InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ The Castle and the Rude Cook ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4: The Castle and The Rude Cook

m1sstr3ss:Hey everyone! mhann, sorry for the late update. Just been on writer's block.

Tru: yeah, and she's been on a rough break-up with her ex-boyfriend too.

m1str3ss: Oh everyone this is Tru, she's going to be helping me with ideas and stuff (=. And will you shut-up about the break-up!

Tru: She doesn't like to talk about it because her ex-boyfriend called her a slut, behind her back.

m1stress: I said shut up! Besides people would rather read the story then listen to you tell them about my boy problems.

Tru: Fine. Anyways here Kagome arrives at Sesshoumaru's castle o_O and she meets a very very rude cook!

m1sstr3ss: Enjoy!

A/N: Sesshoumaru's been OOC so I think I'd like to keep him like that.


He looked at the awed miko standing next to him with the little kitsune in her arms. He was amazed at how beautiful the miko truly was. 'Damn, how ridicules has he been getting lately? For crying out loud he just thought that a mere human BEAUTIFUL?!?!?!?!?!?' He must be going insane.

He wondered why he had accepted the miko's request anyways. Did he…dare he say it, like her? No, he didn't. The only reason to why he accepted to her request was because he was in debt to her for saving his life. Instead of just leaving him on the ground to die. Besides Rin needed another person to annoy besides himself and Jaken. He smirked at this thought.

He smelt the miko's sent change from excited, to sorrow, to nervousness, and back to excited-ness once again. He would never found out how these humans can change their feelings just by a snap of a finger.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, how long will it be to reach your castle?" Kagome asked. "Soon miko, soon." he said looking straight ahead not looking at her. He would've expected her to ask more questions ordering him to be more specific. But, it seemed that she was content with his answer.


After about 5 minutes, they landed. Upfront the castle looked incredible. She set Shippou down, he then went inside the castle doors. She looked over at Sesshoumaru to see if he was angry at her kitsune's antics. Thankfully he wasn't, he had on that emotionless mask of his. Oh Kami-sama, when will he get rid of that look? She looked at him only to be distracted by the things around her.

She was so amazed by the way the castle looked. It was so beautiful, she could see it more vividly then when she was up in the sky. There were vines growing around the castle walls. The window's looked as if they were made of stained glass. Each window resembling a scene. The doors were tall made out of beautiful wood. There was a huge water fountain in front of the castle, next to it was a statue of what looked so much like Sesshoumaru. And next to it was a statue of 2 women, well three if you counted the second woman behind the first out of the three.

There was another statue next to Sesshoumaru's, it looked a lot like Sesshoumaru, but there was something off about it.

What was so off about the second statue? …HAH! She got it! The hair was a lot shorter then Sesshoumaru's. She then noticed the third and last statue. The statue again looked like Sesshoumaru, except the hair was much longer and it was pulled up into a high pony-tail on top of the man's head.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, is the first statue of you?" She asked, what could she say? Her curiosity just got the best of her at times. He raised an elegant eyebrow at her. "Yes that is me. And the statue next to mine is of my father, and the next one is of my grand-father." He said moving closer to her, and pulling her closer to him. She let out a little "eepp". She was so surprised by the way he was acting. Maybe Rin was making him go soft.

"And those ladies standing on the left side of the fountain, are the mates of my father and grand-father." He told her. "Sesshoumaru-sama, why is there one woman behind the other on the first statue?" she asked, it was pretty weird that it was like that. "The first woman is my mother, my father's first mate. The second woman is Inuyasha's mother, my father's second mate." He explained to her. "Sesshoumaru-sama, if you don't mind my asking…why does your father have two mates?" she asked, in a low whisper.

She could feel him stiffen at her question. Oh crap! It's my death today, stupid stupid curious mind! "My father has two mates because when I was at the age of 10 my mother died. And when I turned around the age of 16, my father met and mated Inuyasha's mother." He said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry for asking Sesshoumaru-sama, it wasn't my place to ask." She said in a quiet whisper. "Apology accepted, perhaps you would answer my question?" Sesshoumaru asked her. "Alright, what is it?" She asked turning around to face him. "Why do you not mention your father quite often? Like when you asked to go back to your time. You said your mother needed to know that you switched guardians, but you never mentioned anything about your father being worried." He told her.

Great, I never expected this question to be asked! Hmm…what to say? Should I really tell him why I don't mention my father? I mean I've never really told anyone, not even Inuyasha. But I should be honest with him, he was honest with me about his father having two mates, but he didn't go into great detail. I suppose I can tell him, I mean it couldn't hurt could it?


He could see the battle going on in the little miko's head. He questioned himself as to why he told her what he did. Thank Kami she didn't ask about how his mother died.


"MOTHERRR!" a teenaged Sesshoumaru cried out desperately to a beautiful woman with long black and midnight blue tresses who was fighting off some miko's. "Leave Sesshoumaru! I can handle this!" the woman screamed. "No mother! Let me help you!" Sesshoumaru screamed slaying three miko's in front of him. "No son! Go hide someplace else! You can't die, I'd rather die then see my only son purified to death" she screamed.

Sesshoumaru looked at her, not wanting to do just what his mother asked. But one look in his mother deep lavender eyes, made him reluctant to not disobey his mother. For his mother was pleading him to do just what she asked. Fuck, why was this so damn complicated? Heh, him being 10 years old shouldn't swear. Now's not the time to think about it! Sesshoumaru have you gone out of your mind?! "Sesshoumaru, please my son…save yourself! For my sake." Sesshoumaru looked over to the voice that had spoken. "Alright mother, this Sesshoumaru will not disobey your orders." He left his mother and leapt into the nearby tree to watch his mother suffer, while all the while calling himself a selfish fool.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The bloody ear piercing cry came from a woman with long midnight blue tresses with a crescent moon marking on the top of her forehead.

Sesshoumaru watched as his mother, his only lovely mother fall to the green grass looking like she was dead while he was in the trees, bawling his eyes out like a little baby. He saw one of the miko's who had try to purify him step towards his mother. She will not dare, to touch the Lady of the Western Lands, the bitch made the last mistake of her life.

He then used his whip and killed her. The rest of the miko's looked up at him. They will know who is superior to them once and for all. He jumped from the trees, and killed about 5 more miko's. Intent on picking up his mother, and questioning why she was still alive but barely and why she just couldn't kill those 6 miko's. When he looked behind him to see about a hundred more miko's. 'Oh shit, no wonder she couldn't kill them.' "Kill both of them, every youkai will be scared once he or she knows that a mere human defeated the Lady and Prince of the Western Lands" One shouted.


I'll add this in now though I know it's too late (=

'…' means thoughts (= LMAO!! SORRIE FOR THE LATENESS!

And from this point on you'll be seeing '…' this more often because I find that its confusing without them (=


'So, this is what they intended to do?' He smirked, 'They will be greatly displeased once they find out that they have failed in their mission.' With great care he picked up his mother in his arms, formed his cloud at the end of his feet and flew off. Leaving the raged miko's behind.

Once he got to the castle he could sense that his mother's life was fading away and quick. 'Damn it, his luck wasn't good. For his father was in the Eastern Lands for a negotiation thing with the Lord of the Eastern Lands.' He forgot what the contract was all about, but that didn't matter. His mother's life was at stake, and that was all that mattered.

He ran through the castle halls hoping to find a servant, with no such luck he just ran to his mother's chamber because he knew that running around wasn't going to be any good. He quietly laid her down on her bed. And searched her body frantically for any injuries. "Sesshoumaru, my son please don't worry." A faint whisper just barely reached the Prince's ears. "Mother, don't talk, it's going to be okay. The nurse will be here soon. I just need to leave your chambers-" "You will do no such thing. Come here my son, sit." He reluctantly sat beside his mother. "Mother, please you need help." a now crying Sesshoumaru said. "Hush child, there is no need. My time is up." She told the little silver haired creature who had tears falling from his amber orbs. "Mother, don't say such things!" He nearly shouted. "Quiet child." The woman put her hand to her throat and pulled the necklace that hung there. It was a necklace made out of gold with a diamond pendant that was a shape of a crescent moon, just like the one on his forehead.

"Sesshoumaru, give this to the woman you love. The woman you choose to be your mate. The woman that brings you happiness. The woman who would be your other half" she said in a whisper. He took the necklace from her hand. "But mother, this is the necklace that father gave you! I could never take it!" Sesshoumaru exclaimed. "Yes you will my son, you shall give it to the woman you love. For she can bring you happiness. Understood?" "Yes mother." He said still crying. "Tha…that's my…my son." she said. Sesshoumaru had to strain his ears just to hear. "I love you my son, and don't you ever forget that. And whenever your in need of help. I am always here. In your heart" She said placing her hand on her son's chest. "You have made me proud." And with her last words, she took her last breath. "I love you too mother. Yuri, Lady of the Western Lands." Sesshoumaru quietly whispered. "MOTHERRR! DON'T LEAVE ME! MOTHERR!" Sesshoumaru was not slow. But it took a long time for him to realize that his mother was in fact dead. And he couldn't do one god damn thing about it.

"Prince Sesshoumaru what ha-. Oh dear!" A servant came rushing in to the deafening cries of the 10 year old prince. "Please your highness, please tell me that is not my Lady." The now trembling servant managed to say as she walked closer to the mattress. She gasped, it was her. The Lady of the Western Lands. "Yuma, alert my father at once. Tell him that his wife Yuri, Lady of the Western Lands is dead." Sesshoumaru managed to let out. But the way he said it, it was like he wasn't himself anymore.

*End Flashback*


I wonder what he's thinking about. Oh well. "Sesshoumaru-sama, you said you wanted to hear about what happened to my father?" she asked. Hmmm, what is he thinking about?

"Right. Please explain." Sesshoumaru answered. "Well, when I was about 4, and my little brother Souta was only 6 months he left us. Mamma was devastated, Grand-pa was outraged at my father and my little brother didn't know what was happening." She said, she didn't know if she can continue. " Do you know why he left?" Sesshoumaru asked her.

"Yeah, he cheated on my mother. And he was a huge gambler. He gambled all of the money that we had. Mamma would've accepted and gotten over the gambling part. But when she found out that Papa had cheated on her with 5 other women she had a fit. Her and papa were fighting endlessly! I remember all the screams. And hearing things break. It was a disaster. And when I came out of my room the next morning. I saw glasses and vases broken. The couch pillows were everywhere. And food was all over the floor. Grand-pa was busy cleaning it up, and Mamma was sleeping in her room. And then all I saw was my father's figure going out the door. I called to him, I ran after him. And when I caught up to him, he told me to be a good little girl for my mother and to get good grades in school and when the time comes. He will come back for me." She said, tears were slowing going down her cheeks.


Sesshoumaru was looking at the beautiful creature next to him, who was shedding her tears. 'Crap! Why did I have to ask her that?' He didn't mean to. He didn't know that his little miko would cry!

Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her. He let her sob into his clothes. "Kagome, I am sorry. I did not mean to make you cry." Sesshoumaru said. "It's okay Sesshoumaru-sama. I needed to let it out any ways." She said smiling.

Kagome grabbed his hand, "Hey come on Sesshoumaru-sama, you still need to show me around your castle!" She said dragging him to the castle doors.


She was staring around in awe. So this was how the castle looked like inside. Boy it was pretty. "Momma! Momma." came Shippou's voice. Kagome looked around wondering where her pup had run off too. She felt guilty for having forgotten about Shippou while talking with Sesshoumaru.

"Get back here you little rascal!" came a shrill voice. Kagome spotted the little kitsune. She knelt down and opened her arms for the kit. The kit gratefully ran into his mothers arms.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" came the shrill voice again. The voice came from a rather short woman. She had a slender figure, her hair was brown and had what looked like noodles on it and on her shirt as well.

Kagome tried her best not to laugh at the girl. As the woman came closer she could see that she was a cook, because she held a spatula in her hand. 'Wow `Gome you're the smartest person ever alive!'

The woman was right in front of her face now. And she could see that the woman was very pissed off. As she was looking the woman over she couldn't help but notice that her outfit showed a lot more cleavage than she would've liked.

'Wait, is that a noodle I see hanging from the breast part of her kimono?' She smiled a wide smile. 'Holy it is!' She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

"Is that thing, you hold in your arms yours?" The woman asked. 'She talks like she runs the place. Man, what a snob.' "First of all he is not a thing. And yes he does belong to me." She told her. 'She's getting on my frigen nerves!'

"Well then, I suggest that you take your little shit youkai out of this castle! The audacity you have to come here without permission! When Lord Sesshoumaru finds out he will have your heads." The woman was now screaming at Kagome.

"Yura, I am right here." Sesshoumaru suddenly spoke up. "And I am aware of their presence." Sesshoumaru said in his icy voice. "Then Lord Sesshoumaru what do you plan on doing with them." Yura said, as she batted her eyelashes at Sesshoumaru. "They will be staying here in the Castle until further notice. And you will refrain on calling Kagome's pup a thing, or shit youkai. And on that note you will keep your hands to yourself understood?" He said. "Yes my lord." Yura said with a twinge of jealousy. "Good, now go wash yourself. You smell utterly disgusting." Sesshoumaru said in an amused voice.

She watched as Sesshoumaru told off that woman. 'What was her name? Yura?' She smirked inwardly at Sesshoumaru's last comment. 'Ahahaha. He said that she smelled. Ewww…she really does smell!'

Kagome watched as the woman walked away.


"Jaken." Sesshoumaru said calling his faithful servant. In literally 6 seconds, he saw the toad youkai running down the corridor. "Master Sesshoumaru! You have returned to this lowly Jaken." came Jaken's high pitched voice.

"Tell one of the servants to prepare a room for the little kitsune in the miko's arms." Sesshoumaru told the toad youkai.

Jaken's eyes widened in shock.

"Master Sesshoumaru."

"What is it Jaken?"

"Are you aware that the miko is standing in your castle?!"

"I am aware of that."

"Then why are you not trying to kill her?"

"Because as of last night, I became her guardian."

"M-m-master Sesshoumaru! You cannot possibly be serious!"

"I am serious."

"How come just one room for the little kitsune?!? What of the miko milord?"

"She will stay in my chambers until further notice."


"You dare question me Jaken?"

"No milord."


"Hai milord?"

"What are you still doing here?"

"Sorry Sesshoumaru-sama, I will tell the servants right away to prepare a room for the little kitsune." Jaken squeaked. And as fast as Jaken's little legs could carry him he was off.

"Ugh, Sesshoumaru-sama? We're sharing a room?" Kagome whispered.

[End Chapter 4]

M1str3ss: *wipes sweat off forehead* Finally done this chapter!

Tru: Yeah, and just in time too!

M1str3ss: Just in time for what?

Tru: Just in time for you to start on your next 3 stories remember?

M1str3ss: Oh yeah! I completely forgot!

Tru: Oh man!

M1stress: Okay the 3 stories are called By Heart By soul, The Likes of You, and Tell me you Love me. These are all Kag/Sess pairings (=

Tru: Yup. We just LOVE Kag/Sess pairings.

M1str3ss: Anyways, Please R&R!