she had a little bit of stew in a bowl...which she handed to him...

"Here go give that to InuYasha if were lucky you'll get maimed a bit..." he felt his heart fall to his stomach and he sighed. So much for love...all he would ever get was hate from his lovely Sango...but still some of the death threats were just a little strange at how she out it...I mean using InuYasha to kill original...wait that is an original idea no ones every tried that on use before...

He shrugged as he walked to the other room that was separated with...well...nothing it was just a door frame...he was silent as can be but somehow like all the other times the hanyou heard him and looked at him growling low in his trough...

"what do you want monk?"

"You need to eat here..."


"Why not?" said the monk while looking at the Inu hanyou like he was an idiot...
"not until she wakes will I move or sleep or you understand?!" Miroku hated to say what he was about to he knew that there was a chance that he would die from this...

"and what if she never wakes?"

"Then I will stay by her side till I die..." The monk was shocked even he would never had had the guts to say that about anyone not even Sango...true love really did run deep into the hanyou...then why didn't he tell her about it...instead of doing this whole operation sex thing? didn't make since...hell the hanyou himself didn't make any since at all...

"InuYasha why?" The hanyou actually looked back at him if only for a second before turning and looking back to Kagome...

"Why what...?"

"Why this why this whole operation sex why?...Why not tell her that you love her you k already know she loves you back?" Something strange happen then...he smiled...not the monk but InuYasha..."what's with the smiling?"

"Do you really want to know...why this whole thing came into my mind?"


"Are you sure?"

" tell!!!!!"

"Well the whole thought of doing any of this to her just makes me so horny I couldn't resist!" With that the monk feel unconscious to the floor...he hadn't been expecting that answer! Upon hearing the thud Sango can into the room and saw the monk with @_@ eyes...

"what happened did you kill him?" she asked in a happy tone...

"Nope sorry but he fell all on his own...i used my mind to get at him?" She looked at him like he was lying...but as you and I all now what he is saying is not a lie for it was the thought that his mind created that got the monk to fall to the floor. (bet you didn't think of that did you...?)

"Ok...well then...just one more thing InuYasha.."

"What is it..."

"Next time i want you to do me a favor...!" the hanyou was confused now what could she want...?

"Sure what is it?"

"Next time kill him..."

"what he do to you this time...?" Said InuYasha with a roll of the eye...

"He didn't do anything..."

"then why do you want him to die?"

"It's not what he did to me it's what he did to them..." She said while pointing to the door. He looked and sighed...

"What do they want?" She looked up to the ruff with stars in her eyes...

"To bear the oh so wonderful monk's killed." then all the stars were replaced by fire and lighting..."that just makes me so sick..." and with that she kicked the monk and walked over to the fire...and to her surprise she heard InuYasha pick up the bowl of food and eat a little but incredibly slow... "InuYasha I thought you said you wouldn't eat..." (in case your wondering she heard that part of the conversation but then went to deal with the women outside...)

"Well...Kagome...when she wakes up...will sit me to death if she finds out that I staved myself over her..." Sango smiled at him and cooed...

"Sometimes you really can be sweet..." He let loose a growl..."then others your a son of a bitch about..."

"Thank you...!" He said after setting down the now empty bowl...and turned to he did so Miroku opened an eye and walk to Sango whispering not loud enough for even InuYasha to hear...but somehow Sango did...

"I told you he loved her now give me the prize!" She sigh and stood up pressed her lips to his turned and let him feel her butt for two minutes while InuYasha watch dumb founded to it all.

~now three days the middle of the night everyone asleep except InuYasha~ this part will be a little have been warned...well scratched that it will be a lot of NC-17 perverts have a field day!

"What happened were am i....?" Said Kagome with a yawn that turned into a scream as she covered her ears or were they were suppose to be...InuYasha sigh and reached up to the top of hear head holding her ears down so she would stop screaming...and so she did...and to Inuyasah suprize no in else even steered in the hut...

"It's ok Kagome look at me...I know you can here me..." Doing as she was told she looked at him...

"what is going on...what happened...?" He sighed and got a mirror from her back pack...she looked into it and did he best not to faint...the person looking back at her was beautiful...with gold eyes that had specks of brown in them...and hair slightly longer than her own that was black of the night with highlights light moon light...and then at the top of the head to dog ears both silver with tips that were black designed fire on them... "is"

"Yes..." She sat down the mirror and looked at her claws.

"Can i ask you a question...?"

"Yea sure..." She looked at him and smiled with childlikeness dancing in her eyes...

"Why do I have this sudden urge to chase you?" He smiled at this and stood...turning he walk to the door being quite so not to wake the humans...


"Yes..." She said with a glint of laughter in her eyes...

"Catch me if you can..." And with that he ran as fast as he could her right behind...

The nights air was cool on there faces as they ran long ago they had left the village...neither noticing or caring...the moon was high over head giving them enough moonlight to see the way...Kagome was still only a few feet behind InuYasha when he started to slow so she could catch up...and when she did she jumped him...they tumbled to the ground not realizing that somehow they had come back to there village...the young girl growled for the first time causing both to laugh...and them in the passions of the moon light it happened they both stopped and looked at each other...both were lost to the other and both were damned if they were going to stop what came next...what came naturally to them both now...

It started with a kiss of passion of lust and desire...just a kiss did it...made their minds stop and pause...mad the world go blank...except for one thing that InuYasha noticed...Kagome was in heat and so was could the fates torture him so...he wanted her...he loved her...he knew that she loved him...and...if this happened they would have a new charge to look after in 5 he did the only smart thing to do...what every man would do in this situation...he let his brain go to his pants and stopped caring...

She was still on top of him and was kissing his neck and face all she started to pull at things to get them out of her way...she wanted skin damn it all....and bloody hell she couldn't get to any because....because....of that good for nothing son of a bitch of a was in her way damn it...along with his she did the only thing a women could do in this rite of the problem...

Sitting up and straddling him she pushed him back so he was there under her and she was in the dominant precision. She reached for the rosary and fingered it before pulling it off and letting it go to the floor/ground...then she loosened the ties to his cloths...(don't feel like thinking of the names...) she took of his shirt and then his under shirt...she rubbed his muscles... sucked his man nibbles licked them and kissed them...see bit at him and in all the places of his chest and next before moving her hands to the tie again and smiling...

"You now what InuYasha?" He looked at hear and growled his disapproval of her stopping.

"What..." He said breathing hard...She moved down on him and rubbed her core ageist his erection...he took in a sharp breath and whimpered...this only mad her smile and lean down kissing his doggy ear before whispering....

"AS an hanyou I think I can smell your desire." With that she got up off his chest but still held body to his waist. She began to rub ageist him more as he moaned...and then all stopped except the rubbing as she started a lap dance for him and stripped...

First came her shirt as she slowly undid it and let it come over her head revealing the bra that housed her breast...she removed one strap then the other without undoing the were you could see all of the now plumper fuller breast...but not the nipples. She smiled as he licked his lips waiting for her to be necked...after thinking it over she realized that she would have to get up to get out of her panties...and that she really didn't want to she did something that made InuYasha's already huge erection bigger...she took her clawed hand and put it at the top of her hip were her skirt and panties...with one swift swipe she ripped her own panties off her body but her breast were still cover much to InuYasha's disapproval...He growled at her and shock his head...

"Oh what is it InuYasha?" She said sarcastically..."do you want them...?" She asked as she rubbed her own hands over the material of her bra that housed her breast...which caused the nibbles to stand out of the material for him to see..." Come on tell me if you want them..." He shock his head..." I want the words InuYasha...Do you want me!?"


"Say it all..."

"Yes I want you!!!"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes I love you...!"

"Do you love Kikyo...?"

"No!" Somewhere fare away a heart shattered...

~with Kikyo~ i hate Kikyo yes i do i hate Kikyo how bout youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!

"what's happening i...I feel soul is leaving me....what's happening....!!!!!!!!" Kikyo yelled as she looked over to Naraku...He had a look of pain on his face...

"I don't know!" He said coming over to her...he put his arms around her hoping that it would stop what was to come but it didn't and she yelled in pain as the gate way to hell was opened...and her soul left her flying threw the night....away as she and the dumb ass Naraku were taken done to hell...and the only thing Naraku remembered thinking was...I hate you...I hate all of you from InuYasha to Kagome....and by hating Kagome...I hate you Kikyo...and what's happening now...I'm going to go to hell with a bitch i have grown to know what life's a last thing i will ever do is take this mental note...'never ever eat raspberries!" He thought as he grew sick as he went into the depths of hell...and there in the corner was a basket half full of raspberry's...he had neat less to say eaten the other half of it...

~with to people mating very very slowly just to get at the readers!~

As Kagome kissed InuYasha for what he had said she started to the lost part of her soul went into her wasn't like the other was slow and pain came from it at all only pleasure of finally being whole...but...there was something missing...she still wasn't complete she needed something else...

She looked done at InuYasha as she let her bra fall from her breast by reaching back and unhooking if by some higher power her bigger breast feel bouncing into there natural place upon her chest...leaning over to were her chest was above his mouth she let him tease them...and lick them and run his fangs over them...causing her more pleasure than she thought possible...his hands which hand been at his sides till know came to her butt and squeezed and then he let a single claw go over her sweet ass...causing a shiver to run the length of her spin...

She pulled her chest away from his face and looked into his eyes full of lust which were a reflection of her very own desires...She moved her hips to his once in a suggestion filled motion and smirked when he took in a sharp breath... She moved off of him a little and looked between them smiling in an almost shy way...before she took a claw and did the unbelievable....she cut his fire rats pants in half...exposing his huge erection that seemed to spring into place like a's perfect helmet shimmering with it's pre cum...Her smiled turned into a full out grin as she looked over his naked body...both where ready and they knew it...and so they would do it...

She looked at him and he looked at her...they were thinking about each other constantly over the past few weeks...but they didn't know how they felt them and this was now...they needed each other now and forever...they were crazy for each was then that InuYasha decided he was the male so breaking her virginity was his job. He pushed her onto her back and smiled as the air left her body for a moment...but came back quickly as he touched his tip to her feel it's moistness...he leaned down and whispered into her ear the three words that told it all...that told of life...that told of death...that told of life the universe and everything's meaning...that told why the world existed...those words were the meaning of life why we live...why we hate and die and go why we lose and gain why we are...and those words were...

"I love you...!" And with that he moved and pressed his lips to hers as firmly as possible as he trussed into her for the first time ever...her wet passage could only have been describe to him as wonderful...tight...and new...his member to her could only be described as wonderful...big...and filling...but it didn't just fill her it was the last piece of the puzzle it...made her heart a picture...the end of a puzzle that had taken so long to create...but there was still something piece that she had forgotten was left unfound and place...but she didn't have much time to ponder such she felt him move...

He slowly moved inside of her in and out at a slow but great pace...there bodies letting a little slap nose be voice to the world as they moved together happily...with each thrust and slap Kagome met him...and with each faster thrust and slap she met him still...but then she had to stop even as a hanyou she was unable to keep up with the sex machine above her...

there moans and slight screams were heard all over the village not to fare from them...they were louder than a normal human love moan that they had learned to ignore...these moans all the villagers new were of demons and powerful all the villagers including Sango Miroku Keade and Shippo...came out...all four forgot to check on one thing before they left thou and that was InuYasha and Kagome who of course wasn't there to began with...

The villagers grouped together even the women except for very old and very young...excluding Keade and Shippo...and began to head towards the moans...but as they got closer they began to recognize a was a women's voice and she was telling her lover...

"Harder faster please...!!!" The male on the other hand just grunted and they heard the slaps of skin grow faster..."Yes...!!!" Rang the female's voice and they new who it was...

"Kagome...!!!" The males voice echoed as they all could tell he hit climax along with her for they heard all over the forest along with Kouga and Kikyo in hell...


Therer you have it what i think is the most origanal lemon ever written...I mean how may lemon's have you read like that!!!! please review i only did this Chappie because of reviews...I want some prise or disapproval or something from you people and all my good little reviews i give you one wish for being so good and giving me what i want...^_^ and sa for the bad...come on i have about 82 people who have kept up with this all the way to the last I expect to have at least 82 review one from each....and by the way this as you can tell is NOT THE END!!!! it is just the beginning of a very long drawln out strange fan fic...and for those of you who are wondering...I'm not going to tell you if Kagome's pregnant now or not you should have a rough Idea in your own by now...! So see you later

I forgot what my authors name is again could some bodt tell me...I would look in my panties nut I have seemed to missed place those as well as my brain...!