InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pride and More Pride ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other characters created by Takahashi. However, I am borrowing them. In addition, I am borrowing Jane Austen's idea!
Pride and More Pride
Chapter 2
The next morning both girls awoke to Mrs. Higurashi bustling around their room.
“Girls, you have nothing to wear! How will this reflect on me, your mother?” She continued to search through their kimonos, throwing them into the air and all the meanwhile sighing. She finally put her hands on her hips and gave a great sigh. “I guess you'll have to go with your fancy kimono, even though it just isn't going to impress.”
Sango and Kagome both rolled their eyes and looked at each other. They knew that their fancy kimono was just fine. “Mrs. Higurashi?”
“Yes, Sango?”
“Why don't you go and get ready for the party and Kagome and I will too.”
“That is a wonderful idea! I'll let you girls put off your duties for one day. Tonight is more important than the shrine- it could be your future!” She bustled out of the room with a smile on face, happy that the girls were also thinking of their future.
“Thanks Sango. That was a great idea!” Kagome rolled out of bed and pulled down her nightgown. She went over to the pile of thrown clothes and meticulously picked them up and folded them. “Now we have a full day without her bothering us.”
Sango sat on the bed, watching her fold the clothes. “Yeah, but if we can't do our duties, what else are we going to do?”
Kagome snickered silently and smiled, “Well, we could always start getting ready.” She put her hand on her forehead, “I mean I am so worried about my future. What will I ever do without a husband?”
“Very funny, Kagome,” Sango scolded but started laughing, “But seriously, she has done a lot for us. However, I wish she would realize that we are fine the way we are.”
“Sango, there is something you need to learn about my mother- she is sweet, kind, and understanding. Except when we want something different from what she intended.” Kagome headed back towards the bed to sit down. Sango looked at her and got to her feet.
“I understand that, but there is going to be so much pressure tonight.”
“Don't worry about it,” Kagome said amiably, “We'll go, have fun, dance, and make it look like we care. Mom will be so entranced by the wealthy men that she won't notice if we aren't doing the same. All we have to do is dance some.”
Sango sighed, “That isn't too bad. But we still haven't asked the original question. What are we going to do today?”
“I have no idea.”
Inuyasha grumbled. Why did they have to throw a stupid welcoming party? The people were going to be boring that much he knew that. He also knew that they would be amazed of his income and spend all night trying to set their daughters up with him- just what he always wanted.
“Stop pouting Inuyasha,” Miroku said and walked into the room, “Beautiful women will be here. I have met with most of the village men, and they have boasted of the children's beauty. It will be great and they don't even suspect anything!”
“I wonder why?” snarled Inuyasha, “Oh, maybe because they think you are a monk!”
“I am a monk. Just one who can have a bit of fun, maybe marry one day and have a woman carry my child.” Miroku smiled and started to walk out of the room. “Oh, a just a reminder- you have to be at the party, for the whole entire time. Maybe you'll meet a woman.”
Inuyasha started towards him and Miroku quickly left the room. “Yeah right. Like that'll ever happen. I will only find a girl who wants my money.”
He scowled and sat back on the chair he was previously pouting on. Tonight was going to be boring.
Kagome and Sango slowly crept out of the back door. The floorboard creaked and they both stopped. They could hear Mrs. Higurashi in her own room, so they were not in danger of being caught.
Mr. Higurashi smiled and stalked behind the girls, “Where do you think you girls are going?”
They jumped, silently screamed, and turned around. Sango started, “We were just going to go outside- ”
He smiled, “Don't have your eyes so wide. It's fine. Just don't do your chores. Take the day to relax.” The girls smiled, thanked him, and continued to go outside, “Watch out for demons!”
Kagome and Sango smiled at each other as Grandpa yelled the last tidbit; they were wondering when Grandpa was going to be himself. They were glad, though, that it was him who caught them. They were just heading outside to sit under the trees and talk without worrying that Mrs. Higurashi was going to hear. They hoped Grandpa would cover for them.
They headed towards the Goshinboku and started to climb the limbs. They seated themselves on a branch close to the ground and leaned on the tree. They relaxed and started to talk about daily chores and town gossip; small talk to pass the day away and for the party to come.
Later that night Kagome and Sango were in there room getting ready. Sango was working on Kagome's hair, deciding to put it in a simple bun. “I do hope we at least have fun.”
Sango continued putting pins in her hair to hold it up, “Yeah, that would be nice. Well, whatever happens we will still have our chores the next day.”
Kagome smiled and looked down at her kimono. The kimono was a light green with sakura blooms and the fabric was a nice silk. Luckily, the kimono wasn't too fancy and wasn't that hard to put on, nor was it hard to wear. After Sango finished her hair, they switched places.
“I think you should just put it in a high ponytail.” Kagome nodded her head in agreement and went to work. Sango's kimono was a light pink with leaves decorating the silk. Both kimonos reached to their ankles and were comfortable to a certain degree.
“I'm finished.” Kagome said proudly and backed away, twirling in her own kimono.
“That was fast. Thanks,” Sango, too, twirled in her kimono.
They heard floorboards creak and turned to see Mrs. Higurashi standing in the doorway with a smile on her face, “Maybe the kimonos aren't too bad. You girls are beautiful. Tonight you will both find husbands for sure!”
Kagome and Sango lightly giggled and rolled their eyes, “Sure Mrs. Higurashi.”
“Well, come on girls, we need to start heading over there. We will take a carriage. So, come on. Let's go.”
The girls followed Mrs. Higurashi out of the shrine and into the carriage. Twenty minutes later, they pulled in front of Miroku's `mansion.'
Inuyasha was still pouting on the inside. As people passed him, he politely smiled, groaning on the inside. This was stupid. Miroku came up to him, “Inuyasha, you should really ask some nice ladies to dance with you. It will be quite fun, I assure you.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, “Stop the polite crap with me.” Miroku hushed him. “Whatever. Anyway, I will not dance with sordid girls. A waste of my time, I say.”
“Fine, be that way.” Miroku spotted a girl and walked away from Inuyasha.
As that conversation was going on, Kagome and Sango walked into Miroku's place. Sango softly whistled, “This is a nice place. But why would one what to spend so much money on one thing.”
Kagome was also looking around with eyes that showed she was impressed. “I agree.” She continued to look around and her mother pulled her and Sango further into the house.
“Girls, I have so many people for you to meet!”
Mrs. Higurashi led them further into the house, stopping occasionally to talk to a few friends. Mr. Higurashi closely followed and did some shrine business with the men.
Mrs. Higurashi was presently talking to an old friend she hadn't talked to in a while, “Yes, these are my two daughters. Are they not lovely? We are just about to go greet the host.”
They continued on their way, and Mr. Higurashi noticed Miroku. “Miroku, come here to pay respects to my family. Here is the daughter I was talking about and my two granddaughters.”
Miroku quickly walked to Mr. Higurashi and bowed. Mrs. Higurashi giggled and bowed, while the girls followed suit. Miroku eyed both of the girls and grinned on the inside; they were as pretty as their grandfather had boasted.
“Allow me to have you meet my companion and business partner, Inuyasha.” Miroku led to them to the corner of a room where he knew Inuyasha was hiding himself. “Inuyasha, meet Mr. Higurashi, the owner of the Higurashi Shrine.”
Inuyasha glanced up and groaned, however, he didn't see the family standing behind Mr. Higurashi. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” `There,' he thought, `that should please Miroku.'
Knowing what Inuyasha was thinking, Miroku smiled. “Inuyasha, I am also please to have you meet his daughter and granddaughters.”
Inuyasha quickly shot him a glare and gave a phony smile to the family. Mrs. Higurashi was the most excited, but he noticed that the girls seemed bored.
“It is such a pleasure to meet a man of your standing,” Mrs. Higurashi bowed.
“It is a pleasure of course.” `Great, a major suck up.' “Here are my two daughters, Kagome and Sango.”
Kagome and Sango looked at each and then at Inuyasha. They had never seen a man with golden eyes and long silver hair. Kagome read his aura, `yup, he's a half demon.'
Inuyasha paused. Miroku was right, the girls were pretty but they were still probably boring. Sango bowed first, “It is a pleasure to meet you.” Inuyasha nodded and turned to Kagome as she bowed.
As Kagome stood up, she looked Inuyasha in the eye. It shocked him; most females didn't dare look a man in the eye. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Inuyasha was silent and Miroku budged him. “Um, a pleasure to meet you.” He recovered and bowed one more time. Then, he walked away.
Miroku glared at his back and turned back to the family with a smile. He looked at Sango, “May I have this next dance?”
Sango was shocked and looked at Kagome. Kagome smiled and nodded her approval. “Yes, you may.”
Kagome looked around and observed an old friend. Walking to him, she smiled, “I haven't seen you in a while. What have you been doing, Hojo?”
“Higurashi-san, it is nice to see you. Well, I am working hard lately since I have newly become my father's apprentice as a merchant.”
“Oh, that's lovely.” As they continued to talking, Inuyasha glanced in their general direction. That girl didn't necessarily intrigue him, she confused him more than anything. `What kind of priestess looks a man in the eye?' Her looks were nice, nothing beautiful, but pretty nevertheless.
Kagome finished talking to Hojo and walked away to find Sango. She was starting to get bored and a man had yet to ask her to dance. Finding Sango, they stood by the dancers and talked mindlessly.
Meanwhile, Miroku searched for Inuyasha. He was excited to tell him about Sango. He thought that maybe she could be a possibility for something serious. He saw Inuyasha standing near the dancing crowd and headed to him.
“Inuyasha, you remember that exquisite woman, Sango?” Inuyasha looked at Miroku and rolled his eyes. He knew that the conversation was going to head into boredom.
“Yeah, don't care. Go away.”
“Seriously, Inuyasha. She might be something serious!” Miroku cinched closer to Inuyasha and tried not to get too excited.
“Don't care, go away. Can't we talk about this later?”

A few feet away Kagome and Sango were quietly listening to their conversation. Kagome looked at Sango and smiled mischievously, knowing that Sango was going to be embarrassed.
“Fine, be that way Inuyasha. Why do you not dance, please? I danced with Sango. Why don't you dance with her sister Kagome? She may not be as beautiful as my Sango, but she is quite pretty.”
Kagome giggled and Sango huffed when she heard `my Sango.'
Inuyasha looked at Miroku and then saw Kagome a few yards away. “I will not dance with anyone, especially her.”
“Why not?”
“I do not dance with boring girls, ugly girls, or girls that have a unintelligent air about them.”
“But Inuyasha- ”
“Leave me alone.”
Inuyasha stormed off and a few yards away Kagome stormed. Stupid? Ugly? Boring? Those were not three words to describe her.
Acquaintance with Inuyasha was going to be horrible and that turned was going to be hell.
Author's Note: Like I said, not exactly Jane Austen's book, but her idea. Hope you enjoyed, and tell me what you think!