InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Please ❯ Please, Trust Me ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Please, just listen

You say you trust me,

But yet, you always ignore me.

You never give me a chance to speak.

But now I'm making sure you hear me out.

Kagome, I Love you, always have.

You can say it's not true,

But you said you trust me.

So shouldn't you believe me?

I trusted you when you were under spells.

I've trusted you since I learned who you really are.

So tell me, why don't you say the truth?

You don't fully trust me,

Other wise, you'd listen willingly,

To what I have to say.

I trust you,

Will you please trust me?


- - So what do you think? Good or bad? I was feeling sentimental. I just hate how Kagome never listens to him, yet she trusts him. (or so she says)