InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Please Don't Stop The Music ❯ Rin Learns a Song ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and anything affiliated with the work does not belong to me, unfortunately. Man, I'd be a freakin' genius if it did. Anyway, it is part of the wonderful works that Rumiko Takahashi has accomplished. Seriously, do I have to put this in every chapter? Why keep reminding myself that Inuyasha doesn't belong to me, it just drives me deeper into depression to know that I can't have Sesshoumaru.
Please Don't Stop the Music:
Rin Learns a Song
Not too far away, traveled the much feared and respected taiyoukai, prince of the West, Sesshoumaru. Following him is his very annoying yet tremendously loyal retainer, Jaken, the powerful
two-headed dragon Ah-Un, and his undeniably adorable, and not to mention hyperactive, human ward Rin. They had also been traveling non-stop in search of the same despicable half-breed that the
Inuyasha gang was after, Naraku. Sesshoumaru's group was headed in the same general direction that Inuyasha's group was traveling. At the moment, his brother's group was almost at the other side of a
very large lake that lay ahead. It was surrounded by trees and foliage of all sorts. Sesshoumaru had decided a while back to follow his sibling in search of Naraku believing that he would somehow show
himself and try to take the Shikon shards that were currently in the miko's possession. If it were any other situation, he would not be caught dead trailing his younger brother.
As much as he was loath to admit, he was just as stumped as his sibling when it came to Naraku's hide-out. At the beginning of his search, he was traveling where he thought the evil demon would
be hiding, but each destination he reached turned out to be a big disappointment. But he would never let the emotion show on his face. Everywhere he went, he just seemed to keep on getting even
further away from his goal. Where on the other hand, his younger, idiot of a half-brother was getting all the luck in coming into contact with Naraku. At first he did not want to admit to himself that he was
doing something wrong in his plan for finding Naraku. But the longer he kept searching without any results, the more he was convinced that his younger brother had something in his possession which
attracted the conniving demon. But what it was exactly was always out of his grasp. The answer came to him when he found out that the wench traveling with his brother was the Shikon-miko. She was
the one within Inuyasha's brood who was able to sense the shards and purify them, giving them the advantage over himself at finding Naraku. And everybody knew that Naraku was a disgusting creature
with a power lust so great that he reduced himself to coveting the Shikon-no-tama. He was such a pathetic being. Which brought Sesshoumaru to his current situation; following the stupid boy, of course at
a distance so not to attract his attention, in hopes of getting his claws on that evil hanyou.
For the umpteenth time, Sesshoumaru was trying to remember why exactly he was following his idiot half-brother. `Why in the seven layers of hell is this Sesshoumaru following the half-breed? Oh yes,
now it comes to me, that girl holds the shards that Naraku so desperately needs. So Inuyasha, your wench does hold some value after all. And here I thought all humans were worthless and useless.' Quite
frankly, he was tired of following his brother, all he heard was the constant fighting and he was so close to barging in and lopping off the head of that annoying human girl and his equally, if not more so,
agitating sibling if they didn't stop arguing over the pettiest of things. `No, this Sesshoumaru is above getting annoyed over those simpletons' bickering.' With his superior control, he held in the angry growl
that threatened to come forth. `Think happy thoughts…Naraku dead…Naraku torn to bits…Naraku torn to bits and then dust…Naraku torn to bits and then dust and then nothing…Naraku eviscerated, torn
to bits and then dust and then nothing…Naraku eviscerated, torn to bits and then dust and then nothing at my claws…yes, that will do.' Happy with the way his mind was hard at work imagining
Naraku's death he kept on walking.
Directly behind him, his human ward, Rin was atop Ah-Un happily thinking of the colors she would use on the next crown of flowers for her dear Lord. `Purple and yellow. Yes, Rin thinks that these
colors would be perfect for Lord Sesshoumaru. They match his obi perfectly.' Content that she now had the perfect color scheme in mind, she started singing her favorite tune. She wasn't sure that she
was humming the tune correctly, it had been so long ago already when she first learned it. She started thinking of the person who thought it to her. `Rin cannot remember who thought this to her, she
never got the chance to thank that person' But try as she might, for the life of her, she could not remember who that person was. But she did remember the words that went along with her humming. So
she started singing in her head along to the melody of her humming. As soon as she started singing in her head, she remembered who it was that thought her the song. `Kagome-sama, it was her that
taught Rin this song. Rin must remember to thank her when Rin next sees her.' As she was singing and humming, she recalled the events of that particularly interesting day.
Approximately 6 days ago
It was a fairly cool, but clear day to be out picking flowers much to Rin's delight. `Ah, Rin has been waiting for far too long for the pretty flowers to bloom. Finally Rin can make a flower crown for
Lord Sesshoumaru' Rin went about her business, picking flowers for her beloved lord when suddenly a lone figure came crashing out of the tree line nearby. The entity had an angry aura coming
from it ,and could be heard growling viciously. Scared beyond belief by the sight that she did what any child would do in her shoes. Scream, and loudly!
`AAEEEHHHHH. SESSHOUMARU-SAMMA!!!!' Who knew that the quiet little ward of the Western lord was capable of emitting such a loud sound. But sure enough, her guardian came running to
her rescue. Even thought he wouldn't admit to himself that he was actually taking care of the small human child.
She was fuming! Oh boy, was she ever angry at that stupid, selfish dog! One could literally see the smoke rising from within her ears (well, not really) but still, if this were a cartoon (which
it is but bare with me) she would have that smoke rising above her head. Trying to get away from her current problem and insulting her companion took most of her attention, at which point she
paid no mind the close approaching rock in the middle of her path and proceeded to clumsily trip on it and come close to eating animal dung. But she quickly caught her balance after stumbling a
few feet and was so conveniently given an object in which to vent some of her frustration on.
“ARGH!! Stupid rock, watch where you're laying!!” She had to admit that kicking that rock wasn't her brightest idea as of yet since she was so kindly reminded that rocks hurt when they hit you.
Yes, she was not going to admit that she had in fact struck the rock but rather chose to acknowledge the innocent rock as her brutal attacker. That made her feel somewhat better about her
decision to oh so intelligently kick a rock that has no feeling with a foot that definitely has a lot of feeling, and boy was her foot letting her know about it.
“Ite, that hurt. Stupid Inuyasha, this is all your fault.” `If you hadn't made me mad I wouldn't have kicked that rock…wait, the rock wouldn't have attacked me because I wouldn't be in this forest
in the first place' `Why does he have to be such a JERK! I swear, I'm going home for two weeks this time and he won't be able to do a damn thing about it!!' “GRRRR. He just makes me so mad!!
The young Shikon-miko named Kagome was walking through the forest away from that infuriating dog boy, Inuyasha. Destination: who knew. `Anywhere away from Him, that's for sure' She was
trying to figure out exactly why he would get so angry over stupid things.
`Stupid Inuyasha, accusing me of flirting with Koga and then turn around and chase after Kikyo. The nerve of this guy!' “HMPH! Well, the next time he wants Ramen he'll just have to go without
because I'm not bringing anymore…well, not for him atleast.” She was so caught up in her thoughts, that Kagome didn't even notice the forest end, atleast not until she heard the most blood
curdling scream she had heard in…well, actually she had just heard a scream like that earlier that morning. They had actually come to a village that had a demon problem, and it just so happened
to be their lucky day too because the demon had a shikon shard in it's possession. Anyway, back to that scream…'Where is that screaming coming from, I don't sense any demons' Kagome franticly
searched the meadow that she had now stumbled upon and her eyes landed on a small child in the middle of a field of flowers. As soon as she put one foot in front of the others to see what was
wrong with the little girl she felt it. A strong demonic aura coming full speed towards the little girl. Without thinking Kagome leapt into action. Problems with a certain dog hanyou forgotten, she
ran to get to the little girlbefore the demon could. What she did not notice was who exactly she was running towards. Was she ever going to be in for a big surprise.
To anyone else observing the scene in front of them, it looked like a figure running towards a young girl, intent on harming her. Which is what the demon lord witnessed and quickened his pace,
enraged at the person who would dare attack the Western Lord's ward and thought to get away from it unscathed, or alive for that matter.
Screaming involved opening and closing ones vocal cords by exhaling the air that we breathe and when the air is all gone, the screaming stops and then one has to inhale again. So between
Screaming and stopping to catch her breath, Rin could not help but open her eyes and stare at the figure that was coming out of the forest and making a bee line towards her. And upon further
inspection, the hideous, evil demon that was surely after her life somehow disappeared and was replaced by a determined looking young woman running towards her in what seemed to be a
desperate attempt to get to her. And upon even further inspection, Rin realized that this young woman was the girl that she had seen traveling with her Lord's younger brother. Kagome was her
name, and once she remembered that Kagome had been very nice to Rin she immediately forgot her former fear and slapped on the biggest grin she could muster.
Confused at the child's sudden change in facial expression and outburst of her name, Kagome stopped in her tracks a couple of yards away. Now that she had a closer view of the child, she
seemed familiar. `Where have I seen this little girl before? Oh yeah, she is that little girl that follows Sesshoumaru.' Once she realized this she started walking instead of running to the girl.
`Now I remember, her name is Rin' Giving herself a mental pat on the back for actually remembering the name of an individual she had only talked to a few times, Kagome gave Rin a
warm smile.
“Rin-cha…gnng” No sooner had she started to speak did the demon lord have Kagome by the throat. Fear was suddenly invading her body, fear that she was going to die and leave the little
girl, Rin, unguarded and vulnerable against the beast that was currently choking her. `Damn, I have to protect Rin, but I won't be able to unless I get free somehow…ohh, where is that stupid
Sesshoumaru when you need him' Little did she know that the person she was mentally cursing at the moment was the one responsible for her lack of oxygen. That is until she looked at her
attacker's face, and once she did confusion set in. `What is going on here, why is he choking me…what the hell did I do' Trying desperately to break loose from his grasp to get some much
needed oxygen, but failing miserably, Kagome proceeded to do the only thing she could in the current situation. She waited for someone, anyone, to save her, of course. Her waiting paid off.
“NO! Sesshoumaru-sama, don't kill her! She did nothing wrong!” Pleading with her lord to spare the girl and seeing that he was not responding, Rin continued with her case. “Sesshoumaru
sama, Rin was just picking flowers for you and she saw a bug and that startled Rin and Kagome-sama was just worried about Rin and she just ran to Rin to make sure that Rin was ok, but she
did not hurt Rin because she was just trying to help Rin so please my lord, do not hurt lady Kagome!” This came out all in one breath and by the time Rin was done with her version of the
“truth”, which was in fact a little lie to keep the demon lord from killing Kagome, she was nearly purple in the face from her lack of air and had to take a deep gulp of air in order to give her poor
lungs a break. Within Rin's chest her poor lungs spoke to one another about the mistreatment they were forced to endure and wondered if this day would ever end. If that much needed
explanation Rin gave didn't convince Sesshoumaru to drop the poor girl and let her breathe then the big, bright, watery puppy-dog eyes Rin gave him, after her normal facial color returned of
course, definitely did the trick.
`Why do I even listen to this child…why does she even follow me in the first place.' Sesshoumaru was seriously considering dropping the child off at the next human village, she had been nothing
but a thorn in his side ever since that fateful day he decided to revive her. `No, this is not true…as much as I hate to admit, but she does stay out of my way…errgh, whatever.' Much to
Sesshoumaru's displeasure, he heeded his young ward's wishes and let the miko drop from his grasp and fall unceremoniously to the ground in a loud *THUD*
“…ouch…” Now that she was safely out of the demon lord's grasp, Kagome tried to rub her behind and neck at the same time to try and ease some of the pain. Why couldn't anyone just treat her
nicer, it would sure make her life better, just a little. After making sure that her bum and neck were given a thorough rub down, her anger finally reared its head and overrode all of Kagome'
instinct to survive and decided to give the demon lord a piece of its mind.
Sesshoumaru simply stood there wondering if his ward was safe enough with the twit called Kagome so that he may return to whatever it was he was doing. Come to think of it, what the heck
was he doing before he came to his ward's recue. Blasted girl, he couldn't for the life of him remember what it was he was doing and it was all her fault. For all he knew he could've been having
the time of his life doing…who knows what and she had to come and interrupt him…maybe he should kill her. Just as he was about to raise his arm and choke her again he felt it, her anger.
`She dares show anger towards this Sesshoumaru when it was she that is causing problems' But before he could voice his thoughts she beat him to it.
“What the heck is your problem?! Attacking me for no apparent reason, all I did was find out why Rin was screaming an…” Before she could finish her statement, he let out a vicious growl stating
that she had absolutely no right to speak to him in such a disrespecting tone. She was below him just for being human, and as such shouldn't even speak to him much less scream. “Woman,
do not presume to speak to this Sesshoumaru in such a way. It would be wise to hold your tongue lest I rip it out for you.” Not wanting to lose one of her favorite and much needed appendages,
she snapped her mouth shut with an audible click of her teeth. Completely ignoring her dumbfounded look, Sesshoumaru decided he'd had enough of this insufferable woman and walked away.
“Geez, what an arrogant jerk…whatever.” Forgetting that she was not alone, Kagome let out a couple more choice words to describe the ice prince.
“Kagome-sama! That is not nice to say, Lord Sesshoumaru is very nice to Rin so he does not deserve those names.”
“Sorry Rin, but what are you doing out here by yourself?”
“Oh, Rin completely forgot…” The little girl suddenly delighted at being reminded of her flower crown, ran towards her project and held it up for Kagome to see. “Rin was making a flower crown
for Lord Sesshoumaru”
Trying hard not to laugh at an imaginary Sesshoumaru wearing a flower crown, she bit the inside of her cheek and tried to chase the image from her mind. “Wow Rin, this is very pretty…can you
show me how you made it?”
Having praises sent her way made Rin give the biggest smile ever. “Of course Rin can show you, but first let's get more flowers to finish this one”
The two immediately got to work on finishing the flower crown and planned on starting another afterwards. After a few minutes of working, Kagome started humming a light tune and then
Started singing in a language that Rin did not understand.
“Brainstorm…take me away from the norm…I got to tell you something…this phenomenon…I had to put it in a song and it goes like this…” “Whoa” “Amber is the color of your energy, whoa,
shades of gold displayed naturally. You ought to know what brings me her, you glide through my head blind to fear and I know why…whoa, amber is the color of your energy, whoa, shades
of gold displayed naturally…”
Whoa, amber is the color of your energy, whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally. You live too far away, your voice rings like a bell anyway don't give up your independence unless it feels
so right nothing good comes easily. Sometimes you gotta fight, Whoa, amber is the color of your energy, whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally, launched a thousand ships in my heart,
so easy still it's fine from afar, and you know that, whoa, brainstorm take me away from the norm
“Kagome-sama, were you just singing? Rin has never heard that language before, what is it? Please teach it to me, it sounded very nice”
Surprised at being caught singing in another language, she let out a nervous laugh. “ah ha ha, well Rin, it won't be that easy teaching you how to sing that, it's in English and I'm not sure if
you'll be able to understand”
“Please Kagome-sama, Rin will try extra hard, she will be the best student…please” Just for good measure, Rin pulled out her signature puppy dog eyes trick and surely it worked.
“O.K. Rin, I'll teach…but it'll be our little secret, alright?” Hoping that she wasn't doing the wrong thing by teaching the younger girl a song in English, Kagome started explaining how to
Pronounce the words and how the beat went.
Yep, Rin definitely had to thank Kagome for teaching her that song, it was her favorite so far…not that she knew that many songs. Completely forgetting the she was not along, she started singing the
song out loud.
“whoa, amber is the color of your energy, whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally” Unbeknown to her, the demon lord caught her little slip and heard the strange language coming out of her mouth.
`Where did she learn that, what is she saying…I must find out' Curiosity overwhelmed the demon lord. He came to a sudden halt, causing his retainer that was paying no attention at all to almost slam
into his leg. Jaken, having almost accosted his master proceeded to bury his beak in the ground and beg his master for forgiveness. Sesshoumaru ignored his retainer and turned towards Rin.
“Rin, where have you learned that…strange tongue you are speaking in?” Sesshoumaru waited patiently for his surprised wide-eyes ward to let him in on the big mystery.
`Oh no! Rin forgot that it was a secret, Rin promised lady Kagome not to sing this when Rin was around Sesshoumaru-sama. Kagome-sama is going to be angry'
“Sesshoumaru-sama, singing…it is nothing bad…please do not be angry, Rin will stop singing” The little girl was almost in tears, not because she was scared that her lord would scold her, but
because she was scared that her lord would hurt Kagome for teaching her. And Rin knew that she could not lie to her lord.
“Tell me Rin, who did you learn this from”
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A.N.: Yeah, not that great of an ending to this chapter but still…I wanted to stop some time. So yeah…I hope I didn't mess up too bad with my grammar. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. I guess from now on my updates will be once or maybe twice a week. Hopefully…what can I say…I get lazy. So yeah…later.