InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ to hell with everything ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

here we are because of the 2 wonderful people who reviewed with the longest reviews in the history of the world I give you a very long chappie...i hope it is long enough!!!!!!!!! And would you 2 wonderful manifancent reviews who know i can't spell tell me how you wou;d like to be put in the story i will do that...if you want to be one of Sango and Miroku's kids so be it...if you want to have inu and Kagome have more than 2 children and have the child be named after you that's fine...if you want to be a random charater in a random scene so be it...or if you want to be a random charater who ides...I'd love to do that...(I like killing charaters off...notice that hell is full with the evil people in my story) whatever you want...if you want to be a pizza boy...I don't care just name it...and for all you other reviews...5 reviews one chappie...extra long review....extra long Chappi and you are in the story....have fun with that...and i have no idea what a near is...but as you know my first language is not english and nears in german can mean knees in the part of germany i am from...don't ask i know it's stupid and then theres the japanese thing...blah blah blah blah screw it...

Chapter 31: To hell with everything...

It was somewhere around midnight when a cry in the night woke up the sleeping group. Inu who always seemed to be listening for danger was the first to wake and get out of the hut. Quickly followed by the rest for the group...all the village had been awoken by the had sounded like a small lost child...a very small lost child whom had just turned around to see the clown from the movie 'It' behind them...(that is one scary clown)

"what do you think that was?" Asked Kagome in a small scared voice...

"i have no idea..." replied Miroku as he took Sango to him holding her close...Shippo had jumped up on Inu's shoulder where at the moment he felt the safest...for some odd reason that the author can not explain...

"Daddy?" asked Shippo in a small voice...


"Do you know what it was..." Inu sighed a took the kit of his shoulders and place in him Kagome's arms...

"Listen Shippo...I know what it was...but..." Everyone say the sad look in Inu's eyes as he lifted his hand to ruffle Shippo's hair in a very fatherly way..."I don't think you would understand..." With that he walked off in a mindless direction motioning for only Miroku to follow...and thus Miroku did but not after kissing Sango and ruffling the kits hair too...

It didn't take long for the 2 to find the person/child whom had made the cry and what they found scared them a little...

for the child who laid on the ground was a hanyou...with little god ears and everything...and the only reason Inu could think of as to why she had screamed...was the smashed looking spider that was laying at her feet were she had fainted...

"She passed out because of a spider...?" questioned Miroku...

"I've seen Kagome pass out of worst things..." Replied Inu as he picked up the child and turned to walk back to the hut...

"What kind of things?" asked a perverted smiling monk...All Inu did was look at him and glare then hit him on the head with a convenitly located fallen branch...

"Stupid monk like that would happen when we..." he would have continued but then he saw the rest of there friends and his mate coming towards them....

"Inu is that a little girl...?" asked Sango in a small voice...

"Yea...a hanyou little girl..." said Inu in a small he looked down at her and smiled...

"Is she ok?" asked Shippo as he jumped onto Inu's shoulder...

"Yea...from what I can figure...she saw a spider got scared and smashed it then fainted..." everyone anime fell right as the little girl woke up...

"Where am I?" she said in a small innocent voice...

"Your in a village..." answered Inu as he made his way into the hut and sat down...

"WHAT!!!!!!!!! A VILLAGE!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled and started to panic...

"'s ok your with your kind..." said Inu everyone looked at him funny...her kind...then it dawned on then...they are all the same kind...not youki...not human...

"you are hanyou...?" she asked in a small child like voice...

"yes...what's your name little one...?" said Inu in a small voice...

"I'm Keiya...who are you...?"

"I'm InuYasha...and this is my mate Kagome..." he said in a gentle fatherly voice as he pointed to Kagome..."My brother Miroku...and his mate Sango..." Miroku looked a little shocked when InuYasha had called him his brother...but hell he wasn't complaining...if the hanyou wanted him to be his brother so be was better than being hanyou food. "the little one is my pup Shippo..."

"bur he's a kitsune...not Inu?" she asked looking up at him questioningly...

"Doesn't matter me and my mate have been taking care of him and raising him and that's make him my pup..." he said in a still way to gentle to be Inu tone...

"Wow..." she said in a happy tone that made everyone smile...until there was a little confused meow from behind Sango...

"And the kitty in the corner is Kirara..."said Kagome for Inu...

"Are all of you hanyou like me?" she asked as she snuggled closer to Inu her curious young eyes shinning with untold delight...

"all but Shippo ,my pup, and Kirara...and the old women but for some reason she is still asleep..."

"old women you mean like a grandma?" replied Keiya with a small child like yawn...

"yes like a grandma she is Keade...she's a human..." the little girl was then awake in an instant and looking at Inu horrified...with surprised everyone around her except the original Inu-hanyou...

"don't worry she is'll see...besides she lets all of us stay her with her so I'm sure she'll let the way Keiya-chan where are your parents?" the little girl's looked calmed and she snuggled back into InuYasha before smiling...then frowning...

"I don't know...My Daddy died a long long time ago when i was really small...and my mommy...? i can't find her..." she let out a whimper and then silent tears went down her face...

"It's ok...I'm sure we will find's should we go about this?"

"i have an idea...Brother..." said Miroku as a test...he wanted to see what Inu would do...after all he had said that he was his brother...but did he mean it...?

"What is it?" YES!!!! thought Miroku...I really do have a family now...

"Well...first off the little one is think we should let her then we should question her tomorrow about her parents so we can figure where they might be...find that out and then maybe we can find them...well her mom that is..." InuYasha nodded before standing and walking over to Kagome...his eyes went first to her neck at the necklace that rested there and then to her eyes...

"Let's do what the monk says and get some sleep come on Kagome..." she did as she was told and fallowed him to there room in the hut...the little girl was there between them along with Shippo...

After about 5 minutes of trying to sleep there was a knock on there bedroom door...Inu got up angrily and opened it to reveal Keade...

"What is it old hag..." Some things never die...thought Keade before voicing her reasons for being there in the first place...

"I thought i heard a scream do..." she never got to finish because the door was slammed into her face..." I wonder what that was about i mean he should have checked it out or something..." said Keade as she walked back to her room in the hut...

meanwhile inu had gotten back into bed rapping his arms around his family and there sleeping guest...

"What was that about Inu-baby?" asked a yawning Kagome...

"Just a stupid old women who had serious problems with reaction go to sleep..." but he didn't have to say much more because....well...she already was fast asleep again...

~the next morning....and this is where my new plot to this weird story comes in...and i'm sorry if there wasn't much humor in the first half of the chappie...sometimes i have to have a serious scene to make a funny one funnier...does that make sense...?^_~

everything was quite...thought the random man who was up early trying to make a living by means of farming...

It was a little after dawn the time that he always enjoyed the was so delightful and watch the world wake invigorating to see the sun come up over the horizon...yes for him the morning was the best for all he liked was peace quite and solitude...and of course this would have been the case if...i wasn't the writer of this fan fic...because write at that moment...a young female hanyou woke up in some guys arms that she didn't know and some women that she didn't now either...with some kitsune beside her all asleep...and she knew that the only logical thing to do was...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHH" and that is how the farmer grew to hate mornings because when she screamed he screamed and when he screamed he dropped the plow and it hit his foot...which scared the house that worked the plow causing it to run...with the plow still attached to the harness on the house...which in turn made the plow run though all the field completely destroying his crop...and thus with one scream...he went from middle class to poorer than dirt...

~in the hut and not with the random man...~

the second the screaming had started inu had jumped up and covered his ears along with all the other people in the hut...even the non youki hanyou or whatever Keade...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." continued the screaming...and there was nothing that anyone in the hut could do to make it stop...except Inu that is...

"'s ok...I'm not going to hurt you..." said Inu in a gentle voice...that was enough to make the screaming die to a little cute whimper...

"Wait...your the guy from last night?" she asked suddenly remembering what had happened the pervious night...

"yes...I'm a hanyou...remember?" she shook her head yes and smiled crawling into his lap and purring her own happiness...Inu could only sigh and reached up taking one of her small fluffy ears into his hand rubbing it gently...Miroku and Sango along with Keade came into the room a few minutes later looking shocked...and angry at the same time...

"what the hell happened!!!" yelled Miroku...and Sango and even to everyone's surprise...Keade...the smart one and understanding one...

"She just..." said Inu as he stroked her ear a little harder as if telling her it was a strange but gentle way...she only purred in return snuggling deeper into his body..."Wasn't expecting to wake next to us that's all..." Sango and Miroku along with Keade let out frustrated sighs and walked back to there rooms...and as for the now poor farmer...he was sitting on the ground crying into his work warn hands and repeating...'to hell with the morning it sucks...'

~later after breakfast~

"So little one which one of your parents are human...?" everyone had eaten and explain to little Keiya that Keade wasn't an evil wrinkly thing and wouldn't turn her into a toad when she sneezed...

they were all now sitting around a small fire and asking the little one that they had gotten yesterday questions...

"Well my Daddy was..." she replied smiling at the memory of her father...

"what happened to him?" her smile faded at the question and she looked to be on the verge of tears...

"the humans of my Daddy's village got mad a him for marring my Mommy and from what Mommy told me...they made him go fare away...or at least that's what she said...but i saw it...they killed him...!" little tears fell from the child's eyes as her fist clutched together hard drawling blood...

"It's ok i understand..." said inu in a small gentle voice that he seemed to be using a lot far as the other could tell this maturing thing was pretty big...a lot of things had changed...mainly that in the past month...Inu had aged about 20 years and was now an adult instead of a 2 year old...

"you do...but how?" she asked looking up into his eyes the little cuts from her claws disappearing because of her healing ability...

"the same thing happened to me...except it was my mommy that as killed..." With that statement the others in the group learned more about inu than they had in the past 3 years of knowing him...Inu reached out to the girl and picked her up setting her into his lap...

"So tell me what does your mother look like?" the little girls eyes lit up and she turned herself in his arms and looked him in the eyes...

"She' beautiful and really really tall...she has long hair like yours...and golden eyes like yours but she has a crescent moon on her forehead and a fluffy thing on her left shoulder..." For a minute Inu thought that she was talking about his brother...but then again Fluff butts tall is on his other sholder the right one...

"what's her name?" Inu asked in a small questioning voice...laced with worry and disbelief...

"Her" everyone leaned towards the girl...all of them had thought the same thing inu had...maybe sesshi was holing out on them..."Anmye...mistress of the western lands..." When the little one had said the name they had all sighed in relief but when they heard mistress and western lands in the same sentence they had nearly died...!!!!!

" you know...a guy named Sesshimura?" asked Inu in a oh-my-god-I-think-I'm-going-to-die voice...

"yes he's my uncle..."

~roughly at the same time that the conversation at the hut in edo was the western lands at the door to the castle that sesshi lived in~ i would have stopped but thanks to 2 reviews with a lot of time on there hands i must keep going....

A random servant was standing at the door waiting for some one to come and knock which all the servants knew was very rare...since...well there lord wasn't very social for one...and he killed most anyone who went through the gate neat less to say the little servant man was falling asleep in his chair...and when he heard the knock he jumped so high that he was able to see over the nearly 8 foot wall that surrounded the castle with in...

"who's there?"

"It is me Anmye...sister of the lord here?" the toad servant who was not Jaken opened the door...never in his life had he met or heard of his lord having a sister...a brother yes...but a sister...who knew?

the toad lead the women down a hall and into the room that her so called brother lived in...the servant knocked on the door and waited for the calm and unnerving...come in...and when it came he opened the door let the women in closed it behind her and ran for his life away from the conversation that he was sure and thought would end in someone dead...and by god it was not going to be him...

"sister it has been a is my niece doing?" he said calmly as he stood and offered the young women a chair...

"that is why I am while back my husband whom i know you hate was humans..." Sesshi nodded his head and set down in his own chair as she got comfortable in her own..."Well...since then there have been a lot of attacks on me and my pup...but on the last one the youki was to powerful and i couldn't beat it..." the normally calm women started to have tears form in her eyes...her soft yet hard golden eyes...that much resembled sesshi when he looked at Rin some times..."Before i could do anything the youki knocked me out...when i woke up she wasn't there...Sesshi-chan!!!!!! i don't know where she is...or if...or if...i can't lose her..." with that the women put her head in her hands and started to cry uncontrolled ably...

"there sister it is ok...I will help you find her..." said sesshi in a voice that didn't sound like him...for some unknown reason he was quit found of his twin sister...when growing up they had always stayed near each other even though she seemed to have gotten more of the nice traits than him...she was a very gentle yet powerful youki women...whom he did have a lot of respect for...and even though she yelled at him a lot for being so mean to there younger brother he still loved her for being his sister...and the fact that she had taken on a human mate did up set him but that was ok...he still liked her...and then when she had taken child for this man he had been a little angry but still could not being himself to hate the child and it's mother for the humanness in there life's...he just was to found of his twin sister to ever consider hating her or her child...for the human...InuYasha was another story...but it seemed lately he had been taking a better liking of his brother...

"so were should we began?" she asked braking the thoughts in his mind away from him...

"Let us go see InuYasha first maybe him and his mate will help..."

"Little InuYasha-chan has a mate?" she asked smiling...

"Yes...and soon enough you will be an aunt...his mate will be having her pups soon from what i can remember about 4 months or so..." the women smiled brightly...

"You do remember that InuYasha most likely doesn't know i exist...?" Sesshi smiled one of his rare smiles and nodded...

"this will be very entertaining my dear baby sister..."

"I am only younger by 3 minutes...need i remind you...hardly enough to be a baby like Inu is..."

"that maybe much younger is brother than us?" he asked as they headed for the gate of the castle...Rin now at his feet walking with them...

"i believe about 60 years..." Sesshi smiled just thinking about how much younger his brother was than him by human youki it wasn't more than 2 years human...but still if you think about it at a humans point of view...that was a long long time...

~In Keades hut...well right outside it anyway...~

After the initial shook of finding out that this little girl was somehow the niece of InuYasha and Sesshi they had gone outside to get some fresh air because for some reason they all felt like they were hyperventilating(that is a big big big big big word...I'm proud...and I think i spelled it right) in the hut...Inu now understood why the girls mother sounded like she looked a lot like sesshi...she must be sesshi and his sister...!!!! But he had never known or heard that he had a sister in his life...but then again...the story of his life was known for taking weird twist that didn't make sense at all...Sometimes he wondered about stuff like that...(so does the i have no idea...were the idea to do this came from)

He sighed and chose to ignore it...he laid back in the cool grass and listened to the sounds of the children playing...he heard the giggles of little Keiya...his niece...that he didn't know he had...and the laughs of Shippo his pup that he didn't even get the pleasure of creating...his mate that held his pups that he got the pleasure of creating...the breathing of his now brother beside him who would become a father just like him soon....and last but not least the sound of someone walking up to him...and a smell that was familiar...and another smell that seemed to be familiar and yet he had no idea who it was...he opened one eye and took one look at his brother above him along with a women who looked a little bit like his brother and a child who had spanked him once before...

There was only one thing he could think of to do...all eyes were one him when he said it...and all wondered why he said it in the first place...

"Screw it to hell...i give up...I'm going back to sleep..." and with that he shut his eyes put his arms over his eyes...and fell asleep...

hope you liked my is and i know a cliff hanger in a way...and yes i have no idea where the idea came for Inu to have a sister and it be sesshi's twin sister...strange...but that's what is fun about me and writing fan fiction...even i am wondering what is going on...

InuYahsa loves me...has lost her mind again...