InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposite Attracts ❯ Opposites Attracts III ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok, to all of you that are a fan of Sess - in this story he is way out of character. If you can not handle it - go back... if you can - proceed..

Opposites Attract III

The two half brothers stood twenty feet apart, glaring daggers at each other when the rest of the group came into the clearing.

- INUYASHA!!yelled Kagome from the top of her lungs and ran towards him.

- Get back!! scolded Inuyasha and waved her off.

The two began to scream and yell even more and it ended as usual - Inuyasha kissing the ground below. Sesshoumaru had watched the quarrel with a raised eyebrow. He wondered if he would take the opportunity to attack Inuyasha while he kissed the ground and decided that he would do just that. He rushed forward but when he was about to strike down with his sword it hit a white youkai bone. "The taijya?" He looked at her and saw the fierce determination inside her dark green eyes.

- Don't touch my friend you asshole, she snarled and drew her sword behind her boomerang.

- Bitch!! growled Sesshoumaru.

- I don't think you should say that to her…, said Inuyasha a bit muffled from his position.

WHACK!!The sound of the Hiraikotsu hitting the demon lord's royal butt echoed through the clearing. Sesshoumaru was so surprised that he lost his emotionless face for a moment, but then he felt cold steel against his throat. That wench had overpowered him.

- That should teach you not to mess with my family, said Sango with a spine chilling voice.

- You are very good taijya, this Sesshoumaru acknowledge that.

Sango gaped; the great demon lord of the west had complimented her skills?? Ok, this was freaky, she admitted that. The whole thing did not get any better when a smirk appeared on his face.

- Inuyasha, when you get your act together I want to talk to you, said Sesshoumaru without taking his amber eyes of Sango.

- W-what?? mumbled Inuyasha and lifted his face from the ground.

- You heard me little brother. I want to ask you a few questions.

And with that Sesshoumaru turned around, letting his long tail flow past Sango's face. He chuckled low when he heard her sneeze.

- SESSHOUMARU!!yelled Inuyasha and fought against the sit-spell.

- Later little brother, said Sesshoumaru and then he was gone.

- I-Inuyasha, what the hell happened here? Sango demanded to know.

- Keh!! Why should I know what the hell is going on inside his royal head? sneered Inuyasha and spit out some dirt.

- But Inuyasha, you must admit that your brother is behaving very strangely, said Kagome. - I thought he would kill Sango-chan for hitting him, but instead he was smiling at her, almost flirting with her.

- F-flirting? stuttered Sango.

- Yes, did you not see it? asked Kagome.

Sango shook her head. She had been too angry and too confused to see anything like that. She snorted and went back to Kirara and Shippou, she was not going to stand here and listen to rubbish.

Inuyasha got up on his feet and he brushed off dirt and grass from his haori and then he looked towards where his brother had gone off to. Sesshoumaru sure acted strange, he had never seen the royal ass being so, yeah flirtatious before. Kagome was right, Sesshoumaru had flirted with Sango. "I better go and talk to him so I can understand this shit." He thought and told Kagome to wait for him at the clearing.

Sesshoumaru waited patiently for his brother to come along. He bit his lip and thought about the raging taijya, man was she a sight for sore demon eyes. He wonder why he had acted like he did towards her, was it because she reminded him of a female demon, protecting her loved ones? Or was it just plain old wanting that drove him to flirt with the woman? He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a red blur rush towards him. "Good, now I can make something of these emotions I have for the taijya." Thought Sesshoumaru and straightened his back.

Inuyasha landed ten feet away from Sesshoumaru. He didn't trust his older brother, so it was better to keep some distance to him.

- Ok Sesshoumaru, what did you want to talk about? asked Inuyasha.

- The taijya.

- Sango? Why?

- I want her, said Sesshoumaru not hiding anything anymore.

Inuyasha almost fell over his feet when he heard Sesshoumaru's heated voice.

- Y-you want her? Why? Do you want to kill her because she managed to over power you? Inuyasha asked and held his hand on his sword.

- NO!!I don't want to kill her; I want her as my mate! Sesshoumaru stated passionately.

- Ehhh?? Hey Sesshou-kun, are you feeling alright?? asked Inuyasha and moved to touch the forehead of Sesshoumaru, checking him for a fever.

- Stop it Inu-chan, I am not sick. I… I…

For the first time in his long demon life Sesshoumaru stuttered and were out of words. And by the way his cheeks felt hot, he was sure that he was blushing as well. "Curses, this Sesshoumaru does not act like a young boy in heat…" he mentally sighed.

- Ok Sesshou-kun…. Don't get your hope up, because Sango have a thing for Miroku. And she is a demon slayer remember. She could kick your ass any day, said Inuyasha with a soft voice. He actually felt a bit bad about his older brother.

- Then how can I make her like me instead? asked Sesshoumaru and sat down on a rock, looking attentively at Inuyasha.

- W-what do you mean?

- How do you court a strong and beautiful woman like the taijya?

- Sango, her name is Sango. I don't know, why should I know how to go about courting women? snorted Inuyasha and blushed a bit.

- Because you have two of them in your pack and you did fiddle around that miko that now walks the earth in a pottery shell, said Sesshoumaru with a snicker.

- That does not mean that I know how to court them, muttered Inuyasha and looked down on his bare feet.

- I bet you have more clues to what to do than I do, said Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha remembered something that he heard Kagome talk to Sango one day.

- According to Kagome, girls like gifts and flowers. And when you compliment them, telling them that they are beautiful and things like that, said Inuyasha but he refused to look at Sesshoumaru while he said it.

- Oh, do you think I can do that?

- Mmm, yeah, why not… but what ever you do, don't ask her to bare your child, she will slap you to kingdom come if you do, said Inuyasha and saw the palm printed face of Miroku.

- But I want her to carry my pups!! said Sesshoumaru with a whiny voice.

- Just don't ask her that ok, trust me niisan.

- Ok otousan, I will not ask her to bare my pups, not yet anyway.

Inuyasha sighed, this was just twisted dream, he was sure of it. His asshole brother would never ask things like these, would he? Then a small devil appeared inside his mind and he turned his face away when his smile turned into an evil smirk. "I just got to get some fun out of this…" he thought and cleared his throat and straightened his face before looking at Sesshoumaru again.

- And I think Sango would like if the courting male sang something romantic to her, said Inuyasha, Gods know how he managed to keep his voice as cool as he did.

- She wants the male to sing??!!! Sesshoumaru asked with a high pitched voice before he calmed down again. - Alright, for her I will do anything.

"Oh dear Gods in heaven…. I don't fucking believe this…"thought Inuyasha and felt like choking on the whole thing. He shook his head and wanted to wake up from this weird dream.

- Ok, now you know. I better get back to the others before they think you have killed me niisan. I hope it works out for you, said Inuyasha and swallowed the lump in his throat.

- Alright, I will come later this evening to begin my courting. I will sniff you out, where ever you might be, said Sesshoumaru with determination in his voice.

- Ok, see you later then niisan, said Inuyasha and turned around and rushed back to his little pack.

"See you later little brother…"thought Sesshoumaru and began the planning of his courting of Sango. "Flowers, gifts, compliments and singing - Gods, women are one craving species.."

Kagome were all over Inuyasha when he came back, but the hanyou never said a word about what had happened between him and Sesshoumaru, nothing more than it seemed like their fighting now was over. He looked at Sango while he was talking and he could see her blush deeply. "I can't wait to see your face when Sess begins his courting of you little Sango…" the trail of his thoughts were cut off by a loud slap and Sango stomped off with Kirara right behind her. Miroku had lost tracks of his wandering hands once again.

- He will never learn will he? asked Inuyasha absently.

- Probably not, said Kagome. - Why did you look at Sango like that?

- Huh? Ohhh, nothing, I just thought of something, lied Inuyasha. - I was wondering what Sango might do if somebody came courting and it wasn't Miroku.

- WHAT?!!

- Ehh nothing, never mind. Come let's find a place to spend the night ok? mumbled Inuyasha and sniffed the air. He knew they were not far away from a village; perhaps Miroku could get them a room for the night?

The group agreed and followed the path of the angry taijya. Kagome was a bit suspicious, that smile that lingered on Inuyasha's lips, it meant no good. But what had happened between him and Sesshoumaru, it was a lot more than the hanyou had told her, she was sure about it. And why… and why did he want to know what will happen if Sango got another admirer?

The afternoon turned into evening and the group got two rooms at the Inn. Miroku had done his "cleansing of evil spirits" and was given the rooms as gratitude. Sango and Kagome had just changed into their nightly dresses when a knock was heard.

- Yes? asked Kagome and saw Sango grab hold of her boomerang.

- I come baring a gift to Lady Sango, said a voice outside the door.

- A gift? What kind of gift? asked Sango and walked over to the sliding door and opened it.

Nothing could have prepared her of what she was met by outside the door. It was a wall of flowers, every flower that you could find in the woods and fields. "What the hell is this?" she thought and walked outside and saw a young man holding the flowers.

- What is the meaning of this? she demanded to know.

- I was asked to deliver them to you Lady Sango, said the young man.

- By whom? asked Kagome who had gotten up and looked around the giant bouquet.

- I am not allowed to talk about him, said the man.

- If it's houshi-sama I am going to bump his sorry head so hard, growled Sango menacingly.

- The houshi? No it was not, it was somebody else.

The door to the next room slid open and Inuyasha peaked outside with sleepy eyes. But he was soon wide awake when he saw the humungous amount of flowers. "Shit niisan, you sure know how to make a racket of things." thought Inuyasha and hid a smile. Although he could see the stars inside Sango's eyes when she looked at the flowers once again.

- Then who was it? What was his name? asked Sango and grabbed the shirt of the young man and pulled him close.

- I… I am sorry Lady Sango, but I am not permitted to speak a word about him. He wishes to stay unknown, stuttered the young man.

- Tell me or you will be sorry that you didn't, threatened Sango.

- P-please… don't hurt me, cried the man.

- Give it up Sango, don't do it, said Inuyasha and pulled the young man away from the flaming taijya. - If he have made a promise not to tell, why should you make him brake that promise?

Kagome looked stunned. "Since when does Inuyasha cares about things like that?" This was getting creepier by the minute.

- Please Lady Sango, accept the gift, begged the young man.

- Alright, I accept them, put them inside the room please, sighed Sango and followed the man inside and saw him put the flowers down in the corner of the room.

- Thank you Lady Sango, I hope you like them, said the man and disappeared in hurry.

Sango took a dark red azalea and sniffed it. If it was Miroku who had given her the flowers, then who was it? She turned around and saw the dark look from the houshi.

- So you have a secret admirer Sango? he asked jealously.

But before Sango could say anything the young man came back.

- Lady Sango, the man also wanted to know how long you are going to be a guest in this house?

- Two more days, said Inuyasha who was standing next to Miroku.

- Are we? asked Kagome confused and Miroku shot a glance at the hanyou as well.

- Yes, I want my rest, and this is a good place to rest at, said Inuyasha and shook his shoulders in nonchalant manner.

- Ok, then I will tell him this, said the man and disappeared again.

Then all hell broke loose in the little room, Kagome yelled at Inuyasha, demanding what the hell was going on. Miroku almost turned ugly in his jealousy, telling Sango that she was HIS woman and nobody had the right to court her. This of course tipped Sango off, no man should ever tell her what she could do or not. She slapped him hard and pushed them all outside the room and closed the door. She was shaking, man that houshi sure could make her pissed off. She heard them disappear into the other room. Not even Kagome dared to be near Sango when she was this mad. No it was better to leave Sango alone until she had calmed down. Once Sango's racing heart slowed its pace she moved to lie down on the futon, it did not take her to long until she was in deep sleep.

Sesshoumaru had watched the chaos his flowers had caused and he frowned a bit when he saw the hostility that the houshi showed against him, but it was directed to Sango as well. He had almost come down from his hiding place to protect the taijya, but she had pushed them out of the room and closed the door. He admired the taijya, her spirit was so strong and fierce, he could hardly wait until the morning when he was going to send over his next gift. He had found a beautiful necklace made of silver and moonstones, it was perfect for her. It was nothing flashy, it was small and shy in its appearance, but the stones could sparkle like the stars of the night sky. Just like she could sparkle with life.

~~ * ~~

Kagome walked into the room she and Sango supposedly would share, but Kagome had sought refuge with the boys instead. Now she saw her friend sleep peacefully. "Poor Sango-chan, it really took a lot out of her…" thought Kagome and dressed herself. She saw Sango move around before open her eyes.

- Good morning Sango-chan, hope you have slept well, said Kagome with a gentle smile.

- Mmm yeah, sorry about yesterday Kagome-chan..

- Don't you worry one bit. Sometimes you just need to be alone, said Kagome.

- Is it me, or is Inuyasha behaving strange? asked Sango and got up and changed into her regular clothes.

- So you have noticed it as well? I think something happened when he was talking to Sesshoumaru, but he will not tell me what it is. But I know that something happened.

- Then it is not just me… I just don't get the male race…

Kagome giggled and then they walked to the nearby bath house to wash off.

Inuyasha sniffed the air and smiled secretively, his brother were very close. "I wonder what he is planning to do next. I am sure it will cause a chaos just like the flowers did yesterday." he thought and grabbed an apple to eat.

When the girls came back the young man from the day before stood there waiting for them. He looked scared and shy at the same time and he held out a small silk wrapped package.

- To Lady Sango, a gift.

- Again?!! sighed Sango and accepted the gift. She opened it and gasped when she saw the necklace inside.

- Sango, it's beautiful, said Kagome and ogled the jewellery. It was something that would suit Sango just fine. - Let me help you put it on.

Sango nodded and turned around. The necklace felt slight chilly against her skin and she suppressed a shiver. She loved it already, who ever had purchased this necklace knew what she liked. She brushed her fingertips over the smooth delicate stones. And then the moment was ruined. Miroku came out from the boy's room and saw Kagome put on the necklace around Sango's neck.

- What the hell is that??!! he wanted to know.

- Miroku-sama, this is a necklace, can you not see that you sure need glasses, sneered Kagome. She was going to be pissed off at the monk if he did not lay off his act.

- Where did you get the money to buy such a thing? asked Miroku.

- I did not buy it, it was a gift, just like the flowers, said Sango calmly, she refused to let him get to her again.

- And who is he?

- I don't know, said Sango. - It looks good on me doesn't it?

Miroku growled and turned around and walked away. Sango giggled softly. Her mind had decided along with her heart. Miroku was not the man for her. He was too possessive for her liking. And that decision made her more than curious about her new admirer, who was he? And why didn't he give her the gifts himself? Was he a shy creature?

Inuyasha saw a white blur in the neighbouring mountain and he mumbled out an excuse to visit a bush or something. He was soon gone, leaving a bunch of bewildered humans behind. He found Sesshoumaru hiding behind a great rock and he found a place next to his brother.

- You are creating a fucking chaos down there Sesshou-kun, scolded Inuyasha but he smiled gently as he said it.

- I am sorry… but tell me, what did Sango think about the flowers and the necklace? asked Sesshoumaru and looked like a small demon boy with sparkling eyes.

- I think she really liked the necklace brother, and I think Miroku have blown his chances of ever get Sango to marry him, said Inuyasha and sighed a bit and flicked away a small piece of rock from his red haori.

- I will visit her tonight, can you see to that she takes a walk in the garden?

- I don't promise anything, but I could ask her if you like.

- Please Inu-chan, I want her so bad.

- STOP THAT!!!You are fucking freaking me out Sess!! snarled Inuyasha. - What the hell has gotten into you?

- Sango, she is the only one, I have her inside my blood. I need her Inu-chan, whispered Sesshoumaru and began fiddling with his long fuzzy tail.

- Sheesch, man I really want this to be over so we can back to normal and hunt down the last shards, especially those in that wimpy wolf's legs, said Inuyasha.

- If Sango agrees to be my mate she will be staying with me, said Sesshoumaru sternly.

- Ha!! I would not count on that my dear brother. That bitch has an iron will, you can not make her do anything that she does not want. And I believe she is capable of taking on you Sesshou-kun. When that girl is mad, she is down right scary. You saw her yesterday? [Sesshoumaru nods…] - Well, not even Kagome dared to come near her, and those to are close as sisters, said Inuyasha.

- I could almost feel her aura where I was hiding; she sure is a strong female, said Sesshoumaru and got a dreaming look in his eyes, scaring the hell out of Inuyasha again.

- Ooook…. Well, I better be going back… Mmm, take it easy tonight ok?

- I will, thank you for caring.

- Fuck Sess, you need to snap out of this… you are acting way too weird, I liked you better before!! half yelled Inuyasha and turned around and rushed down the mountain.

Sesshoumaru smiled. This feeling of being…. in love… yes that was it… he was in love with Sango. He wanted everybody to feel this good. He felt remorse thinking about their earlier fighting, now he wanted to be friend with his younger brother. "Inu-chan, your female companion has made me this way… And I am glad for it.." he thought and sighed heart aching.

Miroku did not even look at Sango for the rest of the day, he actually avoided her like she was carrying some contagious decease or something. She found a secluded place near the garden and sat down to think about what had happened the last twenty four hours. Sango was a bit hurt, because she wanted to still be a friend, but alas, the monk clearly showed that he did not want that. "So he only wanted me as wife that he could order around… of course…" she mentally sighed."Oh well, that is his choice, since Naraku is gone and he still had not done anything to get rid of his lecherous manners, perhaps I should be glad that he does not want me anymore."

She looked up and saw Inuyasha stand next to her; she motioned him to sit down next to her and he did.

- Sango, I have a request, began Inuyasha with a low voice.

- What is it Inuyasha?

- You know this admirer of yours?

- Yes….

- I know who he is, but I have promised not to tell you, he wants to tell that himself.

- Oh… why?

- I guess he is a bit shy… but I think he is a good guy… and he wants to meet you in the garden tonight. Will you agree to this? asked Inuyasha and looked into Sango's dark green eyes.

- I… I don't know…

- I will be here if you need any help of course, just yell and I'll be there faster than a fly can eat shit…

Sango giggled… Inuyasha and his small words of wisdom, you just had to love them. And she trusted him, she trusted him with her life. She nodded and took his hand.

- Alright, I will meet with my secret admirer…. But say… does he look any good? asked Sango shyly.

- Actually.. yes, I guess he is good looking. If his shyness didn't get in the way I am sure he would have more luck with the women than Miroku, said Inuyasha with a smirk.

- Ohh…

- But trust me, after the little talk I had with him earlier today - he has eyes for you only Sango. You have really gotten under his skin. I just hope that you will like him as well. If you don't… it will break his heart, I am sure.

Sango blushed, never had she thought she could make a man be like that. She was not the one that caught the eyes of males, she was too strong for them. They ran like crazy rabbits when they saw her in action with her youkai bone. And as if Inuyasha had read her mind.

- Don't worry Sango, he really likes it that you are strong. He loves that fierce spirit of yours, said Inuyasha.

- Ohh, that… that's good, mumbled Sango and blushed even deeper.

- Ok, I think he is here now, said Inuyasha when he heard a rustle of leafs and caught the scent of Sesshoumaru. He got up and pointed towards the garden. - Why don't you go and talk to him, see if you like him as well?

Sango felt her heart fell down to her stomach, but she swallowed hard and nodded. She got up and walked over to the garden.

Sesshoumaru heard her tip toeing her way towards him and he felt his heart pound hard inside his body. What if she didn't accept him, what if she looked at him in disgust? She was a demon slayer and he was a demon. Insecurity chewed his soul inside out. In his hands he held a small bouquet of violets, the little shy flower. He saw her come around the corner of the enormous azalea bush. He dropped to his knees, in what he was hoping for was a humble position.

Sango's jaw dropped to the ground, her head spun around when she saw the great Sesshoumaru on his knees in front of her, holding violets in his hands. His eyes shimmered with unsure emotions. He gave her the flowers and she took them and then she saw him close his eyes.

~ Sango….
You are the source of my existence
You are the reason that my heart beats inside me.
My soul is hurting whenever you are away.
My eyes are bleeding when I can not look at you:
This demon is lost with out your presence
This demon ask humbly to be your devoted mate and husband. ~

Outside the garden Inuyasha was amazed, his brother - the great Sesshoumaru, the demon lord of the west - could sing!! He actually could sing. Inuyasha swallowed to get rid of that lump that had formed inside his throat.

Sango felt tears roll down her cheeks, never, never, never, had anybody ever sang to her. She fell to her knees and took his hands into her own and held them tight. Just seeing the demon lord so vulnerable, yes, her shy admirer was something to hold on to.

- Yes Sesshoumaru-sama, I say yes, she whispered.

The relief in his face and body told her everything. He would never leave her, he would never ask anybody else to bare him his children, he was going to be devoted to her only. Her hands moved up to touch his face, her fingers followed the magenta markings on his cheeks and then they moved down to his chest. She could feel his heart beat rapidly under the layers of textile and it was because of her. He loved her, he wanted her… He wanted Sango, the strong and fierce demon slayer, to be his wife and mate. It was odd, but she knew it deep inside her soul that he was the one for her. He was strong and fierce as well. Miroku's intentions of making her his wife soon faded in the shadow of Sesshoumaru. She moved closer and felt his arms go around her shoulders and she was pushed into his embraced.

- Sango… You have this Sesshoumaru, now and forever, he whispered lovingly into her ear.

- And I will have you - now and forever Sesshoumaru-sama, said Sango and caressed his long hair.

- Will you let me fulfil our mating bonds this night? asked Sesshoumaru and rubbed his nose against hers.

- What does that mean?

- That we consummate our promises, we make love.

"Is that shaky and shy voice really my voice?"thought Sesshoumaru as he drowned in the emerald oceans that were Sango's eyes. He was sure his heart had moved outside his body and its beat was echoing through the whole village as he waited for her answer.

- Yes, I want to consummate our promises tonight Sess, said Sango after a few moments.

- Will you allow me to take you somewhere private? asked Sesshoumaru and as he breathed out harshly.

- Yes, but only if you let me tell your brother that I am going with you. He is chaperoning, just in case I needed it, said Sango and blushed.

- Of course, Inu-chan, always protecting his friends. Come let us go and tell my little brother that you have agreed to our joining, said Sesshoumaru with an uncharacteristic smile.

Sesshoumaru helped Sango to get up and hand in hand they walked back to where Inuyasha sat on the bench.

Inuyasha knew that everything was going turn out just fine when he saw his brother holding Sango's hand. In that moment the both glowed with love and he smiled inwardly. Yeah, Sango was going to be the perfect little sister to him. He stood up and bowed respectfully.

- Sesshou-kun, I see that Sango has accepted your proposal, he said.

- Yes she has and we will depart for the night to form the mating bonds, said Sesshoumaru and bowed as well.

- I understand, I will tell the others so they don't worry about Sango-chan here, said Inuyasha and smiled towards the blushing taijya.

Sesshoumaru bowed again and then he picked up Sango bridal style and took to the air with the help of his demonic magic. Inuyasha waved at them before he walked back to the others. He knew that Miroku was going to blow out the roof of the room when he heard about it, but it couldn't be helped. Seeing Sesshoumaru and Sango together, they were just perfect as a couple.

Sango snuggled closer into Sesshoumaru's furry tail as he flew over the forest to find them a mating place. Her tummy was tingling just thinking about being intimate with him. If she ever had thought Inuyasha looked good, well Sesshoumaru surely beat the hanyou with hundreds of yards. She closed her eyes and breathed in his manly scent of forest and power.

- Are you alright my mate to be? asked Sesshoumaru softly and looked down to see Sango smile happily.

- Yes Sess, I am ok, said Sango. - I think I like flying with you.

- They we shall do it often.

- I would love that. Where are we going? asked Sango.

- I have found the place, hold on my little mate, purred Sesshoumaru as he descended down from the heaven.

He landed on a grass covered plateau, high up above the ground. Here and there grew small blue flowers and a small mountain stream provided a steady sound of serenity. He gently put Sango on the ground but he never let her go, he held her inside the safeness in his arms.

He used a hand to brush away a few black strands of hair from her blushing face. He smiled and lowered his head to rub his nose against hers and he breathed in her scent. He knew she had been thinking about the mating, because he could smell a hint of arousal in her scent.

- Will you allow me to undress you Sango? asked Sesshoumaru with a low and husky voice.

Sango, unable to voice her answer, nodded in consent.

- I will not do anything unless you want me to koishii, relax and I will take care of you.

She nodded again and willed her body to relax as he undressed her slowly. Piece by piece of her clothing and his as well, fell to the ground. She closed her eyes and let herself only to feel. And what she felt was a long dog like tongue, lick her throat and chest. "Oh Gods…." she prayed silently and grabbed his shoulders to steady herself when the first wave of heated emotions washed over her. He moved up and soon she felt him lick her lips, she opened up just like a flower to the sun and their tongues battled for dominance. His hands found her rounded behind and pushed her pelvis closer to him so that she could feel how much he wanted her.

Sesshomaru continued to adore her the way dog demons did with their mates, he licked every bit of her body. Her face, he kissed her forehead, eyelids and cheeks, he licked her throat and ears, suckled her earlobe before going lower to lick her right arm. He sucked each finger into his mouth, nibbling the tips with his fangs before moving on the next.

Sango's skin was sporting goose bumps like she never have had before. Everything he did was adding to the ever growing fire inside her blood. Her legs were shaky but the arm around her waist prevented her from sinking to the ground. Somehow she knew that he wanted to "groom" all of her with his tongue. And she was going to let him. She let out a dark moan when he moved to lick between her breasts. His hands moved around her to hold her lower cheeks again, he pushed his face into her belly and she could feel the low purring sound he was making in the back of is throat.

Sesshomaru heard her mewl in pleasure when he dipped his tongue into her navel; he circulated around it before moving around her waist to lick her back. The first wet trail went up over her right shoulder blade, he gently bit down over her neck and then he went down over her left side. In a moment of teasing he nipped her lower left half moon. She let out a small scream but he could smell the spike in her scent as he did it. He smirked into her soft flesh and licked his way up her spine. His hands moved around her midriff and cupped her breasts as he sniffed her neck.

- Will you allow me to take you now Sango-chan? he asked seductively.

- Y-yes… she breathed harshly.

- Move to stand on all four please my wonderful mate, he purred and helped her down.

Heated flashed coursed through Sango's brain when she felt his fingers part her nether lips and but she never got the chance to compose herself. Sesshoumaru made the breaking of her innocence into a very fast thing. Before she could feel any pain at all he had pushed through her maiden wall and he was buried deep within her body.

Sesshoumaru could feel her tense up a bit so he held still, waiting for her to adjust to his intrusion. It almost killed him to hold back, but he did it for her. He embraced her chest and pulled her up to stand on her knees only. He kissed her ear and licked the outer shell as he whispered words of love. He felt her inner muscles relax and he pulled out his shaft and then he pushed inside again, very gently.

- Oh Gods…. gasped Sango when she felt him touch nerve endings she never knew existed.

Sesshoumaru felt his inner demon get a boost out of her words and he repeated the movement, but this time with a little bit more force. Her wet walls squeezed his shaft and he let out a vibrating howl of passion.

Sango was moving between heaven and hell, up and down. His ministrations of her body were driving her to the edge of lunacy and beyond. It made her feel like she was the most precious thing in the world. She could feel his lips on her ear and cheek and she tilted her head to give him better access. His fangs were something that made her go wild, and so did his claws that now were pinching her nipples lightly.

Sesshoumaru could feel the bubble of heat was ready to explode inside his sack and he needed to know if she was ready to carry his pup before he let go of his seed. He kissed her and mumbled her name.

- Sango…?

- Mmm, yesssss, she hissed out his name as his length brushed over her sensitive nub.

- I need to know - are you willing to carry a pup of mine…?

He pushed deep inside her body and she screamed raggedly out a YES… Sesshoumaru moved his right hand to cup her venus mound and his middle finger found the little pearl and rubbed it until he felt her sex clamped down around him, her body shaking with the release he gave her. And as soon as he felt her juices flow down his shaft he pushed one last time into her and let his seed, his very potent seed flow into her womb, his fangs found the spot where he would mark her and he bit down into her flesh.

Without removing himself from her warmth he guided them down to lie on their clothes. He licked the marking wound to heal it and he saw it transform into a purple half moon, his mark. Within six months she would give birth to their pup. Sesshoumaru smiled softly and stroked her belly with his big hand.

- Sango…. This Sesshoumaru loves you, he said softly.

- Good…. because this Sango loves you as well, said Sango and turned her head to look into his golden eyes. His ears flicked and a wide smile split his face into before he kissed her.

They snuggled closer and drifted off into the land of dreams.

Far away….

Inuyasha sought out Miroku to tell him about Sango's decision, and when he found the monk, there was no reason to believe that the perverted Miroku felt lost. He already had a mistress, in Kagome… "Oh man… this stinks…" growled the hanyou and walked back to Shippou and Kirara and took them to play in the garden instead. But he was glad that his brother had found that certain someone to care for. And perhaps he would be an uncle one day, and that brought a smile to Inuyasha's lips.


I told you - he was way OOC... I warned you..!!
Hope you liked it anyway... and now on to the next thing...
And what might that be??? Sango with Sephiroth perhaps???
Never can tell...