InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Overcoming the Past ❯ Leaving the Past Behind...? ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and Co. (But I do own Nika, Yukio, Hana, Katsuga, Reiha, Yukino, and Tsukino ^_~.)

"..." Indicate words

'...' Indicate thoughts

Overcoming the Past

Chapter 20: Leaving the Past Behind...?


It was early morning and the sun had yet to rise and wake the slumbering lands and people. Sango sat quietly by the ancient well, brooding about being left alone with a hentai monk. However, that was only for appearance. She was really worried about Kagome. Inuyasha had been mumbling something about his father and Kagome's safety before he took off. Would her best friend be okay? The sound of bushes rustling alerted the demon exterminator to another's presence. She couldn't tell if it was youkai or human, but it was powerful. Grabbing her boomerang, she sunk into a battle stance and prepared to attack.

"OW! Darn stupid tree root!" came a frustrated voice that Sango was never so happy to hear.

"Kagome?!" she cried and ran over to the miko, but stopped short when she saw the demon beast the girl was riding on. "Kagome, what...?" Kagome looked up and smiled at her friend.

"It's been a while, Sango. I trust you've bee well," she said in a refined voice, smiling politely. Sango stared and nodded.

"What's going on? Kagome, I've been so worried about you since I last saw you with Sesshoumaru and that other taiyoukai. They didn't hurt you, did they?" Kagome stifled her giggles and shook her head.

"I'm fine, Sango-chan. Really, I am, but I am very homesick right now and I need to talk to Mama about something. I'll come back soon, alright? We can catch up when I get back tomorrow," Kagome called as she walked over to the Bone-eaters Well. With one final glance over her shoulder, Kagome jumped into the well and was transported to her own time. She climbed out of the well and made her way leisurely to her house, thinking about how to explain her extended absence. Her family probably thought she was dead. She slid open the door to her home and saw her family, just as she had left them. Her mother was cooking breakfast, her brother was playing video games in the living room, and her grandfather was napping in the armchair next to the television obsessed boy. No one had heard her open the door, so no one bothered to greet her.

"T-tadaima," she said softly, more to herself than to the people in the house. Mrs. Higurashi heard the quiet voice of her daughter and dropped the spatula on the stove and turned to her with wide eyes, shocked eyes.

"Kagome, your back," she said, drawing Souta and her grandfather's attention. Slowly, her mother walked over to her and embraced her. "Okaeri." Souta ran over to them when their mother released his sister and all but lunged at her.

"You're home! I thought you were dead, Kagome! What were you doing this whole time?" he said. Kagome smiled, but she suddenly felt tired and weak.

"I just want to rest right now. Is that okay?" she asked, turning to her mother with pleasing eyes.

"Of course it is okay, Kagome. This is your home, too," Mrs. Higurashi said kindly. Kagome smiled and scurried upstairs. Souta turned to his mother.

"She didn't look to good, mom. Is she gonna be ok?"

"Yes, I'm sure she'll be fine. She is very strong. I'll go talk to her." With that Mrs. Higurashi followed her daughter's path. She knocked on the closed door of Kagome's room.

"Kagome, may I come in?" she asked. She heard a mumbled yes and opened the door to find Kagome crying on her bed. It pulled at her heart to see her child in such pain. She walked over to her daughter and embraced her. "Want to talk about it?" Kagome shook her head in her mother's arms. She pulled back and smiled sadly at her mom.

"I'm sorry, but I am not ready to share it yet. Maybe tomorrow, okay?" Mrs. Higurashi nodded and left Kagome to her business. She went downstairs and saw two curious pairs of eyes glued to her instantly.

"How's Kagome doing?"

"Kagome's sleeping now, Souta. I think we can all tell she's had a rough couple of months, so be nice to her okay? I'd like you to make an extra effort to show how happy you are to see her and make her feel welcome." The two guys nodded and scuttle off to their rooms to get some sleep. Mrs. Higurashi sighed sadly and stepped outside, looking up at the countless stars with a downcast expression.

"Poor Kagome..." she mumbled. "If she keeps returning to the Sengoku Jidai, she will undoubtedly run into him. I hope it doesn't cause too much trouble for her and her friends."


Kagome woke up feeling refreshed, but somewhat uncomfortable. It was her own bed, but it didn't feel right. It was as if she didn't belong in it, in that bed or house, or time even. Kagome laughed softly to herself. 'I'm already missing everyone back in feudal Japan. It hasn't even been a day, though.' She got up, took a shower, washed up, and got dressed in her school uniform. She wasn't going to school, but it had been so long since she had even seen the familiar outfit. As she walked, she began to feel uncomfortable, as if her outfit was too obviously revealing. She had been wearing kimonos and outfits similar to that when she was in the past. Those clothes were just as revealing of her figure, but much more subtle and understated. She entered the kitchen and sat down at the table, saying a quiet "good morning" to the other occupants.

"Good morning, Kagome. Would you like some breakfast? I can make you some oden," her mother offered. Kagome grinned and cheerfully accepted the offer. Her mother had thought ahead and made the oden earlier, so all she had to do was dish it out. Kagome sighed and lifted her chopsticks to eat. She took slow, moderate nibbles, using the almost perfect table manners she had been taught by Hana and Nika (she learned what not to do from Nika ^_~). Her family just stared in awe at the teenager, now practically a different person.

"Geeze, sis, you eat like those rich lords and ladies from way back in the feudal age or something," Souta ventured teasingly, not really noticing how believable his words were. Kagome stuck her tongue out at him, ruining the elegant maiden impression she had imposed upon her family.

"Well, duh, Souta! I have been staying with those rich lords and ladies from the feudal era for almost half a year now. I would have thought you'd realize that I picked up on a couple of things there," she shot back arrogantly. Souta just rolled his eyes, not bothering to think about what she said. 'He's so much like Inuyasha.' Kagome mentally smacked herself. She came home to get her mind off of Inuyasha and the rest of them. 'Still, the food doesn't taste as good here as back home in-' Kagome stopped herself. Back home? She was home, where she belonged. Wasn't she?

"Wait, Kagome...that doesn't make sense. How could you have been eating with feudal daimyo if you were parading around with that hanyou looking for Shikon Jewel shards?" came her grandfather's hoarse voice. Kagome laughed softly. 'He's the exact opposite from Inuyasha...he pays too close attention.'

"Well, Jii-chan, I spent some time at Inuyasha's family's house. I got to meet his dead father, clingy and perverted cousins, several nice relatives, spend quality time with his human-hating half brother and said brother's all-hating grandmother, met Sesshoumaru's fiancée, and made a fool of myself." That ought to give the old man something to think about. Kagome forced a smile on her face and marched out of the house, slamming the door behind her. She strolled leisurely over to the Goshinboku. She sat at the base of the large tree and smiled fondly.

'This tree has so many memories for our family, of good and bad times, but for me this tree means...' Kagome visualized the first time she saw Inuyasha. She then saw a vision of Inuyasha kissing Kikyou under the same tree. She saw Sango's lonely face as she longed for her brother and Miroku's worried stare at his own hand. Kagome frowned. 'Yes, there have certainly been bad times, but aren't those times supposed to bind us together?' Kagome was so deep in reminiscing that she didn't here someone approach her until the last second. She instinctually leaped into the air and landed behind the intruder's back in a defensive battle stance. When she saw who it was, she relaxed her guard and tapped the paralyzed Souta on the shoulder.

"Souta, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react like that, but you surprised me," she said, laughing a little at herself and at his freaked out expression.

"Yeah, right..." he trailed off and remembered why he came out in the first place. "Hey, sis, can we talk?" he asked. Kagome nodded and sat down by the tree, patting the ground next to her. Souta took the hint and sat beside her.

"Kagome, you've been acting really strange since you came back to the feudal era, and not like usual. Normally you are mad at Inuyasha or just really upset that he likes Kikyou. This time is different. It's like you aren't you anymore. You talk, eat, and just act differently. What happened to you? And why are you so sad?" Kagome frowned at Souta's questions.

"I'm not different. Maybe a little, but not that much...and I am happy. I am very happy to get a break. I can come home when I want to, anyway," she said.

"But you act like some rich demon who is always putting on a show for people and not letting anyone near them. You're different, sis. I wanna know what happened to change you so much," Souta insisted. He was worried about his sister. She had always been so strong, a secret role model, and when she started going to the feudal Japan, his opinion of his sister only got better. He liked Inuyasha, but his sister was the one who had always been there to look out for him, not a hanyou who was always hurting the people closest to him. Kagome sighed and relented.

"I don't know where to start. So much has happened. I've almost forgotten why I was in that time to begin with," Kagome began. "I ran away when I saw it. I am such a coward. I always run away. I was found by Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha's older half-brother. He took me in and trained me to be a stronger fighter so that I could defend myself if I had to collect shards on my own. He had two cousins named Nika and Yukio. Nika is clingy and loud, but she's not so bad deep down, and Yukio's a bit perverted but he's a really sweet guy. When Inuyasha came to get me, I fought and defeated him, and also killed Kikyou's clay incarnation. Then, Sesshoumaru's grandmother came along with his fiancée and after them, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's father showed up. All of them hated me. They wanted me gone, but I stayed because I knew that there were others who wanted me there. When Sesshoumaru agreed with them, I got scared and ran away. I ran again. It was so painful to be told by everyone you came to care about that you were not wanted. It hurts so bad, Souta..." she trailed off when she could no longer hold back her tears. Souta sat idle for a moment, not sure what to do, until Kagome practically fell into his arms weeping. He awkwardly patted her back and waited for her to stop crying, which was almost an hour later. When Kagome let go of him, he had a wet shirt. She laughed through her sniffles and hiccups.

"Sorry about that, Souta. I didn't mean to cry about the past, but the tears just wouldn't stop coming." Souta smiled.

"It's okay, sis. We all know you're a big crybaby," he said, adding the last part to get her mad. Kagome fumed and began to chase her brother around the backyard. When she caught the young boy, she threw him to the ground lightly and held him collapsed. He was really fast. "Hey sis...can I meet him?"

"Meet who?" she asked. Souta blushed lightly.

"That Sesshoumaru guy you're always talking about," he replied. Kagome stared at her brother.

"I don't always talk about him. I maybe mentioned him a couple times in passing like when I first saw him and when he battled Inuyasha, or even when he adopted Rin, but not that much." Souta shook his head, smirking.

"It is true. Whenever you told us stories about your battle against Sesshoumaru, you wouldn't leave out a single detail, not his expression or his speedy attacks. I think you've had a crush on him for a while sis, and getting to know him only made it more obvious." Kagome blushed furiously and scowled at her brother.

"I don't believe you. We are just friend-I mean close acquaintances," she insisted with a fervent nod. Souta shook his head and got up.

"I'd still like to meet him...and that Rin girl you think is so cute," he said as he walked away.

"Okay. When I go back...I'll find a way to bring you back." He stopped and turned.

"Promise?" Kagome nodded.

"Yes, but if I can't...I might have to bring them to you. Is that acceptable?" she asked. Souta nodded eagerly and ran into the house to tell their mom. Kagome giggled at her little brother. She loved him so much. He was a sweet boy, but very mischievous like Shippou. Suddenly, she froze in horror and began to panic internally. 'How am I going to get back? I don't have any shards...' Just as Mrs. Higurashi came outside to make her reconsider taking Souta with her, Kagome fainted, her last thought being that she would never see her friends again...ever.


Sesshoumaru sat in his study, bent over a large book of folklore and myth. None of it made any sense to him; how could a miko adapt to youkai society so well? How could she carry a demonic jewel with her. Sesshoumaru shook his head. He wouldn't find the answers here; so few actually know of the jewel's true demonic nature enough to explain anything to him. Searching was fruitless, but he was desperate for answers. A quiet knock at the door stirred him from his studies.

"Sesshoumaru-sama?" a childlike voice began uncertainly. Sesshoumaru stared at the closed door in shock. Kagome left her kit here?

"Come in, kit," he answered calmly. Shippou slowly slid the door open, stepped inside, and warily closed the door behind him. Sesshoumaru just stared in silence, figuring that the kit would state his purpose when he was ready. When the child said nothing, Sesshoumaru sighed and asked him what he wanted, openly showing his irritation and not bothering to be gentle.

"Um...where is Kagome? I can't find her anywhere."

"She went home, leaving the past behind her as she should." Shippou gasped.

"Do you mean that she's not coming back? Kagome would never leave me alone! She promised she would take care of me!" he cried. Sesshoumaru let out a sigh of exasperation.

"I am sure that she has no intention of abandoning you, kit. She just didn't realize that she had no Shikon shards, and Inuyasha promised her he would not retrieve her before she was ready to return. You should just wait for her; that is all you can do." Shippou pouted but nodded in understanding before scampering out the door with a hasty thank you and farewell. He met up with Rin, who had been waiting for him down the hallway. She knew something was wrong when he walked up to her with a forlorn expression.

"Mama can't come back 'cause she didn't take any jewel shards with her. Sesshoumaru said that it was probably unintentional, but I think she wanted to leave. Everyone she wanted to love her just turned away and was really cruel to her, so I can't blame her for leaving. I just wish I coulda gone with her." Rin nodded. She had expected something along those lines.

"At least we have each other," Rin offered, trying to cheer him up. She was near tears when the kitsune looked up at her. Shippou forced a smile and nodded as cheerfully as he could. He didn't want to see Rin cry.

" least..." he trailed off and began to cry softly. Rin burst into tears as well and the two children comforted each other with teary hugs and whispers of encouragement. Sesshoumaru sat in his study, no longer able to focus on his work. He had heard the children's conversation, and it had tugged at his heart. He stood and wandered over to the window, peering out over his lands in the direction of Inuyasha's forest, a small part of the Western Lands that he had allotted his brother long ago on a whim.

"Perhaps I should pay the old well a visit and see what is there," he mumbled to himself. He turned and immediately called for Jaken. The old toad youkai appeared and began gravelling for some blunder Sesshoumaru couldn't care much less about. "Jaken, prepare a transport. I will be going to Inuyasha's forest the day after tomorrow when my business with Father and Yukino-sama are resolved." Jaken went scrambling out the door and passed the two children huddled on the floor to carry out his master's commands. Shippou had vaguely heard what Sesshoumaru had said and was longing to ask about it. Sesshoumaru stepped into the hall and addressed the children directly.

"We will be traveling soon, so prepare anything you wish to take with you. I will not wait for you. I leave at sunrise in two days," he said and continued toward his father's sitting room where everyone was chatting not so amiably. Nika and Yukio were bickering back and forth about Yukio's forward innuendos and Inutaisho was sitting with Inuyasha, Reiha and Tsukino, arguing with his mother-in-law about Yukino's engagement to Sesshoumaru. Tsukino, Inuyasha Yukino sat quietly listening to the conversation. Sesshoumaru shook his head and slammed the sliding door closed behind him, effectively silencing everyone in the room. Rin and Shippou, who had been following behind him, stopped in dismay when Sesshoumaru silently told them they were not permitted at the moment.

"Sesshoumaru, don't take after your father. Learn some manners. It is not proper to slam doors!" Reiha rebuked with authority. Sesshoumaru just rolled his eyes and ignored her, something he never would have done before Kagome stood up to her.

"Nika, Yukio, I need to talk to you," he said. "You, too, Inuyasha," he added as an afterthought. The three exchanged curious glances and stood in unison. The all exited the room, carefully stepping around the eavesdropping youngsters on their way out. Sesshoumaru ignored their questions and lead them wordlessly toward one of his own. "Inuyasha, you must go talk to Kagome. I am not asking you to bring her back, but to give her the option. Leave a shard with her and if she wants to, she can return."

"Sesshy, what brought this on? I thought you were going to just leave her alone," Nika pointed out. Sesshoumaru looked toward the door where they all heard Shippou and Rin talking as they walked down the hallway, embarrassed to have been caught eavesdropping. "They miss her terribly."

"I can't go. I promised not to pressure her into returning. If she sees me in her time, she will never come back."

"Even so, she made a commitment to those children. If she stays in her time, she will be abandoning them. I am sure Kagome knows that. Besides, she knows it is her duty to restore and guard the Shikon no Tama. She will want to return, even if it is just to do that." The others agreed with him, but didn't want to be the one to face her wrath when Inuyasha went to the other time. Inuyasha knew he was going to get the brunt of that. On top of that, he had already caused her so much heartache...

"I can't, Sesshoumaru. I have hurt Kagome enough. We all have," Inuyasha said firmly, his resolve only wavering slightly under his brother's piercing golden glare. After a battle of wills, Sesshoumaru sighed, relenting.

"Very well, you won't need to go, little brother. I will. I will go to Kagome's time and speak with her." Nika's jaw dropped and Yukio paled.

"Sesshoumaru, think about this. You've got your mating ceremony with Yukino to plan. You don't have time to play cat and mouse with a human girl from the future," Yukio exclaimed, with Nika backing him up completely.

"Then what do you suggest, Yukio? Will you travel to a world in which youkai are mere legend and the maiden you are aiming to rescue is your greatest stumbling block keeping you from accomplishing that task?" Yukio remained silent. "Even if you could get through, Kagome might not listen to you. There is always that chance no matter who goes." Yukio nodded and relinquished his objection. Inuyasha just stayed silent, hoping that Sesshoumaru wouldn't be able to get through. He didn't want Kagome to return to the past, where she would always be in danger and would never find love or happiness. He wanted greater to happen to her.

"Go ahead and try to go through, Sesshy, but Kagome-chan said that only she and Inuyasha had been able to travel back and forth. You won't be able to get through, and if by some odd chance you do, then you might be stuck there."

"I don't care. I won't know until I try," was the taiyoukai's reply. Nika sighed and accepted that Sesshoumaru wouldn't be swayed. Inuyasha spoke up.

"I don't want you near her, Sesshoumaru. It will make her cry again. She just wants to recover in her era, to regain the peaceful life she lost because of me and the stupid jewel." Sesshoumaru nodded in understanding.

"I see what you are saying, but she has every right to return should she so desire. This is her home just as much as the future, and she belongs here if this is where her heart is. Nothing you say will change my mind. However, I will need your help." All three of them perked up. The great Taiyoukai Sesshoumaru needed help? "I will need you to postpone the coronation and mating ceremony in this time for as long as you can...Even for a minute or a second."

"Very well. Is that all? If it is, you should go right away; don't wait until the day after tomorrow, Sesshy!" Nika exclaimed and began to shew him out the door. "Bring us lots of presents and gifts from the future, okay?" she called as he was walking away toward his demon carriage, which Jaken had set up upon hearing their conversation. He looked back and saw Yukio and Nika waving like idiots while Inuyasha brooded in the background. He smiled faintly and nodded his goodbye before departing.

Nika turned to Yukio with a worried expression. He shrugged and began to walk back toward the sitting room. Nika glared at his back, but followed closely behind, not wanting to be left in the room with the disgruntled hanyou that spoiled any party with his stiff-necked attitude. Inuyasha stayed behind and sat down on an elegant simple chair with Sesshoumaru's personal crest on the back. He began to think back to when he first went to Kagome's time.

He was first bombarded with sticky paper Kagome's grandfather called wards. They were obviously flawed. Then, her mother yanked on his ears, which were a lot smaller than his brother's tail and far less spectacular a sight. Oh boy... Sesshoumaru just dove in over his head with this one. Kagome was one thing, but her family was another entirely.
