InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ The End Of Us ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha. I'm only going to say this once through this entire story. (=

Author Notes: I stopped my other story "I want to be close" because a) I didn't like it much. Plus I didn't feel the need to update it. And the more I thought about it, I hated Inu/Kag pairings. No offence to all the people that like the pairing, it just doesn't suit my liking. So most likely this will be a Sess/Kag paring. I'm in love with that pairing. I don't know why, I just seem to like it better is all. In this story, you'll find that in Kagome's present time her best-friend is Hojo. Why? I seriously have no clue. And well in the feudal era I guess you can say that Sango will be her..ugh, best-friend? =S

--- Triple Dashes Indicate the change of view.

Chapter 1: The End of Us

Kagome jumped through the well with tears still in her eyes. She had just come back from a conversation with Hojo. She couldn't believe the audacity that he had. He didn't know that what he told her cut through her heart. She had always expected it, but she often denied it.

*flash back*

"Hojo-chan did you remember your promise?" Kagome asked her best-friend curiously. Though she knew that he hadn't remembered because he would've called her to her that he was alright. "What promise Kaggy?" Kagome smiled at the name that he had give her when they were 3.

"The promise you made me on Wednesday, before your 'big fight' yesterday." Kagome said sounding a little bit annoyed that he forgot a simple promise to her yet again. "Uhm…ugh..that I would never leave you?" He asked curiously. "No, we made that promise to each other when we were 10." She stated to him now even more annoyed then before.

"Well K, just tell me! You know that I have a very mad memory." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "NO! What kind of friend are you? Studies show Hojo, that people only remember things that they want to remember." Kagome said now her blood was boiling for sure. "What kind of friend am I?" Hojo asked hurt. Tears started forming in his eyes but they didn't slide down his face.

She knew then that she had crossed a line. But she didn't care, he deserved to feel hurt the way he has hurt me. She shook the thought from her head. She couldn't believe that she actually thought that about a person who was there for her ever since they were 2. But she was hurt. She was hurt that Hojo was again placed her last on his list.

"K, just tell me what promise I made to you that I forgot? Please Kagome. I want to know what I did to make you this mad at me." Hojo pleaded her. "No, Hojo-chan your just going to have to figure this out on your own." Kagome clearly stated to him. "Please Kaggy? I have so much things on my mind. My crew, my girl and you my best-friend." Kagome was hurt at what he said. He had placed her last on his list. He admitted to her that he had infact placed her last out of all those people. First came his crew, then his girl Eri , then me. Her heart cried out in pain. She couldn't take it anymore. She had to leave him then and there.

"Sorry Hojo, but you'll have to figure it out by yourself. Because I, clearly don't have a useful position in your heart. You have placed me last out of the three things that were on your mind constantly. I've endured so much pain from you Hojo, and yet I continued to stay with you. Because I love you that much, but now was my last straw. I can't take it anymore. It's to much to bear. To you I'm still alive, but to me I'm merely dying. I have taken the fact that you have placed me last. Though you never admitted it to me, and I was content with that. Then here, you admitted to me and to yourself that I'm last on your list. It has always been that way. I'm nothing but a fool to think that you would place me first like I have you. Please forgive my insolence. I should've known sooner that I was not part of your heart after all." Kagome said, her eyes were crying out songs of pain, and her body was shaking furiously.

"Kagome-chan, I didn't mean it like that I-"Hojo was cut off. Kagome broke off into a run. She ran until she reached the well. She gathered her stuff. And jumped in. She knew Hojo wouldn't follow her. After what she just said, she knew he wouldn't. He would be shock, and surprised. And he would be furious with her, she didn't want to see or talk to him ever again.

*end flashback*

Kagome sighed. I guess this will be my home for a while. She knew that Shippou, her surrogate son would be happy. But she was sure that Sango and Miroku would notice the tear streaks on her face, and her puffy red eyes. She started walking to Kaede's hut. She stopped walking suddenly, when she heard the voice of Inuyasha. He wasn't alone, because then she heard the voice of Kikyou.

She expected it. Kikyou was always after Inuyasha, and Inuyasha would always give in to her. But this time he wouldn't. Because last night Inuyasha promised her that he would stay by her side, and never leave it to be with Kikyou. That made her happy.

But she didn't expect the words that came out of Inuyasha's mouth. She felt her heart plummeting to the ground. How could he do this to her? After he promised her. And reassured her that he wasn't going to leave her side for Kikyou. It seems that people tend to forget her promises these days.


"Inuyasha, please say that you will stay with me. That you would aide me in my time of need?" Kikyou asked Inuyasha. He looked at her dumbfound. He didn't know what to do. Then he remembered the promise he made Kagome last night. That he wouldn't leave her and go to be with Kikyou. And he intended on keeping the promise.

"Sorry Kikyou, I made a promise to Kagome that I wouldn't leave her side to go with you." He stated simply. He saw Kikyou's face turned bright red. "You would rather stay with her then stay with me?" Kikyou asked.

By the look on her face, Inuyasha knew that she was pissed off as hell. "Yes I would Kikyou." He was getting bored of her. She was acting like a spoiled brat. He sniffed the air, he smelled Sakura blossoms with a hint of wild roses and jasmine.

Kagome. She was here, he looked around him but he didn't see anything. He must be imagining things. "What about your promise to me Inuyasha? The promise you made to me? That you would go to hell with ME! Are you still going to keep that promise?" Kikyou demanded. "I am a man of my word Kikyou." Inuyasha said.

He heard a small whimper coming from the side, he swivelled his head only to see Kagome. He saw tears streaming down her face. Then he saw her run. He wanted to run after her. But Kikyou stopped him. "Inuyasha do not forget your promise to me." Kikyou said. "Move you bitch!" He was getting pissed off with her. "My, my, my Inuyasha. Watch that foul mouth of yours." Kikyou said with a laugh.

She then brought her face within inches with his. Then he felt it. He felt her cold lips pressed against his, then he felt her tongue trying to part his lips. He gave in. His hands were placed on her hips. What he didn't know, was the hurt eyes that watched him.


How could he betray her like that? After all that she had done for him, he went back on his promise. She couldn't feel anything anymore. Her heart was broken by her best-friend in a thousand pieces. And Inuyasha broke those tiny pieces into another thousand. She couldn't help but feel that no one cared for her anymore.

Though she knew that this wasn't true. She knew very well that people cared for her. She didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. But she knew that she had to push these unwanted feelings way down. And force a smile on her face.

But she couldn't. She just felt her tears wander aimlessly down her face. She didn't know where her feet were leading her. She didn't care. They could be leading her to a cliff, where she would fall off. She would thank her legs deeply for doing that. But to her disappointment, they didn't. They had led her to Kaede's village.

"Kagome-sama!" She turned her head at the sound of her name, knowing that Shippou was the one who had called her. Sure enough, there was Shippou running towards her. She dropped her belongings on the ground and hugged the little kitsune when he jumped into her awaiting arms.


"Kagome-sama, your back so soon!" He was really worried why she was back too soon. She had told him that she would be gone for along time. And he had complained, protested against her decision. But stopped when she promised to bring him back his favourite candy from her time. Chocolate. He loved the taste of the brown silky bar.

But he couldn't think about it right now. He looked up at the woman he claimed to be his mother. He loved her so much. But noticed that her scent was different. He sniffed her, he realized that salt was tainted in her scent. She had been crying?

He looked back up at her. He saw the tear stained face of hers, with red puffy eyes. "Momma, have you been crying?" Shippou asked. Kagome looked away. There was silence for a few moments. "Momma, you haven't answered my question. Have you been crying?" Shippou asked this time, a little worried.


Kagome looked down at her kit. Should she tell him what had happened to her? Why she had been crying? She sighed. The kit seemed to know by this. "Momma, did Inuyasha have anything to do with this?" Kagome was stunned. She was surprised that he figured it out.

But then again. Who wouldn't? "That's the half of it." She said releasing her little one and gathering her stuff to continue to Kaede's hut. She smiled at his confused face. "Common Shippou. I'm going to make dinner now, plus I have a surprise for you. But you'll only get it after dinner." She said. This seemed to cheer Shippou up from being confused.

"What is it momma?" He asked curiously. Kagome started laughing. He was always so curious. I'm proud to call him my son. She continued walking not answering Shippou's question. This seemed to annoy him a bit. "Go play with Kirara, I'll tell you what I have for you after I've finished cooking. Okay?" She asked him. She knew that he wouldn't like waiting. But he had no other choice.

"Okay momma." And with that he bounded off looking for Kirara. She smiled to herself. He was one of the reasons why she would smile everyday, and why she would actually want to wake up each day. She walked on until she reached her destination.

There were Miroku and Sango, holding hands. She smiled to herself, at least two people that she cared deeply about were happy. "Sorry to break the little love fest you two, but I don't want to want to cook in front of two people who are all mushy-gushy like." She said breaking their silence. Sango and Miroku looked up from what they were doing. Sango took her hand from Miroku and blushed a deep shade of red.

Kagome laughed. Boy was she happy to laugh. After the pain that was brought upon her a few moments ago, she wasn't sure if she would laugh again. She looked curiously at Miroku and Sango. "So I'm assuming that you two made up?" Kagome asked Sango as Miroku was leaving to go look for Inuyasha.

"Yes we have." Sango replied. "That's a good thing." Kagome said. She was happy that Sango had found love. But she was jealous of her friend. She wanted someone to love her. But she knew that won't happen. At least for a very long time. Kagome sighed. She was unhappy. But she was also happy because she had people that cared for her the way they did.

"Sango, I have given up on Inuyasha." Kagome said out of the blue. Sango was shocked. She almost dropped the plate of fish she was carrying to the pot. "Why Kagome? I thought he made you a promise that he would never leave you." Sango said. "Yes he did make me that promise, but sadly he didn't keep that promise to me." Kagome said lowering her head. She felt a tear drop on her hand. "How do you know this? Kagome you are not sure that Inuyasha would break a promise like that to you." Sango said completely confused with what Kagome was telling her.

"Yes Sango, I do know that Inuyasha hadn't kept his promise to me." Kagome said blankly. She could feel her body shaking again. "How do you know this Kagome?" Sango asked curiously.

"Well, after Hojo and I had this huge fight. I jumped through the well. I was coming back here. But I stopped. Because I heard Inuyasha and Kikyou talking in the forest. Kikyou was asking Inuyasha if he would leave my side to be with her. He said no." Kagome said. "See Kagome, he hadn't broken the promise to you." Sango said interrupting Kagome. "I am not done yet Sango." Kagome said. "Sorry Kagome-chan, please continue." Sango said apologetically.

"Kikyou then asked Inuyasha if he was going to keep his promise to her about going to hell. He said yes. Then…" Kagome stopped speaking suddenly. The look on her face, was that of sorrow. She couldn't take it anymore. "Please continue Kagome. How am I to aide you if you don't tell me the rest?" Sango said, she was quite disturbed with the look on Kagome's face.

"I SAW THEM KISSING SANGO!" Kagome practically yelled. Her whole body was shaking, and she fell on her behind. Sango stood there stunned. She didn't moved. "Please forgive me Sango-sama, I didn't mean to yell." Kagome looked up at the older girl.


I can't believe my ears. Why would Inuyasha kiss Kikyou? After he told Miroku that he hated her guts. Sympathy went out to her friend. She endured so much pain. If she were Kagome it would've drove her crazy. But miraculously Kagome was still standing.

She had so much respect for the young girl. She is here today, with all the pain. How can she stand it? "Please forgive me Sango-sama, I didn't mean to yell." Kagome said apologetically. Sango looked down at the girl, who was still shaking. "It's okay Kagome. I would've screamed to." She answered.

She heard voices, they sounded like male voices too. Sango looked up too see who it was. It was Miroku and Inuyasha. Sango immediately looked down at the girl who was still shaking. Kagome stood up. She controlled her shaking, and put on a fake smiled towards her. "It's going to be alright Sango." Kagome said through her fake smiled.

She looked the other way. A look of worry replaced the fake smile. "Inuyasha! I sense jewel shards! I sense, 5 of them!" Kagome screamed. "What? Let's go then!" Inuyasha screamed at the group. And within moments, we left.

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