InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pandora's Box ❯ Forgiveness Makes the World Go Round ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Last Time:

"Please Sango! I can't do it without you! I can't get Kagome back to normal if you don't help me!" Inuyasha declared not even attempting to keep the desperation from his voice.


"Alright… What do you have planned?" Sango asked warily.


"Well I was thinking…"



Forgiveness Makes the World Go Round


Kagome Higurashi's Shrine Laneway: July 2004


"Ughh…" Kagome groaned. She could hardly make it out of her car, let alone up her laneway, she was so exhausted! Somehow she made it though, maybe the self-promise of food and a shower. However she did it, she was inside her house in record time, at least, for a disabled man…


"Hey Kagome! How are you?" Sango asked brightly.


"Sango, please don't shower me with the happy-sunshine mood right now. I feel like I could collapse!" Kagome whimpered.


"Oh… Well that's too bad. I was planning on having a girl's night out," Kagome's head perked at this and Sango knew she had her, to quote the old cliché, Hook, Line, and Sinker, "but since you're quiet clearly exhausted beyond recognition, we'll do it some other time!"


"Hey, Hey, don't underestimate my recovering abilities! You make food, and pick out clothes, and I'll go take a shower… A really LONG shower…" Kagome yelled to Sango as she hobbled up the stairs.


"No problem Kagome! Leave it to me!" Sango replied.


`Mmm… That feels SO much better!' Kagome thought to herself once stepping out of the shower half an hour later.


"Kagome foods ready and your clothes are on your bed!" Sango hollered up the stairs.

"'K thanks Sango, I'll be down in a bit!" Kagome hollered back.


Kagome walked into her room and admired the clothes Sango had picked for her, she definitely had good taste. Pulling on her clothes Kagome realized she didn't hurt as much as before. It wasn't the sharp ache anymore, but it was as if the corners had rounded, a little.


`Interesting, maybe it'll go away again.' Kagome thought hopefully as she walked down stairs to meet Sango sitting in her chair looking lovely, as usual.


"So Sango," Kagome asked in between swallows of food and drink, "where are we going?"


"Emm… Secret… Surprise… Wait - and - see!" Sango replied around food.



Beach in Grand Bend: July 2004


"Umm… Sango, why are we at the beach?" Kagome questioned confused.


"'Cause there is someone here I want you to meet!" Sango said getting out of the car and taking Kagome's hand and leading her to a romantic candlelit table on the beach with an apologetic looking Inuyasha waiting for her. Immediately she knew she'd been set up.


She cast an angry and cornered look in Sango direction, "No! No, No, No, No! Sango, please! I can't…"


"Kagome this is for your own good. Go on!" Sango pushed her over to the table, and proceeded to walk away.


Inuyasha pulled out Kagome's chair, attempting to give her a kiss, but saw her wince and settled for the forehead peck instead. Kagome reluctantly sat down in her chair and accepted food from Inuyasha.


"Kagome, I cannot begin to express how sorry I am! I've been thinking and I realized that Kikyo must have saw you there because we were arguing and the next thing I know she's attacked me! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for any and all pain I've caused you! You have to know it wasn't my intention. I love you and I would never harm you! Not again at least." At Kagome's gasp he continued, "Yes I figured out you loved me in High School and I can only say I must have been blind not to see it or what beauty was before my own eyes. I only wish I would have noticed back then and spared you this heart ache. I-"


Kagome interrupted Inuyasha hurriedly, "Say it again Inuyasha! Please!"


"I only wish I would have noticed back th-" Kagome interrupted Inuyasha once again.


"No, not that part, please, the part where you said you loved me!" she demanded standing up in a position that could only be described as hopeful.


"I love you Kagome Higurashi. I think I've loved you even back in high school but didn't recognize it. But I KNOW I've loved you for this past month or so. I've missed you so much, and I love you!" Inuyasha continued happily.


"Oh Inuyasha! I love you too! I-I was just so hurt when I thought you had chosen Kikyo again! I-I was devastated. I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me too. I-I didn't mean to jump to conclusions but, well honestly it looked… No, that's not anymore, that's the past! I love you so much!" Kagome was practically babbling now, as Inuyasha got up and gave her a wonderfully sweet, possessive, passionate, demanding kiss.


When the both broke free to breath, Inuyasha got down on one knee, "Kagome, I know it's only been a month, but I've known you since grade four, and I love you, and I don't want to lose you again! I want to always be there to comfort you in thunderstorms, laugh with you, and cry with you. Kagome Higurashi, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Inuyasha asked confidently.


"Of course Inuyasha! Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" she replied as she jumped on him, causing him to fall back onto the sand.


As he looked up at her, she giggled girlishly, and he waggled his eyebrows, which caused her to blush. He leaned up and gently pressed his lips to hers.


Now and forever, he was hers…