InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An Inuyasha Story: A Tale of Two Hearts
“Inuyasha! Look out!” Kagome cried as a tentacle went for Inuyasha's heart. Inuyasha turned and slashed it with his claws.
“Damnit! These things never quit!” Inuyasha said as he cut down some more tentacles. One snuck up behind him and wrapped around his foot. It pulled his feet out from under him and he slammed into the ground. “Fuck! Let go of me!”
Miroku ran up and cut the tentacle with his staff. “I think it's time we end this,” Miroku stated getting into a battle stance.
“That's just what I was thinking,” Inuyasha smirked and flexed his claws. He ran forward and swiped at the large octopus demon. He left four long marks on its head. The demon grew angry and grabbed Inuyasha with its tentacles again. It pulled him down into the water and held him there.
`Shit! I cant hold my breath for much longer!' Inuyasha thought and struggled against the holds with no avail. He could faintly hear voices calling his name. Minutes passed by at what seemed an eternity.
On the surface Sango and Miroku struggled with the octopus demon. “We have to kill it now or Inuyasha will drown!” Sango exclaimed.
Suddenly a purifying arrow flew past the two humans and hit the demon. It blew up and tiny pieces of flesh rained down on the small group.
Inuyasha floated to the surface and drew in a large breath. He was weak from the lack of air and struggled to pull himself to the bank of the river. Kagome ran to him and helped him lay down on the grassy ground. Inuyasha kept his eyes closed from the sunlight and panted to catch his breath.
“Inuyasha? Are you okay?” Kagome's voice of concern floated to his ears. He finally opened his eyes and felt his heart begin to race again.
“Kagome…” he whispered as he sat up. He pulled her into his embrace and held her for a long while. “Inuyasha?” she asked confused.
“I was so scared. I thought I would never see you again,” Inuyasha confessed quietly. He dug his nose into her hair and smelled her sweet scent. Kagome just wrapped her arms around him and stayed silent as he held her. She liked this even if was a one time thing. If that was the case then she was going to enjoy every minute of it.
Sango and Miroku watched them silently, a small blush on both of their cheeks. They looked at each other and looked away blushing even deeper.
Inuyasha finally pushed Kagome back to his arm's length and looked at her. “Is everything okay now, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah, I guess I got a little shaken up from the lack of air,” Inuyasha said letting her go and blushing. Kagome smiled knowingly and helped him stand up.
“Let's get going. If I remember correctly we were heading to the next village and it shouldn't be far from here,” Miroku suggested.
“Come on Shippo! You can come out now, we are leaving,” Kagome called to the hiding kitsune. Shippo ran out from the bush that concealed him and darted toward Kagome.
“Intruders! What is your business here?” a villager asked harshly.
“We are only here to help, kind sir. Please, we do not mean to intrude,” Miroku said holding his hands up in surrender. Inuyasha felt their hostility toward his pack and wanted to put the villager in his place. Ever since the encounter with the octopus demon he has been more protective of his pack and himself. He used to not care if anyone got hurt until they actually did. Now he realizes that you could die at any moment and not have said what you wanted to say. But no more for him! He was going to tell everyone how he felt soon so when he died he would have no regrets on this area of is life.
“Why does a priestess, monk, and demon slayer travel with a half-demon and kitsune?” the villager asked.
“They aren't like any other demon. They are our friends and would not hurt anything without a reason. Inuyasha protects us with his life and Shippo is like a son to me,” Kagome explained.
“You had a kitsune for a son? Are you a demon's whore?” the villager asked. Everyone froze as a tense silence fell over them. Inuyasha clenched his hands into fists and felt a growl rise in his throat.
“I am not a whore! How dare you accuse me of that! Who are you to judge us? We came here to help you and you accuse me of being a whore just because I adopted this kitsune as my son? You deserve any help from anyone who offers it to you!” Kagome shouted in anger. How dare he call her a whore! She couldn't believe her own ears when he had said that, but when it registered that he did, she couldn't keep quiet.
Inuyasha smirked at Kagome's outburst and felt pride fill him for her defending herself. He growled at the villager and said, “Let's go guys. We obviously aren't welcome here, so we should just leave this village.”
“I agree!” Kagome spat and started walking away. Inuyasha followed after Kagome along with the others.
“Good riddance! Half-breeds don't belong in this world! You should be dead you filthy half-demon!” a couple of villagers chanted. They picked up rocks and began to throw them at Inuyasha.
“Things like you shouldn't have been born! Filthy abomination!” They continued to throw rocks until Kagome stepped up.
“Leave him alone! He hasn't done anything to you!” Kagome said.
“You are his whore! You should be dead too! Anyone associated with a half-breed doesn't deserve to be alive!”
“Let's just go,” Inuyasha said calmly and walked into the forest, away from everyone. The others followed, leaving the village behind.
Inuyasha had been quiet the whole night. During their walk, when they made camp, even at dinner. Shippo gave him a hard time, wanting Inuyasha to go back to normal, but he just ignored it.
“Inuyasha? What's wrong?” Kagome asked, being the only one brave enough to do so. Inuyasha sighed, knowing she was going to ask sooner or later. She was just too caring for her own good, but that was one of the reasons why he loved her.
“Nothing is wrong, wench. Go get some sleep,” he stated. Kagome wasn't buying it. She sat down beside him and looked down at her lap.
“I won't push you to talk to me because I know that won't get me anywhere, but I want you to know that when you want to tell me I'll be waiting,” she smiled, not looking at him directly in the eye. She herself was having problems with her life, but she decided to keep them to herself. Now that she had graduated high school she had a huge decision to make. Once the jewel was completed she had to go back home or stay in the past. She didn't think she could make that kind of decision yet. She was only seventeen and was already making one of the biggest decisions of her life.
“Is something wrong, Kagome?” Inuyasha asked, sensing her distress. Kagome looked at him and hid her concerns behind a bright smile.
“I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind. Nothing to worry about though. Naraku is the most important problem at the moment,” she said and stood up. She began to walk away, but Inuyasha grabbed her wrist causing her to look down at him.
“I'm here for you too, you know? You don't have to bare all the weight in this pack,” he said. Kagome felt better and nodded before going to get some sleep. Maybe things will work out for the better. It looked like things were starting to look up around there.
“NO! INUYASHA!” Kagome cried and ran towards him. A root went straight through Inuyasha's heart and Naraku laughed as he slowly twisted it.
Kagome's burning eyes landed on Naraku and then the infant Kanna was holding. “Time to die Naraku!” Kagome yelled and shot an arrow at the baby. The arrow hit the baby's back causing it to be purified and disappear into dust. Naraku shot one last glare at Kagome before Sango's boomerang cut him down.
Miroku's wind tunnel began to close slowly until it was nothing but a smooth palm. “He's gone. He's finally dead. I've never felt so alive before this!” Miroku smiled and made his way to Sango.
“Finally the jewel is complete and I have avenged my village. This is a day I will never forget,” Sango said and ran into Miroku's waiting arms.
“I've wanted to hold you like this for so long. I can't believe we can finally move on with our lives. Sango, will you do e the honor of marrying me?” Miroku asked.
Even if Sango knew this was coming she still would've been the happiest girl in the world. Sango did the boldest thing she had ever done in her life and pulled Miroku down to kiss her. Their lips touched and the world stopped for a moment. It was a sweet and innocent kiss full of love and joy. “Of course I will marry you houshi. I mean Miroku.”
“This is the first time you have said my name Sango. Say it again,” he smirked. “Miroku…” she whispered blushing slightly.
“Thank the gods above for blessing me with a beauty like you. I love you, Sango,” he said, knowing he wouldn't be able to say it again in public.
“I love you too, Miroku,” Sango smiled with tears in her eyes.
The moment was ruined by a sob coming from the side. “Oh Inuyasha! Don't leave me,” Kagome cried into the injured hanyou's chest.
“Kagome, look at me please. I have something to tell you that I want to get off my chest before I die. I know I am going to die so don't try to save me okay? I love you Kagome. I love you for you and not because you look like Kikyo. You are nothing like her and I saw that from the very start. I was just too stubborn to admit anything to myself. I can't believe how stupid and blind I've been. Please forgive me. I just wanted you to love me too,” Inuyasha smiled up at the crying Kagome.
“I do love you Inuyasha! I really do! With all my heart! Please don't do this. Don't leave,” she sobbed, clutching to his red clothing.
“I will meet you again in the future. If you will wait for me I will come to you. I probably won't know who you are, but do what you did with me. Befriend me and love me, just like you did before,” he said, his eyes closing.
“Okay Inuyasha. I will wait for you for as long as you want,” she whispered and she knew that her hanyou was gone. He was gone from this world, but he promised to meet her again, so she was willing to wait for him. She took off his rosary beads and held them tightly in her hands.