InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposite Attracts ❯ Opposites Attracts IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This story was created thanks to Swissnight - she was the one to give me the idea to it.

Opposites Attract IV

Sesshoumaru growled and hurried away from the dining room. His little brother, Inuyasha, was looking mischievously at the young demon lord. And that look never meant any good, it always made Sesshoumaru look like a fool, because the little puppy wanted to tag along in his long tail. That was humiliating. But before Sesshoumaru reached his room his father came along and told his son that he wanted a talk before he left the castle to go on a trip.

- Son, I have come to the conclusion that you need that certain something to light up your life a bit, said Toga.

- You do not have to give me anything Father; I am perfectly content with what I already have, said Sesshoumaru not liking the tone of his father's voice.

- Me and my mate think differently son, and tonight you will be given a very special gift. And I hope you will take a liking to it.

- What is it?

- It will be a surprise, but I want you to cherish it. Because if you dispose of it I will give you a spanking that is not of this world, is this understood son?

- Yes Father, I understand, said Sesshoumaru and felt his cheeks flare with anger and embarrassment. His father had not threatened him with a spanking in a very long time.

- Good, then I suggest you wait inside your quarters and I will have you sent the gift I am talking about, said Toga with a smile. "My poor son, you will be raging mad once you find out that your gift is a human slave girl. But I need you to loosen up that cold exterior you have placed around your self."

Sesshoumaru nodded and opened the door to his rooms and closed it behind him. He sighed with a snarl and he walked out to his balcony to breathe in some fresh air. His father had been nagging him for quite some time now about taking a mate to secure the throne. But why now? He was still a young demon, he wanted to do things, but his father never let him do anything, not unless it had something to do with humans. "Humans, pathetic and weak beings.." he thought with a growl and his claws dug into the palms of his hands.

Toga eyed the little human female that stood in front of him. She was dressed in a dark red kimono with a black obi. Her long hair had been released from its braid and her dark green eyes glowed with defiance. She was the daughter of a taijya, a demon slayer and Toga knew that this girl never would be submissive or easy to handle. She was going to just perfect for his thick headed son.

- If you can get my son to open up and be more understanding when it comes down to humans you will be free. If he beds you but doesn't take you as mate you are free to go. But…. But if he marks you as his mate you must stay here with him - do you understand this Sango? asked the demon lord.

- Why would I let a filthy demon touch me at all? snarled the young woman, her fists clenched ready to strike at anything.

- You are a slave Sango; you have no rights what so ever. I am giving you the opportunity to have you freedom, but it comes with a certain obligations, and it was those obligations I just told you. You do as you wish, you can also stay in the stables and mock around the horses, given very little food and work until you drop dead, said Toga with no mercy in his dark voice.

- And I should feel fucking grateful for this? said Sango with a snicker.

- Yes you little bitch, you should. Now go - and remember what I have said.

- You demons are such assholes, said Sango and turned around on her bare feet and walked towards the young demon lord's quarters.

Toga sighed as soon as the young woman was out of hearing range. That girl was going to make the life of his son a living hell. Two strong spirits, two defiant souls. Gods he almost wished he could be a small fly on his son's walls tonight. Their meeting was bound to be fire works.

Sango almost stomped to where she was going to be for the rest of the night, perhaps the rest of her life. "Ha, fat chance that I will let a filthy demon touch me, much less to bed me. I will kick his dog demon balls if he tries anything with me."thought the taijya and pondered about all the things she was going to do with the young lord if he tried something with her.

She stopped in front of the door and she took a deep breath and willed her body to be calm, but her fiery soul did not obey her. She could almost feel the flames that surrounded her body when she knocked on the door and waited to be invited inside.

Sesshoumaru opened the door and saw a young human woman stand outside. At first he just stared at her then he snarled viciously when he realized what his father had done. This was his doing.

- Get out of here bitch, said Sesshoumaru.

- No, I have been sent here as a gift from your loving old man puppy and I will stay here until I have fulfilled my part of the deal and can be free, said the female, her green eyes flashed with anger.

- And what exactly is it that you will be fulfilling bitch?

- Stop with the bitch calling you puppy!!

- I am not a puppy!!

- You are a puppy as long as I am a bitch.

Sesshoumaru growled darkly when he saw her bright smile. The bitch was taunting him, the heir of the western lands. He grabbed her kimono and dragged her inside his room and closed the door. With a push he had her on her little and very grabble butt. "I did not think that…" thought Sesshoumaru and talked against his scolding by looking at her behind when she crawled up on her feet again. And the whole thing did not get any better when he saw her remove her obi and kimono to be dressed in only her white short inner shirt. And before the young lord had anything to say or do about it his nose was hit by a hard kick. He slammed into the door that led to his bedroom, and with a loud crack it was crushed under his weight.

Sesshoumaru was soon up on his feet again and his eyes flashed red, the magenta markings on his cheeks grew in their size. He was furious. He saw a brief flash of fear inside her green eyes, but it was just a flash then she got into a fighting stance and she raised her fists against him. Something inside his soul was moved and he did the one thing that he seldom did - he smiled.

- You wish to fight me bitch? he asked with a cocky tone.

- Touch me demon and I will make sure that you suck nuts for dinner, spat the little woman in front of him.

- My father has sent you, that much I can understand - but why has he sent you? asked Sesshoumaru and smiled and took a step closer to the fight loving female.

- Because he thought I could do you some good, what else, snickered Sango.

- Why? asked Sesshoumaru.

- Do you find me to be the one to tell you about human nature and the good qualities we might bare?

- No!

- Then fight me demon!! said Sango and walked closer until she stood just a few inch from the pup of the lord that had ordered her to be in this particular room. And there was no chance in hell she was going to talk about the mating shit with this guy - ohhh no, that was far too dangerous. Although mating with Sesshoumaru-sama…. *whistle…* that would be something to brag about. "No, no, don't even think about it Sango, he is the enemy, he is a demon, you are a demon slayer."

- My father have sent you here… That much I know - but since I know that he is not the one to give a bitch just one way out of her miseries, I wonder what your other choices might be.

- Fight me Sesshou-sama!

- Not unless you tell me what your other choices are!


"Gods - she is baring her teeth against me? Just like demoness with defiance would?"Everything this human female did was adding to his interest of her. But before he could get any closer he felt her fist connect with his cheek again, pushing him back again. "She is strong, stronger than the average human male I have encountered…." He thought as he rubbed his cheek and walked back but when she launched another attack he was there to meet her.

Sango felt her wrists getting caught in his hands and he moved to crush her against the balcony wall. She hated the fact that her body was reacting just like a wife would react to her beloved husband. Just the fact that his hard body was pushed against her own…. "Fuck…" cursed Sango and used her head to knock away him.

"Ok, that was not a good idea…"thought Sango when she felt a blur enter her mind before it spun around and she lost consciousness.

Sesshoumaru caught the young female before she fell to the floor. He did not intend to do it but he did and he carried her to his futon. He saw the small wound her attack had made and it made him feel horrible. "Father, your little trick will not work…" he thought and pushed away any guilty thought he had, or so her thought. Because in the end he did feel guilty. He called for a servant to bring a bucket of really cold water and a small rag that he could use to dab her forehead with.

Surprised he saw his father came through the broken door with a bucket of water and a rag.

- Sesshou-chan, take care of her, because you will not find a female with her spirit again, said Toga as he kneeled next to his son's bed. - Sango here is the only one that will give you what you want son. The only one.

- Father… she is human…, said Sesshoumaru.

- So…?

- I am demon…

- She is the daughter of one of the greatest demon slayer. She is strong my son, even if she is not a demoness she will give you strong pups. Take her as your mate son, she is worth the trouble.

- She will never accept me.

- If Inuyasha's mother could accept me and take you as her son as well, you will accept this human girl and she will accept you as well my dear pup, smiled Toga.

- Why father? asked Sesshoumaru.

- I know that you bare hatred towards human since your beloved mother died. I know you bare some kind of hatred against Aiana, but have you not noticed that she takes care of you like you were her own son? asked Toga?

Sesshoumaru never answered this, he had not the heart to lie to his father. He knew about the human female's devotion to him. She did what ever she thought was good for him. When he was hurt in battle training she was the one to take care of him, his real mother had never done that. She came into to his room every night to tuck him into his bed. She often placed him before her own pup only because he was the demon lord's son. She took care of him.

- Father?

- Yes son?

- Are they always this emotional and irrational?

- Yes, they are. Do you like this Sango Sess-chan? asked Toga.

- She is a strong willed human father! She does not like demons!

- Give her a chance my son.

- She hates me!

- Give her the chance to get to know you and she will be like Aiana. You know that she loves you, she is the one that makes you feel good before you go to bed, said Toga. - She is the one that comes into you room late at night and relieve you if you have nightmares. I know that you hate her for making you feel safe son. But Aiana fulfils the motherly part that you miss, and I guess Sango will fill that part of you that miss a mate.

Sesshoumaru did not say anything; he looked at Sango and thought about his father's words. Did he really miss having a female close to him, a mate? He was twenty seven years and he was a virgin. He blushed a bit. According to some of the soldiers a man should at least have had four women by now. But none of the ladies or the other females in and around the castle had ever caught his special attention. Not until he met Sango.

- Take good care of her son, you know she will be a good mate and she will be a wonderful mother to your pups. I know you say that you hate pups, but I have seen you Sess-chan when you think you are alone with Inuyasha, you like children.

- Father! growled Sesshoumaru, annoyed over the fact that his father had seen his soft spot.

- Don't worry son, I will not tell anybody. I will leave you now; think about what I have said tonight, said Toga with a smile.

Sesshoumaru only nodded his head and saw his father disappear, leaving his son alone to care for the little fiery taijya. They would make a very cute couple.

Sesshoumaru saw the slight bump on Sango's head and he frowned before he let his instincts take over and he began licking the small wound. He closed his eyes and let his tongue lave over the bump and at the same time a deep vibrating growl emanated from his throat, he purred to make her feel better, just like he did with little Inu when he pup had hurt himself. "I am such a weak fool." He grinned and was lost in his thoughts.

Sango felt warm and cared for and she tried to hold on to the dream but she couldn't, especially not when she felt something wet and rough move over her forehead. "Funny, feels just like a dog tongue." she thought confused. But it felt really good and soothing as it laved over the bump she had. Then the reality crashed into her dreamlike state. The cause of her bump was a very hard headed dog demon. And if she felt a dog like tongue… that meant only one thing…

Sango bolted up, surprising the hell out of Sesshoumaru, and then a loud slap echoed between the bedroom walls.

- You fucking perverted dog!! she yelled and used the back of her hand to wipe of his saliva from her forehead.

- Sango, you should take it easy or you will faint again, said Sesshoumaru, his deep voice held a softness that made the young woman back away even more and she eyed him suspiciously.

- You are acting weird… she said with a low growl.

- Father's little gift actually did the trick on me, he made sure that he found someone that I could take an interest to, a human girl with a spirit worthy of a fire demon. Your desire to fight me to protect your innocence and body have awakened my demonic blood's craving, your foul mouth and strength have me seeing young pups with sparkling green eyes and silver hair, said Sesshoumaru with his purring voice.

- My God, you are sick aren't you? J-just stay there a-and I will get you some h-help, stammered Sango and walked closer and closer to the door that led out to the corridor.

- Stay!!

His voice made her stop dead in her tracks and he could see her eyes widened when he got up from the bed and walked towards her.

- Please? he added after a few moments of silence.

Sango felt her heart stop when she heard his plea. Had the jerk headed young demon actually said please? She shook her head in denial, she must have heard wrong. Then he held out his clawed hand to her.

- Please stay Sango, I want you to stay with me, he whispered when he saw her face make a scenery of all that rushed through her brain at that moment.

- Why? Why want you me to stay here with you? You hate humans, you loathe us, said Sango once she got her voice back together with her mind.

- Most of the human race I loathe, but sometimes you can find a real gem hidden underneath all the rubble and I believe I have found such a gem in you Sango. I like you, I like you more than I should I guess, but I can not deny it anymore. The time you spent in my arms while you were passed out got me thinking and I want to be with you.

"But what about my freedom?"her mind screamed when her heart tugged her to take his offer.

- Sango, I will treat you as my equal, you have proven to me that you are just as strong as any demoness out there; you will never be inferior to me. Once I take over after my father you will be ruling the Western Lands together with me, I want you on my right side forever, said Sesshoumaru and felt his heart skip a beat when her hand moved towards his outstretched one.

- If you are lying to me I swear to the Gods that I will cut off your tail and feed it to you, said Sango.

- I am a demon Sango, I can not tell a lie.

She grunted something about she already knew that as he wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her gently towards his chest. His free hand moved up and placed two fingers under her chin and made her look into his eyes. He was lost on those dark black green oceans and he decided to kiss her to show her that he was sincere in his wantings.

Sango melted the moment their lips touched, her arms went around his neck and she clinched to his firm body. She could feel him stiffen and then he growled into her mouth, the vibrations sent heated chills up and down her back. She blushed dark red when he pulled them apart slightly and she heard herself pant. This was not like her at all and she told him such with crimson sparkling cheeks.

- I know Sango-chan, but you must feel something about me or else you would not kiss me… is it not true? asked Sesshoumaru and rubbed his nose against hers.

- You are very handsome Sesshoumaru, said Sango with a low voice, almost mumbling. - A girl would be crazy not to feel something heated around you.

- Something heated?

Sango slapped him on his chest and then she pushed him away, feeling very embarrassed. But she was soon back inside his strong arms and kissing him hard. What ever he did to her he had her go from being a good girl to be a very naughty one that made the sexiest sounds in the back of her throat, making Sesshoumaru growl in lust and he swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed.

Sesshoumaru placed her gently on the futon and removed the white undershirt she wore. Her small firm globes was a sight for sore demon eyes and he licked his lips before his hands latched onto each of her breasts, feeling their softness under his palms.

- You are so beautiful Sango, he whispered roughly and he possessed her lips again.

Sango mewled when his hands moved from her chest down to her hips, gently pushing his pelvis against hers, letting her know that he wanted this just as much as she did. The scent of her arousal attacked his nose when he parted her nether lips to insert a finger into her. He could feel the satin liquid coat his finger and he brought it to his mouth and made she he watched him as he licked it clean. A flare of passion erupted inside her emerald eyes and smiled and kissed her again.

Sango could taste herself on his lips and she thought she would be disgusted but she wasn't, instead she could feel herself grow more moist and her hands gained their own life and moved lower and untied the sash that held his kimono together. Fingers found his pleasure spots and she could hear him purr darkly when they wrapped around his hardened flesh. She could feel the pulsating veins that ran up and down his shaft and she was amazed how soft and satin like the sack underneath felt.

Sesshoumaru thought he was going to blow his load into her hands when she began touching him with her gentle fingers. Everything this girl did to him added to his ever growing arousal and he couldn't take it anymore. He gently turned her around to lie on her stomach and he placed her hands next to her head and whispered to her to hold them there. He pushed her hair away from her neck and nipped his way down her spine. He saw her skin contract into goose bumps and he smiled and extended his tongue to make a wet trail down to her behind.

Sango shrieked when she felt him grab her tush and she turned her head but he nudged her back again, but she could see a small smirk on his lips before he straddled her backside. She groaned when his firm lower cheeks brushed over her thighs, but the thing that made her lost everything was the fact that he pulled her tush apart and settled his shaft between her globes and began rubbing back and forth.

Sesshoumaru's upper lip curled in pleasure filled snarl when her scent spiked in the air around them. His inner demon was going to rip from its bonds unless he did something to make her scent blend with his own. He took a steady grip around the base of his shaft and placed himself between her legs and pushed forward until the head had found that wet hole he wanted to be buried inside.

- Are you ready for me koishii? Are you sure? asked Sesshoumaru and saw to it that his flesh was well lubricated with her juices to make it easier for him to slide inside her tight slit.

- Yes, yes, breathed Sango and raised her back against his so the tip of his erection rested against her maiden wall.

Sesshoumaru thrust forward, effectively breaking her membrane of innocence, he heard her sob as he did it and he cursed the fact that he had hurt her. But he soon got his mind to think about more important matter - mating, because Sango pushed back against him, thus telling him that she was alright. He sunk all the way insider her warmth and he could not help the snarling howl that ripped over his lips as her tight walls gripped around his flesh.

Sango had felt a pain when he pushed inside her, taking her virginity, but the pain had been so brief that she doubted that she had felt in the first place. The only thing that mattered now was to reach higher and higher. She knew that something was building up inside her but she could not name it. Every time he thrust inside her, her body would rock forward a bit, and a bit of the sheet underneath her rubbed against something very sensitive on her womanhood. His legs wrapped around hers and he took her hands into his.

Sesshoumaru knew that they probably looked like two snakes mating, but he did not care, he wanted to feel as much of her body rubbing against him as he plunged deeper and deeper into her wet darkness. Her soft moans and mewls were mixed with his growls and snarls. He nuzzled the base of her neck, licking it, preparing the spot where he would place his mark. The mark that would change her scent so it was mingled with his, telling any demon or half demon out there to whom she belonged. And when the first compulsion of her body tightened around his intruding flesh he placed his fangs on her neck and when he felt his seed spray into her womb he sunk his fangs into her, breaking the skin. Her blood poured into his mouth and he swallowed it greedily. Instinctively he let some poison blend with his saliva, making the bite to heal into his mark instead of just healing up and leave no trace behind. His shaft swelled a bit more, there was no chance for him to pull out of her body, not without hurting them both very much.

Sango whimpered as the last chock waves of her orgasm swam inside her veins, she could feel her womanhood being stretched as his tool swelled, tying them together. He removed his fangs from her neck and he whispered into her ear that they were going to be stuck together for a short while, this was the special part of mating with a dog demon.

- And that you are telling me NOW??!! moaned Sango and decided on making a small revenge on the demon and flexed her inner muscles, gripping around his swollen member.

And her answer was a great howl and she felt him pump more seed inside her womb.

"Barefooted and pupped within six months…"Sesshoumaru thought licked the wound he had created on her neck, seeing it transform into a purple crescent moon. "I think I like making puppies with this little taijya…"

~~~ * ~~~

Toga heard the howling coming from his oldest son's room and he rubbed his hands together, making his wife raise a curious eyebrow.

- My dear wife, our Inuyasha will soon be an uncle and he will have lots of friends to play with, said Toga and pulled his wife closer and kissed her.

~~~ * ~~~


Ok, hope everyone enjoyed it...
Now I will skimp off to bed, and dream up another scheme...