InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Prisoner, My Prisoner ❯ Seven Cell Prison ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Prisoner, My Prisoner

Part 7

Author: profiler120


Rating: PG/PG-13

Genre: Romance/General [AU]

Author's Notes:

:: These markings and the text within mean 'thoughts' for Goshinki. ::


1. Strawberry Shortcake: Does she have feelings for Sess? Are you going to add Sango and Miroku into the story? - The Sesshoumaru/Kagome relationship is really rather complex. Does she have feelings for him? I'm not sure; she's attracted to him, that's a start. Sango and Miroku are going to be in the story. Quite prominently for either this or the next chapter.

2. sesshyangel: Was Sesshoumaru testing her when he sent her to the citadel ahead like that? - No. He was just annoyed with her from earlier.

3. lilyflower - To be perfectly honest, Shippou might have already had his moment in the story. He's too hard to work in with the character I gave him.

4. sparkysrath - You couldn't get to 10 of "Blind Stitch" because it hasn't been posted yet. I updated chapter 9 last time.

5. Queen of the Storms - And also are Onigumo, Kouga and the children of that old evil hag that died a bit back the only ones that are going to chase Kagome? - Are they the only people after Kagome? Given that her father is one of the most hated people in the land, probably not.

6. And why would Kanna and Goshinki want to kill poor Kagome? Or was that old hag actually a good mom? - Probably had little to do with how good a mother Urusae was. They would still want to kill her I think; she was, after all - their mother.

7. kidoairaku - Um, he helped her into the carriage, and then he left, right? And then...when she jumped out later, he appeared again? -- Seemingly out of nowhere? - He was following behind the carriage on horseback. Sorry, I guess that wasn't too clear. ^_^

8. taskinLUDE - The time in the Sengoku Jidai or the 1800s or 1700s or so? - I am so sorry. You asked this in the first chapter, and I kept forgetting about it. This is set in the same time frame as the Inuyasha storyline. Sengoku Jidai. ^_^

She was tired, but she ignored the beacons of her body. She couldn't sleep. She needed -

She wanted something. Just as she was convinced that this elusive 'it' couldn't save her, just as she believed, or bitterly hoped 'he' couldn't. She was hoping against herself, she realized.

He seemed to genuinely want to help her and she was actively hoping he failed. Could you be any more sour-hearted than that? Kaede would be ashamed of her. She missed her then, sweet old Kaede. The mother she'd never had and always wanted. The kind, but stern elderly woman who righted her wrongs and made her grow up strong.

She pulled herself up. What was she going to do? She could leave her room. Wander around and cause the people around here to fall into a panic attack over her absence. She'd pulled the stunt many a time at home, why not here as well?

Her body didn't pull itself up however- she remained seated. She had just resolved to do nothing when the door unexpectedly slid open.


She immediately brightened. "Aya!"

They didn't know each other well, hardly at all really, but she felt some kind of bond with the servant girl. Maybe it was simply because of her detachment from others her own age or... or... maybe she just liked her and they were just quick friends.

"I was asked to come see if you were up yet and that you were requested in the dining room by the grand lord Inutaisho."

Her smile fell. "Tell him I'm asleep."

Aya stared back with somewhat of a sympathetic gaze. "I know he's not the friendliest guy but...Please don't ask me to lie."

Kagome crumbled. "Fine... tell him I'm awake, but I'm not going down there." She declared. "Better yet, I'm going back to sleep." She nodded emphatically. "Unless you know of a better way to keep them from bothering me right now."

Aya shifted. "Well... It's always seemed easiest just to do what they wanted."

"And therein lies the problem," she grumbled. "I don't know what they want."

"Well let's get you cleaned and changed and find out," the servant proclaimed a bit too cheerily.

Kagome shot her an unhappy glare, but complied. She would need plenty of sleep tonight. The prepping was a much shorter span of time than she'd liked and all too soon she stood in front of a set of familiar patterned doors. No, she was suddenly very tired, she needed more sleep. She turned on her heel and this time managed to escape, if only back to the confines of her room.

. . .

"Do you suppose she will join us?" Nijiko inquired turning her gaze to her husband.

"I doubt it."

Inutaisho's gaze was steady upon his eldest son sitting some distance down. Rin was still sleeping as was Inuyasha leaving only them there in the dining room.

"Sesshoumaru, go to bed."

His head snapped up at the order. "What?"

"I am not going to ship her out while you rest, go to sleep. You still need to conclude this Kagemaru business. Leave the girl where she is and head back to the Keep to oversee Kagemaru's interrogation after you rest. I don't want anything missed."

He was clearly displeased but had no choice in the matter. He rose and left.

"Are you going to leave him alone this time?" Her voice was light, and almost scolding.

He turned his gaze to her, smiling lightly. "I gave my word, he can keep her. I didn't know you had become attached to her as well."

"I hardly know her, but she seems sweet and more importantly than that she seems to make Sesshoumaru happy on some level. I think that's nice for him. He should be allowed some happiness, don't you think?"

He simply stared at her.

Kikyo peered uneasily down the hall before stepping out. No one would question her if she suddenly went out but she wondered at her safety these days. Just yesterday her father had gotten word about Urusae. Then he'd called her and she'd been forced to give him the answers he wanted.

When she'd told him that Kagome had killed Urusae for Sesshoumaru the feral grin that spread over his lips scared her. She feared for many things now. She wasn't sure what the grin meant only that it wasn't going to be good. There was death in her father's smile.

She swept down the hall. Given Kagome's luck her father was probably planning on calling together Kanna and Goshinki and telling them straight out that Kagome had killed their mother. Then he would set the two of them loose to hunt her down. That or he would specifically go after Sesshoumaru thinking that perhaps Kagome had some sort of attachment to him given her actions.

She hung her head a bit, slipping out the doors. She had her own orders to comply with, why wait till morning to head out? She needed to get away from her thoughts and the cause of all her anxiousness. She looked up, peering into the night sky and toward the moon that hung so brightly as though smiling down at her. As though there was anything for her to smile about.

She narrowed her eyes. "Bastard Sesshoumaru... you had better protect her."

She could not back up her anger. She would lose to him, again and again, but it would not stop her from trying to save her. Even if she could not save her.

"Where are you going?"

She turned, somewhat startled and angry she'd been caught off-guard. Slinking along the shadow of the building she spotted her mother.

"I am to go back and secure the outpost that Kagemaru lost possession of."

"Where is Kagome?" She asked, stepping out into the moonlight.

"At the Masaharu Citadel," Kikyo replied impassively.

"Why is it that only Kagome is able to escape?" She asked, turning her eyes up to the moon.

"She hasn't escaped, he's going to kill her."

Kagura's eyes widened in surprise turning to her oldest daughter. "Naraku is going to kill Kagome? Are you certain of this?"

"Relatively sure, he has just discovered Kagome killed Urusae at the Citadel."

Surprisingly, she smiled, drawing forth a fan and covering her face. "Is that right? My little Kagome killed the bitch, eh?" She laughed; the sound almost seemed to echo with a haunting quality.

Suddenly the door behind them slid open swiftly, and she watched a grin every bit as feral spread over her mother's lips.

"Lose one of your whores?"

Naraku stared dispassionately at his wife and her grin while Kikyo watched. She wasn't sure if she should go and leave them alone or not. It didn't look like her father even noticed she was there.

"Does that please you Kagura?" He was suddenly grinning back at her.

Now was definitely the time to go, she thought, spinning on her heel and quickly escaping. She didn't want to know where the conversation went from there.

. . .

Naraku stared down at his wife, spread over the linens of their bed. She had been uncharacteristically friendly; maybe she disliked Urusae more than he thought. That didn't explain however why she suddenly wanted him. Never in the course of their marriage had she sought him out or welcomed his touch. She practically gagged whenever he came near her, getting herself as drunk as she could before she went to bed with him. What was she trying to accomplish?

He rolled over, supporting himself on his forearms and stared down at her.

"You want something from me, Kagura?"

Maybe she was trying to ply him by being a willing lover instead of a forced one? If that was so he could use it on her more often, and make her beg him. Usually however she simply went around him to get what she wanted, so he must have something in particular she desired that no one either could or would give her.

He leaned down, pressing kisses along her bare shoulder.

"What are you going to do about Kagome?"

His head shot up, eyes meeting hers. "Are you worried for your youngest?"

His tone was dry and scathing as though accusing her of being a poor mother. That was beyond abnormal. Kagura's relationship with the girls was a distant one. He occasionally found her with Kikyo as he had outside, but he'd never come across Kagura and Kagome together. As far as he knew, they had never sat down and spoke together the way she and Kikyo seemed to do every so often.

"Do not pretend the girl means nothing to you, Naraku. If this were so you would have let Onigumo have his way with her instead of so seriously wounding your closest ally."

He did not refute her. She was his daughter. His Kagome. Why should he not protect what was rightfully his own?

"What do you want Kagura?" He asked, voice a whisper against her flesh.

"Don't kill her."

He raised his head once more. "What is this sudden interest in her well being?"

A small, grim smile spread across her lips. "She is my child, why should I not be concerned for her?"

"Do not lie to Naraku. You have not cared before now."

"She is responsible for the death of Urusae." She rose up on her elbows, their lips a breath apart. "It redeems her to me."

Naraku smirked. "You are proud she killed Urusae? A woman that was fighting for me, instead of the enemy? This makes you happy?"

She brought her arms up around him, pulling him down against her. "Does it matter? It's what I want."

"You don't want her dead?" He murmured. "Very well, that can be arranged provided I have your cooperation, Kagura."

Her response was to press her lips firmly to his, pressing him back against the futon, and Naraku's amused laughter.

Kagome stared out the window. She had been in her room for hours. She didn't want to leave, but she didn't want to stay in here anymore. Granted, it was a new room, different from the rest she'd been in, but she tired of confinement. She wanted to go out, to run, to play, to frolic like she were a child. Where was Rin? Maybe she could go outside with Rin and forget she was back here again.

She thought nothing of it when she heard someone at the door. Servants had been coming in and out all morning providing things for her. To eat however she would have to go to the dining room, and that made her frown.

"You can't hide forever."

The cold chill in the voice caused her to tremble and she reluctantly faced him, wondering what had dragged the lord of the house all the way up here to see her.

"Wouldn't it be better that way? I don't want to scare your servants. "

She scolded herself, 'don't be snappish with him', but her mouth got ahead of her again. He didn't seem to mind her tone.

"This is a war, death cannot be escaped."

She couldn't and didn't reply.

"Come then."

She wanted to stay just because it was 'him' telling her to go, but she followed anyway.

"Where are you taking me?"

"The dining room, you should have come in when you were loitering about earlier."

She gasped. "How did you know about that?"

"You are a female and females are inherently predictable," he replied, sliding the doors open and standing aside for her to enter. She bit her tongue to keep from replying cheekily.

She entered the room there and he, surprisingly, came in and sat with her. She wasn't sure if he was making an effort to be nice to her or if he wanted to intimidate her. A pair of servants came in bearing trays of food. She wondered silently how much food the big man in front of her could eat in a day. She watched him during the period of their meal. After almost a half hour of no recognition from him he looked up at her suddenly.

"You do not enjoy silence, do you Higurashi? Did your family not dine in silence?"


"What did you speak of then?" He seemed to be making an effort so, she would too then.

"My father and sister would listen to me talk about my day. Anything to keep from being an uncomfortable quiet."

"Why does quiet have to be uncomfortable? Have you never heard of companionable silence?"

"Yes, but I always thought that kind of quiet was shared by friends or people close to one another, not by strangers."

He paused a moment, staring at her. "True enough. You are an educated girl, are you not Higurashi?"

She nodded.

"I thought as much. Rin has been having some disciplinary problems, perhaps you might be of assistance to her instructors."

She nodded silently. She wondered if he knew she was bored, given the way he looked at her she imagined so. He seemed to be able to stare right through her and completely understand her. It was almost creepy.

At some point Nijiko arrived for tea and she was finally able to relax a bit more. Some time later, as she was leaving, his voice caught her again.

"Sesshoumaru is leaving this evening on business, he will return in a week or so."

She turned back, wondering why he thought she would care where Sesshoumaru was going. Unfortunately the look on her face must have revealed this because he laughed.

"Oh, he's going to have a hell of time with that one."

That was the last thing she heard him say before she padded off down the hall. Maybe she could find Rin without getting lost.

She wandered the halls of the great building for the first time with no hulking guard dogging her footsteps. It was nice just as it was scary. No one looked at her strangely or anything of the sort, but she felt out of place. She felt like everyone knew she didn't belong there. Finally, after winding this way and that she stumbled upon a set of doors that looked promising. She slid them open; surprised by the heaviness only to discover they were external doors.

There before her was a wide-open path outside. Somehow it didn't seem like an escape route however. Why? Had Inutaisho's attitude changed what she thought about being here so drastically? She stepped out, a cool breeze wrapping around her shoulders. The terrain was soft on her bare feet. She walked out not sure where she was and not certain she wanted to wander too far from the doors lest she'd be lost and they thought she'd tried to run again. Especially with them being so friendly toward her.

There was a grand tree not too far from the door and she walked toward it, enjoying the soft breeze. Leaves rustled overhead, sunlight filtering through the leafy canopy. Just to stand here in the courtyard it was quite pleasant, and relaxing. The breeze slowed and faded, and another sound drifted to her ears. It was... breath?

Heavy breathing. Almost panting. She peered trying to locate the source of the sound. She turned with her good arm forward; she'd thought it broken when she'd leaped from the carriage. It wasn't broken, not even fractured, just heavily bruised, and tender.

She glanced slyly around the tree, but not stealthy enough as she caught sight of who it was that was hanging around the other side. Cold, hard eyes met hers, staring back, narrowing slightly as she recognized the figure.

"Y-You again!"

A straggled, shaky laugh drew forth from the figure, almost shorter than herself. "Ah, the running princess, I remember you."

His voice was almost a hiss in her ears. She stepped back, looking away from the man who had so roughly treated her during her capture. She remembered all too well the clarity of his hands clamping down on her wrists and the sting of his hands as he slapped for whenever she was unfortunate enough to let a sound slip past her lips. It hadn't been enough that he'd physically laid his hands upon her, but that he'd found insulting her to be an interesting hobby during their time together.

Her jaw clenched angrily.

"Kaijinbou," she snarled. "Oh, I remember you too."

She stepped back and swooped down picking up a stick from the ground. It wasn't particularly strong but hopefully enough to hurt him, if only a little bit. She could still hear the insults ringing in her ears. Her kimono wasn't fine enough, she held no beauty, her hands were dirtied, her hair didn't shine, her breasts weren't large enough - the bastard! Did he think she'd forgotten?

Oh, he had a good one coming to him!

"You are Sesshoumaru-sama's little toy wench now, eh?" He turned his head to one side contemplatively. "I don't know why he'd want you. There are many more beautiful women, and especially since Onigumo had his way with you already. What is the fun of breaking a girl if she is no longer a virgin?"

It was further enraging that he actually seemed to believe it, instead of trying to rile her up. Why were there so many thugs in the world?! Why didn't they die in this insipid war?

They stared at one another, menacing, unfriendly stares. Kagome tightened her grip upon the stick, ready to whack him a good one. Kaijinbou walked calmly forward, eyes gleaming almost warningly. He started to raise a hand, promising some sort of action or possible violence and she reacted.

She raised the stick in response and snapped it over his head. It shattered into two half's leaving her with a mere twig in hand. Kaijinbou barely blinked, although he appeared a bit stunned. She grumbled about the ineffectiveness of her makeshift weapon before discarding it, tossing it capriciously aside.

So much for nature's help, she thought absently. Just as she was contemplating an attempt at a more hands-on approach, he suddenly stepped back and away from her cautiously.


Behind her she felt the rustle of clothing as it brushed against her own as someone... someone male, moved to step entirely too close to her.

"Why aren't you at Kagemaru's compound, Kaijinbou? I tire of your cowardice, not even Jaken abandons a battle field when I have given him orders."

The silky voice left no question as to who was standing behind her; arms rose and curled around her shoulders creating an entirely new type of prison.

"But I came to deliver a report, Sesshoumaru-sama."

With a flick of his wrist, he was waved off and the minion quietly retreated. He didn't speak again until they were again alone.

"What are you doing outside?"

'Well at least he didn't sound angry', she thought.

"I got lost and then it was really so lovely out here that I stepped out for a minute. But I wasn't trying to escape this time!" she protested as though fearing he wouldn't believe she had innocently gone outside of the Citadel's corridors.

"Where were you going?"

"I was trying to find Rin. I... I had lunch with your father."

He didn't respond.

"He said maybe I could be of some help to Rin, something about disciplinary problems."

. . .

He grinned to himself, beyond her view. He was relieved he could trust the word of his father. If his father had suggested she go help Rin that meant his distrust for her had faded a bit, perhaps after the Inuyasha incident. It didn't matter really. He could go back to the Keep without worrying about her here with his father.

She didn't seem to shook up about the meeting either, and that he concluded, was also good. He didn't delude himself into thinking he knew her completely, but he had gauged her character well enough by his own standards.

"What should I do when I'm not helping Rin?"

She sounded desolate, and perhaps a tad bit lonely.


He dropped his arms from around her, for a moment his memory toyed with him, reliving the feeling of her miko presence bathing him. He would enjoy experiencing that again, perhaps not under such distressing circumstances however. Her warmth faded from him as he turned, leading her back to the Citadel building. He hadn't answered her question, and she looked somewhat downcast because of it. Somewhere between downcast and irritated, he corrected.

"What were you doing with Kaijinbou?"

"I was going to give him a piece of my mind!" she snapped with an unexpected ferocity. "That man is an animal!"

He stopped to look back at her and she in turn stopped as well, puzzled. Her cheeks were delicately flushed with anger as she recalled whatever it was he'd done to upset her, but she was staring at him uncertainly. Interesting how a girl could go from angry to vulnerable in a mere moment.

Perfectly understandable however, Kaijinbou was a cad with women. He was a man of service; he didn't take orders particularly well and was, unfortunately, quite cowardly when it came to leading men. If that wasn't bad enough he was not adept at socializing either, often being crude and brutish. It was no wonder the finer sensibilities of the girl had been offended.

He felt the grin tugging at him once again as they continued onward down the hall and off toward the left. At the end of the hall he opened another set of external doors, and waited for her to step past him.

"You may not go outside the Citadel, but you may spend as much time here as you wish."

The garden was large enough even to keep this one occupied. It was one of Rin's favorite places and more importantly, it was enclosed. She may be a miko of impressive strength, but she was not scaling the walls of the garden and getting past the guards.

As her eyes lit up with almost a child-like wonder however he doubted that she might have any intentions of ever leaving the garden. She may be like Rin and want to camp out here. The female fascination with nature was a mystery to him, but as long as they were pleased, it really didn't matter.

"Rin is upstairs. She spends two hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon with her instructors. She has breakfast with her minders before class and at lunch, in the evening she joins my family in the dining room."

She nodded, turning back as though to prove she was listening.

"What should I do? Just ... watch her? Keep her paying attention, tutor her, what?"

"Whatever will be helpful."

It was a vague answer but she would find something to occupy herself he was certain.


His men were waiting for him, readying their things to return to the Keep. He needed to go. He lingered a moment more, their eyes meeting, before turning and leaving her staring after him.

The halls were eerily quiet as he strode toward the audience chamber where he was being awaited. Conversation ceased as he slid open the door, stepping within.

Kanna was almost completely hidden behind the tall, broad form of Goshinki. Goshinki was his eldest son, but he was a beastly creature in appearance and attitude.

"Why have you called us here?" The impudent boy demanded, crossing his arms defiantly.

"I have a new mission for you, one I think you will enjoy." His lips turned up into a smile that chilled even Kanna's bones. "Kagome has again been captured by Masaharu-"

"Leave the damn girl. She's useless anyway."

Naraku snarled. "Keep your mouth shut or I'll have your tongue removed. I've warned you before I won't have my orders questioned, boy!"

Goshinki bristled but kept quiet.

"You, Goshinki, are being sent discreetly to the Masaharu Citadel. I want you to find Kagome but don't immediately bring her back. I want you to watch a bit, find out who hangs around her and what's she's doing there. After that objective is completed, you will bring Kagome back here. Alive. Unharmed." He stepped closer to his son. "Fail to obey me and the blood will run."

Whatever that meant Goshinki seemed to understand, and if at all possible, paled.

"Fine, I'll bring the little weakling back," he growled in compliance. As though he'd ever had any other choice.

From behind Goshinki he saw Kanna peering at him curiously, perhaps cautiously. "Come here, Kanna."

She stepped out from behind her brother, approaching him silently a silver mirror in her hands.

"You are going to stay here with Kagura."


Her voice was small and weak. He grinned proudly at her. One of his youngest children was one of his most powerful killing machines. She drew forth souls easily and soundlessly through the enchanted mirror that channeled her powers.

He tilted his head and the previously quiet woman looked up, turning her gaze down at the child. They stared at one another a moment before Kanna turned back to him.

"I do not require supervision by this woman."

He chuckled lowly. "Very well. Do not leave the building, Kanna."

Kagome stared up toward the sky. It was so lovely out here. She walked further away from the building, no longer concerned about her distance from the door. She could see the fenced walls of the garden. There was no risk of her escaping from here, she thought dryly. But she put the thought aside. She felt free, and happy. It was nice. She hadn't felt this way since she'd left her father's mansion to visit Kaede when the elderly woman could no longer make the trip herself.

That brought her thoughts down again. Remembering precious Kaede. She really missed her.


She turned around to see Rin running toward her. She just barely caught sight of a man walking away and found herself smiling when she realized it was Inutaisho. Maybe he wasn't really so bad, she thought.

Rin stopped in front of her after telling her how glad she was to see her again.

"Daddy said you went away, but you came back!" She proclaimed.

She nodded, unsure of what to say.

"Kagome-chan, do you live with us?"

"I... I guess I do."

"So you're not going away again?"

She sighed. "Probably not for a long time," she said, her tone somewhat sad, but the words making the girl happy, and then causing her to frown immediately after. "You don't like staying here?"

Afraid the girl might see through a lie she answered, "I'm just a little homesick is all."

Conversation shifted and they got drawn into a game chasing each other around the shrubbery. Rounding a corner, Kagome's foot struck something solid and she tumbled over, not realizing until it was too late, it was another person. Beneath her, a red faced young man stared up, somewhat shocked, but mostly embarrassed.

"Get off me," he sputtered.

She laughed. "What are you doing spying on us, Inuyasha?" She left off any respectful suffix but he didn't seem to notice or maybe care. Instead he crossed his arms huffily.

"I wasn't spying."

"Rin-chan! I found us a spy!" She called out into the garden and the girl poked her head around a minute or so later, approaching them.

"A spy?" She whispered conspiratorially. "You mean him?"

She pointed to her uncle and Kagome nodded. "But since you're here... I bet some of those lovely red flowers over there would be beautiful laced through your silver hair. What do you think?" She asked sweetly.

That caused him to take off running, Kagome following after and Rin deciding to go too. He was captured and caught but Kagome had her suspicions that he had purposely let them catch up. She had forgone decorating him with flowers, but Rin decided to go ahead with the punishment by decorating him with wreaths and wreaths of flowers. Kagome just laughed.

The sky was gray and overcast as Goshinki arrived at the Citadel. The monstrous building loomed before him.

:: Ah, the damn roof is leaking again. I don't need this kind of trouble. ::

Goshinki caught the eye of a servant near him, his thoughts appearing clear. :: Great another oddball. ::

:: When is the young master returning? ::

Thoughts not his own continually filtered through his head. In crowds it was the worst, there was no way to turn it off. He ignored the looks and tried to block out most of the errant thoughts as he approached the elderly man by the gates. He looked up with weary brown eyes.

"Ah, you must be Kenji. We have been waiting for you."

"How do you know?"

"Eh? Just a feeling," the man replied. This man's thoughts were not on him however. This man's thoughts lingered with his sick, dying wife who lay at home in bed and his desire to be there with her.

He yelled for the gate openers and they stepped within the fortress and Goshinki almost smirked triumphantly. If he could just curb his attitude the right way this project was practically in the bag. After all, he had already completed the first step, getting inside the building. He grinned, he was never quite sure how his father pulled off half the stunts he did.

He followed the elderly man who led him to another man and then finally to a woman. She walked on, paying no attention to him, her thoughts angry but geared toward her low place in life and being forced to show around 'newbie's'.

He tucked his grin away. He would kill her later. That settled he turned his attention to his escort, absorbing the information she was feeding him. Learn the layout and find the girl.

Kagome sighed heavily. Another day was gone and this one was just beginning. She wondered how it was she hardly ever saw anyone but servants. It was early though, Rin was probably still sleeping. Today would be the first day of attending her classes with her.

She wandered down toward the garden Sesshoumaru had shown her before he'd gone, hoping she wouldn't get lost on the way. All these halls looked the same, the same square box corridors lined with sliding doors. When she rounded a corner and spotted a small table with a brightly colored vase and a spray of brilliant flowers she knew she'd reached the right hall.

She stopped short when she saw Inutaisho and Nijiko standing in the open doorway. She decided to go back not wanting to either walk past them or interrupt them. She was just walking away when she heard his voice call out to her and reluctantly she turned back.

Nijiko was smiling gently, motioning her forward while Inutaisho was looking out into the garden. She approached them quietly, waiting for someone to speak.

"Rin's schedule has been altered. Sesshoumaru has brought a new instructor for Rin. In the morning hours after breakfast Rin is to attend her defense and weapons classes. After lunch her academic hours have been extended. She has one hour of playtime before dinner. "

She nodded silently. Not unusual, especially for times like these. It was good if Rin was going to be given some basic instruction. She suddenly wished she'd had more weapons instructions other than her miko classes and training with the bow.

"Sesshoumaru specifically noted that you are to be in attendance for all her morning classes as he has arranged an instructor for you as well."

"M-me? Why?"

He turned and leveled a cool, analytical gaze on her. "Improper or lack thereof of sufficient combat training. You will meet them here after breakfast, Rin will guide you the rest of the way."

She recognized this as the end of their dialogue and quietly wandered away in thought. She managed to find her way back to the dining room and found Rin was there waiting. The girl greeted her more excitedly than usual.

"Guess what, Kagome-chan? Daddy told me before he left last night that Rin was getting a new teacher!"

Kagome nodded. "I know. She's supposed to meet us after breakfast."

Her eyes lit up. "Kagome-chan is coming too?!"

Kagome found herself eager to move on. While Rin's energy was cute, it was also wearing. She managed with some effort to get the girl to eat but the moment someone knocked on the door she was up and jumping around again. Kagome sighed, so this was the 'disciplinary problem' mentioned previously. They weren't kidding.

Rin pulled the door open and peered up at a dark haired female. She was dressed oddly for a lady, in tight black clothing and a large boomerang strapped to her back. Kagome wondered what she did with such a thing.

"Are you Kagome and Rin?"

"I am Rin, she is Kagome-chan."

Kagome merely smiled and nodded. The lady smiled back. "I'm Sango. I was sent to escort you to the gardens for classes. Are you both ready?"

That was all it took for Rin to screech in enjoyment and run off ahead without them. Kagome stood and walked to the doorway. "I'm Kagome, nice to meet you."

They exchanged pleasantries as they walked talking mostly of nothing.

"Do you work here?"

Sango faltered. "Sort of. I am repaying a debt I owe to the Masaharu family. I was rescued by their youngest son from a battlefield. My brother and I were fighting against Higurashi's forces trying to help our ailing father. He shouldn't have been there fighting and we were trying to save him. But he and my little brother Kohaku died and I was brought back here with the injured. It was the elder brother however that was in charge of my stay here. I hadn't heard anything, I've been here about two months when he suddenly showed up last night and said it was time for me to repay the debt I had incurred, and then he explained what I would be doing. And so I'm here."


"What about you?"

Kagome glanced over with a small smile, her hopes fading of making this person a friend. Her father was responsible for killing so many people and now Sango's father and brother too. "I'm... I was a prisoner, I'm not sure anymore though."

"A prisoner? You were captured then?"

She nodded. "Kidnapped by Masaharu, then I was kidnapped from him by someone else and then I was rescued only to be captured again. That's the short version."

They walked out into the garden amiably. Rin was dancing around a couple of gentlemen.

"Kagome-chan is here!" She called out.

"Good morning lovely Sango." The young male replied, a grin on his face. "And who is this beautiful creature with you?"

Kagome blushed weakly.

Sango nodded, taking up the cue for introductions. "This is Kagome. She is our other student. Kagome, this is Myouga, he will give battle history lessons and tactical information and things like that. This is Miroku, he will be your actual combat instructor."

"Keh! That idiot? What's he know about combat?"

Everyone turned.

"Oh, Inuyasha-sama," Sango said bowing. "Did you need something?"

Rather, he was eyeing Kagome. "Sesshoumaru told me he was sending you for training, I almost didn't believe him, but it's a good idea." He added begrudgingly. "I'll help. With his wandering hands I doubt you'll get much done without me around."

Kagome smiled, not sure what he was talking about but grateful all the same.

"And you are Rin's teacher, right Sango?"

She nodded.

Kagome smiled. Things actually looked up.

[End Chapter 7]