InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over And Over Again ❯ Over And Over Again ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Inuyasha's Thoughts*
` Kagome's Thoughts `
Kagome tip toed through the bushes, keeping quiet as she could possibly be. She knew that Inuyasha was up to something and was trying to hide it from her and everyone else. She crept carefully behind a tree, peeking her head out at what she wished she had never saw. Inuyasha was embracing Kikyo, cuddling her close to himself with his arms grasping her like he never wanted to let go.
Kagome was beyond crushed. She struggled to fight back her tears, but they slowly poured out of her delicate eyes. Inuyasha smelled the scent of Kagome's tears nearby and spotted her behind the tree. He instantly let go of Kikyo, but couldn't work up the courage to say anything at all. He gazed at the Kagome, the other girl he had his heart set on so deeply, who he never wanted to see unhappy.
Kagome just stood there, tears flowing uncontrollably down her cheeks, as if unable to move. His body stiffened due to this new tension he felt build up because of what had just took place. He looked back over at Kikyo, forgetting for a moment that she was there, only to realize she was gone. Kagome was crying because of him, something he knew too well. A small, tornado-like wind came straight for them but stopped right at Kagome's side. Sure enough it was Koga.
“Why the hell is Kagome crying dog boy?! When I find out what you did to her you'll be minced meat!”
“It… It's okay Koga. Let's just go.” Kagome grabbed Koga's hand and they walked off together leaving Inuyasha by himself in the middle of the forest.
```Cause it's all in my head
```I think about it over and over again
```And I can't keep picturin you with him
```And it hurts so bad
```Cause it's all in my head
```I think about it over and over again
```I replay it over and over again
```And I can't take it, I can't shake it no
*What the hell was I thinking? Kikyo is basically dead and still I went to her, knowing that I would make Kagome unhappy if she were to find out. Now she is going along holding hands with that mangy wolf… that could've been me. I would've thought that after being with Kikyo just before I would be happy, but I'm not. It kills me that she's with that stupid wolf. My heart aches for Kagome.*
Inuyasha just said there, the actions that just took place repeated themselves in his mind, no matter how much he wished they didn't.
Weeks passed since the incident that neither Inuyasha or Kagome wished to remember. Inuyasha put on an “I don't care” attitude but deep inside he was hurting so badly. One day he just couldn't take it and decided to go out looking for Kagome. The thought of her being with Koga for all this time was enough to make Inuyasha go insane with anger. He followed her scent which was as clear as day. She wasn't too far off, for Koga's tribe was always close by to them.
```I can't wait to see you
```Wanna see if you still got that look in your eyes
```That one you had for me before we said our goodbyes
```And is a shame that we gotta spend our time
```Bein mad about the same thing
```Over and over again
*Should I be going to find her? Of course I should! Why the hell shouldn't I? I want to see her so badly. Not being able to be with her for weeks feels like an eternity to me. I just can't get that vision of her out of my head. Tears rolling down her cheeks, her eyes glossy from all the tears that were shed from her beautiful eyes, all because of me. We always end up having some silly argument, and then she takes off going back to her own time. But this time she didn't. This time she went away with Koga. I can't take it.*
Inuyasha stopped dead in his tracks. There she was. Beautiful as always. Inuyasha seemed to be entranced by the sight of her. But that ended shortly after because of Koga coming around rapping his arms around her. Inuyasha was fuming, wanting nothing more than to strangle Koga and embrace Kagome. Inuyasha noticed that she slightly backed away from his hold on her. Kagome spotted Inuyasha out of the corner of her eye, developing that sad look again.
“What are you doing here…” Kagome asked.
“Uh… well I wanted to talk with you.” Koga stood firmly by Kagome's side. “ALONE”.
“It's okay Koga, I'll be alright alone with him”, Kagome assured.
“Well if he tries anything funny on you, you just holler and I'll get rid of that mutt”, and with that Koga walked off.
Inuyasha gritted his teeth, trying to focus on talking with Kagome rather than killing Koga.
“So, what did you wanna talk to me about…?” Kagome asked as if it wasn't awkward being around Inuyasha.
“Well… you have to come back to us”, Inuyasha blurted out, looking away from her.
“Says who?! I don't have to come back”
This irritated Inuyasha that Kagome didn't want to come back to all of them.
“Well who else is gonna find the jewel shards?!”
That was it. He realized his mistake immediately but there was no taking back what he already said. Kagome stood up, this time anger filling her eyes.
`And to think, I actually thought Inuyasha was going to apologize to me about what happened. How could I be so stupid and naïve?! This would be so much easier if I didn't love him as much as I do` Kagome thought to herself.
```Oh but I think she's leaving
```Man she's leavin here
```I don't know what else to do
```I can't go on not lovin you
*WHY AM I SO GOD DAMN STUPID?! I had her attention and I used it to rub her the wrong way with my stupid temper. Why do I say such things to her when I love her so much and cant stop thinking about her?*
```I remember the day you left
```I remember the last breath you took right in front of me
```When you said that you would leave
```I was to damn stubborn to try and stop you or say anything
```But I see clearly now
```And this choice I made keeps playin in my head
```Over and over again
```Playin in my head
```Over and over again
```Oh I think she's leavin
```Oh man she's leavin here
```I don't know what else to do
```I can't go on not lovin you
*I wish she knew how often I think of her, how she's always on my mind, and how that incident hurts me as much as it hurts her? I am so god damn stubborn! I couldn't even talk, let alone try to stop her. All this pain because of Kikyo.Feh, now I'm blaming other people for my mistakes. I should have never went to Kikyo that night. I just cant take it, how can I hurt Kagome so bad if I love her this much?*
```Now that I've realized that I'm goin down
```From all this pain you put me through
```Every time I close my eyes I like it down
Inuyasha ran off to go stop her before she could go back to her own time and never return. Unfortunately, he wouldn't have enough time to reach her before he could stop her from going back to her own time and tell her how he really feels. In a desperate attempt to stop her he just screamed out to her …
Everything was quiet. This had definitely caught her attention. She turned around to see Inuyasha from up on the hilltop. He was panting quietly as he waited to see what Kagome would do or how she would respond. They both just stood where they were in silence, not sure of what do to. Inuyasha's eyes widened surprised as he saw Kagome run to him, tears gently rolling off her cheek. She rapped her arms around him, tears wetting his red kimono. He pulled her closer to him, closer to his heart.
“I'm sorry, please, don't cry again,”, Inuyasha pleaded.
“I'm just crying because I'm so happy”, Kagome said with a radiant smile on her face.
“I love you Kagome Higurashi, and only you”, Inuyasha said, meaning this for all of eternity.
“And I love you, Inuyasha, I always will.”
They stood holding each other lost in the moment, wishing they could stay like this forever with more love for each other than ever imaginable; The kind of love that lasts for an eternity.

```Oh... I can't go on not loving you <3