InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ Take me away ( Chapter 23 )
All the pain I thought I knew
All my thoughts lead back to you
Back to what was never said
Back and forth inside my head
I can't handle this confusion
I'm unable; come and take me away
~Pecie from my new story~
Title: Love sucks
Anime: Trigun, Inuyasha
Rateing: Nc-17
"What is that? It looks like a passge through time. Like almost a scar in time." Vash said
"Yes your right Vash we should go check it out."
"You're right Milly." Marel agreed.
The 3 stepped into the time scar.
"Inuyasha let me go back to my time! I have a test tomarrow and I have to study!"
"Who care's?! We have to find the fucken Jewel shards!"
"I care! Now let me...!"
Well please read it and hed the rating cause it is a lemon story and there is some rape in it as well. Well please R&R my stories! ^_^