InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Osuwari, Little Brother ❯ Caught and Kept ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sesshomaru dropped the hanyou and stared coldly down at Inuyasha's limp, carelessly sprawled form. The youkai lifted his hand and sniffed it, then grimaced slightly at his brother's scent on his skin. Kneeling he tugged at the rosary around the boy's neck, seeking a single bead, one he had been informed would be the key to adjusting the spell upon it. One of the teeth repelled his fingers; that would be the keystone of the rosary, and it resisted the touch of an “unholy” beast such as himself. He pulled the bead around to the front and marked its position as he pulled a small bottle from his armor. Painstakingly, the youkai placed a single drop of a shimmering blue fluid upon each bead of the rosary, starting with the key-stone, and then placed a second drop on the keystone to finish the process.

“Inuyasha… Osuwari.” Sesshomaru's voice was silky as he murmured the charm. The rosary glowed pink, then shifted to a gleaming blue before the light faded. “Osuwari.” He repeated. This time the rosary glowed blue with a bare glimmer of pink. It also tightened against the hanyou's slender throat. Sesshomaru's eyes flashed bright gold in the darkness. “Osuwari!” he said again; the beads and teeth glowed blue this time, with no hint of the pink light at all. Inuyasha choked as the beads cut into his skin with a soft whining noise. Sesshomaru frowned and tugged the beads to loosen them; he did not want his brother strangled by the charm. At least, not yet.

Inuyasha's eyes fluttered open then went wide with shock to see Sesshomaru bent over him, looking somewhat concerned for his well being and tugging at the rosary around his neck. He snarled and shoved himself away, scooting along the ground on his back as the youkai watched coolly. The hanyou leapt to his feet and cracked his claws, eyes fixed upon his brother mistrustfully. Sesshomaru stood gracefully and stared at him then nodded abruptly.

“Come on then, Inuyasha. Attack me, and prove yourself.” He murmured. Inuyasha smirked and sprang, arm swinging back to strike with all his strength. When he was six feet away Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed with malice. “Osuwari!” he said. The rosary screamed and brought the hanyou to the ground with great force. Inuyasha lifted his head dazedly then felt a foot on the back of his still sore neck, shoving his head into the dirt. The hanyou was so stunned that the obvious fact that Sesshomaru had used Kagome's charm on him was lost for the moment.

“Little Brother, learn that this is your place in the world. Alive only because I allow it, only because you amuse me, and you had better hope you can continue to amuse me, Inuyasha. Pray that I do not rip your little hanyou throat out because that amuses me more than letting you live your tormented life.” Sesshomaru said, his voice soft and deadly serious. Inuyasha growled and then spluttered as the foot on his neck shoved him into the dirt. He shoved up with his arms and was angry that he couldn't even budge the youkai above him. Sesshomaru grasped his long white hair in a painful grip, removed his foot and dragged Inuyasha with him towards a building that melded so closely to the landscape around it that one could walk past it and never realize it was there. Inuyasha struggled but it was useless; shortly he was tossed to a fur covered floor as a heavy wooden door slammed behind them. Again he leapt to his feet, ready to spring.

“Inuyasha… stand still.” Sesshomaru said quietly, not even looking at him. The hanyou sneered… and realized he was standing straight and relaxed, and could not move an inch. He frowned and tried to push one foot forward but his limbs would not move. Sesshomaru pulled Tenseiga from his obi and placed it on a sword rack, then looked over his shoulder at the fuming hanyou. Inuyasha growled and struggled to lift his hands, but again could not move.

“That charm is very pliable. I must congratulate your Kagome on it.” The youkai sat on a fur covered chair and curled his hand under his chin. Instantly Jaken appeared and removed his youkai-hide boots, then began to untie his hakama at the ankles. “Iie, Jaken. I want Inuyasha to do this. You are to sit over there and be quiet; you may however feel free to observe.” Sesshomaru murmured.

“But Sesshomaru-sama…” the Imp protested, only to receive a soft glare from his master. Jaken blinked and looked at the astonished hanyou, then obediently trotted across the room to seat himself in a corner that was obviously personal space for the imp. Inuyasha sneered.

“I'm not gonna ever touch you except to kill you, so you should get some help. I mean isn't it hard to get dressed and undressed with only one arm?” the boy said with a cocky smirk. He relished the fury that kindled in Sesshomaru's eyes and the slight flush that stained those pale, striped cheeks. The youkai stared into his eyes coldly for a few moments, not moving, not speaking. Inuyasha stared back, smirking with fading confidence; he just knew he'd stepped in it good with that last jibe. He barely knew his brother, but he still understood Sesshomaru well enough to know he was going to pay for his words in blood.

“Come here and untie my hakama.” Sesshomaru suddenly said, his voice making Inuyasha jump. The hanyou opened his mouth to repeat his empty threat, but felt his feet moving, taking him closer to his frowning sibling until he stood before the youkai. Jaken gaped from is corner; he noticed that the rosary around Inuyasha's neck was glowing a bright shimmering blue; had Sesshomaru-sama put his worthless sibling under a spell? It was obvious that the hanyou was baffled as he knelt and his hands obeyed the command; what was going on here?

“What the hell is going on! Why can't I move unless you tell me to?” Inuyasha demanded as his hands carefully untied the binding fabric around the youkai's shapely ankles. Sesshomaru did not answer. His golden eyes fixed upon the fingers working on the hakama ties, observing and wondering if the grace of those fingers was Inuyasha's nature or the charm working upon the hanyou. However he did notice that the hanyou's mouth was not affected by the charm. Inuyasha was complaining and cursing like a member of the human Eta class, not the son of the Inutaisho. Casually he backhanded the scowling boy.

“Be quiet or I'll have you gagged. Your questions will be answered if, or when I feel like informing you of anything.” Sesshomaru said quietly. Inuyasha's mouth opened to voice a protest, but he was slapped again. “Inuyasha. This is not a friendly visit you are having. You belong to me; you are a slave, as your kind have always been to the youkai who could endure their presence.” The youkai's deep voice held a tone that made Inuyasha's hackles rise. The hanyou could not help the growl that rose in his throat but he did keep his lips shut, hiding his fangs despite the snarl he dearly wanted to display.

“Now that you understand the most important thing, the only thing you need to know…” Sesshomaru stood and sniffed, eyes moving to the fire burning on a stone slab not far from the gaping Jaken's area, “remove my armor.” Inuyasha's growl shook him to the core as he felt his body rise and obey; no matter how hard he tried, his hands would not stop doing what Sesshomaru ordered. He sought and untied the lacing and ties holding the youkai-bone armor around his brother's chest, then realized he had to remove the ornate obi first. He blushed as he untied the bow and was forced to reach around the youkai's body to unwind the length of silk from Sesshomaru's hips. He kept his head down and tried to not inhale the rangy scent of his brother's skin and hair, but it still trickled into his senses.

`I hate him, I swear I am going to kill him!' the hanyou thought to himself, fury adding to his flush. By now he had the obi off and slid the armor off as well, leaving Sesshomaru in his hakama and haori, which was pressed tight to his chest, back and belly from who knew how many days wearing the armor. The hanyou looked at his brother, the armor and obi dangling in his hands and scowled; he had no idea where to put the items now that they were removed.

“Inuyasha, you are unbelievably uneducated… the armor goes on its form, the obi is smoothed and laid over it, folded four times. Hurry.” Sesshomaru murmured quietly, eyes still fixed upon the fire. He was having his own inner struggle; the sheer enjoyment he was feeling about this situation was shameful. He should be above such ridiculous emotions, but he obviously was not. How pathetic of him.

The hanyou placed the armor on the form, a woven wicker item shaped like a body from hips to shoulder, and then stood facing away from his brother. Sesshomaru had not given any orders yet… a belated wave of panic washed over him ; was he doomed to not even be able to scratch his ears without Sesshomaru's permission? He finally felt his body do more than what he was ordered to do; he shook with fear…

“You can come back now, little brother.” Sesshomaru called; his voice was slightly smug as if he sensed the fear in Inuyasha's soul. `I probably reek of it, dammit.' The hanyou though as he turned and stood a moment. He blinked; he wasn't being forced to obey?

“Inuyasha. I suggest you do as I asked you, before you are made to do it.” Sesshomaru warned, his eyes focusing on the hanyou's. Inuyasha decided to listen, for now. Maybe he could escape, much though it would gall him to sneak off and leave his brother alive. However he knew Sesshomaru could not be taken unaware; hate did not dispel his respect for his brother's abilities and senses. Even if the youkai slept, his body would react with deadly precision if Inuyasha were to attack him. He had to get away and get the damn rosary off his neck, that was all there was to it.

He came and stood before his brother, not bothering to act meek; Sesshomaru would suspect him instantly if he suddenly got timid. He glared up at the taller youkai's eyes and sneered. “Yeah I am here. Now what?” Sesshomaru stared back silently until the silence was not just uncomfortable but filled with apprehension. The hanyou, now freed to move on his own, found that standing still under that icy gold gaze was the hardest thing he'd ever done. His muscles wanted to jump, his hands wanted to strangle that slender neck, and he itched like he was covered with ants. Still, they were cut from the same tree, and he found the strength to stare back. Suddenly Sesshomaru huffed softly.

“Remove the rest of my clothes, and then your own. Jaken, uncover the spring. We both need a bath. You stink of humans and the road, little brother.” Inuyasha's ears flattened with shock and disgust.

“Stink huh? Feh…” he pulled at the knot tying Sesshomaru's hakama closed and finally got the pants to loosen. He tried to act casual, as if he always undressed other males as he bent to let the youkai step free of the heavy white silk. He folded the silk haphazardly and looked for a place to stow the clothing, finally settling on a dressing table. He noted that Sesshomaru wore black tabi with no split for the toes and pondered getting them off. His brother sat at that moment so the hanyou lifted a foot and pulled the long sock like garments off one at a time. Despite being encased under leather boots all the time, Sesshomaru's feet were smooth and looked clean, and they smelled like the rest of him; there was no hint of sweat or unpleasant odors at all anywhere on the youkai's body. The hanyou looked up, and of course found himself facing his brother's genitals. He yelped and leapt up, rushing behind the youkai and tugging the haori and kimono off. Sesshomaru hissed in annoyance.

“Inuyasha, kissima! Osuwari!” the hanyou howled as he fell flat onto his face behind his brother's stiff back. The youkai growled for a split second then shrugged out of the garments on his own. He threw the silk at his fuming sibling and snapped at him to hurry and undress. Order was once more in his tone, thus Inuyasha found himself on his feet and stripping quickly, his face turning as red as his fire-rat clothing. Once he was naked Sesshomaru ordered him to fold their clothes and turned to pad into another room. The hanyou obeyed and followed, once more free to move on his own.

`The nerve of him, claiming I stink! He's the one who stinks!' he grumbled privately, following the scent of water to the bathing pool. It was a spring, however he knew instantly it was not naturally hot. The typical mineral smell was missing, and the water rose from a small fount then spilled into a larger tub. The tub was hot, but the fount was cold. He wondered how the heat was achieved but did not ask about it. Sesshomaru stood waiting, but Inuyasha wasn't sure what he wanted. So, he stood waiting as well, hands over his naked privates and fidgeted.

“Inuyasha. You are supposed to help me bathe… since you are the reason I cannot bathe properly anymore.” The youkai finally said, and Inuyasha shivered; menace and the promise of suffering eddied under the youkai's words. He could feel the threat of retaliation, but he couldn't do anything about it yet. Scowling, he carefully he edged over to his brother, his eye falling on the bran filled bags and cleaning items in a basket. He nervously eyed the youkai and decided that he had to get that hair out of the way first. One of the houses Miroku took them to in order to “exorcise” it, had offered them all baths, and the bathing servants had wound his hair up to wash his body first. Of course he'd only let them wash his back and legs… he was shy about the rest of his body, and he could tell the humans were nervous about his hanyou features as well. Deftly he pulled the heavy mass up and back, then wound it into a club and held it in place with hair pins (chopsticks to western eyes.)

Sesshomaru rewarded him with a soft grunt of approval as he sat on s bench, waiting. Inuyasha got a bucket and scooped hot water from the bath, dousing the youkai from the neck down. He refilled the bucket and set about scrubbing with the bran-bags. As he worked he took time to inspect his sibling, marveling at the perfection of the older male's skin. He had no marks on him from any of their fights. Only that missing left arm remained as a reminder of their titanic battles. He deftly avoided touching the stump of the limb but that left him having to come to the front and deal with… well the rest of Sesshomaru's skin. He ground his teeth together and moved to the side.

“You'll haveta stand so I can finish.” He grumped. Sesshomaru stood obediently and stared at the wall with half closed eyes. Inuyasha cursed under his breath; he was hoping Sesshomaru would not want to be touched so intimately by his own brother. He began at the youkai's shoulders and chest, focusing entirely at the skin he was washing, and trying to shed his embarrassment. If Sesshomaru was not embarrassed, well, he shouldn't be either, right? Using great care, he worked down the surprisingly broad chest to the rock hard belly his brother sported… he wondered what the bath-girls would have said about his brother. They had giggled with delight over Miroku, who was firm but paled by comparison.

He skidded down to Sesshomaru's legs, pondering the strength evident in the youkai's limbs even as his cheeks blazed red. Sesshomaru flicked a glance down at him and wondered what had the boy so flustered; had he never seen another naked body before? Or was Inuyasha that much of a prude… his human family must have instilled a strong sense of shame in him, which was understandable. Sesshomaru was rather impressed with his brother's body; yes the boy was slender to the edge of emaciation, but he was also naturally graceful and strength showed in his young muscles. It was apparent that Inuyasha was not lazy physically. However his prudishness was a weakness the youkai was sure he could exploit as torment.

Inuyasha finished with Sesshomaru's legs and feet then jumped to rinse the soap from his skin, dousing him several times. The youkai nodded and walked to the spring, nimbly jumping in and settling into the heat with a tiny sound of pleasure. Inuyasha took this to be a signal to wash himself, and turned his back, scrubbing rapidly at his skin.

“Inuyasha, do not be hasty, you are sure to miss spots as you did on my body. Clean yourself properly.” Sesshomaru's voice drifted to his ears. The Hanyou cringed and slowed his scrubbing, ears flattening to his skull. He didn't realize that his brother was watching him with a dangerous smirk; yes the boy was a shy prude all right. After he'd rescrubbed himself, also avoiding his genitals because of his embarrassment, the hanyou rinsed himself then sat where he was. He knew that those of lesser status did not bathe or soak with people “above” them, but for once he was relieved at his so-called lesser status. He was so nervous about this bathing thing…

Sesshomaru pondered forcing the boy to join him, just to upset him further, but he also liked the seeming acceptance to his new status as a slave. He watched the hanyou's back for a while, noticing how he fidgeted and sighed often. Yes, he was very uncomfortable, perfect. Finally the youkai rose and stepped out of the water. Inuyasha cringed at the sound of the water splashing and dripping from his brother's body. He knew he was supposed to dry Sesshomaru's skin. He was getting tired of acting like he was willing to do what his brother said, ordered him to do. He waited for the order…

Sesshomaru padded over to a small stack of drying cloths, and handed one to Inuyasha. “Dry my back, and then you may soak.” He said coolly. The hanyou was dizzy with relief as he rushed to obey. Once the youkai's back was dried, Sesshomaru turned and left him alone. Inuyasha immediately rushed to inspect the room for an exit; hell he'd face Kagome naked if he could escape right now! She and Miroku had to be close by; Sesshomaru had not taken him far from the campsite. However the room was well enclosed and breaking out was going to be too noisy. He'd not get twenty feet away before Sesshomaru “sat” him and dragged him back. Resigned, he jumped into the spring with a massive splash, intending to soak until he was a prune, in hopes his brother would fall asleep and he might sneak off with his clothes.

Sesshomaru let Jaken help him into an elegant kimono and sat on his large chair. He could almost read the fuming hanyou's mind; he would try the same thing himself after all. Not that anyone could ever capture and keep Sesshomaru captive. He smirked coldly as he watched the flames of the fire devour the logs in the fireplace, and then decided to try the boundaries of the charm he'd altered on the rosary.

“Inuyasha, come here and sit before me.” He said with quiet authority. He was sure the boy couldn't hear him, so if the hanyou came to him, it would be because the charm enacted by his will. The youkai heard a massive splash and blinked as the splashing continued, followed by spluttering and cursing from his sibling. Inuyasha came stomping out shortly, eyes blazing. Sesshomaru lifted a brow at the boy

“Sit down…” Immediately Inuyasha hit the ground with an impressive thud, making the youkai jerk in surprise; he'd forgotten the key word of that charm was “sit!” Inuyasha sat up and glared murder at his brother, rubbing his chest, which along with his face, was red and scraped from the impact of the fall.

“Why the fuck are you “sitting” me like this! And how the hell did you “sit” me from another room! I almost drowned!” he snapped, adjusting the drying-cloth he'd wrapped around his waist so he was properly covered. Sesshomaru didn't speak; although he did feel a hint of remorse for his actions, he was more concerned with his lapse in memory. Forgetting something of this import was unforgivable for a being of his station.

“Inuyasha, I was testing the charms power. Now we both know it works from at least a short distance. Now come over here and be quiet.” He pointed at a spot by his left side, on the floor. Inuyasha was seething; his patience and endurance was running thin. He wanted out, now; he was done with the charade of servility.

“Look, I don't want to be here, and we both know it. Let's just fight and then go our ways like always, Sesshomaru. This joke is old already!” the hanyou said angrily, lifting the rosary off his chest and glaring into his brother's cool gaze.

“I am still most curious about the charm, Inuyasha. I do not particularly care how you feel, and we will not fight for your freedom. You will leave when I am bored with you, or when you are dead.” Inuyasha's cheeks flushed and he bristled at the cold speech, his eyes darkening to an almost orange hue in the firelight. His right hand lifted, claws cracking threateningly. Sesshomaru casually leaned forward and grabbed the hanyou's right hand. The siblings stared into each others eyes, neither backing down or relenting in their struggle for dominance. The hanyou hid his growing panic as he discovered he was utterly unable to get out of his brothers grip. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed more and more with each tug of Inuyasha's hand as the boy tried to escape his firm, unyielding hold.

“Inuyasha, you have pushed my patience enough for one day…” the youkai said quietly, and tightened his grip until the hanyou's bones ground together painfully. The startled boy ground his teeth and refused to make a sound, even though the pain sent white jags through his vision. The youki sighed and let go of him, sitting back and lazily watching the fire once more. “Since you are now unable to prepare the bed, I will put off that lesson until tomorrow.” His voice was calm and utterly unconcerned. Inuyasha sat quietly, feeling his heart throb in his sprained and broken hand, wondering where he was supposed to sleep. His eye flicked to Jaken's area, and then back to Sesshomaru; he did not wish to share his sleeping space with the imp. Jaken gave him the creeps right now.

“Where am I supposed to sleep, “Big Brother,” I don't see a bed for me.” He asked, voice subdued; he refused to let his pain show in any way, and was proud that his voice was not hoarse or broken. Sesshomaru rose and nodded for him to follow, leading Inuyasha to his private chambers. The room was also warm from a fire burning in a hearth as well as a brazier which was standing by the large bed.

“You will sleep in here, so I can keep an eye on you. I would not want you to think you could run back to your companions so easily.” The youkai knelt and pulled the thick cover down on his large mattress and then looked up at his sibling thoughtfully. “You will sleep with me; come lay down now and be quiet.” The tone of command was in his voice again, so Inuyasha had no choice. He walked over and watched as Sesshomaru turned the cover back for him since his hand would not work yet and then slid under the cool covers, feeling stiff and strange, his cheeks flaming with embarrassment. The youkai slid under as well and laid flat on his back for a while.

After an hour, it was obvious that Inuyasha was not sleeping, but then neither was Sesshomaru. He was not used to sharing his sleeping space with anyone, much less his despised sibling. Inuyasha had not slept prone in years, and had to fight he urge to creep to the corner and sit up to sleep. Finally he took a deep breath and just blurted it out.

“Sesshomaru, uh, I can't sleep like this, I haven't slept in a bed in a hundred years! Can't I just sit up in the corner instead?” he fell silent and waited for punishment or something. Slowly he turned his head and peered through the red light from the fire to find Sesshomaru looking at him with a childlike curiosity.

“You would rather sit in a corner than sleep in a bed, Inuyasha? You do realize you are safe from other youkai attacking you here, and you are not running wild in the forest?” Inuyasha sighed and stared at the ceiling.

“Just not used to it, is all. And I sure don't feel safe here; you wanna kill me right? And you're a damn youkai, right? So I guess I ain't all that safe after all, Sesshomaru.” Sesshomaru abruptly rolled onto his right side, facing away from him.

“I won't kill you in your sleep, boy. Stay in the bed and rest. It is not fitting for you to sit in a corner like a cowering slave girl.” Inuyasha almost bristled, until it occurred to him that he had delivered a mild insult to his brother, and that Sesshomaru seemed more injured by it than angry. But why should he even care about his little brothers words?

With a grumbling sigh, Inuyasha turned his back to his brother and curled into a ball, praying that he might get at least some rest that night. Tomorrow he had to try to escape…