InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.

Hi! I'm kitsun_huggr! This is my first fan fic, so I don't know if you'll like it or not. I kinda got this story from a Chinese comic I read. (I don't own that either.)



`I wonder why mommy's acting so weird?' thought the little girl while she paced around the park that was now covered with a blanket of jade green grass that gave the morning mist a scent of fresh dawn and herbal tea. `She's been really tired and mad ever since daddy disappeared. (A/N: her father died. *sobs* ) I really wish she would tell me what's going on.'

Suddenly a white and red blur pushed past her and fell near her special god tree.

The young hanyou raced across the grass, disturbing the dew. He collapsed near the roots of Goshinboku, the giant god tree, sobbing hysterically. He wished everything would be back to normal. Everything was getting so complicated ever since that man in the strange white and blue suit came to visit his father. He didn't understand why his father had to follow that man's orders. Couldn't he just arrest him or kill him? After all, his father was the lord of these lands. But now he was…

Slowly the curious girl approached the boy.

"Why are you crying?" she asked.

His head shot up and he realized he was not alone.

"No," he sniffed as he scowled at her. "I'm not crying!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not! Now leave me alone!"

There was an awkward silence after the boy's abrupt outburst. But it was soon broken by the little girl's high, twinkling voice.

"What's your name?" she asked.


"Cool! I'm Kagome."

Kagome smiled at the boy and noticed how strange and beautiful he looked, with soft, fuzzy dog ears, silver, swirling hair, and large, golden eyes filled with crystal tears. His hair fell slightly over his face, but it could not hide the dignity that was definitely royal. His large, baggy, red haori and pants matched perfectly with his grumpy face and hair. She suddenly thought of the fairy tales her father used to read to her before he suddenly disappeared.

"You're my prince!"


She laughed and said, "You know, like in the fairy tales. I'm the princess, and you're the prince!"

Inuyasha seemed to calm down and began to look carefully at the child sitting in front of him. She looked so innocent, kind of like a porcelain doll. She had big mahogany eyes and long black hair. Her schoolgirl sailor suit made her look even more innocent. Still, he had to think, `Why is she talking to me?! I just want to be left alone.'

"Fine, I'll be your prince, but just for now."

Kagome happily giggled, and for some strange reason, Inuyasha felt the pain easing from his heart. `What did I just do? Why do I even feel happy? Oh well, it's just a little favor.'

Kagome thought of all the wonderful things they could together. Perhaps she could even find out why he was crying and help him forget. Suddenly she thought of her little treasure.

"Here! I want you to have this!"

She pulled out a smooth jewel with a strange pink and blue glow hanging on a golden chain. It slowly swayed back and forth as if it was hypnotic, and time seemed to stand still.

"It's the Shikon No Tama! I want it to be a sign of our friendship!" Kagome whispered excitedly.

He graciously took the jewel and studied it, feeling every bit of it with his clawed fingers. It was so round and perfect, and this girl, that he hardly knew, wanted to give it to him.

"Thanks, stupid. I guess it's kinda pretty if you squint your eyes," he said, trying to cover his awe.

Kagome instantly pouted and said, "It's Kagome, not stupid, and that jewel is really pretty, and it has magical powers!"

"Feh, whatever," mumbled Inuyasha as he grasped the bronze chain, never wanting to let go.

And that's the basic idea of what they did during their short time together.


His little ears twitched at the small, distant sound. `Mom? Oh yeah! I ran away from home! I better go back.'

"Hey," he said softly to Kagome, who was now rubbing his ears, which he had to admit, felt good.


"I have to go now. My mom is calling me."

"Oh. Okay."

She was disappointed. He could smell it, but he had to go.

"Don't worry, I'll be back!"

She brightened at this and said it was okay.

"Promise me you'll come back and see me! Promise!!" she yelled at his receding back as he crossed the street.

He turned to face her and said, "I promise!"

He didn't see it. He didn't see the car before it was too late.


All Kagome could see was Inuyasha's crumbled figure surrounded by thickening, crimson blood and blurred by her tears as they flowed down her pale face. She fell to her knees, not wanting to believe what had happened. She saw the glow of the Shikon No Tama pulsing in Inuyasha's small, lifeless hand, but she knew it meant nothing. The sounds of shouting people and ambulances were muted by her thoughts. And the worst part was, she knew it was her fault.

Inuyasha had lied. He was wrong! Inuyasha would never go and see her again. He was gone. That one special friend she had made in just a few minutes, her prince, was gone. Forever.

Sorry if you didn't like it. Don't kill me! Wait! Don't worry! Inuyasha is still alive! Just read the next chapter. I'll try to update as fast as I can! By the way Inuyasha is 6 and Kagome is 5, at least right now. They'll grow up probably in the 2nd or 3rd chapter.

Please review! You can criticize `n all, but no cussing. Please.