InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ You Like Him? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer:I don't own Inuyasha.
CHAPTER 2: You Like Him?

"He's the one you like?" Sango asked again.

Kagome nodded. Her eyes widened when she the boy opened his wallet. The wallet was thick, full of twenty, fifty and hundred dollar bills. He searched his stack of cash for a while and finally pulled out a ten. He handed the woman at the cash register the money. She went to hand him the change but he shook his head. "It's hers."

The woman nodded and handed the change to Kagome. "Thank you," Kagome said taking the money in her hand. Kagome picked up her small pizza box and followed Sango who was following Miroku and the "rich boy."

Sango dropped back some so that she was walking next to Kagome. "Are you sure he's the one you like?" Sango asked once again, her voice still full of surprise.

"Yes," Kagome said exasperated.

"That's Inuyasha Taisho," Sango said, "He's one of the richest kids in this school." Kagome looked shocked. Sango noticed Kagome's facial expression. "Yeah, the only one who has more money than him is older brother, Sesshomaru."

Kagome listened to Sango, taking in all the information. The two boys led them to a table in a corner. There was a large window that gave a nice view of the school grounds. When Kagome sat down, she stretched her hand across the table to give Inuyasha his change.

Inuyasha shook his head. "Keep it," He said casually then leaned his head back on the wall.

Sango cleared her throat and prepared to introduce them. "Kagome, you've already met the pervert. Kagome Higurashi this is Inuyasha Taisho." Sango turned to Inuyasha, "Inuyasha--"

"We already met," Inuyasha said, cutting her off.

Sango turned to face Kagome. "You have?" She asked surprised. Kagome nodded. "Oh, OK then."

Kagome ate her pizza while listening to the three talk. "So when is the next party, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked.

"Why in the hell are you askin' me?" Inuyasha asked irritated.

Miroku smiled. "Because you're always the one throwing the parties. It’s been like that ever since freshman year, why should junior year be any different."

"Yeah, when I got here last year all I could here was talk about Inuyasha's parties." Sango said in agreement.

Inuyasha sighed. "Let's get something straight, they were never my parties. Sesshomaru was the one that threw the parties. People think Sesshomaru is so proper, that he would never throw a party so they started saying I did it."

Sango waved Inuyasha's comments off with her hand. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. So when is the party?"

Inuyasha's cell phone began to ring. The song 'What's Your Fantasy' by Ludacris started to play. Inuyasha flipped open his phone. "What up," Inuyasha said placing the phone to the side of his head. "Yeah." He drummed his fingers on the table. Inuyasha stood up. "Is that so?" Inuyasha asked with a smirk. "Ok." Inuyasha flipped his phone closed and stood up. "I gotta be going."

Kagome wondered who Inuyasha was talking to and what they were talking about.

"It was Kikyo."

Kagome looked over at Sango. "Huh?"

"He was talking to Kikyo," She said. Miroku stuck his finger in his mouth and pretended to gag. Sango giggled some. "Kikyo is supposed to be Inuyasha's girlfriend." Kagome frowned and Sango saw. "It’s a crazy relationship. Its an on and off thing. One minute they're together, the next they don't want anything to do with each other."

Kagome nodded. "Oh."

Sango heard the tone of her voice. "Hey don't worry. Wait a day or two then they'll be a break and that's when you can make your move."

Miroku smiled. "So you’re interested in Inuyasha?" A blush was Kagome's only response. "You can be straight with me. You'd be a much better girl for him than that bitch."

"Miroku, your language." Sango said. She glared at him.

"Sango grow up. We're all mature teenagers." Miroku sighed and continued, “You would be a much better girl for him than Kikyo. I would know me and Inuyasha have been friends since before I can remember. My dad was a vice-president in his company."

Kagome drummed her fingers on the table in rhythmic fashion. "So you're pretty wealthy too?"

Miroku smirked. "On a scale of one to five, I'm a middle to high four."

"And Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"He's probably middle five to high five and his older brother is high five, he is the owner of the company after all." Miroku smiled.

"What year are you two in?" Kagome asked.

"Me and Inuyasha are juniors. We're both 17." Miroku said. "So anything else you wanna know? Ages, birthdays, phone numbers?" Miroku asked smartly.

Kagome laughed. "No, that's all for now."

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Kagome stood as Sango opened the door room with her key. "Oh man," Sango said opening the door, "I forgot to give you the room key." Sango walked in, flipping on the light switch, she picked up a key off her dresser. "Since I got here first, they gave me both sets of keys." She said as she tossed it to Kagome.

Kagome caught the key and put in the top of her empty dresser. She started to unpack while Sango played with her cell phone.

About five minutes later Kagome had finished unpacking all but one suitcase. She pushed the other suitcase off to the side. "Too tired to see about the rest." Kagome pulled out a pair a pajama pants and a matching top. She changed then plopped down on her bed.

Sango glanced over at Kagome. "That's what you sleep in?"

Kagome nodded. "What? Is there something wrong with it?" She asked confused.

“Well, aren’t you a little old for the matching pajama set?”

Kagome couldn't believe Sango. "I think they look fine," She said trying to defend her sense of fashion.

Sango shrugged her shoulders and changed into a pair of black sweat pants and a white sleeveless undershirt. Sango's phone 'beeped' once again. She reached over and picked it up. "There's a party Friday night. You wanna come?"

Kagome climbed into bed and got under the covers. "I don't know. Won't we get into trouble?"

Sango sighed. "Live a little," She smirked, "We'll only get in trouble if we get caught." Sango walked over and flipped the lights off.

Kagome listened as her footsteps crossed the room then heard the squeaking of bedsprings as Sango got into bed. "You like Miroku?"

There was a sudden coughing and choking filling the room.

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