InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Paint> ❯ Arrow ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Arashi, Fuyumiko
Written: June 11, 2004

It is scattered upon the winds,
thoughts of long ago,
brushing fragile despositions,

The casual essence of the hurt soul,
trapped forever in false endearments,
your lying heart,
your false trust.

These are my aquisitions,
tainted, upon blinding gusts of nothing,
insecurity of sweet delicate breath,
warm blood to be spilled.

Upon the earth,
Upon the snow,
Upon the sea,
Upon the folorn petals of time.

amber eyes speak of nothing but tell all.
beneath the heavy parchment of anger and sorrow.
My sorrow.

The fragments twinged with regret.
My own,

Who was I to know what had been?
What was?
My cries are not heard.
My soul screams for justice.

The sweet fruit,
created of truths and lies.

Smooth skin,
pale flesh,
white hair.
The strands of remembrance,
it sweeps gently past a hopeful dream.

A girl's dream,
A young woman's dream,
The lonely one's hope.

Twinged by pain,
the crushed shell of importance,
blood staining the whispering grass.

I hear you rushing through the forest.

My heart is heavy with regret.

Farewell... my love.

My arrow flies.
