InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Aye's Shock ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: 1) YAY! I got the reviews that I wanted.


Chapter 11: Aye's Shock

Kagome woke up to find Sesshoumaru's arms wrapped around her waist. 'Now how did that happen?' Kagome asked herself. She then remembered last night's events. How Kagome decided that Sesshoumaru looked way to cute in ningen clothes that she decided to take pictures of it. Therefore resulting in another chase around the house, and yelling from the other occupants of the house. It was Kagome's last day in modern day Japan. Her mother had called her school, saying that they were moving to America for Kagome's treatments. The day after she found out she was a demon, her friends had taking her clubbing. And they had gotten her drunk, very very drunk. Then they had to face the wrath of Sesshoumaru.

Kagome had burst into a fit of giggles when Souta had shown her the video tape of Sesshoumaru's yells at her friends. Sesshoumaru's eyes had turn blood red, and he gave them all shiver's that went down their spines. Kagome chuckled silently when she remembered Eri's reaction. Eri had called her yesterday, saying that her boyfriend was scary when he was pissed off. Kagome denied that her and Sesshoumaru were a couple but Eri said that she had to invite her to her wedding.

"Hime, why are you laughing?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Hn? I remembered what you said to Eri the other day," Kagome said bursting into another fit of giggles.

"The ningen deserved it, doing that kind of thing to a princess," Sesshoumaru said standing up. Kagome inwardly groaned to the lack of heat.

"You know she thinks we're courting," Kagome said getting up.

"Naturally, since I am unbelievably good looking," Sesshoumaru said smirking.

"Oh please. Your as ugly as a monkey's uncle," Kagome said getting some clothes and heading towards the bathroom.

"Monkey's uncle?" Sesshoumaru asked confused.

"Ningen thing," Kagome replied. Sesshoumaru quirked a brow and headed downstairs.

"Oh, and inu-miko, hurry up with the bathroom," Sesshoumaru said.

"Right," Kagome replied and went inside. 'So many things have happened these past few days. Sesshoumaru and I have gotten somewhat close. He's warming up to me a little bit, he's not that cold ignorant taiyoukai that he was before. I like him better this way,' Kagome thought to herself.


Sesshoumaru was downstairs trying to avoid the many boxes that were scattered around the place. The Lady insisted that she'd bring her entertainment system. Sesshoumaru was impressed with the entertainment system. So Maya insisted that she bought him one, of course Sesshoumaru protested, but when he came back from the Zoo with Kagome he found that Maya had bought him an entertainment system, along with a computer, scanner, web cam, and digital camera. Sesshoumaru had demanded to take it back, but then she had knocked him out cold for his 'rude outburst' as she called it. And Kami really did love him because Souta had recorded it.

"Sesshoumaru, your up early," Maya said coming into the room still dressed in pj's.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said. Maya raised an eyebrow at him.

"Morning all," Koiichi said coming into the room in his royal robes.

"Morning dad," Maya said placing a kiss on her father's cheek.

"When are we leaving?" Souta asked coming into the room.

"After lunch, Luna still has to come here," Maya said.

"But we can leave even she's not here," Souta argued. He was excited to go to the feudal era. He really wanted to see what it was like. And now that he was a demon, he wouldn't need to worry about all those other demons that Kagome talked about. 'After all they wouldn't be stupid to attack the Eastern Land's prince right?'

"He does have a point, I still need to patrol my lands," Sesshoumaru said. The sooner that they left this era the better. He still needed to make preparations for the Lords and Ladies visit.

"Your all about work and no play aren't you?" Kagome asked coming into the room towel over her head.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said.

"You really need a new punch line," Kagome said taking a plate with waffles on it and started eating. Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow.

"Punch line?"

"Ningen thing," Kagome replied.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said smirking. Kagome groaned, the idiot next to her may be the Lord of the Western Lands, but he seriously needed to expand his vocabulary. Kagome made a mental bet to herself that Sesshoumaru used the word 'indeed' at least 209 times as day. Kagome smelled a new scent enter the shrine house premises. She sniffed the air, 'Inuyasha.'

"What the hell is he doing here?" Kagome asked.

"Who?" Souta asked confused.

"Inuyasha," Sesshoumaru answered. Kagome was still in her human form, she didn't want her tail to be soaking wet when she took a shower. So she transformed into her humanoid form. Her kimono was still the same, her family's royal colours, and the white sakura blossoms that were scattered around it. Her tails were there as well, but instead of white like Sesshoumaru's they were midnight blue like her hair. Yes she had two tails, separately they weren't as fluffy as Sesshoumaru's, but together they were. That made Kagome happy, and Sesshoumaru annoyed because whenever she got the chance she would hit him with both.

Kagome made her way to the door, Sesshoumaru followed as well. He didn't want to miss Kagome beating Inuyasha to a pulp. Now that, was true entertainment. Souta to was in his humanoid form, his kimono was much like Sesshoumaru's, but with the Eastern Land's royal colours. Followed by his one black fluffy tail, much like Sesshoumaru's. He too wanted to his Kagome beat Inuyasha to a pulp. Souta's opinion changed on the inu-hanyou immensely. After Sesshoumaru had explained to Souta what had happened between Inuyasha and his sister, he wanted to slit Inuyasha's neck. But that was not possible, because then he would have murdered the prince of the Western Lands.

"Inuyasha," Kagome said stoically coming out of the house closely followed by 3 male inu-youkai.

"Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha said venom dripping in his voice.

"Inuyasha," Sesshoumaru said coldly.

"Bastard," Souta whispered getting a glare from Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru nodded his head in approval to the little prince's description of his half-brother. Koiichi was just there for entertainment so he didn't acknowledge his grandson's accusation.

"Kagome, I -" Inuyasha stopped talking. He sniffed the air, and then Kagome.

"YOU'RE AN INU-YOUKAI!?" Inuyasha yelled.

"Now there's the surprise of the century," Souta muttered, earning another glare from Inuyasha and a chuckle from Koiichi.

"Yes, and you're here because?" Kagome asked hand on her hip.

"Jaken sent me to get you and the knuckle head over there," Inuyasha said pointing to Sesshoumaru.

"And since when did you listen to Jaken?" Sesshoumaru sneered.

"Ever since he threatened that he would make it his personal mission that Kagome doesn't collect the rest of the Shikon Jewel Shards," Inuyasha said.

"And why did he use that threat?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"I have no clue, why don't you ask that smelly toad," Inuyasha said wrinkling his nose.

"Listen that's not the only reason I came here," Inuyasha said.

"Baby brother, tell me why my personal servant asked you to come here, then you can get to your business," Sesshoumaru said adding a bit annoyed of his half-brother.

"Feh. That toad said that the Lord of the Eastern Lands changed his mind. He's coming today after lunch," Inuyasha said.

"WHAT?!?!" Maya cried coming out of the house. Inuyasha looked at her for a second. Then blinked, then blinked again, then went down on his knees.

"Lady Maya, I did not know you were here," Inuyasha said.

"Rise Lord Inuyasha. Now repeat what Lord Sesshoumaru's servant said," Maya said. Kagome watched in awe. Never in her life did she see Inuyasha go down on his knees to anyone. Now were the hell was the camera when you needed it? She heard a flash of light, she looked over to Souta who was rapidly taking pictures. 'Looks like the brat does have his uses.'

"The Lord of the Eastern Lands is going over to Western Citadel after lunch," Inuyasha repeated. Inuyasha was very fond of this woman. She was there for him when his mother disappeared. Hell, she even helped Sesshoumaru get over his mother's death.

"I see, is that all Inuyasha?" Maya asked.

"Yes," Inuyasha answered.

"Very well," Maya said going back into the house. Once inside she started panicking. She called Luna and told her that plans have changed and they were leaving as soon as possible. Once that was done, she made sure to shrink every box in her house, as well as furniture and put them in her bag.


"Inuyasha you said that wasn't the only reason you were here," Kagome said.

"I came to ask for a second chance," Inuyasha said. He knew he shouldn't have said that, because he had marked Kikyou. But he really wanted Kagome back.

"Oh really? Then why do I sense that you have marked the undead Kikyou," Kagome asked quirking a brow. She knew that Inuyasha was just being rash again like he always acted.

"I don't know," Inuyasha said looking at the ground and sighing.

"But please Kagome, I was being rash when I mated her. Please take me back," Inuyasha pleaded hugging Kagome. Kagome tried to push him off but he held on tighter.

"No Inuyasha," Kagome said.

"Please Kagome," Inuyasha pleaded.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" Souta shrieked. He tried to pull Inuyasha off his big sister. They both tried and finally Inuyasha was off of Kagome.

"Inuyasha, I'm sure Lady Myrna taught you better then that!" Sesshoumaru said mentioning Inuyasha's mother's name.

"Aniki, don't you dare bring up her name," Inuyasha said.

"Aniki? Well, at least you do know that it is disrespectful to do that to the Hime of the Eastern Lands, and defy her wishes as well as the Prince?"

"Prince and Princess of the Eastern Lands?" Inuyasha asked shocked.

"Yes Princess Kagome and Prince Souta, now the Princess said no. So if you can leave, it would be lovely," Koiichi said finally speaking.

"Lord Koiichi, I didn't see you," Inuyasha stated. 'Damn it, I'm making a fool out of myself.'

"Indeed, now I believe my granddaughter answered your question, now you need to respect that answer, and leave," Koiichi said. Inuyasha nodded, he took one last look at Kagome and left.


"Okay let's go," Maya said coming out of the house one last time and locking the door.

"But mom, we still need to get the boxes," Souta said.

"Oh dear don't worry. They're all in here," Maya said patting her hand bag.

"There?" The four said in unison.

"Yes, a simple shrinking spell works," Maya said airily.

"Alright, let's go," Kagome said. They all made a beeline for the well house. Once inside Kagome explained the rules.

"Okay, first I'll take mother, then I'll come back and get Ji-chan, then the brat, then Sesshoumaru. Is that okay with everyone?" Kagome asked.

"Yes but, where are we going to go? I certainly can't go back to the Eastern Lands just like that," Maya said snapping her fingers.

"Then we are to leave for the Western Citadel, after all Kagome still needs to collect the rest of the Shikon No Tama," Sesshoumaru said.

"Oh Sesshou are you sure?" Maya asked.

"Positive," Sesshoumaru stated.

"Alright, that's what we'll do," Maya said. Kagome nodded and hugged her mother.

"Ready?" Kagome asked. Maya nodded. Kagome and Maya jumped down the well and they were surrounded by blue magic. Once Maya was safely out of the well, Kagome went back, and did the same with Koiichi, Souta, and Sesshoumaru, but Sesshoumaru did the jumping. Once out of the well Sesshoumaru and Kagome were still holding each other. Koiichi noticed this and put a hand over Souta's mouth.

"Thanks Sesshou-kun," Kagome whispered.

"Anytime inu-miko," Sesshoumaru whispered.

"Do I have to welcome Sesshoumaru this early into the family? I mean you two haven't even courted yet. Or at least that is my knowledge," Koiichi said smirking. He watched the two jump away from each other instantly. Kagome blushed slightly, earning a raised eyebrow from the stoic demon Lord.

"Ready?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Yeah," The four said. A cloud appeared at the bottom of Sesshoumaru's feet, while fire appeared at the feet of Koiichi, and snowflakes at the feet of Maya. Souta and Kagome looked at each other.

"Hey what about us?" Kagome asked. The three older youkai sniggered.

"You are once again forgotten inu-miko," Sesshoumaru said.

"Shut up Sesshoumaru," Kagome said.

"So?" Souta asked his mother.

"Say 'Element Fly'," Maya responded smiling.

"Element Fly," Souta said. And Suddenly fire appeared under Souta's feet along with Snow Flakes encircling the fire.

"Awesome," Souta said.

"Element-" Kagome was cut off with a loud shout. Kagome looked around, there was no doubt in her mind that Sango was the one that shouted.

"KAGOME!" Sango yelled waving to her friend as she ran. Once there she hugged her so hard that they both fell to the ground.

"Kagome-sama is that you?" Miroku asked catching up to the demon slayer.

"Yes Miroku," Kagome said standing up smiling.

"It is rude to do that to royal blood," Koiichi said muttering 'Element Down' as he made his way to the two.

"I'm sorry milord," Miroku said noticing the Black and Blue royal colours.

"Who are you?" Sango asked. Miroku nudged Sango and nodded his head to the teardrop on the Koiichi's forehead.

"I am Lord Koiichi, noble of the Eastern Lands, that is my granddaughter Kagome Hime of the Eastern Lands. You do not let your princess fall. You must make sure that she is protected," Koiichi drawled. He was just fooling with the ningen's emotions. He heard Kagome try to hide her giggle.

"I am sorry milord," Sango said. She then turned to Kagome and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, found out two days ago," Kagome said.

"I see, while then Hime-sama. We will leave you, and we should warn you that we shall come in one weeks time to Sesshoumaru-sama's palace if that is okay with the Lord. We have one more stop this week," Miroku said. Sesshoumaru nodded his head.

"Very well, Kagome we should be going if we are to meet your father on time," Sesshoumaru said.

"Coming Sesshou-kun," Kagome said. "Bye you guys."

"Bye Kagome-chan," Sango said.

"Farewell Hime-sama," Miroku said. Kagome muttered 'Element Fly' and Sakura petals appeared at her feet with Water Droplets and Fire sparks surrounding them. Kagome waved to her friends and they left.

"So how do I move in this thing?" Kagome asked.

"Just simply say in your head which direction you want to go. For example, Kagome," Maya said. And instantly Maya moved towards her daughter.

"Cool," Souta said.

"Let's go," Sesshoumaru said. In each head they mentally said 'Western Citadel.' And they were off.


"Jaken, did you deliver the message to the inu-hanyou?" Ayah asked the toad youkai.

"Yes," Jaken replied.

"Very well then, bye toady," Ayah snickered.


The five landed in front of the Western Citadel with ease. The soldiers were moving around to welcome the five inu-youkai. They were also shocked to see Lady Maya and Lord Koiichi. But what shocked them the most was that the ningen that accompanied their Lord the last time was really a youkai. And a royal one at that.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord Sesshoumaru," Jaken shrieked once he saw his master come into the Great Hall.

"Jaken?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Did Lord Inuyasha deliver the message?" Jaken asked.

"He did," Sesshoumaru beckoning to the others to follow him.

"Alright. Is there anything that this lowly servant can do to serve his lord?"

"Tell the servants to prepare the rooms for Lady Maya, Lord Aye, Lord Koiichi, and Lord Souta," Sesshoumaru said.

"Will do my lord," Jaken said. Immediately Jaken started barking out orders.

"What about Kagome's room?" Souta asked dumbly.

"I already have a room stupid," Kagome shot back.

"Oh," Souta said. Kagome shook her head, and made her way upstairs where her room was. She put her things away and wondered where Shippou and Rin were. She shrugged it off and went downstairs to find her family. Once there, she saw Shippou and Rin. They both launched themselves at her. Shippou squealing that she looked so much like his okaa-san and Rin asking her to be her okaa-san because Sesshoumaru-sama was her otou-san. Souta found this very amusing, that he decided to video tape it.

"Okaa-san, you look so much like my okaa-san," Shippou squealed hugging her tightly.

"Rin wants nee-chan to be Rin's okaa-san. Rin only has an otou-san that is Sesshoumaru-sama. Since you sleep in Sesshoumaru-sama's mate's room, nee-chan is now Rin's okaa-san," Rin said hugging her as well. Kagome turned three shades of red. Koiichi said what the ningen girl said. 'Sleep in his mate's room eh?'

"His mate's room? Oh this is good," Souta said.

"Shut up brat," Kagome said.

"Who's that?" Rin asked pointing to Souta. Shippou looked too.

"That's my brother," Kagome said grimly.

"Uncle?" Shippou and Rin asked.

"Yes Uncle," Kagome replied. The two launched themselves at Souta. Rin saying that she knows someone that can be a perfect match for Souta. Shippou asking why he doesn't have a mate yet. Koiichi stole the video camera from Souta's hand, and started recording the conversation.

"So Sesshoumaru, since Yuri isn't here to add some feminine touches to this castle that's exactly what's going to happen today or tomorrow. But right now, we're starting off with the entertainment system. Sesshoumaru suppressed a groan. He was hoping to get some paperwork done, but with the Lady of the East here, he didn't think that was an option.


It was after lunch and they were all awaiting the Lord of the East's arrival, Maya was fidgeting nervously, who would ne? She hadn't seen her mate in over 14 years exactly 15.

"Mom, calm down," Kagome said noticing her mother's fidgeting.

"I can't help it dear," Maya said. They heard the trumpet blast outside, signalling that Aye was here. A short stout little tiger youkai came into the room followed by Aye.

"Introducing Lord Aye of the Eastern Lands," the tiger youkai stated. Aye was standing there looking at Maya. He was wearing the exact same thing as Sesshoumaru but different colours. He had on the armour as well. Aye had blond white hair that was cut short. He had a dagger on his forehead, and a slight moustache.

"Maya?" He whispered.


"Your alive!" Aye cried moving towards his mate and hugging her.

"Yes I am," Maya said giggling.

"Ahem," Sesshoumaru said.

"Lord Sesshoumaru," Aye said stiffly.

"Lord Aye, you'd be please to see that I found your mate," Sesshoumaru said.

"And what am I chopped liver? Honestly, I found you and I lead you to my mother. And here you are taking all the credit," Kagome said.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said from his place on his chair.

"Kagome, that's not nice," Maya said.

"Gomen naisai Sesshoumaru," Kagome said.

"Kagome?" Aye asked. Kagome looked into the eyes of her father, they were same as hers. Suddenly she felt uncomfortable. 'Could I accept him after he's been away from my life for so many years?'

'Sure you can,'

'But what if he doesn't like me?'

'Don't be silly, he's your father.'

"Daddy?" Kagome said softly.

"My baby girl," Aye said softly. Kagome ran into the outstretched arms of her father.

"You said you would come back for me daddy," Kagome whispered. Yes she was 20 years old, but hey! She missed her dad.

"I know, I'm sorry," Aye said.

"Souta come here," Maya said. Souta nervously came over to them.

"My little baby boy," Aye said pulling away from his daughter and hugging him. This continued for 15 minuets.

"My son! My Daughter!" Aye kept saying.

"How can I make it up to you Lord Sesshoumaru?" Aye asked.

"I'll think of something," Sesshoumaru muttered.

"Lord Sesshoumaru," Ayah said.

"Yes?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"The rest of the Lords and Ladies of the other Lands heard that Lord Aye is already here. They also heard rumours going around that the Lady of the Eastern Lands has returned and they're going to be here tomorrow, whether you have to like it or not," Ayah said. She then took a look around the room, she noticed that Lord Koiichi was there, and Kagome was a youkai, and some little boy. And Lady Maya. Ayah stood there mouth open gaping at the scene before her.

"Really Ayah, it's that interesting?" Koiichi asked.

"I'm sorry Lord Koiichi, but I didn't expect-" Ayah started. She didn't know what else to say.

"It is alright dear child," Koiichi said.

"In my study Ayah," Sesshoumaru said.

"Yes my lord," Ayah replied hurrying after Sesshoumaru.


"Ayah, I want you and Mira to collect any remaining Shikon Shards, other then the ones that the evil hanyou possesses. If you come across a monk, a demon slayer, my half-brother and the undead miko, don't pay attention to the four. The first two will become in a week's time so we won't worry about that," Sesshoumaru said.

"Yes of course," Ayah said.

"Collect Mira and be off, I expect you to be back before the Lords and Ladies of the North and South arrive," Sesshoumaru ordered.

"Very well," Ayah said and walked out of the study.


"Hey dad, did you know that Kagome sleeps in Sesshoumaru's mates room?" Souta asked.

"Does she now?" Aye chided raising an eyebrow. 'Will I have to welcome the ice inu-youkai to my family?'

"Shut up brat," Kagome snapped.

"Well, I guess I should make my way to Sesshoumaru's study and welcome him to the family the proper way," Aye said standing up. As he reached the exit to the room he looked at his daughter, she had a look of horror plastered on her face. Aye smirked and was off to find the inu-youkai.


"Sesshoumaru," Aye said.

"Aye," Sesshoumaru said nodding to the chair in front of him. 'Yes no time to work at all.'

"What is this I hear that my daughter is sleeping your mates room?"

"And where did you hear this from?"

"My son,"

"I see," Sesshoumaru said. 'Stupid little brat. No wonder he gets on Kagome's nerves.'

"Well, I'm glad to inform you that she is not my mate,"



"So Sesshoumaru, what are you looking for in a mate?" Aye asked. 'Stupid idiot.' Sesshoumaru mentally said to himself. Aye watch Sesshoumaru rack his brains for an answer.

"A youkai," Sesshoumaru managed to say.

"Obviously," Aye chided. "Anything else?"

"Powerful," Sesshoumaru said. 'Kami I feel like a child.'




"Midnight blue hair,"


"Pink Markings," 'Kuso' Sesshoumaru thought. I just described Kagome.

"It looks like you have just described my daughter's appearance," Aye said smirking.


[.End Chapter 11.]

m1s: Props to Aye!

Tru: Stupid Sesshou.

Sesshou: I beg your pardon.

Aye: Yes, you really are stupid when your put on the spot.

Kag: Why did he describe me?

Tru: Shutup Kagome.

m1s: R&R!


Chapter Preview:

Lords and Ladies of North and South: "Oh Maya! It's lovely to see you again!"…"We are here to discuss some matters."…You both need a mate.