InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ hormone enraged girl power... ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

well here is my next chappie and because it is so late...and i have an exam tommarow...this is all I'm going to say...5 reviews=1 more chappie...and thank you to the person who sent in 5 reviews in a row with all that moral support it means a lot...I reward you with pokey!!!!! and I would like to thank therealme for those nice apology reviews and i will look into getting a beta reader...if it cast any money i will not be able to get one...I'm poor...but if you or any other person would be kind enough to send me info on it...I would be much aplogy...and there is another reason I am a bad speller...english isn't my first language German is....and i'm still trying to get the hang of the english language...the spelling is werid to me and having dislexia makes it worst....

chapter 24: hormone enraged girl power

It had been three days since they had got in back to the past. Everyone was scared of Kagome and her mood swings. Well mainly InuYasha...he hadn't been treating her like a little kid here like he had in the future...which was kind of bad for Miroku. Because every time he groped some girl she kind of pounded him...and when she was done he looked really bad...and his face was a little deformed.

Well it was morning now and everyone was still tired from the night before which had gone kind of like this...


They were walking threw the village exercising because Kagome was having some weight issues...she thought she was fat...well she was...but it was because of the three babies she was carrying...

So as they walked like normal Miroku was checking out every girl in site...even though he knew every girl in the village...but then again even though he had asked every girl in the village to bare his child maybe...just maybe...they will like the idea of a hanyou...being the one...after all over the past couple of days he had noticed the fact that all the village women were looking him over more closely...and then there was another factor that came into place...over the years...he had watched the village women as they checked out Inu...and they did but mainly his ears and his as he saw it...he now had a good idea as to how to get a child...well that wasn't really his aim...his aim was to get Sango jealous of the women...and thus getting Sango!!!!!!! It had to work...and what a better time than now to start!!!!!! And so...he did....

He saw his perfect opportunity right in front of him. A beautiful young women whom he knew for a fact had no husband....he walked over to the young girl and smiled the most charming smile he could...

"Excuse me miss?" He asked while taking her hands into his....

"Yes...Housi-sama?" She said as a blush came to her cheeks...she looked behind him to the people who were sighing and shacking there heads. But the girl...the Miko...who was pregnant and was getting bigger and bigger...she was looking mad...very mad...

"Will you bare my child?" Everyone thought that Sango would be the one to kill Miroku but instead something very strange happened...

"You funking pervert what the hell is wrong with your god damned mind!!!!! You bastard have you any common decency!!!!" Yelled Kagome as she hit Miroku about 20 times on the head until he was on the ground twitching strangely...

"Kagome?" Asked Shippo in a small voice...for everyone...

"I feel so much better now..." said Kagome in a happy voice as she stepped on Miroku's back and walked away from all of them.

~end of Flashback~

Yep a lot of these kind of things had been happening lately... it was a little scary for them...they never knew when she was going to blow...and when she did around Inu it never ended 2 days ago when....


They were all sitting around the fire in Keade's hut...Kagome was sitting next to Inu on her left and Shippo was in her lap...Sango was next to her and Keade was stirring whatever there dinner was, in the pot of the fire. Inu was slowly going to sleep he had been awake for the past couple of nights watching over Kagome...

It took him a couple of seconds to realize that there was food sitting in front of him...and that's when it hit him...he was really he did the thing that he always did when he was really hungry...he wolfed down his food as fast as possible. There was only one problem that he didn't think about...Kagome...and hormones...

She was watching him out of the corner of her eye... and was getting more and more angry at the way he was was savage and worst than her eyes anyway!

"INUYAHSA!!!!" She yelled as she looked at him...everyone looked over at the hormone enraged girl...and gulped...

"yes...Kagome...?" She looked like she was about to blow...her face was very red and her eyes were turning a strange color of orange and yellow and a little red...

"YOU CAN SLEEP BY YOURSELF FOR THE NEXT WEEK GOT IT!!!!!!" Everyone was stunned into silence...non of them knew what had happened...everything had been fine...all that was going on was people eating...and Inu eating with bad manners. "i mean look at the way you eat it's so horrible!!!!" She said as she looked at her mate with cold fire burning deeply in her eyes. "Can't you be more civilized!!!!!"

Everyone waited for Inu to yell back but her never did...he sat there and took all the verbal betting he could get from her. She started to get tired after the 1 thousand time she yelled that he was a slob.

"Are you even listening to me...?" She yelled with the last of her strength...

"yes...I am Kagome-chan..." He said as he took a bit of a white radish.

"Chan?" She asked in a small voice...."I am not a little kid InuYasha!!!!!" he took a bit of white carrot and looked at her slowly....

"Then why are you acting like one?" He asked Calmly...and despite the calmness to the voice the others could tell he was afraid of what kind of reaction she would have...the good one or the bad one...and since i am the author it will be the bad one....

"HOW DARE YOU!!!!!" She yelled and hit him on the head..."BAKA-YORU!!!!!!!!! You can sleep by yourself for 4 weeks!!!!!" With that she walked out of the hut grabbing her bag of bath supplies and stuck her nose high in the air ears straight back and stuck out her tongue....

~End of Flashback~

You may be thinking that Inu got off pretty easy...but you see that wasn't the end of all of the poor mates troubles...for first there had to be the next encounter....the next victim...which just so happen to be the poor and innocent Sango....and Shippo at the same time...both were very stupid to do what they did after the mates little fight...well really Kagome's anger session with her mate...and this is how it Shippo found out about...what Inu went threw every day...and Sango found out...why all the village men hated women who were pregnant....


"Inu look what you did!!!!" Yelled Sango as she watched the young pregnant girl storm out of the hut with her bath things...."I'm going to go look after her...."

"Me too...." Said little Shippo as he jumped onto her shoulder...The 2 men and one old women left in the hut sighed....

"there doomed..." And then went back to eating there dinner...and in Miroku's case drinking there caned tea...

~in the hot springs~

"Man really Inu is so so so so...I don't know but he's a something...." She said out loud as she stripped and looked at her larger stomach..."I'm so fat...i mean look at me...I look like a water melon.... How can Inu even think I'm as beautiful as he saws i am...I look like a cow!!!!" She cried out if the hormone tears ran down her face....


"WHAT!!!! AM I LITTLE TO YOU TOO!!!!!" she yelled to Sango as she glared and got into the water...

"No...your not..." Said Shippo in his little voice...

"Oh so your saying I'm fat!!!!! Is that it?!" She said in a harsh voice that suggested killing something...which in turn caused both Sango and Shippo to be dead quite...which gave Kagome the wrong idea..."So I am fat!!!! I thought so...i'm a big fat caw!!!!!! and no one loves me....or ever could!!!!" She said and started to cry...

"Kagome...your not fat...that's the baby....!" Said Sango in a comforting voice....

"Your lying just like Inu!!!" she said back crying harder than before...

"no she's not mommy..." Said Shippo in a sad voice...

"how can you call me mommy Shippo...I'm to ugly to be a mother...who would want me as a mother anyway!!!!" She cried out again as the sobs began to rank her body...

"that's not true mommy!!!!!' Said Shippo jumping into the water after getting rite of his cloths...he went over to her and rapped his little arms around her as far as he could...

"Kagome...?" Asked Sango as she removed her own cloths and came into the hot springs...

"Yes Sango-chan....?" Asked Kagome with a hick-up...

"Your beautiful..." Whispered Sango...and that was enough to send Kagome over the edge...

"YOUR JUST SAYING THAT LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and stood up causing Shippo to fall into the water...she then proceeded to go over to the other side of the hot springs...sit down on a covenant rock and turn her back to them..."Tell Inu...he can sleep by himself for 5 weeks..." She said...and then without another word got up again put on her cloths after dying off and walked away towards the gods tree...

~end of Flashback....~

Yep the group was having a hard time with the hormone controlled girl...a very hard time...but it wasn't over yet...there was more to the days events that had made it tire ring....and will end in Inu not being able to sleep with his wife for a countless number of weeks....


Sango and Shippo had come back to the hut to tell Inu what had happened at the hot springs...and to there surprised Inu had only smiled and walked out of the hut towards the old tree from which the 2 had meet. Leaving the reat in the hut only to wonder...

~at the really old tree thingie...~

"Man...this really sucks...." Said Kagome to no one as she ran her fingers over the smooth part if the bark were Inu had been for so very long...

"What sucks?" Said a deep and calm voice...she turned around to see to golden eyes...but...they weren't her mates golden eyes...they were!!!!!!

" startled me..." Said Kagome turning away from the set of eyes...

"What is the matter young one?" said the deep voice...

"Can i ask you a question...?" she asked the man as she turned and looked at him...well looked up at him...into those forever calm eyes that held no emotion....

"What is this question?" She rubbed her now even bigger stomach a little and blushed...not wanting to have to ask the one person who she knew would be completely honest with her...and not consider her feelings at all...the man looked at her hands on her stomach and smiled on the inside...but never let it show on his face...

"Do...I....look fat to you...?" He then let the smile come if only for a minute...

"If you you have baby fat do have it...the pups in you are making you look bigger than you really are..." she smiled at him and ran up to him throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him....

"Thank know your aren't that bad of a brother in law after all..."

"your mate is coming..." he said as he took her off of him gently making sure to mind her stomach...

"Why are you here anyway...?" She asked as her feet touched the ground again...

"I wanted to see my sister-in-law and my that ok with you?" he asked as he eyed her for any signs of hatred...

"No...not at all...and feel free to come by when the babies are born!!!!" she said happily...he smiled at her and then started to walk away...

"Kagome...?" he asked as he turned his head to the side to look at her...

"yes?" she asked looking back with a smile...

"Don't tell anyone...that...I let you hug me..." she smiled and nodded her head yes..."and remember this...if you ever need anything...I'll help you...just don't let my brother know that I'll help you out...I still have my pride..." he walked off not waiting for a reply...and right as he disappeared into the under brush...Inu came out into the clearing...

"Kagome? What are you doing?" he asked as he came closer to her hesitantly...

"I was just having a little me time..." She said taking his arm and leading him back to the village...

"Why do you smell like my brother?" She looked at him and smiled...

"That one gets you another week sleeping alone....!" she said as she let go of his arm turning so she was standing in front of him...

"Is there anyway I can get out of the, for lack of a better word, dog house?" her smile grew wider and she turned to where she could look over her shoulder at him...

"There is one thing...."

"And what's that...?" She smiled as she walked over to were the rest of her friends were standing and a lot of the villagers...

"Go back to my time..." She said in a slow voice....

"Ok and do what there?"

"Get some Ramen...." He looked at her in dread...

"Anything else?"

"And some pickles!!!!!!!!!" she said happily as the inter village moaned in agony....

~end of flashback~

And that's were they were now...sitting around the fire exhausted and watching Kagome eat her pickles and Ramen...everyone a little bit queasy...and green as they looked on at the strange site....


"Yes Kagome?" he said as he sat up to look her in the eyes...

"You can sleep with me again...on one condition..."

"I thought I already took care of the condition!" She glared at him with flames and all coming back....

"I thought of a better one!!!!!!" he took one look at the flies that were burning in the flames around her and nodded the ok..."Well this is have to make me a promise..."

"What's the promise....?" She smiled and set down the now empty bowl...

"Repeat after me...I will..."

"I will..."

"Never ever again no matter what..."

"Never ever again no matter what..."

"Get my mate...."

"Get my mate...." she sighed and took a deep breath...before yelling...

"PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !"

"Pregnant again..." He repeated after he could hear again...

"Good now lets all go to bed come on Shippo you can sleep with me and daddy..."

"No I think I'll sleep with..." He stopped as he saw the flames come to life again..."On second thought you and daddy are better to sleep with..." the flames disappeared as she smiled and picked him up...

"good...night everybody...."

"night Kagome!' They all said as she walked into the back room of the hut were her and Inu slept...

she went over to there bed and laid down with out even removing her cloths...Shippo laid there in her arms and feel asleep...shortly after Inu came over to Kagome's side...he laid down and rapped an arm around her and Shippo...closing his eyes her savored the sound of all the people in the hut sleeping...

"I promise never ever to get my mate Pregnant again..." He whispered..."It' bad for my heath and the one's around me..."

"Hey Inu...?" said Kagome in a small tired voice...

"Yea?" She turned and put Shippo in the middle of them....

"Do you think I'm fat?" he sighed and looked at her in the eyes...

"no matter what i say your going to get mad at me Kagome so just go to sleep..." he looked at her and sighed heavily....

she was asleep...

And that dose it...let me remind you of one thing...5 reviews=1 chappie!!!!

InuYasha loves me!