InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Paper Doll ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Paper Doll


Part 6: Confusion


Inuyasha just continued to stare at Sesshoumaru's back wondering why he was having these disarrayed emotions. Apparently the demon giving him the cold shoulder was hurting him inside. It was a different feeling. But then his mind kept telling him that he didn't need that prick. He shook off that thought. He wondered where it came from. Thinking nothing more of it he just followed the other hoping that after this masquerade that everything would be sorted out and he could find out question to his missing answers.




Arashi was fuming with anger. He never usually loosed his cool but this was a different matter. He lost Inuyasha twice! Twice was not in his vocabulary. This time Mika didn't interfere. He was happy about that. He smiled as his mind thought up a plan. A plan that would sure test the miko and the rest of the group of weeds. First he needed a little bait.


"Mika!" he called out. She appeared right in front of him with her eyes cast down to the floor, it was a sign of respect.


"Yes, Arashi-sama?" she asked.


"Distract the miko and her friends. Make sure to catch attention of the demon. Take this with you." Arashi threw a purple shard at her. Mika caught it in her hands. It was a jewel shard of the Shikon no Tama. "It'll strengthen your power. Play keep-away for a while. I need to do something that takes some time. I trust you can do that?"


"Hai Arashi-sama."


"Good. Now go."


She gave a curt bow and disappeared.




Kagome and the others waited at the appointed spot where Sesshoumaru specifically told them to wait. Rin was with them. They got the ever-so-famous threat that they'd die if anything happened to the little girl. Who cares about Jaken? It was then Kagome sensed something.


It was a shikon shard.


Gathering up her bows she waited as did the others who followed her example of their weapons. Shippo stayed behind and protected Rin so Sesshoumaru wouldn't get mad at them should a scratch be on her. What stood before them was a demoness with black hair and piercing icy blue eyes. She threw the shikon shard up and down in her hands, taunting them to come and get it. They took the bait and went after her. Mika took off into another clearing that was far from the one they were previously. It went unnoticed.


The fight for the shikon shard had begun.




Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha came into the clearing but only saw Rin and Shippo. That was odd. Sesshoumaru approached Shippo intimidating the little fox.


"Where are they?" Sesshoumaru asked a bit of anger in his voice. Shippo gave a small squeal in fear before asking.


"They went that way following that woman with the shard."


"Stay here," he said looking at Inuyasha before going after the others. His mind screamed 'trap' but he didn't listen to it and just continued forward.


Upon arriving, the group was fighting the demon woman he'd met a few days ago. It's amazing that a lot can happen in just days. He growled in annoyance at his predicament. How'd he ever get stuck in these situations? As soon as Mika saw him she stopped. She threw the shard to Kagome, who caught it, and fled the scene. Now that was very, very odd. It seemed to click something in his brain.




He quickly ran back to see nothing. It was all with the same luscious green wildlife. The only thing missing was the people. Sesshoumaru's eyes went almost demonic red. He stalked pass the clearing sensing where the others were. He was angry almost to the point of killing someone.




Arashi carried the unconscious sleeping hanyou in his arms. Mika was carrying the fox and human child. They were just asleep nothing really was done to them. He did have morals.


Mika glanced once in a while at the two. Her eyes were filled with jealous rage that…well you all know. She knew that he master couldn't see her stares because he was too preoccupied with the hanyou. She hoped to kill him but she couldn't. Whatever her master was happy with she'd be too. But she was sure that he'd be tired of the half-breed soon enough.




Kinshin: Sorry it took sooooooooooooooooo long again. I'm kinda behind on everything these days. But school's been keeping me from doing this. But I try. Thanks for your visits!


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