InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Priestess ❯ Chapter 6
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Shippo_Kirara “We feel that she will burn the shrine down” the first spirit spoke. “Bye”everyone spirit said at the same time and vanished . The woman’s mother got up from her knees and started to walk down the hill to go to her house. Its been a few hours since birth. The woman that talked to the spirits became a grandmother and did what the spirits told her to. She put the red necklace on to the full demon child that is named katura, she is the Eminence of Hell. The two half demons were called Ray for the boy and Rina for the girl. The other full demon was called Kitsu. While they were growing, the four kids were learning how to use there powers except for kitsu and learned how to hind there demon forms. They hide there tails, claws, teeth, and ears. Ray was born with brown hair with black eyes, Kitsu with blue-green eyes and bright white hair different from everyone else. Rina with red hair with clear eyes, and Katura with black hair with black eyes. The four have ears of wolves, claws, teethes, and tails.
Its been five years now and the four demon children in the village turned five years old. People started to pick on kitsu. The people hated more kitsu then her brother and sisters because they thought that she was the one killing the villagers and because she looks more like a demon then her brother and sisters. She can bearly use her powers because she cant use her power that well. When the adults and children see her they throw rock, sticks, and other stuff they can find to throw. When her father is around with kitsu, he protects her so they don’t pick on her when he’s there.
It was a sunny day and Kitsu went to play. A group of five kids were walking by when they stopped. “Hey there’s the demon girl” one of the boys said from behind her. “Leave me alone” kitsu cried while turning around to face them. “Why, are you going to tell your daddy on us” It looked like the leader of the group responded. “ No, one even likes you in the village so why even bother” another spoke from behind him. “That’s not true, your lying” she started to yell at them. Kitsu never wanted to use her powers on humans. “Yes it is true” he replied back. “Why do you think no one wants to be your friend and even the adults don’t want to get near you” the fifth boy spoke. “They..... They...... they don’t know me that’s why” kitsu was about to cry loud but didn’t. “Don’t know you” another spoke and continued “They hate you because you kill people of the village.” “No I haven’t killed anyone” She responded. “Yes you have” a boy from the side said but continued “ you already killed five people.” “ One of the is from our class” spoke another. “ No... no.... I haven’t” Kitsu started to cry while saying it. She fell to the ground on to her knee and started to cry more but stopped when she heard her brothers’ voice and also her sisters’. “ leave her alone” Ray yelled while he was running next to her sisters side. Rina was right behind him. “Why do we have to stop?” The leader of the group said. “ Because if you don’t you’ll be the next to die” Said Rina. the leader had a face as though he was frightened. “Fine we were leaving any ways” he said and turned around “ lets go” and went off. The other boys followed.
To be continued...
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Fantasy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 10.20.2006 | Updated On: 11.08.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 629 | Visits: 173 | Status: Work In Progress
“We feel that she will burn the shrine down” the first spirit spoke. “Bye”everyone spirit said at the same time and vanished . The woman’s mother got up from her knees and started to walk down the hill to go to her house. Its been a few hours since birth. The woman that talked to the spirits became a grandmother and did what the spirits told her to. She put the red necklace on to the full demon child that is named katura, she is the Eminence of Hell. The two half demons were called Ray for the boy and Rina for the girl. The other full demon was called Kitsu. While they were growing, the four kids were learning how to use there powers except for kitsu and learned how to hind there demon forms. They hide there tails, claws, teeth, and ears. Ray was born with brown hair with black eyes, Kitsu with blue-green eyes and bright white hair different from everyone else. Rina with red hair with clear eyes, and Katura with black hair with black eyes. The four have ears of wolves, claws, teethes, and tails.
Its been five years now and the four demon children in the village turned five years old. People started to pick on kitsu. The people hated more kitsu then her brother and sisters because they thought that she was the one killing the villagers and because she looks more like a demon then her brother and sisters. She can bearly use her powers because she cant use her power that well. When the adults and children see her they throw rock, sticks, and other stuff they can find to throw. When her father is around with kitsu, he protects her so they don’t pick on her when he’s there.
It was a sunny day and Kitsu went to play. A group of five kids were walking by when they stopped. “Hey there’s the demon girl” one of the boys said from behind her. “Leave me alone” kitsu cried while turning around to face them. “Why, are you going to tell your daddy on us” It looked like the leader of the group responded. “ No, one even likes you in the village so why even bother” another spoke from behind him. “That’s not true, your lying” she started to yell at them. Kitsu never wanted to use her powers on humans. “Yes it is true” he replied back. “Why do you think no one wants to be your friend and even the adults don’t want to get near you” the fifth boy spoke. “They..... They...... they don’t know me that’s why” kitsu was about to cry loud but didn’t. “Don’t know you” another spoke and continued “They hate you because you kill people of the village.” “No I haven’t killed anyone” She responded. “Yes you have” a boy from the side said but continued “ you already killed five people.” “ One of the is from our class” spoke another. “ No... no.... I haven’t” Kitsu started to cry while saying it. She fell to the ground on to her knee and started to cry more but stopped when she heard her brothers’ voice and also her sisters’. “ leave her alone” Ray yelled while he was running next to her sisters side. Rina was right behind him. “Why do we have to stop?” The leader of the group said. “ Because if you don’t you’ll be the next to die” Said Rina. the leader had a face as though he was frightened. “Fine we were leaving any ways” he said and turned around “ lets go” and went off. The other boys followed.