InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Priestess ❯ Chapter 2
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Shippo_Kirara She woke up inside the well, but didn't know what has happened. At the top of the well she saw clouds pass by and the bright blue skies."Wasn't the well inside a shrine!" Katsume stopped because of a sound she heard in the other side of the well."First, got to get the hell out of here." Katsume said and started to climb the well. She was half way to the top when she heard the sound again. "What was that?" she stopped to hear if she could hear the sound again, but didn't.
It took a while till she got out of the well. She couldn't climb well with a dress because it bothered her. When she finally climbed out, All she saw was that the well was in the middle of bushes, trees, and plants. "where am I and how did I get here?" said before something caught her eye. A black dark figure was between two bushes. The dark figure stepped out of the bushes into the sunlight. The shadow figure was a black jaguar. It had black flames coming out of its paws and it isn't an original jaguar ether. The jaguar was looking straight at Katsume now and was coming closer. All what she could think was to run before it attacks and eats her or scream for someone to come and help her. She couldn't move her legs or scream at the top of her lungs, she felt frozen and stuck to the ground. When the black jaguar was close she felt something bite her on her leg. She fell to the ground. Her vision became blurry.
She heard a voice talking at the back. “Take her to queen, she'll be happy we've found her" It sounded as a male voice. The jaguar roared at him like it was talking to him. All what she could say in her mind is where there talking her and why. And what did he meant when he said we've found her. Until she fell asleep. The male carried her and put her in the jaguars back and flew away.
To Be Continued....
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Fantasy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.25.2006 | Updated On: 11.08.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 383 | Visits: 201 | Status: Work In Progress
She woke up inside the well, but didn't know what has happened. At the top of the well she saw clouds pass by and the bright blue skies."Wasn't the well inside a shrine!" Katsume stopped because of a sound she heard in the other side of the well."First, got to get the hell out of here." Katsume said and started to climb the well. She was half way to the top when she heard the sound again. "What was that?" she stopped to hear if she could hear the sound again, but didn't.
It took a while till she got out of the well. She couldn't climb well with a dress because it bothered her. When she finally climbed out, All she saw was that the well was in the middle of bushes, trees, and plants. "where am I and how did I get here?" said before something caught her eye. A black dark figure was between two bushes. The dark figure stepped out of the bushes into the sunlight. The shadow figure was a black jaguar. It had black flames coming out of its paws and it isn't an original jaguar ether. The jaguar was looking straight at Katsume now and was coming closer. All what she could think was to run before it attacks and eats her or scream for someone to come and help her. She couldn't move her legs or scream at the top of her lungs, she felt frozen and stuck to the ground. When the black jaguar was close she felt something bite her on her leg. She fell to the ground. Her vision became blurry.
She heard a voice talking at the back. “Take her to queen, she'll be happy we've found her" It sounded as a male voice. The jaguar roared at him like it was talking to him. All what she could say in her mind is where there talking her and why. And what did he meant when he said we've found her. Until she fell asleep. The male carried her and put her in the jaguars back and flew away.