InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Passion Flowers and the Moonlight Path ❯ Hell is Heaven in a Jar ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was hard to say what had happened first. They had fallen asleep at the first sign of morning light, her arm draping across him as if she owned him and her scent lulling him into a dreamless slumber. The next thing he knew, he was awake and strapped to a cold metal table, several people standing over them.

Some were men, some were female but he couldn't make out their faces. They wore pieces of paper over half of their faces, like they were masks or something. Sharp objects began to insert themselves into his arms, legs and stomach, and he lashed out, trying to get them away from him. His bonds held him firmly in place.

"Let go of me," he growled but to no avail. He spoke Japanese and none of them seemed to understand what he was saying.

They pressed something against his face, something that breathed tainted air into him. 'Poison,' he thought as his eyes began to droop and his body relax. 'This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Where's Torie? She said she'd help keep me safe. Was it all a lie?'

Coherent thought fled him as the tainted air began to take effect. "Iie," he whispered. "Iie."

He awoke sometime later in a cold, metal room, clad only in a flimsy kimono, much like the one he'd been wearing when he'd first came to. His body ached and he smelled blood. His blood. An acidic taste filled his mouth. They had taken his amulet. He could tell by the position of his ears and the colour of his hair.

'Where is she? Why isn't she stopping them? How did I end up back here to begin with?'

The door slid open and Inuyasha tensed up. More of them had come. But they weren't going to take him again. Not without a fight. With a feral growl, he rose to his feet, his amber eyes glaring at the humans in front of him. Flexing his claws, he moved to attack. Pain lancing through him brought him to his knees and he gasped for air, grasping at his throat. That was when he felt the metal and leather, the source of his pain.

They turned towards each other and spoke in their language. The male nodded then gave him an evil smirk. Inuyasha recognized him immediately as the one Torie had called Peter.

'If he has me then something's happened to Torie. And this bastard is the cause of it all. Dammit, how did he find us?'

Peter stepped towards him and he growled a warning. Pain lanced through him once more as the other man held up a strange device and pressed it.

"I have you right where I want you," Peter snarled. "No one can save. Not Torie. Not even my uncle."

"What have you done, bastard?"

"That's for me to know and you to never find out," the man chortled. "Let me just say . . . they won't be interfering with any of my plans ever again and no one will be the wiser that it was me."


Peter just laughed even more then left the room, leaving Inuyasha in the room alone with the woman. He watched her through hooded eyes as she advanced upon him. Something about her eyes unsettled him and sent off warnings in his head.

'Can't trust her. Don't trust her. Won't trust her. Can't let her near. Can't let her corner me. Must get to the door. Maybe I can still get out of here and find a way to get this damn thing offa me.'

He backed away from her, being mindful to stay in the center of the room. With the way her eyes roamed over him, Inuyasha had no doubts that the corners would be the first place she'd try to pin him.

"You are quite the specimen," she said appraisingly. "You have no reason to be shy around me. I've already seen everything you've got and I must say I'm quite impressed. Now if you'll just be a good boy for me and let me get a few more samples from you I'll be on my way."

"No," he shook his head. "You can't do this. It's wrong."

"No one's ever going to know, my dear," she purred, still advancing on him. "So be a good boy and let me get my job done."

She reached for him, one hand brushing against his shoulder. He skittered away, his back scraping against the wall. He wasn't in the corner. Yet.

'It's only a matter of time before she does corner me. I have to get out the door NOW.'

"Don't be shy, sweetie. I know how we can make it enjoyable for us both."

"Don't touch me," Inuyasha growled, rushing past. His hand had just reached the door when he dropped to his knees, pain exploding behind his eyes.

"You leave me no choice then," she stated coldly. A rough yank on his hair dragged him back into the center of the room and he was shoved onto his back. "You could have had this easy, you know. Blame no one but yourself for this."

Through pain-filled eyes, he watched as she pulled an unusual looking cup out of her pocket, her one hand holding a similar device to Peter's. She placed the cup between his legs then began to fondle him.

"No . . . Please . . . stop," he choked. "Don't do this."

"I think I'll continue," she grinned viciously. "You're a big boy, aren't you? And quite liking what I'm doing as well."

"No . . ."

"Oh, but you are . . . I can tell, my dear."

Tears formed in his eyes. She still held the device tightly in her hand while she continued to stroke and fondle him.

'I'm not here. This isn't happening. Kami, this isn't happening.' He shut his eyes tight and willed himself to be somewhere, anywhere than where he was at. His claws scraped against the floor, creating a high-pitched squealing noise.

"There we go . . . Such a good boy," the lady mocked as she released him, grabbed her cup then left. When he was sure he was alone, he curled into a fetal position, a cold and empty filling his stomach.

'Torie, please help me . . . Please let Peter be wrong. Please . . . Find me.'

* * *

~"Inuyasha,"~ a voice whispered. A hand rested on his shoulder and began to shake him gently.

~"Huh?"~ he murmured groggily.

~"Wake up. You nearly tossed me out of the bed,"~ came the voice again. Torie.

'But how? Peter said she wasn't around to interfere with his plans anymore. It sounded like she'd been killed from his tone. So why is she talking to me and telling me to wake up?'

~"Come on, Inuyasha,"~ she encouraged. ~"Wake up. It's all right. You're safe."~

Cautiously, he opened his eyes, expecting to wake up in the cold metal room where he'd been in. Instead, dark rose hues glared at him in the dull light of one of the artificial torches. Torie sat next to him, her brown eyes shimmering in concern. He bolted forward and looked around.

~"What happened?"~ he demanded.

~"You were having a dream,"~ she replied. ~"A nightmare, judging by the way you were tossing and turning."~ Her hand removed his hair from his face, a cool and welcomed relief against the heat he felt there.

~"It was,"~ he admitted reluctantly. ~"I dreamt that Peter got a hold of me . . . and you weren't there to stop him. Neither was John. He said that no one would knew that he was behind whatever had happened."~

~"Anything else?"~ she inquired softly. ~"You look a little sick."~

~"I feel a little sick . . . There was a woman there . . . She . . . did something to me . . . I . . . I felt violated somehow, like she was taking something precious from me. I told her to stop but she didn't listen."~

To that, Torie immediately wrapped her arms around him and drew him close. He shuddered as he let it out, his fears and the frustration that he'd felt. She listened, never passing any judgment. When he'd finished, he cried in her lap, her fingers running gently through his hair.

~"Don't worry about Peter ever trying to do anything to me, Inuyasha,"~ she finally murmured after several moments of quiet. ~"I've already guaranteed that if I should mysteriously disappear or turn up dead, that Peter would somehow be involved and why. And he'll never get his paws on you. Ever. With the amulet, he'll be hard-pressed to prove anything other than that you're as human as the next person."~

~"You sure?"~ He raised his head up.

~"Very sure,"~ she smiled. ~"Now . . . how about something to eat? John got a hold of me. He has a proposition that he wants me to hear. I think I already know what it's about, I'm just not sure if I'm ready to go back."~

~"Go back?"~ he echoed.

~"Back to Isla Sorna,"~ she answered. ~"Back to where Hell began."~