InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over the Edge ❯ Unwelcome Visitor ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary. Inuyasha the kingdom's runaway. Kagome the goddess of night. Both gone, vanished. Together they'll do anything to get what's theirs. Love, betrayal, hatred, ultimate power, going to the extreme to get the one you desire, To bring a kingdom to its knees. For their love story has just begun.
I do not claim any rights to the great Inuyasha or the characters in the anime/manga. All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I do offer my thanks to her for creating such great characters for me to terrorize in my own twisted ways.
Over the Edge
Awkward yes, but sometimes it may spice up your life a little
Chapter 4
Unwelcome Visitor
Giving his master a dark grin. He didn't turn back when he said “Yes Lord. Takahashi.” With that he walked out into the mornings orange ray.
Staring out into the open field over looking the forest where Inuyasha and Kagome's secret spot was stood a boy, now longer than 3'9, the wind was blowing as harshly today, so the wind was whipping around the little boys hair around like a hurricane was centered around his head.
The boy turned around to look back to two older adults, he smiled at both of them waving his hands, and bouncing cheerfully over to them. The boy stopped in front of the lady of the group, he toke a deep breath and asked….
“So Sango do you think that Inuyasha and Kagome will make it to the kingdom?” A little boy with orange red hair asked.
“You know Shippou I just think that they did, I have a good felling about this.” Sango said hopefully.
He turned and faced the other male in there group, watching him, his eyes lost its cheerfulness and shine.
“Really, Hey Miroku what do you think?”
“You know what Shippou I think that that's not all those two will accomplish during the---” He was cut off by Sango punching him in the stomach.
“Now Miroku you know better than to make Sango stressed out while she's 4 months pregnant with your child, will you now?”
Taking a look at Sango he gave her his signature look. `We'll finish this later right' look, she blushed and shook her head, she stole a look from both boys and turned back into the hut. Laughing the two boys followed along behind her.
Amazingly Inuyasha and Kagome approached the kingdom's outer skirts by night fall. Kagome stole a short glance at Inuyasha; he could sense that she was scared about something. She was just standing there, she looked as though she wanted to go and find out what every sound was being made.
“Kagome it's alright don't worry, okay?”
“Yeah, I won't” Her facial expressions told him not to believe her.
“No Inuyasha…something's there” She said turning in the direction of the sound.
Kagome always had the senses that she'd know when somebody of a threat was nearby. Why though, Inuyasha would never know.
Inuyasha then heard rustling on the ground. Daring to take a step forward he could tell that it was one man, he wasn't to far away, but enough to let both Inuyasha and Kagome escape into the protection of the kingdom, even though he still didn't think it was safe.
Again he heard the rustling, then out of no where,
He appeared. He was quite tall, with broad shoulders and a cold face; it had a dark feeling to it. His hair looked even longer than Inuyasha, reaching about to the middle of his back in a high ponytail, and it was a deep dark brown almost a bronze. He had sharply pointed ears, and eyes so dark they seemed to be black. He was wearing a put of armor and the fine clothes of a rich lord, Kagome guessed that he was from the innermost part of the kingdom.
Yet she really did have a very bad felling about this man. I sickened her. Just looking at this man made her wants to vomit and make her stomach twist and roll up like mending bread in the kitchen.
“Inuyasha…” she whispered out slowly. Inuyasha paid her no attention.
When the man toke a step forward closer Inuyasha pushed Kagome back with his foot. She didn't like him. Looking at him, the man brought his eyes upon her.
A hurried scream was emitted from Kagome as she stood in place, frozen and trembling in fear.
The memories flowing into her mind all at once. She felt like she was getting crushed and she couldn't do anything about it.
Inuyasha, her parents, Sango and Miroku. All there pain, sufferingKagome knew it all andalso feltit.
At that moment Kagome crumbled to the ground.
Inuyasha snarled at the demon standing before him, smirking.
“WHAT do… you want...?” He hissed out.
“My, my Inuyasha all we wanted was to speak with you and your wench.” He put simply, like he was toying around with his emotions. And to Inuyasha he toke that as in insulate to him and Kagome.
Right now, oh yes it was time to fight.
It was so dark. So very, very dark
Inescapable blackness, merciless shadows, unending ebony of eternal darkness. Kagome still felling like she was slowly being crushed by the ever-lasting memories.
She didn't know where she was. All she knew was she was in hell, this nightmare. There were no stop buttons it all just replayed in her mind.Over and Over again. The more she felt the pain, she felt as though the invisible walls of darkness where eating her entire being, and she couldn't stop it.
This state of being reminded her of something, but she couldn't quite remember. It confused her deeply; she tried to think hard, something that would cheer her up.
She couldn't even remember the one thing that had kept her trying all these years.
She struggled against the darkness. There was something, something he must do. But black shadows pulled her deeper, deeper into the sorrow, the pain. She felt like her own friends problems where killing her alive. Somehow Kagome didn't mind so much, she lived a life that she wanted to live all her life, even though she would never get to do the one thing that she wanted to do.
Marry the man of her dreams.
The darkness was so heavy, she felt like she couldn't breathe any more, she had to resist, right now Fighting this was so hard. Maybe he should just give in and wait for the morning to come.
She felt the light on her mind, it burned her. She felt like she was being caught on fire. Despite the pain she felt on her body she continued forward, she faces she saw where gone, she wanted to get out of her. The hell dungeon she called it. It was to long. She just wanted to be free from all of it. She had reached the tip of the light.
She reached out as far as she could. She felt a release, somehow instead of felling the happiness she wanted while she was in the hell dungeon. All she could feel now was pain.
Pain filled around her entire being, shot through her veins. Her scream as soft a feather, but as loud and high to make a normal human beings ear drums burst. The darkness writhing around her felt agony, guilt, and anger. What was the felling the pain. It didn't make sense.
Kagome swung her arm over sharply. She struggled to get up, she lazily toke small steps towards Inuyasha mindlessly throwing her arms in the direction of the unwelcome visitor. As she swung the ground underneath the visitor, started to crumble away, obliviously Kagome didn't know it. She kept swinging until she was satisfied on how much distance she had put between them. Panting
Kagome started up at Inuyasha she was so withdrawn, it scared him. She looked defeated so badly.
Giving her a look of guilt he turned back to the visitor. Giving him a look to kill.
“And who the hell do you think you are?”
“Why I call myself Katashi”
He toke a glance back down at Kagome before turning back to Inuyasha, smirking Katashi brought out some gray smoke and diapered.
Inuyasha had instantly ran over to Kagome. She looked simply exhausted from god know what. She opened her eyes for a little while she shut them again, and by the looks of it she was going to go to sleep.
“Thank you… Inuyasha” she yawned. “You know…. Im very hot” she had told him point blankly she did look hot. Her face was covered in sweat and she was pale. Inuyasha groaned.
“What Im I going to do with you?” He teased playfully, noticing that she wasn't awake any longer, he stalked forward a little more, watched her carefully before stealing a kiss from her, even though it was on her cheek he could still fell the tingles shoot though his veins like he was getting electrocuted.
He jumped back a little, afraid that she would awake from her short nap and scream in his face
He could just picture it now. Not a wonderful sight to watch, or hear.
Carefully picking Kagome up in his arms and toed a little before soaring over the tree tops in search of someplace to set Kagome down without any danger.
As he was jumping, he glanced down at Kagome… beautiful
Laughing to himself he added.
Now you own me two favours.
Inuyasha paced back and forth around the fire. He occasionally glanced to his left to see two annoyed brown eyes staring at him so attuned, just like he was going to pouch on her. So now he was pissed. She shouldn't be watching him like that! He was actually doing her a favour!
Now If I did… Shaking it off, he started pacing faster now he was circling Kagome. About the 20th time going around her. Kagome finally stood up and put her hands out she swung her right arm around as she turned to face Inuyasha. Her eyes where anger until she looked closely at him, only to find that his direction of gaze want to her, but over her head.
Kagome turned around slowly, she gasped loudly, and her eyes went wide, she had turned only to find that about 10 feet of trees and ground to be to wren out of the ground. She turned back to Inuyasha and stared at him, when he finally brought his gaze down to hers, they just stared to each other.
“Did I do this?” She said never once braking contact
“Yeah, yeah I think you did”
“How could I do that?” She said leaning into him
“You know I can't even tell you that.” He said with his arms wrapping around her and pulling her close. He smelled her hair and felt how soft it was.
Her whole being just smelled so... so intoxicating, so alluring, so irresistible . . .
Felling her push off of his chest he mentally sighed. He silently watched as Kagome walked over to the completely destroyed land. She was on her knees rubbing the soil though her fingers, She just knelled there for a good 20 minutes before she got up to go to bed.
Kagome walked up to Inuyasha and stopped about arms reach before him. Smiling sadly she started to walk to him, before turning and walking right past him.
He smirked softly. Remembering her words.
Goodnight my whenny...
I want to say that this is the going to be longer than I expected it to be... There was a little section with Sango and Miroku.X) Uh. I don't like the ending at all... to tell you guys the truth. Well anyway. I own KATASHI
It toke while though. This is the last time I'm going to write this, this story is ONLY 10 chapters or maybe 11 that's if I want to write the epilogue … don't know cant make up my mind. WELL...
Katashi- firmness- I own him-
Until Next Time