InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Out On Top ❯ Let's "Play" ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey everyone! This is alittle one shot I just had to write! Idea popped in to my head while I was in the shower at 1:00AM (seriously). Please read and review! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic in this sort of format.
Note: Thanks to Jess for revising my story!
Disclaimer: Me no own Inuyasha.
(Inuyasha's Point of View)
This is it, I thought. My chance to prove to Kagome that I'm not just a weakling bastard. I can finally prove to her that I am worthy of her praise.
Look at her. Those beautiful blue eyes just waiting for me to give in to her. Just because I'm a half breed doesn't mean I can't prove her wrong.
She knows that… right?
She knows that I… Grrr! I can't even confess it to myself!
I mean… I've given her enough proof to show what I can do. She can't really think that she's the dominate one. Cause that's not how it works in my book.
She'll never survive. There's only so much I can do.
I'll have to make the first move. Show her that I really mean business. Weaken her defenses. Then she'll give in.
I may not have much experience in this… especially after the first one. That scared my pride, but it doesn't mean I can't give it another go.
I've given this a lot of thinking and now I'm ready! I won't lose this chance. Any surprises she's got, I'm ready.
Yes! Yes I can do it. I know I'll be the one to come out on top. Males always do.
(Kagome's Point of View)
I bet Kikyou never had to go through this…
Maybe I should just give up all chances of being on top…
No! Remember what he said? I can't think like that. Then he'll really think that I'm weak human girl.
After all, I did promise. Promise that I would continue…
But I can't help it! I want to… I really do.
But it just kills me inside. Seeing his pride deflate after my comment. He did have a difficult first time.
But that look in his eye. He knows what I want.
I don't know how much I'll be able to hold it in. It's stressful…
He already lost once, perhaps I canlet him win this one. Maybe… I am very stubborn after all…
What the…?
He just advanced on me! He's really serious now, isn't he? I should know by now that he never backs down from anything…
That's my Inuyasha…
Oh my… his face is so close… He's making this all the more harder!
Great. Now my eyes are watering up. He's going to know too! Crap! Now I have to give in.
I guess you win… just this once.
(Normal Point of View)
Kagome stared.
Inuyasha stared.
The air was filled with such tension and excitement. Who would truly make the first move? Who would come out on top?
Their faces were so close. They could feel their faces heating up. Crimson staining their cheeks.
Kagome couldn't stand it anymore. And thus she…
“Ha! I win! You lose!”
There! All done! Just took me about an hour to write. Hope you liked it! Any type of review is welcome!
Ja nee!