InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Peasant Life ❯ This is never going to Work ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay hold on! I need just a little help! Which pair do you like better?





Post Which Couple You like so I have an idea.

Also pick one for Sango



*Chapter 2*

Kagome's POV

After returning to my room last night I tried to go over everything that's happened: 1. Sango came up with this crazy idea that I love, but don't think will work. 2. My father wants me to marry in a week. 3. I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED!

Hmmmmm……….. Well what am I supposed to do? I really like the idea Sango came up with, but what if we get caught? What would happen if I did go?


`I've gotta sleep sometime' I thought as I drifted off into a not so peaceful sleep.

~Next Day~


"UGHHH……………. What do you want!" I grumbled from my bed.

"Kaggy it's me, Sango" the all too familiar voice outside said.

"Come in." I said a little annoyed.

"Were going tonight!!! I'm so excited that I couldn't sleep!" She said as if she drank coffee. (AN: Okay I know there wasn't any coffee back then, but oh well there's coffee in my story)

"It's too early Sango!" I said in a mumble.

"Kaggy……………………& #8230;………………………… ;…………………………R 30;…………………………&# 8230;………………………… …'s 11:00, you've missed breakfast and everyone is up………………………… 230;…………………….. did you hear me?" Sango asked.

"Yeah I heard you" I said as I slowly got up from my way too comfy bed.

"Okay lets go gather everything we might need, but don't bring any really really expensive stuff because people will think we stole it." Sango said

"Okay, but first lets um……… get some breakfast or whatever their serving now." I said while putting a hand on my growling stomach.

"Sure." Sango said.

*Authors POV*

Kagome and Sango headed downstairs to find people they didn't know eating at the table. They just stood there in shock at the people sitting at the table.

Kagome's POV

`Who are these people?' `Wait a minute my father did say there were going to be people here trying to convince me or shall I say convince my father that their son is the best to rule over the kingdom'

Wows there are a lot of people here. Are they all staying in the palace? `well there is a lot of space I guess' `and none of them are a bad sight to look at' WAIT `What am I thinking!' `I don't want to be married' `Well at least not yet!'

"Ah…..Kagome, dear come sit" I heard my fathers gruff voice at the end of the table.

Sango and I sat next to each other. (AN: It was a really long table)

Sango leaned over to me and whispered "Well at least you won't have to marry someone ugly."

"I guess" I leaned over to her and whispered.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"I'm fine, when are we going again?" I asked her

"Tonight so don't worry well be back before anyone notices….." I could tell she was going to say more, but she was cutoff when my father stood up.

"Good Morning to everyone" he said

"I bet you all know why you're here. My daughter is about the right age to be married to. I am going around to see if you're sons are eligible enough to take my place as King of the Northern Lands" He stated. I looked down at my hands in my lap as everyone stared at me. `Mostly the boys' one part of me said.

The food was served. Everything smelled delicious, but all of the sudden my appetite was gone.

They served all kinds of foods. Everything was very rare and expensive; my father wouldn't have it any less. I looked around the table. Everyone was waiting for my father to take the first bite before eating. As soon as he did everyone dug in.

I looked around the table for a second time enough to take in details about everyone. There were a lot of people there. Everyone was different. I learned then that most of them could learn how to eat properly.

Everyone got done eating, but before anyone could come over and talk Sango and I zipped out of the room before anyone could notice.

We ran all the way to the gardens to hide behind the trees as we did earlier.

Sango was the first one to wake up from our stupor.

"WOW! There were a lot of people!" She exclaimed

"I agree!" I said

"Who knew there were so many princes out there!" I said

"We'll me back by Sunday." She said

"What happens if someone finds out were missing?" I asked worried.

"I got it all planned out!" She said

"Oh yeah like when you planned to climb the wall!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh wait I've got a good plan now! Well I'll have you know that I've got a fool prove plan! I got um…..what her name…………………………& #8230;………oh yeah! I got Keiko (AN: sry people I'll get her name right later when I find out who to spell it) to help us. She's going to call tomorrow saying that we're at her place. You remember Keiko right? She was the girl who's the princess of the southern lands. Right now she's on vacation. She's gonna say were at her vacation house with her. See? It's a fool prove plan!" Sango said all in one breath.

"Okay this should be fun!" I said letting go of all my worries.

*Later That Night*

`Okay now I'm getting pissed! I ran into about 24 boys who keep talking and talking and talking and talking about absolutely nothing! If I see another one I'm gonna explode!'

I was back in my room waiting for Sango to come and get me. She was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. Hm…. She must have had trouble sneaking around the guards.


"Kaggy it's me open up! The guards coming!" She said quickly.

I jumped out of bed to open the door. Right when I opened the door Sango practically jumped underneath the bed to hide, and I jumped back into the bed to pretend to be sleeping.


"Milady?" a voice outside said.

I slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Yes" I said as I looked at the guard that was at my door.

"Oh sorry it looks like no one was here. I thought I heard someone come down here." He said

"No problem. I haven't seen anyone come" I said with a smile that could melt hearts.

I closed the door as he walked away. Letting a breath I was holding, I walked over to Sango.

"If we can't even get past one guard how are we going to get past 10?" I said

"Don't worry I got sleeping pills that I put in the guards drink to make most of them fall asleep" she said

"Okay Lets Do This!" I said full of excitement.

`This is it were going!'