InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites Attract ❯ Secrets Revealed ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*A/N: I do NOT own InuYasha or any characters from the show or Manga!!!! I only toy with
them. I do own Johakan and any other original characters and attributes that are added.*
She was different, so was he, but it was harder for anyone to tell her differences then his. He had
his silver hair, claws, fangs, dog ears and strength. She didn't. Then again, she wasn't an inu
hanyou. He was. She had powers, special powers. Sure, she was a miko, but that wasn't all. She
was wiccan. She was white lighter. She had special markings, you just had to look for them. On
the back of her neck their was a right side up pentagram, which means protection. It was
practically always hidden by her hair. Her powers were great, as were her twins, Johakan. He was
a very strong white lighter, but she was the stronger witch. The only problem for her was that she
had no use of her white lighter powers because of prophecy. It said that they would be born, `one
stronger than the other, yet the other stronger than the first.' `One shall have both while the other
shall have one, still both will be healers.' The hanyou didn't know she was going to tell him now.
She was scared that he would be mad at her for not telling him right away, but none the less,
she'd still tell him. Johakan would be right there with her, so at least she would have backup,
though he wouldn't be in the conversation, but within a reasonable distance incase she did end up
needing him.
"InuYasha?" she said quite cautiously.
"What is it Kagome?" he asked coming up to her. She was sitting down on the ground with her
knees coming up to her chin.
"Can I talk to you, in private? I have something important to say."
"Sure." was his reply as he swept her up in his arms and took off for the Goshinboku Tree; their
special place. He landed on one of the branches and set her down. "Now, what is it that you
wanted to tell me?" he asked.
`Oh no!' she thought. They had left the village! Johakan wasn't close enough anymore! She'd
have to do this all alone! Well, it was now or never. "InuYasha, I've been keeping a secret. A
secret from everyone in the Sengoku Jidai. And now, now I'm sick of hiding it and I want to tell
you, and only you first."
"What?!?! Why?"
"Why to which part?" she asked.
"Both." he said in reply
"Well, to the first part, because in my time, I'm not allowed to tell anyone that isn't like us. To
the second part, because I feel that you'd understand the best,...... because you're hanyou."

He didn't understand. Why would HE understand the best because he was hanyou?
"You see, in my time, what I am, well, it's shunned. People don't understand and if what I am is
revealed, the Powers That Be may take my and every one else's memories away. You see,
InuYasha, I am a witch and white lighter. I have special powers, and so does Johakan. He has the
powers of both witch and white lighter, while I only have wiccan powers.
He was dumbstruck. He didn't know what to say so he asked a question. "What the HELL is a
white lighter?"
"Well, it's an angel." she said with a blush.
"WAIT! You mean to tell me that YOU'RE an angel?!?!" the girl he LOVED was an angel! A
divine being! The one whom he dreamed about at night and wished to mate and have pups with?
What was he thinking? BAD InuYasha! BAD! BAD! BAD!
"Well, yes and no."
"Huh?" things were looking up for him.
"You see, my father, at one time, was a white lighter, but not so long after Johakan and I were
born, he fell from grace and became mortal. Also, my mother is wiccan, so I am half wiccan and
half white lighter."
"So you're a hanyou?' he asked. He was so dumbfounded. How could some one like her be
anything close to what he was?
"I guess you could say that." she said. "Look, InuYasha, I'm sorry for not telling you, but if I
would have told you any earlier, Kami only knows the troubles I would receive back in my era/
I'm so sorry!" she said tearing up.
"Oyi wench! Stop crying! It's okay! I';m not mad!" he said. As he looked at her, he noticedher
eyes stopped tearing up, but they were still sad. "Feh! come here wench." he said softly and
enveloped her in his arms. He never wanted to let go.
They were quiet for a while, so Kagome tried to break the silent tension that was surrounding
them. "Hey, wanna see my powers in action?" she asked like a child asking if a friends wanted to
see it's new toy.
"Feh, whatever, sure."
"Alright. Pick something out, like a rock or something."
"Why?" InuYasha asked.

"Just do it." was her reply.
"Alright, how about that bolder over there." he pointed to it about fifty yards away.
"Okay. Watch it closely." she said. She was staring at it like she was expecting it to jump up.
Then, with a sudden flick of her wrist, the bolder exploded. And he just stared at her with wide
"That's not all, I can also freeze time, move objects with me mind, conjure, and I am an empath,
which means I can read feeling and emotions that people are having." she said. He started
blushing and then so did she. He realized that she had always known about his feelings for her,
and never once did she ever shy away or leave because of them. It gave him more hope than ever.
"Why are you telling me this now?" he asked.
"Because I fear that we will be needing my and Johakan's powers for the final battle and you all
need to know soon so that we can come up with a strategy. I don't wanna lose anyone InuYasha,
I don't think that I could live without you guys, especially you, InuYasha." she said. "Come on,
let's go back to the village, we'll talk more later." and with that, they went back, with InuYasha
having that last part stuck in his head, `especially you, InuYasha.'
*(A/N: please R/R. Also, it may be a while between updates after Thanksgiving b/c I will be
having knee surgery on the 29th, so sorry, don't get mad. P.S. the story will be easier understood
if you watch Charmed. If you noticed, the powers and terms are taken from that show, and FYI, I
don't own them either.)*

Document Outline

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