InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Passionate Disputes ❯ Feelings Unfold! ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Feelings Unfold!

Author's Notes: When I started this chap, I did intend it to be the lemon but but things didn't turn out the way I intended them to be. I felt that Inu Yasha still needed to explain some things to Kagome and that they still had some things to discuss between them that it became a whole chap itself. Anyway, that's all I have to say for today. Enjoy this chap, I truly think it's a masterpiece that I've cooked up.

"By the way, I'm curious about something."


"Tell me, just how much do you love me?" she teases.

Inu Yasha grins from ear to ear as her scent is calling out to him and he can't resist anymore. "Why don't I just show you how much I love you instead of telling you." He then lowers her to the ground settling himself on top of her and kisses her passionately. Kagome begins to enjoy the kiss. She slowly snags her arms behind his back, grasping him tightly, and returns the kiss with equal fervor. Inu Yasha breaks the kiss, leaving her to whimper, and slowly leaves trail of kisses down her neck, sending shivers coursing through her spine. 'Oh Kagome! I've wanted to do this to you for so long now, to kiss you and hold you like this. You taste so good and your scent is so intoxicating. I just can't resist it anymore. The way it's calling to me. I can't stop.' Then he starts to suck her earlobe causing Kagome to moan and whispers to her, "You want me Kagome, don't you?".

"Yes!" she replies while thinking, 'Wow! This feels so good. I can't believe Inu Yasha is actually doing this to me. I've waited so long for this.' "Inu Yasha?"

"Hmm?" He moves back to kissing her neck.

"Inu...Yasha...please?" she begs.

"Please what, my love?"

"Make love to me...*gasps*...please?"

Inu Yasha froze upon hearing this. He knew that this was what they both wanted but this was a serious matter and there were still some serious issues that they needed to discuss, some issues that he had to clear up with her first. He reluctantly moves himself back up to look at her and asks, "Kagome, do you know what your really asking of me?"

"Of course I do Inu Yasha. I've truly wanted this for so long now. Do you not want me the same way I desire you?"

'Are my ears deceiving me? Does she really desire me as I her?'

As he continues to stare at her in his reverie, Kagome takes this as a bad sign and begins to think the worst. 'Why doesn't he answer me? What if he doesn't feel the same way about me? This could be the most embarrassing day of my life.' "Well Inu Yasha?" she asks tentatively.

"Oh Kagome! I...uhh," he answers while still in shock.

"What?" she asks desperately.

Finally he composes himself and answers her, "Don't take anything the wrong way Kagome. Don't misunderstand! I'm sorry for taking so long to answer you. I'm just still kinda in shock."

Kagome breathes a sigh of relief. "It's okay Inu Yasha. You just had me a little worried there. So?"

He smiles. "Of course I want you too, Kagome. I've wanted you for so long now. Trust me Kagome, I find you very desirable and utterly attractive." Kagome blushes. "I love you for just who you are. You're a very kind-hearted, smart, beautiful, helpful person and you always see the best in everyone, including me. Who knows how many times I've made an ass outta myself and acted like an arrogant jerk towards you and everyone else but no matter what, you always see beyond that, beyond all my faults, and still love me anyway. I don't understand why but..."

She suddenly interrupts him, "Inu Yasha, yeah maybe you do have some faults like you being short-tempered is your major one but I have many faults too and you love me anyway, right?" He nods. "Neither one of us are perfect but underneath that false facade that you built around yourself, I always knew laid a sweet, kind, gently, sensitive man. I understand that you tried to hide that from everyone, including me, because of the rough life you had growing up. It was hard for you to trust people but I want you to know that you finally have friends, besides me, that accept you and will always be there for you."

"Yeah, I know that now and I'm happy."

"Yep! I also want you to know that I trust you too. I trust you with my life, with all my heart and soul."

"Even though it took me a while, I want you to know that I trust you the same way as well."

"I know and I'm glad. Do we understand each other now?" He nods. "Good! And I want you to know that I find you very attractive as well. I love those cute puppy dogs ears of yours, as well as your beautiful silver hair and your gorgeous amber eyes." She rubs his ears and brushes her fingers through his hair to emphasize her point while he closes his eyes and enjoys pampering she giving him.

He blushes from her endearing statement of him but then he composes himself and becomes totally serious. "But before we continue this any further, you should first understand how serious this situation is."

Kagome frowns. "Why?"

"Kagome if...if we become intimate, it will be a serious step in our relationship."

"I know that silly." She slaps him playfully.

"It's more than that Kagome."

"What then?"

"Are you really willing to become my mate for life?"

"Wha? What do you mean 'mate'?"

"Kagome, us, demons, mate for life. That means that once we make love, you will belong to me. You'll be mine forever and you can never be anyone else's but mine. Understand?"

Kagome is a bit shocked to here this confusion crosses her features. "Wait a minute! No, I don't understand. What about you brother Sesshomaru?"

"Oh! Well that's easy to explain. Once his mother died, it left my father free to find a new mate. That's allowed. Besides, I'm lead to believe that my old man loved my mother more than his. Although if I ever lost you, I could never replace you with anyone. I love you too much. I swear I'll never do that."

"That's so sweet of you to say. I promise I never will either. No one could ever replace you, Inu Yasha." Kagome begins to cry again and Inu Yasha soothers her.

"There's just a couple more things I have to tell you before we proceed with this."

"What is it?" She looks into his eyes and loses herself in them.

"You're also in heat presently so...umm..."

"Just spill it Inu Yasha! I could end up pregnant, right?"


"Oh Inu Yasha! I would be honored to be the mother of any child of yours."

"Really? You don't mind is you become pregnant with my pup?"

"No, I don't mind at all." Kagome giggles. "Pup! I like the sound of calling our baby that."

"That's what my mother called me when I was young. My demon side dog, ya know."

She giggles again and runs a hand through his hair. "I know what your demon side is and I'm glad that's its a part of you."

"I'm glad that you except me as I am. Anyway, there's a small chance that it may not happen but most likely it will. The risks are pretty high because the setting is perfect. You're presently in heat so your fertility is at its highest peak and I'm feeling extremely horny right now too so..." She giggles at his comment about himself being horny yet he continues, "Anyway, your scent is calling out to me to claim you as my very own and I just can't resist anymore. Besides, I see no reason to anyway."

"Oh really?" She raises an eyebrow and giggles some more.

"Yes really! Anyway I'm glad you don't mind what I told ya though. I was a bit shy to say it but it had to be said."

"Not at all!"

"Good!" Then Inu Yasha uses his clawed finger to caress the left side of her neck. "And there's just one more thing I have to tell ya before we proceed with this. When we do do this, I'm not sure when I'll do this during our mating, but I'm going to bite you probably here."


"To mark you as my mate. Afterwards I'll lick it right away and then, after a few minutes, it should heal leaving a scar on you. Part of my scent will also be embedded in yours permanently so any demons that are around will instinctively smell my scent on you knowing that you are mated to me for life. They will always know that you are my mate and never to touch you intimately in any way. My scent will be like a stench to them although that won't stop them from still coming after the Shikon jewel. They just won't want you intimately, that's all, and they will still go after you in order to get to me but don't worry because I'll always protect you."

"I'm not worried. I know that you'll do all in your power to always protect me no matter what."

"I promise you. Anyway, you may feel some pain or discomfort at first when I bite you or you may not even feel any at all with all the pleasure you'll be feeling." He smirks.

"Oh!" Kagome looks away and blushes.

Inu Yasha uses the same finger that was on her neck to gently put under her chin and to turns her head forcing her to look at him. "Look at me Kagome! Do you accept that too? It's something I won't be able to stop. It's instinctive."

"How do you know all of this if you haven't done this before?"

"Like I said before, it's instincts. Believe me!"

"I do! I...I'm just so ner...nervous but I accept."

"I'm nervous too. I never thought I'd mate with anyone. I never thought anyone would want a worthless low-life half-breed like me."

"Inu Yasha, you're not worthless nor a low-life. Don't talk about yourself like that."

"Sorry about that Kagome. You're right. Sometimes I just still think that way about myself because of the life I grew up with."

"I know but who cares. Just leave it in the past, okay?"

"I can do that."

"Good because you, Inu Yasha, are the most amazing handsome cute sexy half-breed that I've ever met and I love you." He blushes from her statement about himself.

"I love you too. I'll even admit that Kikyo..."

Kagome winces once he said Kikyo's name and wonders why he would be bringing her up all of a sudden.

"She was the first to make me feel wanted but she never accepted my demon side like you have. She wanted me to turn human in order to be with her. It's a decision I never really wanted to make. Many times I've wanted to be one side or the other but now, I just want to stay the way I am. I've finally accepted who I am now and I'm glad that you've accepted me as who I am too. That's what I want in a mate, to accept me as who I am." He gently runs his fingers through her hair and she shivers from his touch. "And now that I've actually my mate, I just can't believe that I've actually gotten to this point with you. This moment means a lot to me. I consider it very special. I have no past experience draw from either so I don't know what to do and have to rely on my instincts alone. That's why I'm nervous too. So you ready to begin this or what?"


"Good! But just to make sure, I'll ask you one last time. You do still want to me my mate for life, right?"

"Yes, I fully understand everything that you've told me and I fully accept all responsibilities of being your mate for life." They both giggle from her response while Kagome thinks, 'I can't believe that I'm actually going through with this. I've wanted this for so long now. There's no way I'm backing down from this now and I can't believe that I'll most likely become pregnant with his child...I mean pup from this beautiful experience that we are going to share together. An affirmation of our love. I've never been so happy in my entire life.'

'Wow! I can't believe that Kagome has actually agreed to be my mate and that I'm finally going to make love to her like I've always wanted to. After so long, all my dreams are finally going to come true. She's finally going to be mine forever. I promise you Kagome that I will always cherish, love, honor, and protect you. I swear as your soon-to-be husband and life long mate. You'll finally mine forever after tonight.'

Then they look into each other's eyes and lose themselves in each other. They give in and immerse themselves in the undeniable emotions that they both are feeling and experiencing. Inu Yasha holds her gently then lowers her to the ground again and they resume where they left off.

Date: Tues. Mar. 16/04