InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pinkie Swear ❯ Don't Touch, Rin ( Chapter 9 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Week/Prompt: Week 3/When love is not madness, it is not love.
Word Count: 350
Rating: G
Summary: She has always been told do not touch...
Warnings/Author's Note: Rin-centric. Written for mf_sanctuary on LJ
=#= Don't Touch, Rin =#=

She is a late born child, a not wholy welcome surprise to her elderly parents. On little legs she follows after her brother as he works the fields; a jagged scar marring her temple where she got too close and he clipped her with his hoe.
Don't touch, Rin.
She is left hidden in the crawl space beneath the floor of their hut as the bandits strike. Covered in the ashes of her home, the few remaining survivors mistake her for a ghost and drive her away from the graves of her parents and brother.
Don't touch, Rin.
Rosy- and round-cheeked, the village children invite her to play with them. With lying smiles and sly cruelty, they mock her for her lack of family, for her shabby clothes and her decrepit old hut.
Don't touch, Rin.
She finds a wounded youkai in the forest, which growls and bares its teeth at her. The beautiful monster turns up its nose at her offerings, and so she steals for it, enduring punishment without complaint when she is caught.
Don't touch, Rin.
The wolves tear the village apart; and no one is concerned enough to spare a moment to search for the waif they took in. No one is there to defend her, to mourn her when she dies alone; torn apart by teeth and fang.
Don't touch, Rin.
Sunshine through her eyelids. The feel of being in someone's lap, warm and sheltering. The touch of tentative fingers, brushing her shaggy hair out of her eyes.
Don't touch, Rin.
Gold eyes greet her with surprise. He is gentle as he sets her on her feet and even though he says nothing to her, she follows him with full knowledge of who and what he is.
Don't touch, Rin.
He is untouchable; a forbidden thing. She cares not. Her smile for him never loses its brightness, despite the passage of years. She loves him freely and affectionately without restraint. His sharp edges wound her each time she draws close; yet she is not deterred by it.
Because she has never learned not to touch.