InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

By Pixie

Disclaimer: Kikyo isn't dead. I am not married to Kouga. Therefore, I do not own Inu-Yasha

Author's Commentary: All right all, I am loving the response to this fic! I know, I know, short chapters, short chapters. Its 10 at night, I just remembered I haven't posted today, and I need…caffeine. And I need to do my homework, but that's a different story.

Chapter 6:

"I-I'm not really supposed to be here. My name is Rin, my parents are dead, I live on the streets, and-Can you please not tell anyone?" Rin felt the salty sting of tears in her eyes and she hated herself for crying in front of them. But to her surprise, she felt a warm pair of arms wrapped around her. She glanced up and saw Kagome, tears in her eyes hugging her.

"Of course we won't tell on you Rin! That's what friends are for. We're all friends here, right?" Sango nodded from behind her, and put a hand on Rin's shoulder.

"Best friends!" Sango added. Rin nodded slowly, never having made a friend before.

"How very touching…" Kagome gasped, and Sango jumped as they both turned to face the door, which had been left open. Rin turned pale as she turned to face the man standing in the doorway.


Author's Commentary: Well, that's it! See ya next chapter!

Lol, April Fool's everyone! Did I get you?!

"Of course, being as this is my little brother's search, not mine, I suppose I shall just overlook the fact that Rin is here. Its not my problem…" His golden eyes stared at Rin's wide ones as she stared at him in disbelief. THIS was the Prince Sesshoumaru who had openly opposed human-demon friendship? THIS was the man they called Sesshoumaru the Fearful Prince? He was famous for going out of his way to make a human miserable. And yet, he had chosen to overlook Rin, a helpless human, his favorite target. Sesshoumaru turned and walked away from the door, and Rin, helplessly fascinated followed him.

Kagome and Sango could only stare in wonder.

Kagome returned to the beautiful pink marble bathroom and began preparing herself to see the Prince Inu-Yasha that night. She began to undress, slipping off kimono after kimono and setting them down where she was sure they wouldn't get wet. Once she was fully undressed, she sat under a small faucet, cold water pouring out over her. After a day in all those hot kimonos, the cold water felt good on her skin. She began scrubbing herself off the best she could, using the lovely scented soap the castle had provided. She rinsed out her hair, washing it until she was sure it would shine, then she stepped into the hot bathtub nearby, relaxing and enjoying the way the water felt on her body.

"I wonder what the Prince will be like…"

"Who cares?" From nearby, Sango had also decided to take a bath, and was washing out her own long black hair. She slipped into the bath tub next to Kagome, who seemed to be lost in her own world.

"I bet, since he's a Prince, he's all dignified and refined. Well-mannered, charming…you know, just like a fairy-tale."

"You read too much. I bet he's a major jerk who doesn't was behind his ears."

"Tall, handsome…a good listener, intelligent, with a good sense of humor…"

"You're hopeless. You set your standards too high. You're going to be-" But they never found out what Kagome was going to be, because just at that moment, a certain perverted monk flung open the bathroom door, with a certain fox servant boy clinging to his leg in an attempt to stop him.

"Ah, beautiful ladies! I was coming to inform you that there is to be a ball tonight!" Miroku didn't even make an effort to look like he wasn't staring openly at them. Kagome blushed and turned away.

"You PERVERT! You already told us about the ball tonight!" She scooped up a bar of soap and with amazing accuracy nailed the monk in the head with it.

"Did I now?" The monk grinned, even as the soap hit him in the head. "I must have forgotten! Silly me"

"GET OUT!" Sango hurled her shoe, which she'd casually tossed near the tub at him, leaving a faint red mark on the side of his face where he was hit.

"Anything for a beautiful lady as yourself." Miroku winked and bowed, before strutting out of the room. They heard Shippo slam the door on him, and went back to relaxing.

"Sango, are you ok? You're face is all red, like you were blushing or something." Sango turned even more red, no one had ever called her beautiful before.

"Its just the heat from the water, you're pretty red yourself." Kagome nodded, but she got the feeling Sango wasn't telling the whole truth. Sango grabbed a towel and stepped out. Kagome followed shortly afterwards.

"You're not going to wear ALL those kimonos are you?"

"Of course! I must present myself as a proper lady." Kagome wondered if Sango had anything pretty to wear, most of her clothes were casual, or fighting clothes.

"You might want to cut down a few layers. Show off your stuff, you've got a lot of competition for this Prince. Frankly Kagome, to put in straight, your clothes are just…weird."

"I don't care. If Prince Inu-Yasha doesn't like me the way I am, then there's no point in marrying him. By the way Sango, what are you going to wear? Because I have this lovely pink kimono that would look great on you…" Kagome smiled, just joking around with Sango, whom she couldn't really imagine in a pink kimono.

"Ok then. Give it to me." Sango continued to try to act casual, but Kagome spotted the pink tint under her eyes, and couldn't help but wonder if Sango's sudden and new desire to look pretty had something to do with a certain monk who'd come to visit them earlier. Kagome, rather stunned, tossed the girl the kimono. Sango grinned and stepped behind a screen to slip into the garment. She came out, gave a model-like turn, and grinned at her friend. "Well?"

Kagome stared at her. There was something off about Sango with that look. For one, her black hair fell everywhere over her shoulders. Kagome stepped up to her, and pushed Sango down into a chair, and began running a comb through her hair. She pulled the girl's raven locks back into a somewhat ponytail, holding it back with a clasp near the end of the ponytail, giving Sango the illusion that her hair was really down. As a final touch, Kagome added a bit of pink paint over Sango's eyes to illuminate them. Sango frowned throughout the whole thing, but for some reason, she didn't object. Kagome brushed her own hair, and then put on her silver kimono, hoping it would bring her luck.

Kagome turned to her friend.

"Ready to go?"

Author's Commentary: I want to go on, but I have to leave it here, sorry! I did make an effort to make this chapter longer than before.

Review Responses for

VegetPart9: No suggestions on how to kill of Kikyo huh? Well, Inu-Yasha killing her might be good, but I don't know…

True-Love: Pointless fluff? Perhaps I'll throw in some pointless fluff.

Laura-chan: Wow, you sure know some good ways to kill Kikyo…I better make sure you like my writing, I don't want you coming after me for having a bad chapter or something… (j/k!…I hope)

Zephor: You want Sango and Miroku, you got it!

Inuficcrzy: Die in some embarrassing way…I like it…

Briar: But of course!

Isis: Oh, heck yeah!

Higurashi Kagome: Thanks so much! I'm not normally a fluff writer, this is one of my first fics trying out writing fluff, and I'm glad people like it!

Mizz Dustkeeper: lol, I like your name! Inu-Yasha is 18 in the fic, Sesshoumaru is 23. Because I had to make him older than Rin by quite a bit. Not that ages have all that much relevance here…

Dragontamer9741: Um…don't read so fast? Lol, sorry. The thing is, if I try and do a chapter every other day, I will start skipping days, me and my procrastinating self. So, it must be every day, as long as I can.

Lauren: A Shippo fan? Well, I'll have to put more Shippo in the story then!

Angelon: We can only hope at this point…

Reynamangga: I am evil. I am actually Naraku in disguise. Speaking of Naraku, did anyone else notice he tends to resemble a more feminine Kikyo?

Ice Dagger: lol, poor Kikyo. Maybe she shouldn't die, and Kagome should die the painful deaths you meantioned! (lol, april fool's! again! Did I get you this time?!)

YoukaiTaiji-ya: Oh Kikyo will feel pain…she will feel much pain…

Mkitty-chan: I have not figured out a way to put the "sit-spell" in yet. I have a plan, but I don't know. I think it would be fun though, so I think I will add it.

Bonkerzz: Thanks!

Whew! That was a lot! Now for Mediaminer!

Miss_Marilyn69: Doesn't matter how she dies, as long as she dies huh? Nice policy! Now I can go ahead with my "Kikyo gets eaten by a koi plan!"

….I'm not feeling the love from Mediaminer here.

Top three pick-up lines of Inu-Yasha.

3. You're almost as good of a fighter as me!

2. I'm not disgusted by YOUR blood…

1. Will you bear my child?