InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Please, Kagome? ❯ Come on! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*dodges random items thrown at her* I know! I shouldn't be doing one-shots when I have a story that needs updating, I know. But too bad!

Oh, and I don't own Inuyasha.


Jii-chan was sweeping the shrine near the well house, minding his own business, when he heard a commotion coming from the well.

"Come on, Kagome!"


"I don't get what the big deal is. Stop being so shy!"

"But Inuyasha, you're asking me to… aah! I just can't do it!"

"Why not?"

"It'd be too embarrassing."

Jii-chan stopped sweeping to stare at his granddaughter and the hanyou as they came out of the well house and crossed the shrine to the house.

"Find some other way, like TV, because I'm not doing it!"

"Why not? Do you not know how to?"

Kagome blushed several different shades of red, stuttered when she tried to say the she did so know how, gave up, and entered the house. Jii-chan followed in shock.

Kagome and Inuyasha entered the kitchen. There was a note on the counter from Kagome's mother, saying that she was out shopping and that there was ramen in the cabinet.

As Kagome prepared to cook the ramen, the hanyou persisted, and she continued to refuse him.

"No, Inuyasha, I won't do it. Go watch TV and maybe that will help instead," Kagome suggested firmly, ending the conversation.

Inuyasha huffed, but did what he was told.

He turned the TV on, right at the end of a product commercial. You know, right when they show the 1-800 number and yap about the thing they're trying to sell.

"Hey, they even make movies for it?" Inuyasha asked. Kagome sighed.

Poor Jii-chan didn't know what to do. He opted to hide and eavesdrop some more.

Kagome replied to Inuyasha saying that yes, they do make movies for it, so she could buy one for him if he wanted. He said that he would rather have her do it for him instead.

After that Kagome had a few moments of peace while the ramen cooked and Inuyasha watched TV. Then she got a shock when Inuyasha put arms around her from behind, reaching for her hands. "Please?"

Kagome shrieked in surprise and jumped away. "No, Inuyasha!"

"But you know you want to," he said, shaking his hips in an imitation of what he was asking for.

"Absolutely not. Here, your ramen is done."

"Oh, come on. Even Miroku wants you to."

"That's because Miroku's a pervert."

"Well I could take you someplace where he can't watch, if it makes you feel better," Inuyasha said as he sat and started eating.

"It would make me feel better if you would just drop it."

"Please?" he persevered.


"Why not?"

"Because then if people saw me doing that with you, then they would want me to show them how as well!"

"Well you're not conceited."

You're right, I'm not. I just know how people in your time are."

The argument continued even after Kagome packed the rest of the ramen and was heading back towards the well with Inuyasha.

"You know, it's not like I've never seen you do it with Shippo. And you even have music when you do, too! Would you do it if I got music?"

Jii-chan felt like he would faint.

Kagome stopped walking and faced Inuyasha to settle this once and for all.

"Inuyasha, I will NOT teach you how people in my time dance, and that is final."

This time Jii-chan did faint, from relief.

