InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2
Inuyasha's P.O.V.
“Wake up!” I heard someone shout, shocking the hell out of me and making me fall out of my bed.
“I'm up, I'm up” `god, what a nice way to wake up' “some friend you are! Waking me up so early!”
“What are you talking about? It's almost noon!”
“Exactly… as I said it's too early”
“Whatever” he said with a shrug. “We're leaving in fifteen minutes so get ready'
“What?! Fifteen minutes?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!”
“Believe me I tried” grumbled Miroku as I frantically ran around trying to get dressed.
“What was that!?” I asked with a raised fist.
“Nothing!” he yelled cowering in fear.
`God I hate him sometimes, you know that saying you can pick your friends but not your family? Well I did not pick him. I mean come on the first time I met him I beat him up, but I did have a good reason, he thought I was a girl, because of my long hair, and he groped me! I mean honestly, who would want to be the friend of a pervert? But anyway, the next thing I know he is following me everywhere, and then I found out that he was my new neighbor. Ugggh, it's a nightmare'
“Eh? What's wrong Yash?”
“Nothing” `what's wrong? He asks, Ha! He's the problem, but who cares he's unimportant anyway. Back to the bright side of life…I get to see Kagome tomorrow! Yahoo!!!'
“Are you…?”
“Am I what?”
“Are you humming?” he asked in a rush.
“Idiot” was my only answer which I said right before I punched him in the head, leaving him swirly-eyed on the floor. I then proceeded to walk down the stairs to the kitchen, still humming.
“Honey, eat some food before we go”
“Ok mom”
“Son, why are you humming?”
“Inuyasha, your father has asked you a question”
“…I'm happy…”
Everyone face-faulted, anime style, except for me of course, I just continued to eat.
As soon as Sesshomaru pried himself off of the floor he said “You? Happy? You are never happy, hanyou.”
“Fluffy, shut up!”
“Now boys, no fighting”
“Yah?” I replied while munching on toast.
“Where is Miroku?”
“Right here Mrs. S” Miroku said appearing out of nowhere like usual.
“AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” she screamed, causing all of us to snicker in the background “don't scare me like that!”
“Eheheheheh” he said nervously with his hand rubbing the back of his head “I didn't mean to scare you”
In the car
“Who's driving first?”
“Miroku who do you think is driving first?”
“No, you idiot! I'm not driving my dad is.” `Honestly what an idiot……He's going to be living with me now…….'this finally seemed to penetrate into my mind… `He is going to be living with me…in the same house…NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!'
“Hey Yash?
“Yah?” I said rather sadly.
“Are you alright? I mean you went all pale and got this really creeped out look on your face.”
“I wonder why” I replied sarcastically.
“Don't you talk to me that way mister!!! I'm only looking out for your well being”
“I'm sure you are” I remarked dryly.
“That's the spirit!” he said happily.
“You are one stupid human, you would not know sarcasm if it bit you in the ass.”
“Right on, Fluffy!” I said.
“No fair! That was mean! Ganging up on me like that!” Miroku whined.
“Miroku stop whining” my father barked “and you two stop antagonizing him” since I have the best hearing (modest isn't he?) I also heard him mumble angrily “like children, all of them” I didn't know whether to laugh or be offended.
We started the drive with dad driving and fluffy next in line. Since mom can't drive, so that makes her the navigator, which means she gets to sit in the front passenger seat. I'm in the way back and am lying down so it is just me. And Sesshomaru has to sit next to Miroku `poor Fluffy but oh well, it is not my problem.'
Next thing I know I'm being shook awake, so I must have fallen asleep `to bad it's during the day or I could have seen Kagome' I thought with a sigh. I figured it was time for a rest stop or something so I opened my eyes and said “what?” rather groggily.
“It's your time to drive”
“What?! But we just started!”
“No, we've been driving for the past 9 hours”
“I was asleep for that long?”
“It would appear so little brother” came from the middle seat sounding rather annoyed, “now would you get off your ass and start your shift?”
“What crawled up your ass and died?”
“I am not in the mood for your sense of humor, hanyou.” He said snappishly. “Now get in the drivers seat and drive!”
As I got out Miroku whispered to me “he is so pissed because he is missing his favorite soap-opera” `yes that would explain the attitude'
I finally reached the drivers seat, but not before seeing my dad knocked out cold and snoring like there was no tomorrow. `I cannot believe that I am related to these people' I thought in horror `I hope I don't turn out like him'
When I was finally in the seat and ready to go I heard “Inu put your seatbelt on” from my right.
“I know mom” I said rolling my eyes.
“Mom, why don't you go to sleep? I'll wake you when we get there”
“Thank you dear, you are a life saver”
`Suuuuuuuure…life saver…that's me…'
I drove on and on and on and finally reached our new house “whoa…it's a fucking mansion!” my exclamation is what woke everyone up. My mother was about to tell me to watch my language when she saw the house.
“Yes son?”
“Are you sure this is the right house?”
“of course I'm sure, I own a company and I finally decided to use some of my money instead of putting it all in the bank…wait…are you trying to say that you don't like it?”
“Are you kidding? I love it!!! Does it have a pool?”
“Of course”
“A gym?”
“I love you!” I told him with shining eyes, “Kagome is going to love this!”
“Kagome? Who is Kagome son?”
“Yeah who's Kagome? I've heard you say her name a couple of times while you were asleep”
“I did?...Wait…how would you know what I said while I was asleep? Your room was down the hall!”
“Son you never told us who this Kagome person is”
“You'll see, you'll see”
“What is that suppose to mean?”
“Hey mom is all of our furniture here?”
“Yes dear and it is all set up to”
“Well then I'm going to bed! Good night!”
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I know this isn't the best story but come on! Someone has to have read it! I have like what 3 reviews? Honestly writer's get no respect! +sigh+ oh well there's nothing I can do about that…but I will write on for that is my duty! (See me strike a pose with stars shinning in my eyes) Please review! Help me feel wanted!