InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposite Attracts ❯ Opposite Attracts VII ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Opposites attract VII

Sango was living the good life. Yeah, according to her, she really was living the good life. She had her small cabin in the woods, far away from the taunting humans that found it to be a pleasure to scorn her for her ways of living. She was an earth bound creature and she would never let anybody come between her and her earth. Never.

Nope, she went into town two times a month to get some very necessary groceries, but for the rest of the time she was hiding in the woods where she felt safe, where she could be herself without scorning. And this very evening she sat on the porch in her rocking chair with her little kitten Kirara in her lap. She had gotten the kitten a week back and today was the first day she dared to take the little critter outside, making sure that the cat knew where she was going to live for the rest of her life. But the kitten was not interested in exploring her new place. She was resting in her new mistress lap and was happy with that. She had a warm body and hand and food, what else could she possible want?

Sango smiled softly and hummed a silent tune as she rocked her chair. The little kitten was resting in her lap and she smiled softly. It had been quite a while since she had a living creature to take care of. The last one had been her baby brother, but unfortunately - even being a descendent of demon slayers - you couldn't defeat cancer. Her younger brother Kohaku died, eaten by cancer. She was alone now, all alone in the world. All she got was a tiny kitten that was doing her best to relieve her from some pain.

- My dear Kirara, you have no idea of what your presence is doing to me….?

The little cat purred even deeper and crawled up to nuzzle her neck. "Perhaps you do…"

As the sun set behind the mountains made Sango move inside her cabin. The kitten followed her into her bedroom and as soon as Sango fell onto her bed, the little cat found the basket that was hers to sleep in.

Sango was dreaming again. This was not the first time that her dreams were taking on a very naughty character. And just like her previous ones, this was starting with Sango being in a field of flowers, dancing, celebrating the lights. But as she was dancing she was met by a strange male with golden eyes. He would take her in his arms, and follow her in her dances. From the morning light until the dawn fell upon them.

The dream figure, the man of her dreams, took her, swept her off her feet every time he met her in her dreams. He would take over her dreams with his charisma. He filled her mind with his presence. And he filled her dreams as well. She could see him every time she closed her eyes. Golden eyes, hands that ended in razor sharp claws. Long silvery hair, elf like ears. Anything that wasn't connected to a human man, all that she put on her dream lover.

* Dream sequence *
Sango was strolling through her garden. She stopped once she saw a man stand in front of her. She looked at him and asked him who he was. He just smiled without answering her question. He walked up to her and she knew that he was the one. She didn't care how she knew, she just did. She smiled and caressed his face.

- I'm yours, said Sango to her dream lover.

- And you are mine Sango and after this night you will belong to me - always.

- I will. I will belong to you.

Sango looked at her dream lover and placed her palms against his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips touched and she could almost feel him as she melted into his arms.

- You are mine…

Sango's dream figure growled and she felt him bit down on her neck. Just the thought that she was being bitten by him brought her over the edge and two seconds later her body was convulsing in a series of powerful orgasms.

- Only me my love, only me….

The voice rang in her head as she calmed down and clawed her way back to reality.. She could feel something very sticky pour out from her womanhood. She knew that he had filled her with his seed, and that imaginary cum was flowing from her slit, making her legs sticky.

* End Dream *

As she woke up she knew that her perverted dreams had made her wet and she walked over tot the bathroom to clean up. For a few seconds she realized that there was much more than her own cum. But as soon as the showers sprinklers found their way over her pussy she ignored the fact. Soon the streaming water was making her think of other things, her right fingers moved down and she began to pet her self, and soon the was screaming out in pure pleasure. Inside her head she could still hear the dark voice of her imaginary lover. "You're mine…"

Two hours later she sat in her garden, playing with Kirara. The night's dream was still haunting her. It had been so real. But then she shook her head, it couldn't be real. She was just imagining things because she wanted to feel close to another human being again. "Although what I saw in my dream was not human…." whispered a soft voice. With an angry growl she rose to her feet and decided she needed coffee to shake off the dreams effect on her mind.

The day went uneventful as any other of her days. She tried hard not to think about the dream she had. She did everything to occupy her head with other things, such as removing weeds from her garden. Weed extermination, what have the world come to when a descendent of the proud taijyas are reduced to gardening?

As the darkness fell, Sango moved inside and began making dinner after she had a shower. She had worked up a real sweat and hunger during the day. As soon as she was clean she made a salad and fried some chicken. But when she exited to get to bed again, the dream was back, haunting her memory. "Will I dream about him again?" she silently asked herself as she lowered under her bed sheets.

She didn't have to wait long for her dream lover to appear again. This time she was in her own bed when he came into her dream. He was dressed in a pair of fluffy white pants, but nothing else. Sango was aware of the fact that she was licking her lips as her eyes roamed over his nicely shaped chest and stomach. "Talk about gorgeous…" she smiled and made a small gesture to invite him to her bed. He didn't say anything but he walked up to her bed and slid under the covers. His dark yellow eyes locked with hers before he kissed her passionately. For a moment she was afraid that she was going to end up in flames.

Sango moaned as he licked his way down her neck and chest. She never knew that her nipples could be so sensitive. Feeling his fangs graze over the hardened pebble made her arch her body. His hands traveled over her body, finding every erogenous spot they could find, making her long for him to be inside her again. He touched her everywhere but not her womanhood, the only place she really wanted to feel him.

She begged him to take her, she cried out in despair when he shook his head and concentrated on licking her tummy. His unusual rough tongue was going to drive her to the edge of insanity unless he gave her what she needed.

- Soon my little coral, soon. I want you to be receptive for my seed, he whispered as he dove his tongue into her belly button.

"Oh, God, he's going to kill me."she thought as the dream progressed further into the carnal pleasures of life.

Her lover only had to part her pussy lips to make her come violently. Her body shook with the small after shocks of her powerful orgasm. She heard him chuckle low and then he turned her around to lie on her stomach. He spread her legs and soon he filled her with his thick manhood. A howling sound echoed through her cabin and the surrounding woods as he buried his shaft inside her wet flower.

- Do you like it my pretty little coral? he huskily asked as he pulled out of her slowly before plunging back into her warmth.

- Y-yes, she cried as he brushed his length over her g-spot.

- My pretty little bitch, I'm going to fuck you every night until you can't think of anything else.

He pulled her up to stand on her knees. He encircled her upper body with his strong arms, crushing her back against his chest. He pinched her erect nipples until she cried out in passion. She wanted to know his name, so she could give him the pleasure of hearing it when he gave her such powerful orgasms.

- What's your name lover? she gasped out the question as one of his hands moved lower to play with her clit.

- Not now… Now I want to feel your pussy milk me, cum for me Sango. Let me hear how good I'm making you feel.

- OH GOD!!

Her body convulsed and she heard him growl into her ear. She felt him push deep into her body and something hot sprayed the walls of her womb. He was filling her with seed again. He gently lowered her down to her bed before he removed his shaft from her. He turned her around to lie on her back and he placed a chaste kiss on her lips before he disappeared out the door. Sango yawned and curled into the covers of her bed and waited for the dawn to come.

She awoke just when the sun's rays came into her bedroom. She cradled her head in her hands when she remembered the dream. "Man, I need to find me a man so I can get these ridiculous wet dreams out of my life." She groaned and scooted out of bed. Again she felt that she was very sticky between her legs and she frowned. "This is not normal, I'm sure of it." She was even sore. "Yep, definitivly need a man. If I can get sore from one wet dream, I'm in a very poor shape." She walked into her shower and washed off the stickiness and tried to get rid of the dream. Although, it was of no use. The face of her dream lover, his body, the sound of his voice, everything was clear as day to her. She would never forget it, not even if she lived to be a hundred years.


Sango's nights continued to explore every possible way of making love. It went on for weeks, up until the morning she woke up feeling sick. She rushed to her bathroom and hurled violently. When she felt that she had nothing more to cast up, she washed her face and looked in the mirror. She had dark rings around her eyes and she felt even worse. "What the hell is going on?" she asked her mirror image, but it held no answers for her. She found a pair of sweat pants and a large, grey t-shirt and put them on. She went to make some coffee, but as soon as the aromatic scent of it spread in the kitchen she felt ill and had to rush back to bathroom. "That's it, I'm going into town to get a doctor to check me. This is not healthy." she thought and brushed her teeth.

And true to her words she went into town. She walked into the small hospital and made an appointment. She was glad that she lived near a small town, the possibility to get a check up the same day was almost 100 %. She sat down and waited. She read some of the magazines before she was called into the doctor's office.

- Miss Sango?

- Yes, answered Sango.

- I'm Dr. Kaede. So what's worrying you? asked the old lady. She had a patch over her right eye. But her whole appearance was glowing with warmth and confidence. She made Sango feel safe and secure.

- Well, I woke up feeling really ill this morning, and I had to rush to the bathroom. And then, when I made coffee, the smell alone made me sick again.

Kaede raised an eyebrow, the signs were pretty clear.

- When was your last period Miss Sango?

Sango was confused, what did her period have anything to do with this? She thought back and realized that it had been over six weeks ago.

- Uhhm, six weeks I think, mumbled Sango.

- I will take some tests but first I need you to give me a sample of your urine, said Kaede and held up a small cup.

Sango nodded and took the cup and walked out to the nearest toilet. It took her awhile, being all wind up and nervous, but in the end she managed to squeeze out some drops and went back to the room. She saw the doctor take a sample and soon she heard the old woman chuckle low.

- What is it doctor? asked Sango.

- Congratulation Miss Sango, you're pregnant, said Kaede.

- W-what? No, no, no, you got it all wrong.

- No, you have all the signs plus this sample tells me that you are pregnant, said Kaede.

Sango shook her head violently. It couldn't be true, no chance in hell that she could be pregnant. She hadn't been with a man.

- Look here Dr. Kaede, I can not be pregnant. I haven't been with anyone in over three years. So you see, that's not possible. You are mistaking.

- My dear child, I only tell you what the results shows, said Kaede and felt sorry for the young woman. She was obviously in denial.

- Well, they are wrong!!

Sango took her jacket and bag and ran out of the room. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to rip something apart. What ever the results showed, they showed wrong!!

With anger flowing off her in waves she stormed into the local mall and made some purchases and raced back home in her car. Sango parked the car in the garage and went inside her house. She was still furious but she was even more confused. The mornings after her dreams came back with force, the memory of the abnormal amount of stickiness… the soreness… "No, it's not possible. He's just a figment of my imagination. He's not real. He can't be real." The babble went on as she dove into one of the grocery bags and fished up a chocolate bar and devoured it. She went on with making a huge sandwich with cheese and pickles.

When she had eaten four sandwiches and gone on with eating the pickles right out of the jar, she began to cry. This… this was not normal. She hated pickles, but how was it possible that she now sat and ate them right out of the jar? She stuffed the rest of the groceries into the fridge and pantry.

Sango sat curled up in her rocking chair, listening to soft music as she tried to go over the day's strange happenings with her logical mind. She was chewing on a liquorice stick.

- Ok, I haven't been with a man in three years; Miroku was the last one to ever poke me. And we always used protection. So if he ever managed to squirt inside me, I don't think it's possible for his seed to stay dormant inside me for three years.

Ok, Miroku was ruled out.

- Perhaps someone snuck into my house; perhaps that someone made me unconscious in some way and then raped me? That would be a more likely possibility.

But that thought made her scared shitless. Actually, it freaked her out. She began to chew harder, trying not to cry again. But she ended up bawling out her fear and confusion.


Two weeks later, Sango was pretty sure that Kaede was right. Her period was still off line. And she was hurling her life away every morning. Her constant urge to eat pickles of the jar was also evidence that the good doctor had been right. Sango was pregnant. She had changed locks on every door and secured her home so it was more like a fortress then an ordinary house. Her dream lover still came to her during the night. But instead of making rough and passionately love to her, he was gentle and caring, making sure that she was taken care of properly. Afterwards he would stay with her in bed, caressing her belly, telling her how much he loved her and how much he was looking forward to see their offspring.

"Perhaps I'm loosing it? Thinking that my imaginary lover is the father of this mysterious baby?"She shook her head and fell back into the bed. She was tired. She knew she should be eating something, but right now, all she wanted was to sleep. Really sleep without disturbing dreams.

Somehow, her wish came true. She woke up when the dusk settled around her house. Not once in her sleep had he appeared. For the first time in weeks, she had a real good sleep. She stretched her body like a cat and Kirara mewled and did the same. Sango laughed softly and caressed the kitten.

- Come, let's make some dinner, said Sango and put on her red silky robe, tied it loosely around her waist, and walked to the kitchen.

After a giant dinner, she settled down in the sofa in the living room. In front of her she had a bowl of cashew nuts. She took a few and savoured their salty taste. She switched on the TV and relaxed. But just as she had managed to find a comfortable position she heard a knock on her door.

Sango was up in two seconds flat. She grabbed one of her father's swords and slowly walked to the door. She peeped through the window, but she couldn't see anything. "Ok, this is creepy…" but she refused to let the fear take hold of her. She was the last of the taijyas, and she didn't fear a thing. Not at the moment that is. With courage she never actually knew she had, she opened the door and took a step outside.

- Who's there?!! she yelled into the darkness.

But not a single sound was heard. Sango growled and made a threatening sweep with the sword, just in case somebody was lurking in the dark shadows of the night. She walked back into the house, but when she was about to close the door, somebody put a blue clothed foot between.

- Huh?

Sango stared at the foot and then the door flew open again. Her head shot up and the last thing she saw before everything went black was a pair of golden eyes.


Sango moaned and her right hand rubbed her forehead. "What a nightmare… I've must have fallen asleep on the couch and dreamt that somebody came knocking on the door." She thought and opened her eyes. The problem was, she wasn't in her living room, she was in her bedroom. She panicked and tried to get out of bed, but she was overpowered by two strong arms that encircled her from behind. She screamed.

- Be silent little coral, a voice demanded.

Sango stopped screaming. She knew that voice. Her head spun around and she found herself looking into a pair of amber eyes. She knew his face all too well.

- YOU!!!How dare you!! she screamed again and managed place a loud slap on his face.

- Be still bitch, you are in no condition to fight around! snarled the man in her bed.

- Let me go or I'll make you one sorry ass!!

She was surprised that he actually let her go and she stumbled up from the bed. Terrified she noticed that she hadn't any clothes on and she grabbed her sheet and covered up her body.

- I have already seen every inch of your body little Sango, he purred and stretched out on her bed.

- W-who are you? And what the fuck are you doing in my bed? In my house!! hissed Sango and took two steps back.

- Well the fucking seems like a very good idea to me, but I don't think that was what you was thinking about.. now was it?

- Asshole!

- No, the name's Sesshoumaru. And I'm here because you are mine.

Sango had one hand behind her back as she tried to find her way out of the bedroom. This was just to freaky for her taste. Imaginable lovers did not come alive and they did not… "That's it, this is the final clue to why I should call the nearest asylum and have come and pick me up and place me under protective custody." thought Sango and managed to get out to the living room. She found the sword she had used earlier and grabbed it with her right hand. She held it protectively in front of her, waiting for her uninvited visitor to try something.

But what came out of her bedroom was not a dressed intruder; it was a stark naked and very aroused one. Sango let out a shrieking sound when she saw him stand there with nothing but a smile on his lips.

- My poor little coral, don't you remember me? he asked huskily.

- Y-you're not real. You… you are just something t-that my mind c-came up with b-because I'm lonely, she whispered, she was close to tears.

- No my love, I'm very real and right now I wish that you will come back to bed with me.

- I'm loosing it, I'm really loosing it, how can you be real. My grandfather used to talk about demons and stuff like that, but then again, he was crazy. Perhaps I inherited his craziness, because demons aren't real. They don't exist.

The man saw that she dropped her guard while babbling and he used his demonic speed and took the sword from her hand and took her into his arms. She was shivering, tears rolled down her cheek. He had been sure that she was ready to meet him, but he had been wrong. He cursed under his breath as he carried her back to the bedroom. He purred to make her relax a bit and when she leaned her head against his shoulder he wanted to howl. Perhaps she would accept him after all without snapping?

He sat down on her bed and placed her between his legs as he rested against the bed's head board. He caressed her back with long soothing strokes and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

- This is crazy, she sniffled quietly.

- No, it's very real my love.

- So you are real, but who are you… really.

- I'm the lord of these lands and I've been watching you from the moment you moved into the house. And when I saw you the first time I knew I had to have you. And you gave yourself to me, you're mine. My mate, said Sesshoumaru and kissed her forehead.

- But existed only in my dreams….

- No, Sango, those were no dreams. You only thought you were dreaming.

- Then it's your baby too? Sango tilted her head to look up into his face.

- That it is, said Sesshoumaru and put a hand on her belly and gently caressed it.

- But why? Why me?

- Because you are the only one that have been able to steal from me.

Sango was confused, but she had to admit, being cradled and comforted by this man, it felt good.

- Steal?

- You have stolen my heart Sango. You took it the moment you stepped out of your car three years ago. I love you, and now you are expecting our pup.

- Excuse me… did you just say pup? frowned Sango.

- Yes, I'm a dog demon Sango. And that makes my offspring… pups, said Sesshoumaru with a smile.

- Ohh…

Sango looked down on his hand that still was placed on her lower stomach. She placed her own hands upon his. Something inside her was content with the situation. She had feared that she was going to have to raise a mysterious child on her own, but now she had somebody that could help her. But she had to know for sure first.

- You will not leave me?

- No my beloved mate, I will never leave you. Ever.

- Good, because if you did leave me…. I don't think I could handle it, said Sango with low voice.

Sesshoumaru growled and turned her head to make her look at him. He took possession of her lips and he kissed her passionately.

- I told you, you're mine and I'll never let you go.

Sango smiled and leaned into to his embrace.

- Good, than you'll make me breakfast tomorrow…

Sesshoumaru chuckled but nodded. He would do anything to make her happy.



Ok, so that was that...
So what did you think of it?