InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Imprisonment ❯ Surroundings ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~*~ Scene change
*Action * like *crash *
POV change*~*
&Inu-Demon tongue&
Chapter 2
`What are we to do now I am unfamiliar with these surroundings so I don't know what to expect. I smell others if only faintly thanks to those walls. Though I suspect there are small hole here and there or we wouldn't be able to breathe.' Thought Sesshoumaru.
The researchers had been watching Sesshoumaru think for about an hour now and decided to just tape whatever they do outside of the bedroom, and go check on the other specimens.
`Bored… bored… bored!!! Gods what is there to do in this place nothing that's what I've already looked around and Sesshoumaru isn't really the best conversationalist. Maybe I should look for other way out besides the door. Yeah that's it.' With that Kagome got up from her comfy perch on the bed. She left room and started spreading out her and she went to a trance like state and started walking around.
Kagome found several more surveillance devices she removed the ones she could but found some to be protected by the same substance in the walls.
Sesshoumaru had noticed when Kagome had walked out of the room but didn't bother talking to her for her mind seemed preoccupied.
Her eyes were glowing a soft pink and her face showed deep concentration. He noticed her looking around the room the started walking to a wall and pounded her fist into it. To say he was surprised at first would be an understatement. That is until she pulled back her hand and with it came a hidden microphone and many wires.
With a hard tug the wire started straining out of the wall in different patterns. Until it came to a stop where she walked over to it and tugged out another microphone. Boy those researchers must be real perverts.
When Kagome pulled out all the wires she could reach she seemed to snap back into reality. She went and sat on the couch her breathing a bit irregular but soon returned to normal.
“Hey Sesshoumaru what should we do now? `Cause is what you said was true we're going to be together for a long time we should at least be able to tolerate each other. Right?”
Sesshoumaru thought about it for a bit they did seem persistent this time maybe he should just mate her to get the idiots to stop bothering him. That sounded like a good idea but he doubted the female would agree. He looked over to her, nope defiantly not.
“They do seem adamant on it to work this time. They've even moved us to the mate facility I surmise by the scent of female and male youkai I can just make out in the air currents.” Sesshoumaru seemed to ponder for a moment while Kagome looked around.
“Okay now how about I go see if I can get that door open.” She walked over to the weird stronger than lead door and seemed to be staring at it intently.
“I don't think staring at it will help. Plus I've already tried to open it.” Sesshoumaru said in a cold voice.
“Shush I'm trying to concentrate and your cold aura isn't helping.” Kagome's aura seemed to flash then fluctuate. Suddenly it all stopped and a powerful force blasted her to the other side of the room.
Sesshoumaru moved to catch her before he even realized it. He caught her but didn't put her down thanks to the daze that he was in. `Why did I catch her?' he thought to himself.
Kagome was prepared the impact but it never came instead strong steady arms caught her. She was surprised that Sesshoumaru had caught her. Not that she was ungrateful or anything it was just a nice surprise.
Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru's face when he didn't immediately put her down. He seemed to be thinking about something she really wanted to know but was trying really hard not to read his mind in respect to his wishes. Forget that isn't like he'll ever find out. She was wanted to know so she opened her senses. She could have died laughing right then, he was having an argument with himself. And he was threatening to kill his conscience.
Though his face was still a stoic mask. She managed to keep a straight face though. She started squirming a bit and that seemed to be when he came back from his inner argument. Sesshoumaru suddenly dropped her and walked away.
Kagome was fuming he just suddenly dropped and didn't even care to apologize. She was about to yell at him when a voice came from the walls around her.
“Well, well I see you have woken up and explored your surroundings for a bit. I hope you like your accommodations, `cause you're not going to go anywhere until we're satisfied with your behavior. Though I would like to point out that there is a panel that will open for you tomorrow it will lead to a dojo since you two seem so fond of training. Just don't kill each other and try not to break anymore of the equipment.”
The voice cut off and left two mad inu demons. How dare they lock them up? Kagome was mad enough to transform. Sesshoumaru took it all in silent anger though he could feel the enormous power radiating off the female… no Kagome and she seemed about to go off.
He did not want to have to deal with her beast so he did the only thing he could think of and that was to surprise her… with a kiss. As soon as his lips were upon hers she quieted down her beast became docile and she seemed to lean into the kiss. She suddenly jerked back and smacked him when she realized what he was doing.
“How dare you touch me without my permission!” She stomped away without further ado and walked to the bedroom and locked the door.
~End Chapter 2~
Sorry it's not as long as the other one this the last chapter for this one for a while until I get some inspiration. But don't worry I will update… sooner or later.