InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ OUT of TIme ❯ Loose Ends ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title:Out of time
Disclaimer: I do not own the original Inuyasha characters nor am I paid for writing this story. Only the idea and none anime/manga charcters are mine. Rating M+. Please use Disclaimer for all future chapters

AN: (sad, funny, action agnst, romance) Long 5 chaps. while this starts off, typical(defeat of naraku, kagome wants Inuyasha, inuyasha doesn't know what he wants,) I think if you reach chapter 3 you will be pleasantly suprised.

Chap Title: Loose Ends

Today had been a hard day for Kagome…and it wasn't even over yet. She was on her bed hugging her knees to her chest…depressed and hating herself for it. I shouldn't be so hard on myself…I'm just depressed because today is the day. She was all alone and feeling melancholy. “Well that's your fault Kagome so stop complaining.” She said out loud to the empty room. Her mother had tried to convince her to visit her aunt for the weekend with the rest of the family. She had declined and her mother hadn't pushed. Somehow her mother had understood that she needed to be alone and she thanked the stars for having such a wonderful family. Even so it couldn't block out the pain she felt in her heart. Had she made the right decisions…could she have done anything different? Those were answers she didn't really know, after all she had made her choices and now she had to live with them. Still she thought “what if” as she thought back on the last six months.
Six months ago in a fierce battle her group had beaten Naraku. It had not been an easy task. He had sought them out to retrieve the last six jewel shards from them as he possessed all the rest. The battle took place not far form Kaeda's village where it all started 50 years ago. Of the six they did have Miroku had convinced Inuyasha to use them to boost his power but even that hadn't been totally enough. It had taken luck and the skills of each person to win. It has also taken…Kikyo. Inuyasha had caused Naraku great damage with his sword, at which point Miroku had used his wind tunnel to suck the majority of the demons housed in Naraku body out, making him even weaker. Then together Sango and Inuyasha had attacked him. Still he stood and fought and Kagome had been loosing hope quickly as his strength seemed to have no end. Then like a saint or a devil Kikyo had showed up and Naraku had thought she was on his side but at the last moment she withdrew his large half of the jewel from his body. She had then stood aside and let Inuyasha and Naraku go head to head. Sango and Miruko lay wounded from Kikyo's hand and now it was up to Inuyasha to finish him off. That fool…Inuyasha hadn't minded and had actually laughed as he rushed Naraku. He had probably been happy that Naraku would die by his hands…after all that way he could avenge Kikyo's death at long last.

Like a roach that wouldn't be killed Naraku had still fought. In the end he'd had Inuyasha in a choke hold from the back, as a snake demon wrapped around the rest of Inuyasha's body. Naraku had then attempted to dig his clawed hand inside Inuyasha's chest to get the jewel shards that I had placed there. Sango and Miruku were to weak to help and Kikyo had stood there smiling. She hadn't cared which one had perished for whoever had lived she would kill with her own hands. So it had been up to Kagome to do something. She had come out of her hiding place where Inuyasha had told her to stay. Shippo had been left in Kaeda's village as they knew the battle would be no place for him. She had raised her bow, a scared arrow already attached and shouted at the demon who had consumed all their lives for too long.

“Naraku let Inuyasha go!”

He had only grinned at her and squeezed Inuyasha's throat harder. “And what will you do Kagome? To shoot me you'll have to shoot Inuyasha…you don't have the guts human girl.” Kagome had looked at Inuyasha his eyes filled with pain as the shards were being torn from his body. Then she had looked into Naraku eyes and saw pure hate and malice…and she had known that she had to put a stop to his madness. If they didn't end it here then their lives and maybe the whole future would be ruined.

“And you don't have the heart to understand love. Die Naraku!” She had taken aim and fired. The arrow pierced the red fire rats jacket and through Inuyasha's chest to where the jewels lay. She had watched as his eyes widened right before the arrow embedded it self into Naraku's black heart. In a flash of blinding light Inuyasha was thrown from his enemy as the sacred arrow powers fought with the evil in Naraku heart. The wails of agony form the demons left in him as they fled and evaporated were the worst sounds she had ever heard. But worst still was the soulless cries of the once human man as his flesh burst into flames, once again burning him, to ashes right before their eyes.

For a moment all had been silent in the clearing where the ground was scared from battle. Kagome had dropped to her knees to shaken by what she had done to even run to Inuyasha who lay 20 feet in front of her…Kikyo however was not. The priestess holding the almost complete but red glowing jewel approached Inuyasha and kneeled where he lay. She had not been concerned for his injuries not in the least.

“Now Inuyasha I will kill you myself. Then I will follow you to hell where we can finally be together.” She had reached down trying to pull the jewels from the wound in his chest as easily as she had pulled the jewel from Naraku. However she had screamed in pain and reared back, standing up in the process.

“What is this? That girl must have purified the shards completely when she struck them with her arrow. Very well then I will kill you with what I have.” She had stood over him with her hand pointed downward and finally Kagome had reacted, snatching up her bow and arrow and letting one loose. Even in her rush she was careful this time not to make the same mistake that had started this mess. She hit Kikyo's wrist that was holding the jewel. Kikyo screamed in pain and her hand went flying up in the air causing her to toss the jewel aside. Kagome had stumbled to her feet and running forward retrieved before anyone else could. At long last the jewel was in her hand where it belonged.

By now Sango and Miruku had helped each other up and had shuffled over closer to her. She slowly made her way to Inuyasha as Kikyo backed away, her eyes bitter. Reaching him she sank down to her knees and cradled his head on her lap.

“Inuyasha are you all right? I'm so sorry I shot you.” His eyes had fluttered open and he had grimaced at her.

“Don't be so soft Kagome…you did the right thing. Now put the shards with the rest of the jewel…only you can make it whole again.” She had nodded tears in her eyes and reached into his chest to retrieve them. Unlike Kikyo her hand passed through easily. Then she had put the entire jewel in her hand and balled it into a fist. It had been extremely warm in her hand and after a few seconds everyone could see a red glow coming from in between her fingers. Slowly it had turned to a white pearl light as the jewel was purified. This whole time all had been silent waiting to see what would happen, now Kikyo spoke again.

“Well…it seems I underestimated you. You have the power now…what will you do with it. With the jewel you can kill me with a thought.” Inuyasha was sitting up now and Kagome let him go and rose to face Kikyo. Kagome hated to admit it but she felt very angry at the dead priestess as she remembered all the times she had tired to hurt Inuyasha or herself and how she had helped Naraku many times.

“Your right Kikyo I think it's time someone put you out of your misery.” Kagome had walked forward only to be stopped by a hand on her ankle. She had looked down at Inuyasha.

“Kagome…” He had said imploringly. She had stared into his pleading and yet confused eyes and her anger had melted. It wasn't his fault that he loved Kikyo he couldn't help it…just like she couldn't help loving him. She had shook his hand off and continued until she stood in front of Kikiyo who had not moved. In fact she was smiling.

“Do what you will girl…it matters not…I am already dead in body and soul and my heart died fifty years ago…there is not much else you can do to me.”

“All that may be true but there's one thing I can do to you that you haven't tired…I can heal you!”

Kagome had rammed the jewel where Kikyo's heart should have been and hugged the woman to her own body with her other arm. For a moment nothing happened but then Kikyo's eyes went wide and so did Kagome's and in the next instant they were surrounded by light and wind as it swirled around them.

Inuyasha had struggled to his feet and his two friends stood beside him as they watched in horror. Before their eyes they watched as the dead souls rose and left Kikyo's body. Both of the women's hair floated above them as the power of the jewel worked. Now they were holding each other by the arms, heads thrown back and eyes closed. I was told (for I couldn't remember it all clearly) that my soul, which ironically once upon a time had been Kikyo's, came out of my body and hovered between us. Then they say it tore itself in half! I do remember feeling this terrible ripping in my body but I didn't see any of it. I was told that one half went into Kikyo and the other half back into me, along with the sacred jewel that had eventually come out of Kikyo's body. Then our eyes had opened and we had looked at each other, both staring into the face so like her own. Eyes alike, which were the windows to one's soul…when the power had flung us from each other.

Inuyasha had lurched forward and caught me before I fell to the ground, Kikyo was not so lucky.

“Kagome are you all right?”

“I think so what about Kikyo…what happened to her.” They'd all looked over only to see her already standing up, looking down at her hands and body in amazement. She took a tentative step forward then another as a slow smile spread across her face. She continued to walk forward until she was ten feet from them. Then she did the strangest thing…she bowed to me.

“Thank you…you have restored my soul…and my heart. My life was cut short by trickery and evil. I have been given another chance. My heart and mind no longer burn with hateful thoughts. Though the jewel was put into my hands for protection fifty years ago I am now undeserving of it. After all it was you that purified it and put it back together again. I now charge you with its protection. Do what you will with it. I will never try to take it from you again. Though you should already know, I'll warn you anyway. The jewel can be a heavy burden to bare. One that apparently I could not withstand. I know I have done many hurtful things while my mind was blackened with hate. I do not expect any of you to forgive me. I only ask that you let me live in peace as I try to live a productive and finally normal life. And you Inuyasha…I still care for you…even in my madness I always loved you. I…if….you can forgive me I will be waiting for you. Please tell my sister that I will be in the nearest town over to the north if she should find it in her heart to forgive me. I bid you all farewell.” The restored Kikyo had turned without another word and walked away.

“Kikyo…” Had been what Inuyasha had uttered even as he still held me in his arms. We had been silent then. None knew what to say and I was fighting back tears of hopelessness when Sango finally spoke.

“We should get back to the village and attend to our wounds and let everyone know the news.” They had nodded and supporting each other had made their way slowly and silently back to the village. For a day that should have been filled with celebration they had been a somber group.

Once at the village most of Sango and Miruku's wounds were found to be superficial and treated. They would be sore for a couple of days but would be fine. Shippo was ecstatic that we were all alive and bounced around, refusing to leave my side. Inuyasha was already shaking off the effects of the battle and refused aid. He had yet to utter another word and stood by watching as Kaede tended my few scraps.

“Child, I knew you were a miracle the first day you appeared in this village. Words can not thank you for what you did for my sister. For she was living a fate worse then death. As soon as I can I will go visit her. You have made an old woman happy. For now I can live out my remaining years with the sister of my heart.”

“I…uh you're welcome Kaede. I'm glad you're happy.” I had looked at Inuyasha but he had merely turned and walked out the hut. I had been fighting my tears again when Sango's voice caught my attention.

“Miroku I'm so sorry!” The rest of us turned around to stare at the two and found Sango holding Miroku's cursed hand.

“What's wrong?” I had asked as I walked over.

“Miroku said he still has the wind tunnel. I thought it was suppose to go away once Naraku died!” It was clear that Sango was distraught and with good reason.

But Miroku brave till the end had merely smiled. “It's okay, apparently I have used it to often and to much in these last months of searching for the shards. I believe it's in the finally stages before it swallows me whole. The hole has spread to almost my entire palm.”

“Why didn't you tell us!” Sango yelled. They had all noticed that in the last few months Miroku had been spending a lot of time alone or deep in thought, now they knew why.”

“I didn't want to worry you guys since we all had Naraku on our minds. Today in the battle when I sucked away his hundreds of demons was the last straw…it's over for me. I may have days I may have hours I'm not sure, but I can feel that I won't live much longer.”

“Oh Miroku!” Sango had flung herself into his arms and the monk had been shocked and pleased as he embraced her and let her tears fall on his chest. Shippo had snuggled up to my leg hiding his face as his own tears fell.

“Oh Miroku…is there nothing we can do?” I had asked saddened from the thought of loosing the monk after coming so far together. Just then Inuyasha walked back in.

“Do about what? Why the hell is Sango crying? Who died already?”

“I did Inuyasha, I am a dead man walking.” Miroku had joked, standing and pushing Sango away. As he explained to Inuyasha the situation Miroku made his way out side and they all followed.

“Damn it! Naraku even dead is causing trouble.” Inuyasha had shouted.

“It's okay. It must be my destiny. Friends I must take my leave from you all now. As I said I really don't know how long I have. I should go find a secluded place and stay there until the time comes…I don't want to hurt anyone.” He had barely finished his sentence before Sango threw herself at him again.

“No you can't go…I'll have nothing left!” A month before they had found Kohaku's body. Naraku had finally had to remove the jewel shard as he collected the last ones. It had been a sad day for the group and horrific on poor Sango as they buried her brother in her old village next to the rest of her family.

Now Miroku had held her with one hand as he looked down at her lovingly. “Why Sango I didn't know you cared.”

“Of course I do. Even though you're an infuriating perverted monk…I care for you. I can't picture my life with out you…somewhere in it.”

He had brushed her cheek and gave her a real smile. “My dear Sango, after hearing that at least I can die happy.”

“Monk…you may not have to die at all.”.

“Explain old woman!” Inyuasha had demanded of Kaede

“Inuyasha if the jewel can reverse and cure Kikyo maybe it can do the same for his wind tunnel. However if this fails then the jewel would be gone in the wind tunnel forever and there a chance that the demons in the black hole may even be able to use it.”

“But it's worth a shot, I'd use it if I had it. But it's gone back into my body again.”

“Child you control the jewel now. Think of it and bring it forth.”

So I had concentrated and to my surprise the jewel had come out of my side. I had given the jewel to Miroku and after shooing everyone far away the monk slid the jewel under the cover of his hand and the jewel was sucked inside. He fell to his knees and Kagome had had to restrain Sango from going to his aid. For long minutes he writhed on the ground. His face was covered in sweat from the pain but at long last he let out one final shriek and became still. They all thought the worst as they went over to him. But as they approached him the material over the wind tunnel floated up and the jewel, still intact came back out. Kagome ran and caught it in her hand as Miroku sat up and looked down at his uncovered hand. The hole was now only about the size of a quarter but it was still there. However it lay exposed, for the prayer beads lay on the ground and nothing was being sucked inside. The wind tunnel appeared not to work.

“I don't understand?” Miroku had said confused.

“It seems the jewel purified the black hole and you are alive. We can assume it will give you no more troubles.” Kaeda said wisely.

Sango was on the ground supporting him. “Yes, monk just be happy that you are alive and have more time on this earth.”

He had smiled at her words and the purified hand in question snaked down to her backside. Sango had blushed crimson but hadn't said a word. “Can I ask you something Sango?”

“Yes monk, but quickly before I loose my patience and after you take your hand off my rear.”

“Will you marry me and have my children.” They all heard the smack as her hand hit his face and Inuyasha couldn't hold back a snicker.

“Damn you! Barely back from death and still a pervert. I don't even know why I bother.” Sango turned away but Miroku pulled her back.

“Did you hear me slayer? I said be my wife…then have my children.”

“Oh!” Sango said in shock. “I…your just saying that because you've had a near death experience.”

”This is not the first such experience. Sango I've never asked any other woman that question before. You know I care for you and you've finally admitted that you care for me. This long journey that we've been through should have shown us all that time is precious and we shouldn't waste what time we do have.”

“I…don't know what to say.” She had looked around at all of us, her cheeks scarlet. “Okay monk…I'll marry you but only if you promise to keep your perverted hands off of every woman you meet from now on. If not I'll cut them off and you'll never have to worry about the wind tunnel again!”

“I promise. From this moment forward my perverted hands are reserved only for you.” He proved his point by feeling her behind again and she promptly smacked him and stalked back to the hut.

We all had a good laugh at his expense and started back as well. I had looked at Inuyasha, Miroku's words ringing in my ears. Should I tell him how I feel? But shouldn't he know by now? Those thoughts had gone through my head. He was silent and wouldn't look at me and when we got back to the hut he stayed out side, going high in a tree. After that the rest of us celebrated, the fall of Naraku, the wedding to come and to happy endings all around. I insisted that I be at the wedding and forced them to pick a date. To make it easy they picked a date three months from the present day. I told them I would be here the day before wedding to help out. Now that their love was out in the open Sango was very shy around him and Miroku had a stupid grin on his face. I had fallen asleep happy for the two lovers and sad because I couldn't see my self and Inuyasha ever being that way…not now…not ever.

The next day it was time for me to leave. I had been over here for the last month as the search for the jewel shards had come to a head. And now that Naraku was dead and the jewel was safe I had no reason to stay. My group of misfit friends and Kaeda walked me to the well to say their good bye's. No one had seen Inuyasha all morning.

“Oh, Kagome I shall miss you. You're like a sister to me. I know you must go but you must come back to visit whenever you like.” Sango had given me a tight hug and I had squeezed my eyes so I wouldn't cry.

“I'll miss you to Sango. You're the sister I never had, but you have Miroku now, he'll take care of you. And don't worry I promise I'll be here for the wedding you can count on it!”

Miroku's farewell came next. “Lady Kagome, it has been a pleasure traveling with you. You have a brave and noble heart. You will be missed greatly.” She gave Miroku a hug then a knock on the head. “Hey what was that for.”

“Just in case you don't treat Sango right while I'm gone. Though I'm sure she'll do worse to you herself.” Kagome had then whispered in his ear. “Be good…and uh do me a favor and look after Inuyasha will you?” He nodded understanding. Then she had felt a weight thrown against her leg, it was Shippo.

“Oh Kagome you can't leave! Who will make Inuyasha stop hitting me if you go?” I smiled and scooped the young demon up in her arms. She had been playing the role of big sister/mother since she had met him so many months ago. He had grown and matured but he was still definitely a child by human and demon standards alike.

“Don't worry Shippo just threaten him that I've transferred the power of the sit command to you and that ought to do it. He won't know it's a lie. And don't worry I'll never forget you. I'm sure everyone here will watch out for you, we're all friends. I love you very much Shippo don't forget that” He blushed embarrassed but gave her a tight hug anyway, as I had fought back tears.

“I won't forget you either.” Shippo promised.

“Neither will I. Here child I have a gift for you.” Kaeda said as she walked forward. In her hands she held the jewel but had some how attached it back to a necklace. Slipping it over my head she stepped back. “There…now it is where it belongs.”

”How did you get it? I thought I went to sleep with it in my hands.” I'd said confused.

”Child you were exhausted and I slipped it out of your hands while you slept.”

”Well thank you. I can keep track of it better now. But do you think it will be safe with me?” I was nervous to take the jewel back to my time.

“Yes, no demon can come through the well unless they have a piece of the shard. The jewel is whole now so only you will have the power to come back and forth none other. Take it and be safe. With it out of this era we will no longer have to worry about a demon gaining its awesome power.”

“Okay, thank you Kaeda for all you've taught me. Strange I've never thought of it this way before but you're probably my great to the 100th power aunt or something. I'll miss you. Well I guess I should be going…if that all.” She had said loudly hoping Inuaysha would come but he didn't. “Well…maybe you guys should head back. With you all standing here it's making me not want to leave and I feel like I want to cry and I can't do that either.”

“Kagome's right…lets go. We shall see you soon.” Sango said before ushering everyone away. I watched them and waved until they went over the hill. It was then that I let the first tear fall. Would Inuyasha really send me off without even saying good bye? How horrible! Fine I don't need him anyway. I had turned towards the well when I heard a gentle sound and a rush or air behind me. I turned as if in a dream and he was there.

”Inuyasha…you came.”


“Sit boy!” I'd yelled and he crashed into the ground at my feet.

He finally got up rubbing his head. “What was that for you crazy girl.”

“For making me think you were going to let me leave without saying good bye! Where have you been?”

“For your information I've been here the whole time. I was in the God tree watching and listening to everything. Where do you get off telling Shippo to scare me with the dog command? That wasn't very nice.” He said scowling at her.

“Oh! You heard that, well it's what you deserve you shouldn't beat up on him like that. He looks up to you.”

“The little turd? He shouldn't be so annoying.” Inuyasha said perplexed as if the thought had never accrued to him.

“Inuyasha…you will look after him won't you? He doesn't have any family, no mother no father. While I know Sango and Miroku will look after him he needs someone with his blood to teach him. Will you do that for me?” She could tell he was speechless, which was rare.

“Yeah, yeah. I'll take care of the little brat. I promise. Are you happy now?”

“Yes.” She'd said smiling. She had then reached out to him caused him to step back but all she did was grab the spell teeth necklace from around his neck and take it off. “Since you gave me your word to look after him I guess Shippo won't need that command after all.” She could see he was surprised that she had taken the dreaded necklace off.

“Well I really should go…” She had said, not knowing what else to say.

“Umm thanks and yeah I guess you should.” There was a long pause as he looked at her and she looked at the ground. “So you're taking the jewel with you?” He'd finally said and she'd looked up at him.

“Yes…do you have a problem with that?”

“Why should I care? Do whatever.”

“Fine I will…and I guess you will to.”

“What is that suppose to mean.”

“Well, I'm just saying. Now that Kikyo is back to normal and she doesn't have to protect the jewel from you or any one else…you two can be together.” The words had almost stuck in her throat.

“Kagome you're leaving…”

“Yeah so? Maybe I wouldn't if-“ She'd started only to be cut off.

“It's better this way. Now you can get back to your real life and be safe. No more running, no more fighting.”

“No more of me getting in your way…I get it.”

“That's not what I meant Kagome!” He had grabbed her hand as they both stared down wide eyed at the connection. Kagome couldn't take it anymore, her heart had been breaking. He hadn't denied that he would be with Kikyo….he didn't want her here. Jerking her hand away and with tears in her eyes she'd said her farewell.

“I'll miss you Inuyasha, good bye!” Then she had flung herself down the well before he could stop her.
That had been six months ago. After which she had come home to the joy of her family that she was safe and sound. It had been the end of March and there were only been three more months of school. Since she had missed the whole month of February and had a lot of catching up to do, which had turned out to be a good thing. She had thrown herself into her school work and it had greatly helped her not to think of Inuyasha and her bleeding heart. The months had passed quickly and she had amazingly only failed one class and that had been math. She would take summer school and make it up. The school year ended three days before Sango's wedding and she started summer school only a week after. The three months had gone by fast and she was very excited to see everyone again but she was also dreading it.

She had imagined that Inuyasha would be with Kikyo by now, hell maybe even married to her. Still she had pulled herself together and as promised had gone the day before the wedding to help Sango prepare. Souta had whined and pleaded that she take him with her. Since she would be gone less then two full days she had relented and together they had jumped through the well. Apparently everyone had remembered her promise for she was meet by Miroku, Sango and Shippo…everyone but Inuyasha that is. Shippo and Souta had hit it off right away and ran around playing most of the day. Kagome helped prepare food and caught up with her friends. They told her that Inuyasha had left Shippo in their care and went off for the last two and a half months but he had promised to be back before the wedding. He had kept his promise and showed up two weeks ago. Sango said he'd had dinner with them last night but now they didn't know where he had gone.

Kagome didn't need anyone to draw her a map to know he was avoiding her but she had kept her pain to her self until Sango and she were alone.

“Kagome, I'm sure Inuyasha will be here tomorrow. I can tell that you miss him.”

”Am I that obvious Sango? Darn I thought I had gotten over him these last months.”

“You never truly get over someone you love.”

“I know…but I'm trying. It's obvious he doesn't want me.”

“Why do you say that? I know he cares for you.”

“Yeah, maybe…but he's in love with Kikyo.”

”I wouldn't be so sure.”

“Since he's been back…has he mentioned her?”

“No…and he hasn't to Miroku either, so see you may still have a chance. Plus the day you left, he sat at he well all day, wouldn't say a word to anyone. Even Shippo couldn't irritate him into talking.”

“You think? I don't know. I'd bet anything that he went to visit her when he left here. I'm wasting my time. He'll never admit that he likes me much less loves me.”

“Kagome…Inuyasha is stubborn but so are you. Have you ever told him that you love him? Men can be baka's, maybe it will take you showing your feelings first for him to open up.”

“Do you really think so? I'm just so afraid of getting hurt.”

”I know…I was too. But you're hurting now and at least you'd finally know one way or the other how he feels about you. I only say this because I don't want you to loose someone you care about. I've lost my whole family and almost lost Miroku before I let him know how I felt. I know your era is different but I'm sure time is precious and easily taken in both places. You should give it your best shot…then if it's not meant to be you can go on and live your life with no regrets.”

“Sango…your right. We're both to old to be playing games…if he every shows up I'll just tell him and we will sort this out once and for all. I can't live the rest of my life wondering what if. Thanks I needed that advice.”

They had talked of other things and Sango had talked about her upcoming plans. After she and Miroku were married they planned to go to her old village and live. They wanted to make the deserted town a place for demon slayers once again. Though Naraku was dead there were still tons of demons in the feudal era. She said they would stop at every town they came to and encourage any who wanted to come and train with them. Between the two of them they had more then enough experience to teach the art of slaying to others. Sango hoped doing so would erase the stain of bloodshed from her home lands. Then blushing furiously she had confided in Kagome that she couldn't wait to have Miroku's children and they could raise them up the same way she had been raised, strong and fearless. Of course that had turned the talk to the impending wedding night and by the time Kaede interrupted both young women were blushing and giggling.

The day had gone and went and still no Inuyasha. The next day as the hour of the wedding drew very near they finally saw him. When she saw him she almost ran and gave him a hug she was so happy to finally see him in person, but he had looked at her as if he could see right through her. She had put on a fake smile anyway and ignored him as well. The ceremony was very different from a modern day wedding. She however had brought her best kimono and Sango was dressed in a red wedding kimono and looked radiant. They did have something similar to a best man and maid of honor. She and Inuyasha filled those roles of course but their only job was to actually stand besides the two. When they exchanged their vows Kagome had tears running down her face. She got a few looks for her tears and later learned that tears were a sign of disapproval for a wedding in this era. She couldn't help it though. Her's were tears of joy, for she had always known these two were prefect for each other.

Miroku had relieved the tension however when during the ceremony his hand had drifted to Sango's backside and she had smacked his hand in front of everyone. Afterwards they had sealed their union with a kiss and the cheers of the village. Celebrations started immediately. After all the village was thankful and happy for two of the people who had helped rid the earth of one of the worst demons ever…Naraku. It was a very happy night and even Inuyasha joined in. Night was fast approaching and as the drunk village cheered on the newly married and blushing couple to their honeymoon hut, still Inuyasha didn't approach her. She had gone to bed devastated. The next morning brought them all to the well to wish her good bye…even Inuyasha. She hugged them all and Shippo held on tight refusing to let her go.

“Oh Kagome can't you stay!”

“Don't worry I'll be back to visit.” Even as she said the words…she had known they were a lie…she would not be coming back….it was just to painful.

“Yeah don't worry. Maybe next time you can come visit us. I have a lot of neat stuff I want to show you.” Souta had exclaimed.

“Well guys I'm off.” She said grabbing one of Souta's hands to his embarrassment, when Inuyasha walked to her side.

“Wait…can I talk to you Kagome…alone?”

“Why Inuyasha I didn't know you could still speak…at least not to me that is.”

“Look this is important.” He had been clearly uncomfortable speaking while everyone looked on.

She had looked at him and bit her lip then came to a decision right there. They needed to end this for once and for all. She had nodded, then grabbing his hand with her free one she fell backwards into the well dragging them both with her. They had landed softly but Inuyasha was furious.

“Damn it Kagome what's the big idea!”

“You said you wanted to talk.” She said climbing out the well behind Souta. “But before you do hold on a minute.” She told Souta to go on up to the house and that she was not to be disturbed but that she would be up before to long. Then she had turned silently back to Inuyasha. After a few tense seconds of staring she had been the first to speak.

“What did I do to you to make you treat me so horribly?” She said quietly.

The blood had drained from his face before he spoke. “Kagome I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.”

“What did you think it would do to me for you to ignore me! You have a lot of nerves! I should be the one not speaking to you.”

“I know but we need to talk.”

”Your damn right we do!” Kagome had been suppressing her anger because she hadn't wanted to ruin Sango's wedding but they were here now, in her time and it was a different story. “Tell me right now are you back with Kikyo!”

He had backed up for her for he had rarely seen her this angry. “No, but I do need to talk to you about that.”

”Then spit it out.”

“I went to see her…she has changed for the better.”

”I knew it.” All her anger deflated and she wrapped her arms around herself. “You love her don't you?”

”I don't know what I feel for her. She claims to want to be with me. She's still not the Kikyo I knew. This one is far more free. She's not so uptight and controlled. Probably because she doesn't have the worry of the jewel anymore.”

“Well goodie for her. I'm sure she'll make you very happy.”

“Kagome I told you I don't know how I feel about her.”

“Save it Inuyasha! Answer me this then, how do you feel about me?”

“I…you know I'd always protect you…”

“Is that all you want to do is protect me? What about being with me?”

“Kagome don't you see this is impossible!” He had been frustrated and pulled at his hair turning his back on her.

“Why…tell me why it can't work.” She had said softly touching his shoulders.

“You mean besides the fact that I don't know how I feel about Kikyo?” He said sarcastically.

“Yes besides that…what else is holding you back from me.”

“Well let's see. For one I'm a demon and you're a human!”

“Your only half demon and you're a lot nicer then some humans.”

“Geez! How nice I am has nothing to do with it! Even without that you live in the present and I live in the past!”

“As long as we had the jewel we could work it out somehow.” She said trying to knock down all his objections.

“Stop being naïve. Our worlds are too different.”

“Nothing is impossible when you have love. Things are only as complicated as you make them.”

“Grow up Kagome! And that's another thing we don't have…love…you don't love me.” He said softly turning back around to face her.

“Oh Inuyasha yes I do. I love you so much.” There it was out and she flung herself into his stunned arms, only to have him push her roughly away.

“No, you don't Kagome. I've done a lot of thinking in the last months. You…you only felt that way about me because you were all alone in a strange place and I took care of you. Once you're away from me for a while you'll see that your feelings will go away.”

“Don't be an idiot! I love you when I'm there and when I'm here. I always have. You can't tell me what's in my heart. You can't know the pain I feel when I'm not with you.”

“No Kagome it's just an illusion, like one of Shippo's tricks. Give it more time and you'll forget all about me. You should be with someone like your self. What's that guy name? Hobo…Hojo, go be with him.”

“Inuyasha!” She had grabbed his arms but he'd pushed her back.

“No Kagome it's over. I just wanted to let you know face to face. Now take me back. We have to put an end to this.”

”There's nothing I can say to change your mind?” Silent tears ran down her face and she was shaking…after all they'd been through he couldn't leave her like this. What could she do to convince him of her love?

“No…I'm sorry Kagome it's what's best for you.”

“It's not! Don't you get it? I love you for you. I love you for being stubborn. I love you for being a kind hearted bully. I love you for being a half demon, I love everything about you. I want to be with you Inuyasha. But if you truly don't want me or if you're truly in love with Kikyo then so be it but damn it don't turn away from us because of what you think is best for me!” She saw him open his mouth as if he wanted to say something then close it.

“I'm sorry I'm hurting you but it has to be this way. You can never love someone like me, now take me back.”


”No? Feh, you can't keep me here hostage.”

“I don't plan to. But I'm not going back…every again.” She took the jewel from around her neck and placed it over his. “I love the others too, but I love you more and if I can't have you there's no reason for me to ever return.”

“Kagome what are you doing? I can't take this.”

“Take it I don't care. Besides I trust you and believe in you. You can protect it as well as I can. I freely give it to you. You can use it how you wish. Turn yourself full demon or all human or do neither. I don't care. I love you no matter which you are. I'll even still love you if you're with Kikyo. Now that you have the jewel you can fulfill your dream.”

“Please take it back. With out it you can't visit and the others will never forgive you. What about Shippo?” He said with an emotion in his voice she didn't recognize. For her part she was dying in side. But he had to make a choice and she would to live with it what ever it was.

“You promised me you would look after him. I expect you to keep that promise no matter what. I told you I'm never coming back…unless you come and get me…unless you want to be with me…I'll never set foot in the feudal era again. I really hope you sort out your feeling and come for me…but if you don't I might as well make a clean break if it's over between us. Give the others my apologies.”

“Kagome you don't know what your doing…for all you know I'll use the jewel for real evil. Why do you want someone capable of that?”

“I told you I trust you and love you. No matter what you do I could never hate you…like Kikyo did…never!” She swiped at the still flowing tears and walked towards him as he took the jewel from around his neck.

“Damn it Kagome stop talking crazy and take this thi-.“ That's all he got out as she pushed him down the well.

“I love you Inuyasha…I'll be waiting!” she'd screamed down after him.
Kagome had been waiting for three months. So six months after the defeat of Naraku she sat on her bed crying at the memories. He had not come for her. She had been very depressed these last months and today was the worse. But it should be, since today was the two year anniversary of the day she had first went down the well. The day she had meet Inuyasha. The day her life had changed and the day her heart had been destined to be broken. It had taken them a year and an half to find the shards and defeat Naraku. “Oh Inuyasha! How could you not love me back?”

She flung her self down and hugged her pillow sobbing her eyes out. “Why? I love you so, so much.” Kagome was 17 now, not the 15 year old naive and sheltered school girl who had first fell down the well. She now cried with the agony of a woman who had known and lost real love. For the first time, she truly understood the pain Kikyo had felt.

AN: Thanks to all those who read and review. Please review and tell me what you think. Thanks for taking the time to read, I finished the whole thing and thought it would be nice to try and repost it on this site since I know some people where reading it and made it to like chap 3 but then couldn't find the ending.