InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pinkie Swear ❯ Foolish Oni ( Chapter 14 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
=#= The Foolish Oni =#=
It was born of a fool man's greed.
Straight forward and unimaginative in his pursuit of what he thought would make him happy, the young man died young and bitter, clutching to his chest his sole possession: his mother's bone comb, inlaid with mother of pearl.
Haunting an item suited for a lady's hair, one would think it would identify itself as female. Yet it was the strength of the man's crude, cruel ambition that gave it life, and so it was “male” as far as its kind ever was either gender. Lady after lady it decapitated, feeding on the love and lust that surrounded the delicate, sheltered creatures.
And she…she was to be his ultimate prize.
He could taste the caring surrounding the peasant, barefoot little girl as she came close. How easy it was to practically place himself in her hand as she exclaimed happily over her discovery. Silky invisible tendrils crept out to encircle her…
And with a sickening crack the bone comb shattered beneath the long clawed fingers of a taiyoukai.
“Sesshoumaru-sama!” the little girl cried.
“Jaken will buy you a new one,” the pale youkai promised as with a flick of his claws he flung the pieces into the grass.
“Yay!” the girl responded, trotting after her protector.
“Silly little oni,” the wind whispered to him as he faded away. “Shouldn't you have known better than to touch his human?!”
“Noo!” he wailed as the afterworld reached out to claim him.