InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over the Edge ❯ Moment of Truth ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary. Inuyasha the kingdom's runaway. Kagome the goddess of night. Both gone, vanished. Together they'll do anything to get what's theirs. Love, betrayal, hatred, ultimate power, going to the extreme to get the one you desire, To bring a kingdom to its knees. For their love story has just begun.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.
Over the Edge
Oh. Yeah it's the moment of truth
Chapter 6:
Moment of Truth
Kagome awoke with a start; yawning and rubbing her eyes she glanced around only to find no Inuyasha. Which wasn't very wired seeing that he would pop out of nowhere at different moments of the day. Kagome wondered if she should look for him first or just leave without him and find some breakfast.
First things first; look for Inuyasha
She popped her head into the first little room in the inn, well the only room. She smiled when she saw who was in their; tippy toeing across the room until she was directly over Inuyasha's head, she hovered over his ears and blew.
“Good morning” Every so softly.
Inuyasha stopped what he was doing and shivered to her cold breath. He glanced over his shoulder looking very upset, and also like he was about to cry.
“What's wrong…? I didn't hurt you did I?”
Sniffing for the good measurer he nodded his head, lowered it, and gave Kagome `The puppy dog eyes'.
“Hey, that's not” she said while covering her eyes” FAIR!”
“You hurt me now can I have a kiss to make it all better?”
Inuyasha smiled darkly, his plan had to be foolproof, and he could see her trying her hardest to resist leaning forward and kissing him.
Well let's just hope it doesn't backfire on me
She sighed, leaned down and kissed his lips once. This felt like a rip-off to him, so he pulled her back down and this time dominated the kiss, just one last sweet kiss.
“Are you hungry Spunky?”
“Why don't you go and find some food to eat, before you become a super twig, okay skinny.” He said while patting her stomach.
“Okay” She said as she left the room.
When Kagome came back she hoped and thought that the man that kissed her she passionately would be there when she got back, but the thing was when she got back into their inn room that both where sharing; her cheerful smile turned straight into a frown.
He's gone.
The wind had blew around her quickly as she heard a faint `scratch scratch' noise coming from the room Inuyasha was in, not longer than two hours ago. She walked up to his futon.
Left right, Left right, take baby steps Kagome, Left right, Left right.
Tear drops fell from her eyes, as she opened the letter.
Inuyasha ran as fast as he could, he had to get away, or he'd just go back to her and tell her to come with him. He couldn't do that, this was his problem so if one of them had to die, He shut his eyes, as one single tear drop fell from his eyes.
Then let it be me.
MY best friend, Kagome
Im sorry beyond words, for what I am about to write to you.
To tell you the truth I don't know if this is for better or for worse you know?
I know I told you, before I left the first time, that I'll never leave your side again.
But you know this is something I must do alone.
I can't stand to see you hurt again, because of me bringing you here with me.
I need you safe.
I don't know why this letter sound's like I'm fixin' to die or something.
I'll try not to. I really will.
I'm not even gonna say `what if I die' because it's like you wanna die but you just don't want other people to know.
The past six weeks I've spent with you have been the greasiest weeks of my life.
Just can't wait to get to our Liles and Mountains again.
I don't know which will hurt more.
Writing this.
Or Knowing how much this will hurt you.
Really I don't know if you'll ever forgive me, if you don't then...
I will understand.
Whenny… that is if im worthy of such a name.
“Miroku I dunno, remember when Kagome said she'll be back in a month in a half?”
“Yeah... why?”
“Well she is always a day early you know, it's not like her to do that” Sango said while rubbing her stomach, she had three months to go in her pregnancy.
“Well you know sometimes people get catch up in things that they can't help but fall into.”
Miroku nudged his wife back onto the dusty dirt road to the main part of the village they where about to enter. Sango glanced over her shoulder; seeing the shadows of a pointed building in the distance; where her best friend and the man she loved where slowly getting ripped apart.
Miroku I just hope your right
Sitting on cold hard floor of the cave, Kagome let her heart out. Tears poured out of her red honey brown eyes. She shaked and hiccupped, the more and more she cried, the more the sky had darkened. It was like it was in tune with her emotions; like she was night itself; seeing that the rain could feel her own pain it made her feel just a little bit better.
Silent rain drops fell upon the ground as if it could feel her pain.
She still remembered the day he came back.
Kagome? Inuyasha said walking into their secret spot. Kagome spun around with a huge smile on her face.
She got up and ran to him tears flowing out of her eyes. Time stopped as she ran into his chest. She knocked him back; making him fall on his butt, a smile formed on his lips when they hugged. He was back and she couldn't believe it.
She snuggled more into Inuyasha's chest smelling him. He smelt different like peppermint and leaves. She wrinkled up her nose… He made her want to sneeze. She pulled back off of him to look at his face, it was more soft and gentle; Kagome managed a watery smile.
Just looking into his eyes… I can't cry… they just make me wanna smile.
“I've missed you so much” She said while sniffing.
“I've missed you too… spunky” He pulled her back into his chest while wrapping one arm around her waist.
“You promise me you'll never leave me like that again right?”
“Yeah..” he whispered “I'll never leave your side Kagome, that I swear on my soul.”
How could Inuyasha do this to me?
He said he wouldn't do that to me yet-
She had long left the inn that she stayed in the night before; she had a like for what felt like hours trying to get as far away from the kingdom as she could. It only made her angrier when she figured she was getting closer. All these memories she wanted to forget; but her mind and things around her screamed out
Again and again, she was starting to think she was going crazy. As she laid her head into the pillow she found in somebody's old abandoned house; she tried to get to sleep as the tears continued to drip off of her worn out face.
I don't know which will hurt more.
Writing this.
Or Knowing how much this will hurt you.
She kept repeating those words over and over again… she sniffed lightly.
At least we both tried to have the best time together… even if it was our fall.
She thought once again as she drifted into a light sleep.
Inuyasha slowly and quietly hopped down from the roof above the Kagome was in; he made sure that her breathing was evened out before making himself visible. He quietly tiptoed to the middle of the cave. It was hard to watch all the tears roll down her cheeks. His eyes where glossed over with guilt and regret. He wiped away some of her tears; Watched her for a while longer before he stole a single kiss from her lips.
Leaning back he sighed sadly and stood up; Inuyasha trekked back to the entrance to of the cave. He stepped out of the cave without looking back; all while thinking.
Im sorry… Kagome
“You will go tonight then” He said tapping his fingers on the floor
“Yes, it will work without fail.”
I hope
The man smiled, he loved to break the bond between two lovers. He needed a target; usually the weakest one…
“I will go to the girl” He said while putting his hands over his heart.
“Go now before you lose her!!”
He bowed down and walked out of the main doors.
I will not fail you again… master.
Kagome made her way closer to the kingdoms main gates. She walked down the path with no expression on her face, her hands where balled up into fists, she felt like she was getting stomped on. Everyone she passed cleared the way for her; their faces written over with fear.
Their so stupid… I just might punch them for looking at me like that.
Since Kagome had gotten to the cave she figured her main goal was to get as far into the kingdom as she should. Even though all these memories hurt her so badly; she promised herself that she would keep all the emotions that she felt last night where still bottled up in her mind. Which she was more like a…
A ticking time bomb.
She would have guessed she was about five miles away from the gates before Katashi appeared before her cold orbs. Kagome tried hard not to kick him in the stomach and step all over his body for smiling right in her face.
“Why hello pretty girl.”
He sat his hands over his eyes and looked right, left, down, and up.
“Where's your dog?”
Kagome instantly paled. Obliviously Katashi noticed.
“Oh I get it, so he left you didn't he?” His smile grew.
Kagome didn't look at him; Katashi circled her slowly. As if he was checking out her body. It sickened her. He stopped after he could see her face again. Kagome toke on step back.
He's too close.
Now don't act like you're not scared, because I know you are.” He said as his smiled dropped.
The next thing Kagome knew Katashi was nose to nose with her whispering words into her ears.
Why can't I move my body?
A loud shirking noise was heard above the tree tops as Katashi dug his hand into her stomach. She crumbled into his arms instantly.
What has he done to?
Kagome's vision blurred as she watched her own blood pool under her feet. She felt like she was getting weaker by the moment. Kagome tried to move any part of her body to get his hands from her own body; she felt like she was getting violated.
Where's Inuyasha?
Katashi patted her back and leaned down to her lips; and whispered three simple to her. Her eyes glossed over with tears, she tried her hardest to shake her head; she wouldn't do it. He couldn't make her. Katashi put her back into her feet. His smile grew again when he put some of Kagome's blood on her face.
“What are you going to do Kagome?”
“To- to break the heart of… of”
“Hurry up!” He said when his hand made contact with Kagome's cheek.
“Break the heart of— Inuyasha!”
Semi-Cliff hanger. Yeah! I very happy to get at least 3 reviews on this story. Wouldn't hurt to get so helpful hints on how I'm doing though.
I think there's 4 more chapters to go. Well next chapter filled with: Action, tears, and horror. So stay tuned.
Until Next time