InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ The heart and it's love ( Chapter 2 )
The Heart, An It's Love The heart is a fragile thing that can be broken easily. People don't realize how betrayal, and disseat can wound it. Deeply a beloved one who betrays or loves someone else wounds the heart. Some will regret the betrayal, some just laugh. Feelings are hurt everyday, an until the person that has hurt the other realizes what they did and how it feels to be hurt, there heart has become deadly to the people that care for them. The heart is a lovely and lively thing. Without the heart and its love, no one could live. People will die if they don't feel love through there life. Love is warmed to the heart. Love keeps people living. Breaking the truth to someone or telling him or her the hard truth also hurts the heart, but the truth is also something that can cure the heart. The truth sets people free from there disseat, and evil ways towards love. Truth can make a heart pure again and give that person the chance in life to feel pure and true love. If they keep there lies locked within them, the darkness, betrayal, lies, the disseat will consume them an eventually kill them. Leaving them no chance to love or the chance to feel true and pure love. They will go on through eternity never being able to love.