InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Overtime ❯ Mondays Are Such Pains ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do not own the show Inuyasha, wish I did though.
Chapter 1
Kagome's POV
`Who the fuck is bothering me this early'
`I'm not listening'
`If I ignore it it will go away'
Hey you've reached Kagome I can't answer the phone right now or I just don't want to speak to you so leave a message and I'll get back to you which is highly unlikely since I don't check my messages anyway. Beep.
“Kagome where the hell are you? You should be here by now, did you forget we were supposed to meet the new owner today. I bet you're still in bed listening to this entire message and right about now are running into the bathroom to get ready because it totally slipped your mind. See you at work.” Beep.
“Oh shit, Oh shit”
Kagome was at the moment running around her apartment like a crazy woman trying to get ready. In 15 minutes she was out in her car and speeding off to work.
`God damnit I'm so fired. Why are Mondays so cruel to me?'
Kagome finally made to work taking 20 minutes in what usually takes an hour lucky to have avoided getting a ticket. Barely managing to remember to turn off the car and grab her keys and bag she bolted out of the car and sprinted inside the building.
`God I already hate this new boss. What's his problem anyway making people wake up early now I'm going to be a bitch all day. I should quit why did Totosai have to sell the company to overachieving workaholics anyway…'
As Kagome was ranting off in her head she failed to notice that she was heading right into something until her body connected with a hard chest.
YAY!!!!!! My first chapter is done ^_^ please review and feel free to criticize be as rude as you want I want honest opinions.