InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ OUT of TIme ❯ Final Decisions ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out of Time

Final Decisions-Lemon (warning contains sexual content Italic paragraphs mean memories)


He had been sitting high in the God tree for two days. Thinking…waiting and he hated to admit it…gathering courage. It was just becoming dark and he knew if he was going he should hurry but still he hesitated. For the 100th time he wondered why his life had to be so complicated? It had been that way ever since he was a child. But he had grown up a lot in these past two years. He had seen and been through a lot of tragedy to get to where he was right now. He had matured a lot and now took more then just fighting seriously. There was so much more to life then fighting. Even so, he now had to make the hardest decision he had ever faced. You would think he would've been used to hard decisions by now….he wasn't. He had stopped by Miroku's and Sango's village on the way here to drop off Shippo. He had kept his promise and looked after the annoying runt, taking him wherever he went. This journey however would be different. He didn't need Shippo getting in his way.

He hadn't minded stopping, he had wanted to see the Monk and Sango anyway. In the three months since their wedding their little village had grown quickly to almost fifty people. He wasn't sure how he felt about that, since he village was meant to house people that would hunt and kill people like him. Anyway that hadn't been the only surprise he had found in the village! The thing that mattered was that his friends seemed happy which was more then he could say for his self. Before he had dropped Shippo off they had come from the village that Kikyo lived in. He and Shippo had stayed there with her for almost a month. He'd needed to find out what, if anything he still felt for the priestess. Now as he remembered back a wry smiled twisted his face. How ironic his time with her had been.
Upon his arrival she had thrown her arms around him in a hug to his surprise and the disgust of Shippo, who had stood by frowning. They hadn't said much that night but she had accepted him and welcomed them to the village. From there it seemed like he was living dejavu. His time there mirrored the time he had first gotten to know her. He spent his days watching her…following her…observing her. At first he told his self he just really wanted to know if she had changed. He'd soon realized his actions had a deeper meaning. When he wasn't with her he and Shippo did odd jobs for the villagers. They of course were not overjoyed to have a half demon in their presence, even one who had helped defeat Naraku. He and Kikyo talked but only about as much as they use to and they even shared a few briefs kisses. I had slowly come to a conclusion. He was not quite sure when he started to realize it…but one incident may have triggered my revelation.

Shippo, Kikyo and I were having dinner in my make shift camp at the edge of town. We had been quietly eating a dinner of fish and rice when Kikyo in a rare sign of affection had leaned over and brushed some twigs out of my hair. Shippo who was sitting on my other side had blurted out.

“Inuyasha when are we leaving this place? Shouldn't we get back to the village just in case Kagome decides to come back?” I hadn't told him or anyone else about me and Kagome's last conversation, even so his words irritated me. They shouldn't have since he had been making similar comments since we had arrived but I guess that night I let my temper get the best of me.

“Shut up you little weasel! Kagome's not coming back!” I'd shouted at him before I sent him flying with a flick of my wrist. Right after I felt bad and froze waiting for something that never came. Kikyo didn't say a word and Shippo with tears in his eyes, probably more so from my words, had stomped off to the woods to be by his self. As we went back to eating in relative silence I figured out what was missing. I had been expecting a rebuke and a knock on the head for hitting Shippo…that's what Kagome always did…but Kikyo wasn't Kagome.

A week and an half later I pulled Kikyo in the woods to have a conversation with her. As soon as we were alone she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips had been cold against one another's. I had softly untangled her arms and pushed her away.

“Kikyo…I didn't bring you out here for that.”

“I would not mind if you had Inuyasha.” She'd said with no shame in her voice looking me in the eye. She wasn't blushing but I was and I cleared my throat and took a step back from her.

“Well…there's something I need to tell you.”

“What is it?”

I had reached under my shirt and pulled out the jewel. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had it. It's been with me the whole time.” Kikyo had merely started laughing at me.

“Inuyasha don't be silly of course I knew you had it. I was once the keeper of the jewel and it healed me so of course I can sense it.”

“You knew and didn't say anything?”

“What was there to say? I told you I have no need of the jewel every again. I suppose she gave it to you but for what purpose?”

”What ever purpose I want. To make myself a full demon or completely human.” Kikyo had been quite for a minute and just stared at me.

“I see…so how will you use it Inuyasha? Why haven't you used it by now?” That was a good question? Why hadn't I used it one way or another by now? After some thought I answered her truthfully.

“I was waiting on you. I needed to see where we stand Kikyo. How would you have me use the jewel?” She had smiled then and walked until she could hold my hands…she'd looked so pretty and care free in the moonlight.

“I would want you to become human…like you promised me all those years ago. That way we could live our lives together in peace.”

“It would be hard for me not to be a demon…I don't know anything else.” I had said softly the truth finally said out loud.

“You'll have me though, well be together. Honestly Inuyasha after you become human I would want you to destroy the jewel. It brings nothing but sorrow to the person who welds it.”

“It depends on whose hands it's in.” I'd told her as I let her hands go and stepped back. “I will have to think on it some more.”

“There is but one choice. That's the only way we can be together and be happy.”

“You don't feel there's any other way Kikyo?”

“No I don't. I love you Inuyasha…as humans we can settle down at last and live a normal life. That's all I crave nowadays.” She had given him a kiss on the cheek and headed back to the village. Days later he and Shippo had packed up and headed to Sango's village.
Now it was the night of the new moon and he sat high in the tree as a human. His black hair hiding his face as he leaned forward with on the sword of his birthright… Tessaiga. Heaving a big sigh he stood up. It was now or never. With a smooth leap he landed the 50 feet down to the ground. The feat of doing so was nothing to him since he had the jewel. Merely having it in his possession made his strength increase a hundred fold whether half demon or human. Over the last three months he had learned many secrets of the jewel and its powers were at my finger tips. The only thing left to determine was how he would use it. With a quick run he reached the well and jumped in. The feel of the power never ceased to amaze him as it took him through space and time. Inuyasha was soon on the other side, quickly making his way out the well and shed. He looked at Kagome's dwelling and saw the lights were off except in her room. Maybe she was still up…she should have been it wasn't that late. He forced his feet to move. I should be ashamed of my self. Me a demon of noble blood afraid of a human woman. Inuyasha just wasn't sure how Kagome would take his news….but there was only one was to find out.

He jumped up onto her open window seal and paused. Why did she always leave it open? Didn't she know it wasn't safe? Something worse then his self might decide to come in one day. I'll have to talk to her about that. He stepped in and looked around the room. It was a little messier then he remembered. Laying on the floor and bed were her books of sketches she had drawn while she was on the other side. Oh him…and the others. Had she been looking at them today? He didn't sense or smell her family in the quite house so he assumed they were out. He now turned his eyes to the object of his visit. She was laying on her bed curled up and sleep. He could just make out the dried tear stains on her cheeks…she had been crying. He was surprised she hadn't woken up at…but he would let her stay that way for a few more minutes.

He sat his sword against the wall and walked slowing around her room. Picking up foreign items that were meaningless to him. So much about her world confused him and probably all ways would. When he was through poking his nose in places they didn't belong he went and sat gently at the head of her bed. She was a sight for his weary eyes. She had on what she called shorts and a small purple top that showed the shape of her breasts a little too clearly. He stopped his self from staring and focused on what he had come to do. Reaching out he softly stroked her hair and called her name.

Kagome was having a bad dream were Inuyasha was walking away from her never looking back. At the same time she felt her self waking and fought it. Even though Inuyasha was leaving her in the dream at least she had seen his face. It was no use though…she gave up on a groan and blinked her eyes open.

“Kagome it's me…wake up.”

I must be dreaming still. How horrible! Now I can actually hear his voice…even feel his hand on my hair. Kagome rubbed her eyes and still saw him sitting there…but something was wrong. His hair was black…he was human. Yeah this must be a dream….but tonight was the night of the new moon. Was it possible after all this time? Had he come for her? Kagome jerked up into a sitting position and pinched her self at the same time.


“What did you do that for?” Inuyasha asked confused by her erratic behavior.

“Inuyasha it's really you?”

“Who else would it be climbing through your window?” He asked suspiciously.

“Uh, no one. I just didn't recognize you at first in your human from.” Kagome blushed and scooted back from him on the bed. Her clock said it was 11:30pm. They sat looking at each other and you could have cut the silence with a knife. Kagome had so much she wanted to say. She wanted to scream at him for making her wait all this time. She also wanted to throw herself at him and declare her undying love. Instead she did neither.

“So why are you here…?”

“I came to bring you some news of Sango and Miroku.”

“Are they okay? What's happened?” Kagome immediately panicked. She knew what a dangerous place the feudal era could be.

“Relax their fine. Their village has grown and in about 9 months it will be even bigger.”
Kagome looked at him funny until the nine months part sunk in. Then her eye widened right before she let out a shriek. “Oh my god Sango's pregnant!” Kagome forgot herself and launched her arms around Inuyasha for a hug. She came back down to earth as she felt Inuyasha's stiff back in her arms. She took in the itchy feel of his fire rats coat and how good it felt to hold him before she let go and scooted back over to her side of the bed, avoiding his eyes. “I'm sorry. I just can't believe it. She told me she couldn't wait to have kids but I didn't think she'd get pregnant this soon. They're both so young.”

When Inuyasha snorted she looked at him again. “Please we are talking about Miroku here! I'm surprised it took the perverted monk this long to get her pregnant. There not that young. Girls younger then Sango might have two or three kids by now.”

“Oh that's right. I forgot it's different over there.” Kagome had forgotten. Besides it wasn't like they had birth control or anything. Her cheeks flushed a little and she just stared at him. Now that he was here she had lost all the words that had been jumbled in her mind for months…or was she just too afraid to say them?

“Um…well that's great. I'm very happy for them. Maybe I can visit when-I mean tell them I wish them the best.” He was looking at her weirdly and only nodded at her comment. Damn him! Why wouldn't he say something? Finally he cleared his throat and spoke again.

“Um and I have news about Miroku too. His wind tunnel is back.”

“What I thought that didn't work anymore.”

“It didn't at first. He said about two months ago he was out hunting and was attacked by a demon. In desperation he gave it a try and it worked. He says he now has more control over it and when he uses it doesn't feel it spreading. We figure it's the jewel influence.”

“Wow…that's one heck of a weapon as long as it's not going to kill him now.

“You can say that again. I'll have to make sure not to get on his bad side.” Inuyasha said seriously.

Again there was a silence as they looked at each other. “Is that it…all the news?”

“Uh…well, I never thanked you for saving my life with Naraku or sparring Kikyo's.”

“You don't have to thank me for your've saved me many times. As for Kikyo…I knew how much she meant to you.” Kagome turned her face from his.

“Thanks anyway.”

“Is that the only reason you came all this way Inuyasha.” She said with bite finally in her tone.

“No Kagome it's not. I needed to see you.”

“Does that mean what I hope it means?” She said softly her eyes watering at the very thought of him coming to claim her.

“Wait…don't get carried away. You should hear what I have to say.” Inuyasha hated seeing the vulnerability in her eyes. He hated being the one who'd put it there. He was so use to seeing the strong Kagome. The Kagome that stood up to him, when everyone else was afraid too. The Kagome who had the courage to defeat Naraku with a single arrow. Her eyes flashed and in an instant she'd reached over and grabbed his collar.

“Don't tell me you came all this way to give me bad news? If that's the case you could have stayed over there!” Anger that she had been holding in rushed out. How dare he come here just to tell her he'd chosen Kikyo the ass!

Inuyasha couldn't help but smile. Here was the Kagome he knew. The one that never gave up with out a fight. This Kagome he could handle. He couldn't handle a crying Kagome. When she was that way he felt horrible like he didn't have any control. He pried her hands from his collar and held them in-between their bodies. “Would you stop over reacting? What I have to tell you I thought you should hear face to face.”

All the fight left Kagome as she stared at their joined hands and his words tore at her heart. She couldn't do this…she couldn't take this kind of pain. How cruel fate was being to her. Even so she wouldn't let go without something…she would make a memory to take to her grave.

“Shut up Inuyasha.” She said softly.

“What? Feh, there's no reason to be rude.”

She retracted one of her hands and put her finger up to his lip. “Be quiet. I don't want to hear anything else from you.”

“Kagome…be rational. I've come to a decision. I have to tell you. You deserve to know.”

“No, I don't want to here it!” He opened his mouth to speak and almost fell off the bed as her mouth pressed against his. For several moments his mind shut down and he froze kissing her back. It was with great effort that he finally pushed her back, both their breathing ragged form the sudden kiss.

“Kagome what the hell are you doing!”

“I know I'm not her…but I want to be with you.”

”Kagome…you don't know what your saying. You should listen to me first.”

“No. No matter what you say I'll still want you…love you…nothing can change that. Be with me for tonight…let me have that if nothing else. You have no idea how my heart has been broken these last six months.”

“Kagome…I'm so sorry.”

“I don't want your pity! Look forget about everything and just be with me.”

“Kagome…I…you need to listen to me first.” He said in a chocked voice. Inuyasha couldn't believe what she was suggesting. Even so his heart was beating like crazy from the one kiss.

“Whatever you have to say won't make me not want you. I want to be with you before anything you say could taint my love for you.”

“We…can't. You'll never forgive yourself if you do.” He said softly. At the same time he tired to unwrap her arms from his neck even as he fought his own urges. Damn her! She was making this more complicated then it had to be.”

“I'll never forgive you, if you take this away from me. Don't you want me…even a little?” Had she gone insane? But the thought of Inuyasha not wanting her hurt even more and tears came to her eyes once again.

“Kagome…how can you even ask such a thing? I just don't want to hurt you. My decision won't change if we do this.”

“I know. I've been dreaming of being with you like this for the last year…at least make one of my dreams come true. I know I'll never regret this night for as long as I live.”

“But…damn it! It's not something that you can take back later…are you sure?” He said even as he unconsciously stroked her hair.

“I trust you Inuyasha….I love you. I wouldn't want my first time to be with anyone else.” She whispered rubbing her hand along his slightly softer human face.

“Oh Kagome!” He half growled as he crushed her lips back to his. Though he was in his human form he wasn't a saint. Besides his desire for her would have pushed aside any honorable thoughts in the first place. The mere thought of her being intimate with anyone else made him want to post guard around her 24 hours a day. The selfish part of his brain figured if he couldn't have her then no one should.

Kagome was in heaven as his tongue fought with hers. They'd had only one other kiss and that had been eight months ago. A demon had injured her leg and they had been alone in her recovery hut. It had been a brief kiss on the lips but it had meant the world to her. Inuyasha however had hurriedly left the hut and refused to speak of it. That was the past…this was the present. This kiss was nothing like the first. It was intense and mind blowing. Kagome didn't feel shy or coy, just all the desire she had been holding in for him rush to the surface.

Inuyasha was losing his mind as the taste of her filled his mouth. He ran his hands down her sides to her waist…so small….so sexy. On his hands journey back up he slid them under her purple top and cupped her breasts.

“Ohhh.” Kagome couldn't help the tingle that ran through her body at his touch. This was actually happening! He was actually touching her!

Inuyasha followed his instincts and ran kisses along her jaw even as he drew the top up and over her head. Then however he blinked a couple of times before looking up at her. “What is that? A piece of armor?” He said frustrated at being denied the sight of her breasts.

“No silly it's a bra!” Kagome said giggling as she quickly unhooked the back and let it fall from her shoulders.

“I knew that-.” He lost the rest of his comment when he saw her bare breasts. He looked form them to her eyes and the laughter died out as she saw the hot flame of passion in his. In an instant he pulled her back to him and kissed her. The fur from his coat against her nipples made her squirm, which only made them itch more and only made her pleasure more intense. She groaned in his mouth and he released her only long enough to claim one lucky breast with his tongue. Kagome inhaled and clenched her hands around his shoulders. Liquid heat seemed to melt from her chest down into her stomach. She had never felt anything like it. She finally got back some of her senses and ran her hands underneath his coat tugging it aside only to have the white shirt underneath frustrate her trembling fingers.

Inuyasha had never tasted anything as delicious as her skin and immediately wanted more. Her scent of lavender was intoxicating. He slid his hands underneath the backside of her shorts when he felt her fingers connect with his bare chest and then his nipples. The shock that went through him had him clenching her rear and nipple tighter. She groaned and he opened his mouth to apologize only to have her press his head back to her breast with one hand before he could get anything out. He lost his balance and they finally tumbled over unto the bed.
It seemed that whatever string of control they'd had…snapped as they now lay in the position of lovers. Quickly she got the white shirt and jacket off tossing them to the floor, running her hands down his muscled back and chiseled stomach. She wanted more with ever passing second. Inuyasha didn't know anything about zippers and pushed her tight shorts down her hips with his hands, craving her flesh. In moments they were both naked and bared to the other and for a brief moment they stopped as hungry eyes took in the sight they had both dreamed of. Kagome could feel a flush rush over her body but she didn't look away. She wanted this…with every fiber in her body. Her eyes came to the part of him that would join them and she let out a slow breath. She should have been shocked or afraid…she was neither. Everything about him was prefect…beautiful.

“You're beautiful Inuyasha…” She found herself saying her thoughts out loud as she looked back into his amber eyes.

“Isn't that suppose to be my line.” He had never been called beautiful and a faint blush stained his cheeks as he slowly pulled her lush body up against his.

Kagome gave him a sly smile before answering. “No one's stopping you.”

“You're beautiful Kagome…so beautiful.” He whispered the heat from their touching bodies overwhelming him.

“Oh Inuyasha!” Kagome called out and then her mind started to float. All she could feel was his hands roaming over her body touching, squeezing and pleasing her. The feel of his lips at her throat…her breast…on her stomach and lower. The feel of his body on top of hers…his knee spreading her legs…his tip at her entrance. Time seemed to stand still as she looked up at him, tears already at the corner of her eyes.

“Inuyasha…I love you!”

“Kagome…” He breathed before he licked the corners of her eyes, never wanting to see her cry. At the same time he entered her…joining them together in a timeless expression of love. She hugged him tightly as tears spilled down her face. More from her happiness then any pain she felt. Inuyasha closed his eyes as feelings he'd never known existed consumed him. For once in his life he felt complete, he felt accepted…he felt truly loved. He was afraid to hurt her so he took it slow. So on the night of the new moon he made love to her. The only sounds to be heard were there sighs and groans of new found pleasure. Finally she felt the stirring of completion in her belly and buried her hands in his thick black hair that she so loved.

“Inuyasha!” She screamed his name as she experienced her first real climax by the man she loved. He felt her body clench around him and he shivered fighting for control. But he never had any control where Kagome was concerned and he didn't now. Moments after her, he climaxed within her warm womb.
It was September and they lay catching their breaths as a light sheen of sweat coated their still entwined bodies. They lay next to each other slowly stroking one another, serene in the afterglow of love making. Neither was shy or awkward and to her it was just another sign that they were meant to be together. Kagome hated to break the comfortable silence but had so many things she wanted to say. She would no longer keep any of her thoughts to herself…this might be the last time she would ever talk to him.

“Inuyasha…that was…wonderful”

“Huh?” He blinked over at her uncertain of what to say. What was a guy suppose to say to something like that? “Um…thanks…you were good too.”

Kagome only giggled and played with a strand of his hair. He was so cute when he was nervous. Her smiled died as another thought hit her. “I guess I shouldn't be surprised…I'm sure you're more experienced…” She let her sentence trail off as thoughts of Kikyo and Inuyasha entered her mind.

“Kagome…” Damn! He would rather bite off his own arm then admit to her that he'd been a virgin too, but he couldn't let her go on thinking he'd been with Kikyo. “I…it was the first time for me too.” He uttered.

“Really? You mean it?” Kagome's eyes were opened wide in surprise.

“Yeah, it's the truth.” He was red faced and hating it.

“That's nothing to be embarrassed about. You were just so skilled…not that I would know but well…you know what I'm saying.”

“Not really?” He teased.


“Okay, okay I get ya. I'll confess when I stopped by to see Sango and Miroku me and the monk had a little chat if you know what I mean.”

“Oh! Well…remember to thank Miroku for me.” They were grinning at each other and Kagome felt the urge to kiss him again. She leaned over and was surprised when his hands held her back. When she looked into his eyes again she saw that the laughter was gone.

“Kagome…we need to talk.”

“Not yet…” She pleaded for more time to enjoy what they'd shared.

“No…I've already waited to long.” He pushed her away and rolled out the bed turning his back to her. He quickly pulled on his pants and tossed her his white shirt to cover up with. She held back her tears as she put on the shirt that had his scent all over it. After all she had gotten what she'd asked for and nothing and no one could take that away from her.
Inuyasha kept his back to her as he started his little speech…he couldn't bare to look at her. “Kagome…I've done a lot of thinking and finally come to some decisions.” He waited for her to speak and when she didn't he continued. “I went and spent a month with Kikyo in her village after we last talked.” He ignored the gasp he heard behind his back. He had to get it all out no matter what. “I needed to see what was still between us. She has changed, she no longer harbors hate in her heart. She reminded me of the Kikyo of old…the one I'd fell in love with.”

“I see…” She wasn't looking at his back that still bore the marks of her passion…she couldn't. She was looking down at her gripping hands. How could he? After she had confessed her love to him, he had gone to be with her!

“You can't see…after all I barely did. It took me almost the full month to realize what was missing. It was the love…I didn't love her anymore.”

“Inuyasha?” Kagome finally looked up as her heart beat fast with renewed hope. At last he turned and faced her.

“Let me finish. I watched her and she was a freer Kikyo then I'd ever known but she wasn't you. I couldn't talk to her about nothing like I could you. I couldn't let loose around her like I do with you. She also didn't argue and get on my nerves like you do. In-between realizing all that I realized I didn't love her anymore.”

“What…what changed?” Why did she even care? As long as he didn't love Kikyo then there was hope for her.

“I did. Kikyo was finally back to herself but I had changed. You changed me. You made me open up in ways I'm still not sure I like. You made me feel like I wasn't worthless, like I had a purpose to be on this earth. I no longer love Kikyo. She will always hold a place in my heart but I am no longer indebted to her. I have helped to avenge her death. I told her I no longer loved her…that I'm in love with you Kagome!”

“Inuyasha!” She threw her arms around his waist where he stood at the edge of the bed, her heart bursting. “I've waited so long to hear you so those words. Now we can be together. Oh, you've made me so happy!”

“Kagome…I haven't finished.” He said reluctantly prying her arms away and sitting down next to her.
“I've been thinking since we first parted six months ago….just because I love you and you say you love me, doesn't mean we can be together.”

“What are you talking about? We love each other, that's all that matters.”

“No! What I told you before you pushed me down the well was true. We have so many things between us. Time…and the fact that I'm a half demon is just two of them.”

“I told you I don't care what you are as long as I can be with you!” Why was he making this so hard? It was so simple they loved each other and should be together.

“Kagome be realistic. I'm sorry but I can't live in your world permanently and you can't live in mine.”

”Says who? All you have to do is ask it and I'll come be with you.”

”I would never do that to you Kagome. You can't leave behind all you know just for me. I won't let you.”

“Then that's it? You say you love me…I love you, we make love and you just leave.” Kagome couldn't take it. She couldn't have her heart handed back to her just to have it ripped out again.

“I…well there might be one way…but you might not agree to it.”

“Anything! Just tell me. Let me decide for myself.”

”Okay, but Kagome I want you to really listen to what I'm saying and think about it. Well as you can tell
I haven't used the jewel one way or another.”

”I know…I was rather surprised.”

“I have been studying its power though. I'm sorry Kagome, but I can't give up my dream to be a full demon…not even for you.”

“I…I understand…you've had a hard life as a half demon.” She ran a hand down his face and he stared at her amazed at how big her heart was.

“I also know that I can never exist in your world as a half demon much less a full demon and I won't let you come over to the other side to stay.”

“I don't understand then…with what you're saying it is hopeless.”

“Not entirely. I've learned to use the jewel for my purposes. The jewel can be used to make me a full human or a full demon. I've learned to use it to make me both.” He said with pride tingeing his voice.

“Huh…I don't understand. How is that possible?”

“I've learned how to use the jewel to make me human or a demon on my command.”

“Are you saying…that you used the jewel to make yourself human tonight? I thought the moon-“

“No tonight I'm human because of the new moon. Maybe I should show you. It's still hours before sunrise so I shouldn't be able to turn into a demon, watch and I'll show you.”

He stood up and walked a few feet from her and begin to transform. Right before her eyes his hair turned silver and even longer then normal. She watched as the muscles of his torso became two sizes bigger. But it was three things that caught her eyes the most. At first she thought she was looking at the regular half demon Inuyasha until she noticed his eyes had become red instead of amber. His cute doggie like ears were now more elf like…like his brothers. The most different thing was his face. On each cheek a blood red mark that looked like a jagged scar ran across his skin. They were the same marks that used to stain his cheek when Tessaiga was out of his reach for too long. The Inuyasha she was looking at was a full demon.

“Oh my god.”

Hearing her Inuyasha let the transformation go and in under a minute he was back to his human form.
“I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. It's not like when I don't have Tessaiga…I was in full control. I wouldn't have hurt you.” He said before sitting back down and taking her in his arms.

“I wasn't afraid, I just couldn't believe it. I know you would never harm me no matter what. You can do all that with the jewel…but how?”

“I've been practicing since you gave it to me. You transferred all the powers of the jewel to me when you freely gave it to me, so I was able to do more with it. Every night when Shippo went to bed I would go into the woods and see what it could do. It also works the other way. When I'm in my regular half demon form I can change into a human and no one knows the difference.”

“Really? That's amazing…but how long does it last?”

“I haven't tried it for more then a few hours. But I figure it will last for as long as I have the jewel in my possession.” Kagome looked at him strangely as she realized for the first time that she hadn't seen the jewel on him.

“Inuyasha where exactly is the jewel?”

“It's inside me. I figured out how to do that too. I figured it wouldn't be wise for me to walk around with it dangling on my neck. It's too tempting for someone demon or human not to try and take it.” As he spoke the jewel slowly came out of his chest shinning light into the dimly lit room. Kagome sighed and caressed the floating object that had brought them together.

“I forgot how beautiful it is, with all the trouble it's caused. I think it's great that you've learned how to control its power but I'm not sure exactly what this all means to us?”

“I was getting to that part.” He took the jewel then wrapped it in her palm wrapping his own hand around hers. “It means that I'll be the same Inuyasha I always was…a half demon, until I choose to become either a full demon or a full human.”

“I can see the benefits of being a full demon when ever any one wants to fight you, but what need would you have to become human now that you have all this? You despise your human side.”

“I used to…but not anymore. I have a very good reason for wanting to be human…for you.”

“I…don't understand I thought you said you couldn't give up being a demon…” Kagome was confused and frustrated.

“I won't. Listen to me carefully Kagome. With the jewel I could make myself human and live in your world then go back into my world and still be a half demon and a demon when it's called for. I know it won't be fair to you only having me part time…but that's all I can offer I can't give up my way of life completely and I won't ask you to change to mine…not any more, you deserve better then that.

“But I wouldn't mind coming back-“

“No. You can't give up your family. I never really got a chance to know mine and I won't take yours away from you. Plus it's to dangerous for you over there. Any enemy I've ever had would attack you …once you were my mate.”

Kagome wasn't sure her ears had heard right…did he just say mate? As realization hit her, her eyes got big and again filled but this time with tears of joy. “Inuyasha do you really mean it? You want to make me your mate?”

“If you're willing to take me as I am. Human, a half demon and a demon. I can't be only one, I need to be all three…it's who I am. I love you Kagome and I want to be with you if there's a way. But I understand that I'm asking a lot of you and you deserve more…but I'm offering you all I've got.”

She looked at him for a moment speechless…as what she had longed for was finally placed before her. Her eyes cleared and she turned her head form him in thought. “Well….I don't know. Your deal is pretty awful. I mean first you barely talk to me, then you make me wait three months after I'd laid my heart at your feet before you come for me. Then you tell me you spent a whole month with you ex-girlfriend and I'm just suppose to trust that you two did nothing. Then you come here of all days and take my virginity and all you can offer me is a part time relationship? You've got to be kidding me!” She finished before snatching her hand from his. “What kind of girl do you think I am?”

Inuyasha was flabbergasted. Where had the Kagome who was dying to be with him gone? Miroku had been the only person he'd confided in about his feelings for Kagome and where he was going. The monk had given him one last piece of advice on how to win Kagome over if she refused him…beg. Now he dropped to his knees and gave it a try.

“Kagome I'm so sorry! Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you with my silence. I was just confused. I swear nothing happened with me and Kikyo, except a few kisses…but those don't count I didn't even like them! I'm sorry I took your maiden hood but I thought you wanted me to. I'm such a baka and a pervert please forgive me, I'll never touch you again. And I'm sorry I can't offer you more but I'll come over here often, I'll learn all your strange things and customs…please give me a chance!”

Kagome let his last sentence hang in the air for a moment then she started laughing. It was the most genuine laugh she'd had in three months.

Inuyasha didn't take it to well and face flaming stood up with fist clenched. “Hey what's so funny about a guy spilling his guts? I was actually begging there. Geesh give a guy a little credit!”

“Oh calm down and sit down too.” She pulled him by the arm and brought him down next to her. “I'm not really laughing at you. I can't believe you bought my act silly. And for the record I thought it was very cute. I never in my life would have thought I'd see you begging for anything. I guess they were wrong…you can teach a dog new tricks.”

“Why you!” He reached for her and she kissed him right on the lips and anything else he was about to say was forgotten for several moments. When he pulled back there was a smile on his face.

“So you didn't mean all that stuff you said?”

“No I meant it. All except that part where I wouldn't be with you. Inuyasha I love you and I'd love to be your mate. I understand that you can't give up your demon side…its part of you and I told you I love all of you. It's not an ideal situation, you only being able to come see me…but it's a start and I'd rather live with that then not have you in my life at all.”

Now Inuyasha was grinning like a dog who'd just buried his favorite bone. “You really mean it?”

“Of course you idiot!” She flung her arms around his neck in a bear hug. “Make me your mate and we can finally be happy.”

“I am happy Kagome…maybe for the first time in my life.” He said seriously and she pulled back to caress his face. “You know Kagome…I didn't forget what today was….it's the day two years ago that you freed me from that tree and I laid eyes on you.”

“You remembered” She caressed his face, no words could have expressed how happy his statement made her. “That day changed my life.”

”Mine to. I guess it's sort of an anniversary for us then.”

“Yeah it is. Now it can be our anniversary for another reason too.” She said slyly as she caressed his thigh.

“Kagome!” He stood up out of her reach. “ You hung around Miroku to much. Feh….aren't I suppose to give you a gift or something on days like this?”

”Yes, but you've already given me the best gift of all…your love. I don't need anything else.”

“Yeah…well I have something else.” He reached over and took the jewel that was still clenched in her right hand from her. Turning from her he sat it in the middle of the floor before going over to the wall to
retrieve his sword.

“What in the world are you doing?”

“Be quiet woman…I need to concentrate.” Inuyasha unsheathed the sword and focused on the jewel, before she could say anything else he brought the sword down. “Windscar Align!” The sword hit the jewel and bounced back up in a flash of light. He sheathed the sword and sat it back against the wall.

“What attack was that? I thought I was going to have 6, six feet deep gashes in my floor that I'd have to explain to my mother!”

“Relax. I've been playing with the Tessaiga too. The regular windscar is made to kill many enemies' at once, that's why it's so spread out. With the attack I just used it focuses all the energy on one point.” He explained as he carefully picked up the glowing but seemingly unharmed jewel from the floor and went back to join her on the bed. “Here's my other gift to you.” He opened his hand and she gasped as she saw the two equally halved pieces of the jewel.

“I can't believe it…you cut it in half.”

“What's the word you use? Pretty cool isn't it.”

“Amazing…but I don't understand?”

He cupped one piece of the jewel and put it up against Kagome heart and the other piece against his. The jewel glowed brighter and began to enter their bodies. Within seconds it was gone.

“There. Now you have a piece and I have a piece. It's a part of us. I know you hate the thought of never being able to see the others again so now you don't have to worry about it.”

“Inuyahsa…I thought you said it would be to dangerous?” She felt tears threaten again as the meaning of what he'd done swept over her.

“It will. My era is so much more dangerous then yours. I'll have to insist that you only stay for short periods of time and that I'm with you the whole time…but at least you'll be able to visit. With the jewel inside of us it's less detectable and someone would have to kill us to get to it. And I promise you with the jewel and being full demon no one stands a chance.” He said cockily. “Besides after some thought I realized that if you can kill Naraku then you can take care of your self. There are already rumors about the mysterious miko who killed the greatest hanyou ever.”

”Really? But Inuyasha will you still be able to transform with only half the jewel? Did you think of that?”

“Not really but lets see?” He stood up and again she watched as his body changed and he became a demon right before her eyes. “It seems to work.”

“Oh I'm so happy thank you so much.” She encircled his even harder waist with her arms. “Now I won't feel so alone when you're away. Oh my god and now I can visit Sango and the baby and Shippo! Oh this is so wonderful!”

“I'm glad your happy…now all that's left is for me to make you my mate.”
Kagome let him go and blushed. She felt silly since they'd already lain with each other but for the first time she felt shy. “What…what do we have to do?”

“I have to mark you and give you my blood…with it you'll live longer then a mere human.” Inuyasha was still amazed how his thoughts changed when he was a full demon. He seemed to be more focused, more calculating, harsher but at the same time more refined and in control. His senses were back full force and he could smell the scent of when they'd mated in every breath he took. The smell was arousing him again and he wanted to be inside her when he marked her.

“Oh…that doesn't sound so bad…I can be with you longer.” Kagome blinked and become nervous as Inuyasha looked at her so intently with his red eyes. He took a step even closer until his legs hit the bed and she had to tilt her head back to look up at his face.

“Don't be afraid of me Kagome.” He said in an emotionless voice that she barely recognized.

“I'm not.” She said definitely. “I'm a little nervous but not afraid. I told you I accept all of you and you can't scare me or run me off.” To prove her point she put her arms around him again and rubbed her face back and forth against his bare rock like stomach. Inuyasha growled deep in his throat and before she knew it she was flat on her back and he was leaning over her. With a flick of his clawed hand he sliced his white shirt she was wearing down the middle exposing her body to him. Kagome gasped but didn't flinch away. She was becoming as aroused as he apparently was.

He leaned over her and ran his long tongue from her belly button to the dip under her neck and she shivered. Inuyasha took her mouth in a kiss, careful of his fangs. With one hand he grasped his pants and tore them from his body, flinging them across the room. He had never felt arousal as a full demon before. As a half demon it had been much easier to control but know…he just wanted to mate with her…he wanted to be buried deep inside her. He whimpered in ecstasy as her hands found his sensitive ears and played with them. One thing he loved about being a full demon was his senses. They were so acute! He had one knee in-between her legs rubbing her sex…trying to prepare her as he licked and kissed at her neck and chest. He bit his own lip drawing blood at the same time he positioned his sex to hers. He made his way up to the spot right below her left ear and bared his fangs. In one thrust he bit into her flesh as he entered her.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome cried as she felt him enter her body in both ways. She did the only thing she could do, which was hold on as the sensations filled her. Inuyasha withdrew his fangs and pursing his lip forced his blood unto the wounds. He leaned up and looked into her eyes. When he only saw love…no fear or disgust…he was pleased.

“Now you belong to me…and only me.”

“Yes Inuyasha…only you.” Kagome said even as feelings of light headiness came over her. It must be his demon blood mixing with my human blood. Inuyasha begin to move within her and that seemed to bring her back some. This time was different from the first. He took her swiftly and roughly but Kagome took it all. Being with him was all she'd ever wanted and this time he taught her a different kind of pleasure. He took her to the thin line between pleasure and pain. Twice more before they finished he dropped more of his blood into her wounds. From now on they would forever be mates.
Inuyasha lay holding his woman…his mate after their coupling. It had only been minutes since they had finished, in fact he still heard Kagome harsh breathing but already he was feeling aroused again. Was this the lust of a demon? He wouldn't mind being with her again but he had to remember that Kagome was human and probably needed some rest. His blood would not turn her into a demon, he had not given her anywhere near enough for that. However his blood would prolong her life and protect her from petty illnesses that human always got. She would heal quicker too in the event that she was ever hurt. With all that, it didn't mean she possessed the stamina of a demon. He concentrated and returned to his human form before he forgot all his reasoning and took her again.

Kagome had been lying with her eyes closed catching her breath and trying to put the new feelings flowing in her blood into perspective. When she felt him move she opened her eyes looking at him.

“Darn it Inuyasha make up your mind and stay one or the other.” She was looking at him in his human form again. They still had a couple more hours before sunrise.

“Sorry.” He said grinning happily.

“Well you should be, it's confusing me…at least right now.”

“Are you okay? How do you feel?”

“Truthfully…woozy. Um…I hate to ask but I'm not going to start doing anything crazy am I? You know weird demon things? I just ask so I can prepare myself for them.”

“Geez of course not.”

“Are you sure? Why do I feel so out of it?”

“Probably because I gave you full demon blood. The blood of my father is very powerful. It might not have effected you so much if I had marked you while I was a half demon.”

“Oh I guess that makes sense. Are you sure I won't start acting crazy? You know like you? I won't start ripping the clothes off strangers will I?” Kagome eyes twinkled and her lips twitched. Inuyasha had the grace to blush slightly.

“Uh…about that sorry…I didn't mean to be so rough…I think a little differently in that state.”

“Don't be sorry, I was only teasing. I'll get used to your full demon form. Though I guess I'll have to sew your pants back together. Otherwise you'll be going back naked.” They shared a laugh and Kagome snuggled up to him. “Wow I can't believe it…I'm your mate…”

“Yep for life. In demon terms you'd say we're married.”

“Oh, my god!” She sat up quickly catching his jaw with her head.


“Sorry. I can't be married! My mother wasn't there and all my friends and Sango. You do realize that you'll have to marry me as a human too. My mother will go ballistic if I tell her we're shacking up just because we're married in demon terms…no offense.

“Do I have too? Human ceremonies are too complicated and cheesy.”

“You sure do mister! Oh my how are we going to do this? My friends here will be so shocked that I'm getting married so young. Well now days I'm considered young…and how we will explain you? And Sango and the others will have to come over here…I can't take my grandpa over there….though he'd probably get a kick out of it-.” Inuyasha shut her rambling up by covering her whole mouth with his hand and pulling her back down beside him.

“Kagome…shut up. You're worrying to much. Wasn't it you that said if we have love then we can figure the rest out or something like that? Relax and be quite. You're giving me a headache.” Kagome just smiled and snuggled next to him again. He was right. She'd worry about all that later. They had plenty of time…the rest of their lives.

“Inuyasha…I'm tired.”

“Why are you telling me? Go to sleep then.”

”Will you be-“

“Of course I'll be here when you wake up. Don't worry.” She trusted him and she loved him so she fell asleep. The two year anniversary of the day she'd met Inuyasha had turned out better then she could have imagined. She woke four hours later not used to sharing her bed with anyone. Through her open window she saw the rays of the sun high in the sky and turned to find yet another Inuyasha in her bed. The half demon that she had met two years and one day ago. Though she loved all of Inuyasha…she loved this one the most and looked forward to waking up to him for many more years to come.

AN: Well Hoped you liked. Ugh, this story got out of control LOL, didn't mean for it to go on so long but it has a mind of it's own(Did you noticed that Inuyasha thought and sounded more like his brother when he was full demon. Must be that royal demon blood.) Thanks to everyone who reviewed very, very much. Special thanks to the people who are reading my other Inuyasha story as well. Review please! These other stories can be found