InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ poems ❯ poems ( Chapter 1 )

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I never meant to!
I'm sorry I hurt you
I never meant to
Now here I am apologizing
For what I have done to you
Sadness arises as I
Think of times I
Cry a little to show
You that I am
Very sorry.
From: InuYasha
To: Kagome
The pain is the first!
I'm sorry that I could not help you
I left you there to cry
I try to protect you
But here I am now trying to tell you
That I love you so much
And that I want you to know
I am there for you forever more
I know you need me even
if you do not tell me.
From: Shippo
To: Sheorianna
Sorry to say
I may be the best choice
You made to have
But I need to tell you
That you should stay with the other
And that I have no reason to stay
With you by your side.
He needs you more then I do
The means more then I did
He was your third I was your fourth
I am telling you to stay with him
I'm sorry to say.
From: Koga
To: Sheorianna