InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

by Pixie

Disclaimer: Still not the owner of Inu-Yasha

Author's Commentary: Yes this chapter is late! I'm sorry! I really did not intend for this chapter to be late, and I promise I'll try harder to get the rest of them on time. However, the plus side is, because this chapter is late, I got two good ideas for what to do with this fic.

Chapter 8:

Kouga was surprisingly ungraceful on his feet, though Kagome found it sweet that he was trying quite hard. He stumbled slightly, stepping on Kagome's foot once again and falling into her. Kagome giggled slightly, and Kouga felt his face turn slightly pink. He straightened himself up and continued with the dance. Kagome stopped giggling, feeling that was being mean to the youkai, but the smile remained on her face. Inu-Yasha growled from nearby, causing quite a few people to back away.

"So, Inu-Yasha, that woman's caught your eye, no?" Miroku popped up out of no where in his usual annoying manner. Inu-Yasha growled at him, glaring him down, but as usual the monk did not flinch under the hanyou's gaze.

"Keh. As if I would ever show interest in her."

"Really now? You seem quite…oh, I don't know, jealous of Kouga, considering he's with a girl you have no interest in."

Inu-Yasha growled low and pretended he didn't hear Miroku as he continued watching Kouga and Kagome, his anger rising. Miroku hurried off, and moved his way in and out of people until he found himself back by Sango.

"Come Lady Sango. We must move quickly, if we want a good spot to see the Inu-Yasha and Kouga showdown." He grabbed her hand and began pulling her through the crowd of people towards Kagome and Kouga, which, in Miroku's mind, was just a fight scene waiting to happen. He grinned, as they grew closer to the fight scene. Sango stared at her hand, which was resting in Miroku's. She blushed as she continued to stare at her hand. For some reason, it seemed to be acting on its own. For example, she had ordered that hand to pull away from Miroku and it wouldn't. Her brain told her that she did not want to be holding hands with any lecherous monks that night, but it was as if a new voice, a stronger voice, was telling her to grip his hand harder, to not pull away.

As the reached near enough for Miroku, he suddenly spun Sango around and put one hand around her waist. Sango was about to smack him, when she realized that she had just been tricked into dancing with him.

Miroku spotted the look on her face as she realized he had tricked her. "Why Lady Sango, we must blend in! You do not think we can merely stand here and watch them, do you?" Sango sighed and stared off, looking anywhere but into the monk's pretty, pretty eyes. Miroku, in the mean time, was taking full advantage of the fact her attention was elsewhere, by slowly pulling her closer and closer to him.

Rin smiled to herself, and looked up at Sesshoumaru, the human-hating prince, her human-hating prince now. Or at least, that's how the world worked in Rin's mind. She had the most handsome Prince at the ball, the prettiest gown, and a week ago has been stealing food to survive. Rin found the whole story wonderful, a true Cinderella, an enchanted fairy tale. Rin is still a child, and children believe fairy tales come true. And at the end of Rin's fairy tale, she will live happily ever after with her Prince. But, since when do fairy tales come true?

Inu-Yasha's mind often works in a very strange manner. He knew he did not like Kagome…didn't he? He knew he wasn't jealous of Kouga…right? So, the fact that he had just leapt twenty feet in the air to attack Kouga, was simply because he didn't like Kouga. Inu-Yasha grinned maliciously at his reasoning and brought his claws down right into an unsuspecting Kouga's arm.

Somewhere, off in the distance, Kikyo smacked herself again. "Moron…"

Kouga leapt back, grabbing Kagome with his uninjured arm and pushing her out of the way.

"Stay away from MY woman!" Kouga yelled, glaring at Inu-Yasha who turned red and growled.

"I wasn't after your woman! And she's not yours! And I hit you because…because I don't like you!"

Kagome was very confused. She was too busy trying to figure out Inu-Yasha to even pay attention to Kouga's words.

"Kagome…is my mate."

That sentence cause Kagome to jump up and stare at Kouga, who still had his arm around her and was grinning quite smugly, despite the fact that his arm was bleeding all over the floor.

"Shut up! You can't talk that way about Ka- I mean, wen-, I mean, that girl! She's not your mate, and I'm going to…fight you! Yeah, I'm going to fight you! Not for Kago- THAT GIRL, just going to fight you because I friggin' feel like it!" Inu-Yasha grinned triumphantly and raised his claws again.

Kikyo smacked herself again. "Stupid, stupid! God, do you have NO intelligence at all!?"

Sesshoumaru leaned his head against Rin's, hiding his forever shamed-of-being-related-to-Inu-Yasha face.

Sango realized what Miroku was doing, just as he pressed his body right up against hers. She smacked him away from him, but that one stupid hand still refused to let go of his, as they watched the fight.

Kouga had just realized his arm was seriously bleeding, and seriously hurting as he collapsed to the ground. Inu-Yasha grinned and prepared to attack again, but just as he was about to Kagome knelt down by Kouga catching him as he collapsed to the ground.

"They-they're…They're HUGGING each other!" Inu-Yasha thought to himself, backing away from the couple, his golden eyes narrowed in anger.

"Prince Inu-Yasha, don't you know better?! Kouga-kun is injured!"

"Kouga….kun?!" Inu-Yasha glared and ran off, pretending he didn't hear her.

Kikyo has a pretty good-sized bruise on her forehead from all the times she smacked herself.

And so, the night was over, the dance had finally ended. Sango looked thoughtful, Kagome looked angry, and Rin…was missing.

Rin walked slowly down the hall, balancing the tray of tea Sesshoumaru had asked her to fetch. Tonight, for the first time, she had discovered love. Or at least, what she thought was love. Rin had nothing in life but Sesshoumaru, without him, she had nothing really worth living for. But that was ok, because Sesshoumaru was all she needed in life.

Jaken looked up at his master, very confused.

"Sesshoumaru-sama…Don't tell me, you've actually developed feelings for the human girl known as Rin?"

One must understand, that Sesshoumaru has a lot of pride in his name "Sessshoumaru the human-hater." It's a proud name, and one that caused almost all demons to look upon him with great respect. If word got out that Sesshoumaru loved a human, he would be mocked by all. Not too meantion, one just doesn't give Jaken good gossip.

"No Jaken, you are mistaken there. I care not for the girl in anyway. I don't even find her attractive." A crash was heard outside, much like a sound of a fragile tea pot hitting the stone floor. Sesshoumaru was at the door in an instant and saw Rin running away, and realized she had heard. His gold eyes fell downwards with shame, staring at the shattered teapot outside his door.

"Jaken, clean up this mess. I shall return shortly."

Rin felt her heart break with the fragile teapot against the floor. She had been so sure that Sesshoumaru loved her, so sure that her fairy tale would come true. How could she have been so wrong? She had nothing left, Sesshoumaru had been everything to her. And with that thought in mind, Rin picked up a nearby sword, and stabbed herself with it.

Author's Commentary: Admit it, you knew I was going to leave it there. This last section is for MysticIceDragon, author of my favorite Inu-Yasha fic "Tainted Trust". It was her who insisted on this final moment in the story.

Review Responses:

Inuficcrzy: Well there you go. Inu-Kouga rivalry galore there!

Lilserenity: You have only begun to witness the depths of my evilness…

DemonChic: Well, that's ok! I'm sure you spent your whole time being grounded just worrying over what will happen next in this fic! lol, j/k. Thanks for all the reviews!

Vegetpart9: You like Kouga, you get more Kouga. Simple as that. Actually, I like Kouga, so no matter what you guys say, you still get lots of Kouga. Lol

Kats02980416: Nah, I saved the fight until this chapter. I needed something to fill up space!

Miss Coolio: Well, think of it this way. In the series, Kikyo follows Inu-Yasha around trying to kill him and he still seems to like/love her. Calling him a moron seems pretty mild.

Mizz Dustkeeper: Sorry, you'll have to wait one more chapter before Sesshoumaru comes to terms with his feelings for Rin.

Lauren: Don't worry, my plan for Kikyo is all worked out. More Shippo? Ok then! I'll try and make Shippo appear next chapter.

Sprout: That's ok. I assumed you didn't really want my school work to suffer…or that perhaps you were a really obsessed fan that was going to chain me to my comp and force me to type and not allow me to ever attend school again! …Wait, I don't want to go to school…Please force me never to attend school again.

Higurashi Kagome: I was liking the whole fluff thing too, but as an angst writer, who surrounds herself with other angst writers, I had to throw in that bit in the end.

JessC: Thanks! Actually, I must agree. I re-read this fic over and over and continuously crack up at my own jokes!

Ice Dagger: Come on! She's got Kouga drooling over her! Who wouldn't want to be Kagome in a situation like that! (lol, j/k)

Mediaminer isn't working on my comp tonight! No new chapter for them yet, and I can't respond to the reviews!


Author's Shameless Plug: hehe…my website! Check it out while you're waiting for the new chapter perhaps?