InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ Neko's have kittens Inu's have puppies ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Here is my little teaser to get you to read!!!!

Well you better review i will be cutting this flick if I don't have at least 5 more reviews by the end of the week and i will not finish it before i cut it!

chapter 19: Neko's have kittens Inu's have puppies!

~After dinner conversations are so nice in my story they hardly ever happen so here you go for once I'll tell the stupid ness of after dinner conversationsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!~

Everyone was sitting looking and listening to a very funny conversation between 2 mates...the only 2 mates in my story as of now! Well anyway...this is how this lovely conversation you are about to read started...


They were all done eating and just sitting around talking to each other. the girls talking about baby kimonos and the boys talking about how great son's were over daughters....Shippo smiling happily as they called the girl by his choice in name for her. Kirara mewing as she curled on Kagome's rounding stomach and Keade grinding some herbs...

"Well Kagome you are so lucky those little ones your carrying are going to be the first ever 3/4 youki...!"

"Really!!!" Sango nodded

"And you know what else" She asked Kagome...

"No what?"

"Your children will be the first pups ever to be born from a hanyou father!" Everyone looked at InuYasha who was at the moment smiling almost giggling as he looked at all of them.

"See..." He said looking up at the roof..."i am worth something!!!" Everyone nodded a little confused and then they all moved into a circle around the fire for it was getting dark quickly and getting cold quicker.

"Man this is going to be so much fun..." Said Keade as she set her herbs down and joined them.

"Why is that?"

"Well you see these children will live in this time won't they...?" Kagome didn't even look at Inu when she said...What is she going to say?...yes or no? can you guess come on is this the start od the fight or not or is it even a fight well I better tell you or you might stop reading...

"Yes they will live in this time..." She said and everyone was surprised when they heard a sigh of relief from the hanyou called Inu.

"Well that means that we will all see them grow up!! And we will all help to raise them and look after them...and teach them things..." No one saw the face Inu was giving it was one of sure happiness...they would all help him to take care of his children and that made him really happy.

"Yea!!!" Yelled Sango..."I can teach them how to use my boomerang!!"

"And i can show them monk wards so they know how to fight off that king of magic..."

"I can teach them about herbs and stuff...medicines too!!!"

"I can teach them fox magic!!!"

"I'll show them all about Miko powers!!!" Chimed in Kagome...and then when silence fell they all looked at the silent sleeping InuYasha...

"i wonder what he'll teach them?" Asked Shippo...and so replied Kagome in a gentle voice...

"He'll teach them how to to walk with pain and to smile and laugh in the face of to live with how you are and what you are...and know that no matter what, their daddy will always love them..." She said as she moved his bangs out of his eyes and smiled..."that's what your there for Inu to teach our children how to live..."

Everyone smiled in silent agreement then looked at the Hanyou questionably as he moaned in his sleep and whimpered once before taking Kagome into his arms putting his hand in her shirt on her stomach and letting a low purr like growl come from deep down in his chest...Everyone looked one wondering why he was growling purring and rubbing Kagome's stomach...but then they heard him say in a sleepy voice that they could almost not quit here, "My family, my mate, my friends..." And with that he fell asleep.

~the next morning~

Everyone woke up to here 2 people yelling by the well. They seemed to be saying something like

"no!!! I don't want to go mate please!!!!"

"you have to so let's!!!!"

"But Ka...Go...Me!!!!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! and that's final!!!!"


They can came to the well everyone who was sleeping in the village that night...all the villagers in other words! And they looked at the young couple who was at this moment looking at each other yelling...well one the male whimpering and complaining and the other the female yelling at him to get his ass moving and come...well most of the villagers would have stayed and watch had the 2 fighting not been 2 youki mates who looked to be Neko- youki.

Slowly they saw to figures appear who both looked very was 2 hanyou's who were at the moment dressed very poorly and one was looking like he wanted to kill everything in the world that made a sound!

"WILL YOU SHUT UP I CAN"T HERE MY MATE MOAN!!!" Yelled Inu and if he was wiser which he isn't he would have found a better way to say that!

"INUYASHA SHUT UP WILL YOU!!!!" Both youki stopped talking as they saw the male crumble under the made hanyou females gaze of death!!!! Or death glare for the other people in the internet.

the other sets of mates the Neko-youki's were looking at the 2 Inu-hanyou's with interest and then the female gasped and ran over to Kagome.

"Your with pup!!!" Said the Neko happily...

"Y...Ye...Yes...!" Said Kagome while looking at the Neko a little lost...

"Wow I'm going to have a kitten myself! So why are you arguing with your mate?"

"Well he was being bad!" The Neko smiled

"So was mine!"

"I was not...!" They heard an angry Neko male yell...

"Oh shut up!"

"Whatever..." Said the male while looking at Inu and hissing which in return Inu growled...

"Both of you stop it right now!!!!" Yelled Kagome which in turn caused both men to stop and glare as they set down in the grass a far distance away from each other.

"Well anyway..."said the Neko..."My names Kegea and my mates Runus and you...?"

"I'm Kagome and my mates InuYasha Inu for short...!"

"Cool when are you due...?"

"6 mouths...and you"

"2 mouths that's the reason me and my mate were fighting he wants to have the kittens in his land i want to go to mine! What do you think we should do?"

"i think they should be born in your land..."

"Why!!!!!" Yelled Runus...

"Because she is the female so she should choice were she will be most comfortable while giving birth...It is rather painful you know!!!"

"it can't be that bad..." Said the Neko standing up and looking at them...

"Think of this..." Said Kagome..." think of having a whole in your stomach and then being hung by your man hood...and then you might be a little closer but now think of a broken arm with that and 2 black eyes with one eye out of place or hanging out...!!!!!" Everyman in the village and the youki's/hanyou's had cover there man hoods with there hands and were whimpering at the very thoughts of the pain..."I'm glad you understand!!!' Said Kagome looking at all the men there...

"We better be off then my home land is pretty far away..."

"Bye...!!!" Said Kagome waving as the 2 took off...still was then that the villagers left except all the close friends of the 2 mates...and it was also then that Kagome saw the well and remembered something very important!

"Inu we have to go tell my mother about all of this...!!!!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

~and that brings us to the here and now...~

"i don't want to go Kagome!!!!" Yelled InuYasha...

"I don't care were going!!!!"


and thus everyone set down to wait out the fight and see when they would be going to Kagome's time...which if the fight went like all the other's would be really soon...

Well there it is and you better review what I said at the top was no lie