InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Water Attacks! And Nightmares ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6: Water Attacks! And Nightmares

m1ss: New chapter!

Tru: Yes we're sorry about the late update!

m1ss: Yes I think we're on writers block. Well me more then Tru!

Tru: Well don't worry. I'll find someway to bring her out of it.


Kagome was sitting at the HUGE dining table waiting for dinner to be served. Rin and Shippou were sitting in front of her whispering about something. 'I bet anything they're planning Jaken's funeral. I almost feel sorry for the toad,' she thought.

Kagome looked around the 'dining room'. 'Man, this room is huge,' she thought as her eyes roamed around the room. There was a portrait of InuTaisho in his demon form. The table where she was sitting at was huge. The doors looked western, they were made of oak and had a flower kind of design on them. (A/N: Kind of hard to explain! LOLS!)

Kagome was getting restless. Ayah was still talking to Sesshoumaru in his study. They were talking about Ayah's visit to the Eastern Lands. 'I wonder who the Lord and Lady is there.' She thought to herself. Kagome was brought out of her thoughts by Rin and Shippou's loud giggling.

Kagome shook her head. Those two would be the death of Jaken. She smiled to herself. If only they would be the cause Inuyasha would die. 'Bad Kagome! Just because he broke your heart, doesn't mean he's that bad.' Kagome sighed. She just couldn't get the inu-hanyou out of her mind. He would always pop into her head when she least expected it. She still loved the inu-hanyou. Why? She didn't know.

She looked over at Rin who was in a fit of giggles while Shippou had a smirk on his face. 'Now what could those two be up to?' She asked herself as she watched them.

"Rin, Shippou," Kagome called to them.

"Yes mama," Shippou answered looking at her.

"Yes Kagome-neechan," Rin said also looking at her and stopping her giggling.

"What are you two laughing about?" Kagome asked looking at the two.

"Nothing mama/neechan," Rin and Shippou answered at the same time. Kagome quirked an eyebrow.

"Nothing?" Kagome asked not believing the two.

"Yes mama! Nothing," Shippou said.

"Yes nee-chan! Nothing," Rin said following Shippou.

"Now you two, you know it's not a good thing to lie," Kagome said frowning at the two. 'If these two are planning Jaken's death. I'm game!' Kagome said to herself.

"Yes mama I know," Shippou said looking at his empty plate.

"So, I'm going to ask you two again. What is so funny?" Kagome said looking at them.

"Rin and Shippou were planning a water attack on Jaken-sama," Rin said smiling.

"And how were you two going to attack Jaken?" Kagome asked trying not to smile.

"We were planning to use the water guns you had in your pack mama," Shippou said smiling.

"Well, I don't see any harm on attacking Jaken with those," Kagome said smiling.

"Really mama?! Your going to let us squirt Jaken with the water guns?" Shippou asked all excited. Kagome had to laugh because the kitsune was practically bouncing in his seat.

"Yes, I'm allowing you two to squirt Jaken with the water guns. Only on one condition," Kagome said watching the eager faces of Rin and Shippou.

"What is the condition Kagome-neechan?" Rin asked.

"The condition is, that you let me have fun too," Kagome said winking at them.

"Rin says Kagome-neechan can have fun with Rin and Shippou!" Rin said excitedly.

"Yeah! You can have some fun with us too Kagome mama!" Shippou said grinning from ear to ear.

"Alright good. We'll start right after dinner," Kagome said smiling at the two children. Well, one youkai child and one human child.

"What will start right after dinner?" Ayah asked coming into the room with Sesshoumaru.

"Nothing," Kagome said winking at the children making them smile wider.

"Nothing?" Sesshoumaru asked taking a seat at the head of the table next to Kagome.

"Yes Sesshoumaru, nothing," Kagome said smiling at him.

Sesshoumaru quirked a brow at her. 'I wonder what she's up to.' Sesshoumaru said to himself. Well, better keep an eye on her. Especially the children. Sesshoumaru had not missed the wink that Kagome shared with them.

"Well, you two finally decided to join us," Kagome said bringing Sesshoumaru out of his musings.

"Yes, well Sesshoumaru and I had some business to discuss," Ayah said taking the seat on the other side of Kagome. Jaken just came in the room and signalled the to the servants to start serving the food.

"Oh, I see. Well are you two sure it was just business," Kagome said teasing Ayah and Sesshoumaru. Ayah blushed, and then frowned.

"Kagome! Why would you think such a thing? Besides my tastes are better then that," Ayah said cutting her steak. Or what looked like steak.

"Miko, I wouldn't go that low as to mate her," Sesshoumaru said eating. 'It's been a while since I tasted food,'

Kagome started giggling at the confused looks of Rin and Shippou.

"Why would you say that Sesshoumaru? Ayah's very pretty," Kagome said causing Ayah to blush.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said pretending to be interested in his food.

"Children, wouldn't you say that Ayah would be a good mate for Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked the children intending on making Ayah and Sesshoumaru embarrassed.

At that Sesshoumaru and Ayah looked up from their food at once to look at Kagome. Ayah had a shocked expression on her face while Sesshoumaru looked very annoyed at the miko.

"Rin thinks that Ayah-sama would make a pretty mate for Sesshoumaru otou-san. But Rin thinks Kagome-neechan would make an even better mate for Sesshoumaru otou-san," Rin said parting her face from her plate.

"I agree with Rin, okaa-san. Besides Ayah-sama would look better with Inuyasha," Shippou said looking up at Kagome.

Kagome didn't expect this reaction from the two. But come to think about it Ayah would look better with Inuyasha. Well, if I have to give up Inuyasha. I would rather give him up to Ayah then to my incarnation Kikyou.

Ayah started to snigger. 'At least I'm not the only one who thinks that Kagome-chan would look better with Lord Sesshoumaru.' Ayah thought. Sesshoumaru looked extremely annoyed. 'I would never mate with a human, let alone a miko. But if she is Lord Aye's daughter. I could take that into consideration since she would be a full youkai.' Sesshoumaru thought.

"But Ayah and Sesshoumaru do look good together right you two?" Kagome asked.

"Rin and Shippou already told you nee-chan. You look better with Sesshoumaru-sama." Rin said helping herself to another serving.

"I give up," Kagome said finishing up her food.

Kagome started a conversation with Ayah while the children kept Sesshoumaru busy while asking him questions.

"Kagome-chan, why are you here with Sesshoumaru?" Ayah asked curiously.

"Well, I'm here with Sesshoumaru because he is my new guardian," Kagome said taking a sip of her drink.

"I see. If you don't mind my asking. Why is Sesshoumaru your new guardian?" Ayah asked.

Kagome told Ayah the story about Inuyasha betraying her and her helping Sesshoumaru get better and asking him to be her new guardian. She then explained to her about Inuyasha's reaction when she told him about Sesshoumaru being her new guardian.

"Kagome-chan, I am so sorry," Ayah said.

"It's okay Ayah. I'm slowly getting over the inu-hanyou. Besides, I would rather be with someone who would see me for who I am instead of someone else," Kagome said sadly. For she knew that she would always be Kikyou in Inuyasha's eyes. But she didn't care, just as long as Inuyasha was her friend.

"That is true Kagome-chan," Ayah was happy. Because at least her new friend would be able to get over the inu-hanyou.

"Yeah. Besides if I can't have him I would rather have him as a friend," Kagome said smiling. 'Mom was right. What I had for Inuyasha was just a crush. Something that I could over in just a few days or maybe even hours.'

"Okaa-san! We're done eating!" Shippou cried from across the table. Kagome smiled. 'Time for the fun to begin.'

"I see that you are. Well let's get going. We should get it started right away ne?" Kagome asked winking at the two while standing up.

"Rin thinks this is going to be fun! Rin can't wait," Rin said excitedly as she got down from her chair followed suit by Shippou.

"What is going to be 'fun'?" Sesshoumaru asked them. 'What are those three up to?'

"You'll see Sesshoumaru," was the response he got from Kagome while the two children were laughing hysterically.

Kagome and the children made their way to Rin's room. It was a very pretty room. Kagome looked around, she found a basket. 'That would be perfect to put water balloons in.' She was starting to like the idea of having a water attack on Jaken.

"You two stay here, I have to go get my pack in my room. Unless you want to come with me?" Kagome asked the children.

"We'll come with you okaa-san," Shippou said taking Rin's hand and leading themselves out of Rin's room.

Kagome led them to Sesshoumaru's chambers.

"Nee-chan, we can't go there! That's Sesshoumaru-sama's room," Rin said looking at Kagome as if she was insane.

"Don't worry Rin, my chambers is in Sesshoumaru's room," Kagome said opening the door and leading them to the shoji door on the left side of the room and opening it.

"This is my room," Kagome said. Rin and Shippou immediately went to Kagome's bed and started jumping on it. Kagome went to her pack and took out the three water guns. She mentally thanked Souta for putting the three super soakers in her pack. She also took out the balloons.

"Rin, Shippou let's go. We don't want Sesshoumaru to walk in on us," Kagome said ushering the two out of her room and Sesshoumaru's. Then they went back to Rin's room to plan the attack.

Rin and Shippou told Kagome their plan on attacking Jaken while she was filling up the super soakers and the balloon with water. Kagome used Rin and Shippou's help to fill up the water balloons. Shippou was to fill up the balloons with water, Rin was to tie them and Kagome was to put them in the basket. After working at this for a good hour they were ready for the attack.

Kagome carefully laid her super soaker atop the water balloons in the basket. She showed Rin how to work the super soaker since Shippou already knew how. After all the attacks that Shippou, Sango, and Kagome planned on Miroku and Inuyasha it was a normal thing for Shippou to have a water fight.

"Okay are you two ready?" Kagome asked looking at the two children. Kagome lent Rin a bathing suit. It was pretty small for Kagome and it fit perfectly on Rin. It was a one piece black bathing suit. Shippou had on his swimming trunks that Kagome gave him before. Kagome was wearing a two piece bathing suit with a wrap around. The two piece was white with Sakura petals, same with the wrap around.

"Yup! Rin is ready! What about you Shippou?" Rin asked

"I'm all ready!" Shippou said.

The trio quietly left Rin's room since it was close to Sesshoumaru's. They had to act quickly. Rin said that Jaken would be making his daily report to Sesshoumaru in approximately 5 minutes. They waited at the end of the hall where Jaken would come out of. He would see Rin first, and when they were right in front of each other Rin would scream "ATTACK!" and Shippou and Kagome who would be pressed against the wall would jump out with their super soakers and start soaking the toad.

The basket with the water balloons would be carried by Kagome since it was sort of like a bag. (A/N: You know those bags that are made of weird hay like material? Well picture that.) And once their super soakers were out of water they would throw water balloons at the toad.

"Human what attire are you wearing? It's indecent!" Jaken exclaimed as he saw Rin.

"ATTACK!" Rin screamed taking out her super soaker. Kagome and Shippou jumped out and started squirting the toad.

Unfortunately for them, Sesshoumaru heard. He opened his door immediately when he heard Rin scream. He watched them squirt water out of weird objects. Ayah came running at the end of the other side of the hall. Once she saw Kagome, Shippou, and Rin attacking Jaken she sighed. 'Thank goodness! I thought it was a real attack.'

Kagome looked back, she saw Sesshoumaru glaring at her and Ayah laughing. She looked at Shippou who looked at Rin. Rin wasn't there she was chasing Jaken. When Rin came back, she saw Jaken soaking wet beside Sesshoumaru. Kagome and Shippou saw too. Kagome took aim and fired water at Jaken, unfortunately for her Rin shook her arm at the very moment so her shot didn't go for Jaken. It went for right for Sesshoumaru's face.

Kagome gulped. This wasn't going to be good. Ayah saw too, and she started laughing even harder.

"RUN FOR YOU LIVES!" Kagome screamed and started sprinting in the other direction. Rin and Shippou did just as Kagome did and sprinted after her. It really was a pity that Rin and Kagome were human, because Sesshoumaru caught up to them easily. Shippou saw this and picked up Rin and ran. Thus leaving poor Kagome behind to fend for herself.

Kagome gulped. She positioned the water gun so that if he thought about hurting her. She could easily pull the trigger and water would come out.

"What did you think you were doing?" Sesshoumaru asked in a deadly voice.

"Nothing, just having fun," Kagome said smiling. Sesshoumaru was wet. Well he wasn't fully wet. 'He's going to be soaking wet after this water fight.' Kagome said.

"You call attacking my ward fun?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Actually yes I do," Kagome said. "If you want, you can join us."

Ayah was watching the conversation. 'If it was any other person. Sesshoumaru would've killed them by now.'

"No than-"

"Of course we would like to join you!" Ayah said taking the bag from Kagome.

"Great!" Kagome said.

"What are these things?" Ayah asked taking a balloon out of the bag.

"Those are water balloons. Their filled with water. That's why their called 'water balloons,'" Kagome explained.

Ayah and Sesshoumaru took several water balloons, and Ayah took the bag.

"Rin, Shippou!" Kagome called.

They appeared in an instant.

"Yes nee-chan?" Rin asked looking up at Kagome.

"Are you ready to continue the water fight?" Kagome asked them.

"YEAH!" Rin and Shippou said at the same time smiling happily.

"Sesshoumaru, call Jaken. He will come once you call him. And then we can attack," Kagome said.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said.

"Call him already!" Ayah said getting impatient. "You ever since I was in the Eastern Lands I never got a chance to torture that toad," Ayah said

"JAKEN!" Sesshoumaru called.

Jaken came running. But this time he was prepared. He had bucket filled with water.

"You called Sesshoumaru-sama?" Jaken asked.

"Yes Jaken," Sesshoumaru said.

"What is it Sesshoumaru-sama?" Jaken asked again eyeing the water balloons in his maters hands.

"Attack!" Sesshoumaru cried and the water fight commenced again. Jaken dumped the bucket of water on everyone. Soaking every part of their bodies. Everybody ran after Jaken throwing water balloons and squirting water out of the super soakers.


Inuyasha was sitting Indian style near the well. All he could think about was Kagome. He knew deep down in his heart that Kagome made the right decision leaving him for Sesshoumaru. He sighed, 'I guess this means all I have left is Kikyou.' Inuyasha thought to himself.

"Inuyasha," a voice said.

Inuyasha looked up. Immediately he saw the chocolate brown lifeless orbs of Kikyou.

"Kikyou," Inuyasha said standing up.

"Have you made a decision Inuyasha? I already know that my reincarnation left with your half-brother," Kikyou said moving closer to Inuyasha.

"Yes, she did leave with Sesshoumaru. And I have made my decision. Even long before Kagome left," Inuyasha said moving closer to Kikyou and bring her into an embrace.

"And what is that decision Inuyasha?" Kikyou asked?

"I've decided to make you my mate," Inuyasha said bringing Kikyou into a deep passionate kiss.

Kikyou smiled. She had the inu-hanyou just where she wanted him to be. Right in the middle of her palm.

They broke away, and Inuyasha took her to where Miroku and Sango were.

"Guys, Kikyou is going to accompany us on our journey to gather the shards," Inuyasha said

Sango and Miroku looked up from what they were doing. When they saw Kikyou, they merely nodded. So Inuyasha took Kikyou into the forest.

"Do you really think it was a good idea to let her join the group?" Sango asked Miroku

"I really don't know love," Miroku said looking at the forest.

"Kagome would be furious if she found out that Inuyasha let Kikyou take her place," Sango said starting to get angry at Inuyasha.

"Indeed. I wonder how our little miko is doing," Miroku said to Sango.

"I hope she's doing alright," Sango said looking anxiously at Miroku.

"How about this. We leave Inuyasha and Kikyou in about one week's time and go to Sesshoumaru's palace and see how Kagome is doing?" Miroku suggested.

"Excellent idea!" Sango said running over to him to hug him.

"I'm glad you think so," Miroku said hugging her back.


Inuyasha and Kikyou were laying beside each other. Kikyou felt the bumps near her neck. Inuyasha had marked her as his mate. 'Foolish hanyou, he fell right into my trap.

Inuyasha looked up at Kikyou.

"How are you my love?" Inuyasha said kissing Kikyou on the forehead.

"Fine Inuyasha, just fine," Kikyou said kissing Inuyasha. Inuyasha deepened the kiss.


Kouga and Ayame were watching Inuyasha and Kikyou make love. Kouga was thoroughly disgusted. His mate Ayame was as well.

"Love, I wonder how Kagome will take this?" Ayame said looking at Kouga.

"From what I heard, she left Inuyasha," Kouga said taking Ayame into his arms and leaped out of the tree.

"Really? Where did our little miko go?" Ayame asked curiously. (A/N: Yay! No more Kouga running after our little miko! Ayame's Kouga's mate!)

"Our little miko went with Lord Sesshoumaru," Kouga said looking down at her.

"I hope she's alright," Ayame said looking worried.

"Don't worry. From what I gather she's under his protection," Kouga said reassuring Ayame.

"I want to go visit our miko, Kouga," Ayame said.

"Alright. Let's visit her in a week," Kouga said landing in front of the cave.

"Okay," Ayame said smiling.


Kagome left Shippou's room. She had just tucked in the kitsune. Both him and Rin were tired after their water fight. She had never expected Sesshoumaru to join in. Kagome opened the door to Sesshoumaru's chambers. She saw him at his desk looking at papers.

"Good night Sesshoumaru!" Kagome said.

"Yes, Good night to you too Kagome," Sesshoumaru said looking up from what he was doing to face the miko as she opened the shoji door. She smiled at him and went in.

He had known the miko for about 3 days now, and she had spent an entire day at his palace and she already caused havoc in his life. First was her jumping on his bed, the 'Chalk-o-late' wrappers she left in her room, the fact that he forgot that he let her sleep in his 'mate-to-be's' room, and the water fight she caused after dinner. Further more she caused him to have unexpected feelings for her.

Sesshoumaru didn't like this one bit. The only time he felt this way was when his mother was still around. Sesshoumaru finished up the rest of the paper work and went to sleep. He needed a good rest after what just happened.


Kagome was laying awake in her oversized bed. She kept on thinking about Inuyasha. She kept on thinking about how fast she got over him. Yes it had been last night and the rest of today that helped her get over the inu-hanyou. She realized that she really had an infatuation over him.


m1ss: You never expected that now did you?

Tru: Just get on with it.

Kag: Yes it's getting interesting.

m1ss: Fine, Fine .


Finally, sleep claimed her as it's victim. Kagome drifted off into dream world.

~*~Kagome's Dream~*~

"Inuyasha!" Kagome called seeing the inu-hanyou.

"What do you want wench?" Inuyasha asked. Kagome flinched. She hated the name that he gave her.

"I just wanted to know what my friend was up to. After all I just found out that he mated with Kikyou," Kagome said winking at him.

"Feh! Friend? I was never your friend wench," Inuyasha said.

"You don't mean that do you Inuyasha?" Kagome said tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"Of course I meant them bitch. You never got it did you? I always went off with Kikyou every time you went back to your time. I chose Kikyou over you even before you left with my idiot half-brother. You were always a shard detector to me. You were never my friend you fucken bitch. I never liked you. And I lied to you when I said I would be by your side no matter what happened. Don't you get it mother fucker? I only used you to get what I wanted. And that was the Shikon No Tama Jewel. Now go away, leave me alone bitch, and I never want to see you again. You are useless," Inuyasha said coldly.

"Inuyasha you don't mean what you said," Kagome said tears streaming down her face.

"I mean every single word bitch. LEAVE! I don't want you anywhere near me," Inuyasha screamed at her.

~*~End of Kagome's Dream~*~

Kagome opened her eyes. She sat straight up clutching the blanket close to her.

"No Inuyasha, you didn't mean that did you?" Kagome whispered crying and laying back down.

Everything that Inuyasha said in her dream were Kagome's fears. She was worried that, that was all Inuyasha saw her as. A shard detector. She knew that Inuyasha would never love her the way he loved Kikyou. But to not even have him as a friend? Kagome couldn't bear the thought.


Kagome squealed. It was thunder. Kagome hated thunder storms.

>BOOM< … >BOOM< … >BOOM<

Kagome screamed. She ducked her head under the covers. She hated thunder storms. They always scared her. And it was on a thunder storm when her father left her and her family.

Sesshoumaru came into her room after hearing her scream. He saw Kagome's body under the covers.


Kagome squealed again. Sesshoumaru smiled to himself. 'So this was why she screamed.'

"Miko what are you doing under there?" Sesshoumaru asked. Kagome appeared out of the covers. She looked at Sesshoumaru with a relieved expression.

"I don't like thunderstorms. I'm scared of them Sesshoumaru," Kagome said getting out of the bed and make her way to Sesshoumaru.

"And in your time what do when thunderstorms occur?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Well, mama usually lets me sleep in her bed," Kagome said blushing.

"Well, if it makes you feel better miko, you can sleep with me in my bed," Sesshoumaru said.

"Really Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked.

"Yes. Follow me," Sesshoumaru said.

Kagome followed Sesshoumaru back to his bedroom. Sesshoumaru told her that she can sleep on the left side of the bed. Sesshoumaru made his way to the right side and got in. Kagome hesitantly got into her side of the bed.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru," Kagome said facing him.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said turning his back on her. Kagome did the same. 'He really isn't that bad.' Kagome thought as she drifted to sleep.

~*~Kagome's second dream~*~

"Aye! We can't go back you know that!" Maya screamed at her husband.

"What do you mean we can't go back?" Aye asked frustrated. "I have to check up on my lands!"

"Check up on your lands? Are you sure it isn't to check up on your beloved Skitari?!" Maya sneered.

"You know that I wouldn't cheat on you! Maya where on earth did you get that idea?" Aye asked glaring at his wife.

"Oh maybe it's because you always flirt with her!" Maya said giving her husband one of her glares.

"SO? Who gives a damn?! I only care about you!" Aye said moving towards his wife.

"Whatever. The point is Aye, I'm not GOING BACK TO THE FEUDAL ERA!" Maya screamed.

"What do you mean your not going back? YOU'RE THE LADY OF THE EASTERN LANDS! YOU HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO GO BACK!" Aye cried!

"Then you go back! I'm not going back! I want to raise our children here. Where there are no god damn demons!" Maya screamed frustrated.

"Have you forgotten that you are a demon!?" Aye asked

"No I have not forgotten that I am a demon," Maya said.

"Then?! What did you mean by 'god damn demons'," Aye asked curiously.

"I don't want to raise our children with the lower class demons out there. You and I both know that there dangerous. Imagine what they would do to Kagome! Or Souta?!?!" Maya cried throwing a vase.

"They'll be fine! Remember we were raised with demons," Aye said.

"I am not raising my children there," Maya said stomping into her room, and locking the door.

"Come on Maya open up!" Aye said knocking on the door.

"NO! Sleep on the couch, for all I give a damn," Maya said.

Aye sighed. He slept on the couch.

*The next morning (still Kagome's dream.)*

"Daddy?" a five year old Kagome said.

"Kagome?" Aye asked holding his suitcase, as he was on the other side of the door.

"Daddy where are you going?" little Kagome asked as she ran to her dad.'

"Somewhere. Don't worry little munch kin. Daddy will be back soon to get you and Souta," Aye said.

"But Daddy, we'll miss you!" little Kagome said crying.

"I'll miss you too sweet tart. But while Daddy's gone promise him that you will be a good girl for your mom?" Aye asked on the verge of tears.

"Yes Daddy, I'll be a very good girl for Mommy," Kagome said smiling through her tears.

"That's my girl," Aye said as he ushered Kagome inside.

"Daddy don't go yet," Kagome said hugging him.

"Daddy has to go now. But I'll be back," Aye said letting go of Kagome and making his way to the shrine.

"Daddy! Daddy come back! Daddy please don't go!" Kagome cried running after him. She opened the shrine door. But her daddy wasn't there.

"Daddy," Kagome whispered. She started crying as she made her way back to the house.

~*~End of Kagome's second dream~*~

"Daddy, Daddy don't go! Please daddy. Daddy I'll miss you!" Kagome said in her sleep.

Sesshoumaru woke up. He looked over to his side where he saw Kagome kicking in her sleep and whispering the word 'daddy'. Sesshoumaru shook Kagome lightly.

"Kagome, Kagome wake up," Sesshoumaru whispered into her ear.

"Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked turning over to see him clearly.

"Kagome what's wrong?" Sesshoumaru asked seeing her tear stained face. 'Why does my heart ache seeing her like this?'

"I had a dream of my mother and father fighting," Kagome said positioning herself in Sesshoumaru's strong arms. She put her head on top of Sesshoumaru's chest.

"What were they fighting about?" Sesshoumaru asked kissing the top of Kagome's head and pulling her closer to him.

"My father wanted to go back to check on his lands, but my mother didn't want to go back. They were fighting about where to raise my brother and I. My mother wanted to raise my brother and I in the future. My father in the feudal era. He also shouted something about my mother being the Lady of the Eastern Lands," Kagome said looking up at Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru stiffened when he heard the last part. 'Now I really want to take her back. And If she really is the Princess of the Eastern Lands, she can bring Lord Aye out of his depression state.' Sesshoumaru said.

"What do you think that means Sesshou-kun?" Kagome asked.

"I don't know little miko. But we can ask your mother tomorrow," Sesshoumaru said.

"Okay," Kagome said. After a while, Kagome was asleep.

Sesshoumaru looked down at the miko in his arms. 'Someday Kagome, Someday…'

[.End Chapter 6.]

m1ss: {::wipes sweat off for head::} Finally done!

Tru: Yes! And now we are trying to work on Chapter 7!

m1ss: Truss it's going to be a really eventful chapter!

Tru: Yehp, also we are going to start a new fic.

m1ss: It won't be an IY fic. It's going to be a CCS fic.

Tru: Yes, we do like that show.

m1ss: Yes. And we will be updating "Through Time and Space" tomorrow.

Tru: And we will be starting a new IY fic called "Drug Addiction"

m1ss: Yes it is a S/K pairing.

Tru: And the CCS ( Card Captor Sakura ) fic is called "A Promise is a Promise."

m1ss: Also, I would like the Japanese translations of "LOVE" "WARRIOR" and "FIRST BORN"

Tru: If you must know, these will be the names of Sesshou's and Kag's children.

m1ss: Thank you! Please R&R!

Ja Ne!