InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Place your bets (no cash allowed) ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Place your bets (no cash allowed)
Kagome got out of the Bone-eater's well and threw her oversized, yellow backpack to Inuyasha— who toppled into the well. A flash of blue light came out of it, followed by another one less than ten seconds later. The familiar oversized, backpack flew out of the well like a rocket and landed on top of Shippo.
“Inuasha!” came Kagome's angry voice.
“What?” Inuyasha hopped out of the well.
“You squished Shippo!”
“So? He was ion the way.”
“Inuyasha, sit!”
While all of this was happening Sango and Miroku were safely watching from the tree line.
“Man, those two fight too much. Kagome probably says sit to him at least once a day,” said Miroku watching Kagome yell at Inuyasha.
“I wouldn't say every day,” came Sango's response.
“I would… want to make a bet? If Kagome says sit to Inuyasha tomorrow then I win, if not, then you win.”
“Ok.” Sango got a sudden spark of inspiration. “If I win, you have to stop flirting with every woman you see.”
Miroku gave her a playful grin. “And if I win you have to bear my child.”
“……… D-deal. But no interference!”
-_-_-Next day-_-_-
The ground was damp as Sango stepped out of Kaede's house.
“You know, you can always back out.” Miroku said from behind her.
She turned to face him. “Never.”
The rest of the day was pretty smooth. And aside from fighting the occasional demon, everything relatively calm. There were a couple close calls:
“Inuyasha, food's ready,” called Kagome.
“I'm not hungry.”
“I made some ramen for you.”
Inuyasha twitched. “Fine.” He sat down by the edge of the picnic blanket. “Uhhg, what's that awful smell?” He instantly realised that it was the food that he was smelling. Shippo turned into a wooden club and hit Inuyasha over the head.
“Inu-yashaaa,” said Kagome through gritted teeth.
Inuyasha rubbed his head. “Y-yes?”
“Here's your ramen.” Kagome handed it to him, her hand shaking from anger.
He slowly took the ramen and then leaped onto a nearby tree branch. “A-arigato.”
Sango smirked and Miroku sighed. Kagome looked at them curiously.
There were also times where Miroku nearly `interfered':
“Hey Inuyasha,” said Miroku casually, walking toward his half-demon friend whom he had just brought out of daydreaming.
“Eh? What?” He sounded irritated.
“You know,” Miroku put his finger to his chin in mock-thought. “It could've just been my imagination—“
“Get on with it.”
“I thought I saw Kikiy—“
Sango pounded Miroku's head with her fist.
“Kicked! did you kick Shippo?”
Inuyasha gave them both a confused expression. “…No.”
But other than that, Sango's win was pretty much imminent.
It was dark and the fire was reduced to barely luminous ashes. Sango smiled to herself as she made herself comfortable under some of the blankets that Kagome had brought from her time. She had won the bet. Just then an almost inaudible sound caught her ear, she listened. There was a moment's silence, and then.
Sango put the blanket over her head, only to sense the presence of another person.
“Oooh Saaangooo,” he practically sang.